
to be a brass bed and not be lied to,

conjured not played,

reinvented not fearful

or silenced or supposed,

reflected upon

not mocked, or



in open shadows we emit,

live out in the walnut woodlands

casting no vertical shadows,

perceiving horizontal clarity,

imagining long stretching east-west sea boats

drifting across Ocean’s precious grass,

envisioning the inside eye of it all,

staring forward historically,

embracing that singular spirit thriving within her walls

and making it last.


above the memorable concert stage

someone else may enter,

perhaps an understudy peddling trees.

and yes, my offerings could seriously be welcomed,

and yes, my further lives could be bargained for.


yet the actor must consider this decisive role offered:

posing in a setting hall full of people

surrounding bottomless tables,

lungs breathing out frost,

ice melting,

spawning from all of us comfortably ensconced,

nesting inside this southern cave of midst.