on first seeing the Taj Mahal

icy full moon

frigid morning

green parrots huddling

inside frozen ancient archways

patient for

a hint of sunlight

then purposefully


in all its glory

through rings of prism dew rising

the ultimate structure of centuries

one man’s memorial

one woman’s vision for eternal love

for all those who may pass by

this monument

who may pause to wonder

if only for a dying moment

recognize love eternal

a final resting place

this temple of life

this immaculate phosphorescent marble structure of hope

this golden dream realized

22 years without rest

across frozen snowy winds

blowing down from Rajasthan

swirling wet kisses from Mumtaz

this dream realized

Shahjahan’s white hair

22 years without light

until at last his masterpiece of love

embraces the world


