Rainberry Dog Park

my home-

my community-

a dog park…

with one-way sidewalks

with neighbors who yelp and yap and growl at my wife

instead of Chuck next door saying “Hey Bob, how’s it goin?”

now when we walk at night

our neighbors bark at us,

stray dogs,

dogs behind fences,

two dogs on leashes

and sometimes three

for every owner???!

and dogs of all sizes

huge like SUV’s

the bigger the better,

the louder the more secure

our neighbors figure

“help, honey, help!” my wife screamed last month

chased by a dog on one of those long leashes,

“it’s okay”, the owner reassuringly laughed,

“he doesn’t bite”…

that’s good,

but now my wife is afraid to go out for a walk

and should I carry a cane or worse?

and the times my shoes have gotten dirtied

checking the mail after work

in my own front yard?!

and the crazy dog stories we hear:

Bob getting attacked in backyards fixing sprinklers

or just walking by someone’s house...


is it okay cause: “he doesn’t bite”?

and the time the other Wednesday night

walking by four or five dogs

owners laughing and talking

a woman arrogantly shouts “we don’t hear any problem”

above the chorus of yelps

after I had to move off into the road

into oncoming traffic---

yes, neighbors,

there is a problem

some can’t see:

folks just hear what we want to hear and disregard the rest…

how long do we compensate for these new neighbors

who have populated our community these past few years

along with the foreclosures

and the squatters

who don’t seem to hear or care?

who don’t understand all the quiet and peaceful years before them?

can we get a handle on this situation?

it’s our reputation

it’s our community

these are our hard working streets!

but as for me…

my afternoon leisurely walks

have become late night covert operations

to try and avoid these new neighbors

just to take my daily doctor mandated walk

just to enjoy our once peaceful Rainberry Lake

even though I know it’s an illusion

even though I know…

it’s getting pretty clear…

my time has come

Delray Beach

