Mother and Child Reunion

here, forging a handheld path

then strolling through clusters of redwoods,

Mother and Child go sliding along this ancient wind tunnel,

kibitzing between out of breaths

here, light is illuminated beneath hidden dark cool shadows.

here, runners sprint distances in recycled sneakers.

perhaps to unearth all Mothers

who bloom alongside this forest green,

children must bring their Matriarchs back to the source,

as the cities out there

chew and spit out

their Sons and Daughters

here, the wagon plunges its occupants

deeper into shag-stretched mountain graves

lying below skid rows

“Mother, hold onto what?”

“here you are again somewhere in the middle

keeping us balanced",

her throat bulging from gasps and groans

as the driver back shifts again to second gear

the sweet baptism rain washes the afternoon swelter

sequoias and manzanitas drinking in holy earth gulps,

while the two happily get lost together

up and down roller bop velvet hills,

sideways or reverse steps no matter,

only always moving,

each a river,

making this reunion rebirth ride




San Francisco