crevasse reflections

as we sat and talked, we three,

a conquering knowledge of togetherness

drifted over our schoolbook atmosphere.

he, then you, and me,

confessing all,

tempting each other’s minds

with familiar lyrics of multi-dimensional solitude

we felt at times

when silent mirrors

distort mutinous reflections

and our feet touched the skyless roomcell,

hearts and minds, rustling water

filling any vacant crevasses

left unthought,

and we shared wheat germ

sipped green tea

to satisfy our Socratic hunger,

rushing on

yet not leaving behind any words,

forgotten thoughts

not yet digested

and so at last we floated out into that windy autumn night

finding no dead leaves to pick up,

for they too had found springtime again

for this complete Earth

had insulated us,

forming a sense of inner satisfaction,

a reminder of our membership

in some universal bond of brotherhood

then, confident to pass on,

he left our busy hearts,

and we would not feel loss

separate spaces remained,

hearts rushing to fill the openings

of you,

of me,

partners stooping

gathering up each other's pieces,

swapping them,

now shreds no longer separate,

no space between

so when you left

i couldn’t get why.

you would never accept why.


Wayne, NJ