

paths continually wind down

heading toward diverse directions,

paths to guide

rowing us along

to face , swallow, digest

the next charge

these rides prove

as bumpy as rebirth,

fortunate to not run into calm

the greater the distances traveled

and somewhere along the way

we get hit up on rules,

somebody buying the laws,

so bring us home something learned

then where do these journeys to anywhere begin?

up in the air, right?

inside, right there at the tip of the nose, don’t deny it!

and of course you want to dig jazz along the journey,

imaging all the great new possibilities,

and of course you forgot some promise you made to yourself

out there,

but does intuition ever pause, ever rest?

we go naked full of luck.

we could go straight, left or right.

instead, we go turning inward at the crossroads
