Francine’s Epiphany

Francine's Epiphany

(an exercise in SAT vocabulary)

the spies were feverishly involved in their clandestine operation

moiling the night away

perfecting their collective plan of action

their leader, Francine,

worked part time as a lithe ballerina dancer in some

south Alabama all-night club,

festering a predilection to initiate a crime,

patiently perusing through the others’ modicum of half-witted ideas

at dawn

when asked to share their boondoggle,

the troupe could only manage vociferous babble,

incontritely, somehow

determined to emerge for meaningless air

as infrequently as possible


at last,

Fran epiphanied…

terminated the entire operation

as the plan clearly reflected

a persiflage of penniless puny panderers

Lake Worth, FL

