another legacy patches this sky…

one that draws malevolent throngs,

scornful, suspicious, vacuous

and while patriots hail yet another tyrant,

others must surrender to their knee-deep universe,

regurgitate yet another last supper

another legacy patches this sky…

one set in motion

since distant dire, emaciated outcries times past

and now nations must brave yet another pompous bossman,

another enticingly refashioned package delivered centuries ago

many today still foolishly consider,

without asking the string and paper judicious questions,

instead glorifying this latest tainted vulgar box

containing leftover scoundrels posing as gifters,

pimping more tattered wedding shoes unlaced,

disembodied bouquets of hope

cynically stomped upon,

summarily discarded into history’s despotic abyss

yes, another masqueraded legacy ravages and plunders,

then festers deeply hidden inside the dark of night

until the next adoring crowd of devotees and sycophants

wash up,

again violating MotherEarth’s venerated shores

Maricopa, Arizona

February 2, 2020