Smitty’s New York

Smitty’s New York

basking sunshine

blazing deep green

all directions

up and down these melted roads

enchanting this NYState mountain town

possible future home

inside Smitty's barstools

sit listeners

gatherers of syncopation

sipping melty softy icy blobs

and sweet motorcycle scarred waitresses

wearing harmonizing smiles of

“where’d you come from gosh so far to get here all the way to just talk to me?”

(I’m meeting a friend)

up and down

spick-and-span barbequed country miles

occasional thumbs pointing to passers for a ride



all together now

as we are volunteers

naturally akin

so how can there be wars?

and we know well

there exists

justice spiraling circles

impossible wind combing our long hair

both sexes


as one

wheels within wheels

here nests the Zen respect of no difference

all about one extended tale

an endless mind riff

easily spliced together

without words nor etched mind thoughts of:



why is…?

all tied up into:

mind if i just pound out some piano chords?

heck, no better reason than

i Love you



this age

this generation

cause waterfalls are lovers to the leaves

that eventually make our sleepingbag nightbed into what is important

understood in the complete blizzard from without and within

no we cannot smile to replace no rain.

black tablecloth strewn across transparent boards of stone,

transparent walls of silence

hitchin homeward soon

wherever that is

which of course

occurs from any hip direction
