Poseidon’s Revenge


(...of the 2016 general election)

in loyalty to their kind

they cannot tolerate our minds,

In loyalty to our kind

we cannot tolerate their obstruction -Paul Kantner, Jefferson Airplane

when the only opened door slammed shut

the survivors could stagger in,

one by one,

shaking snow off their caps,

frozen gloves discarded,

drenched socks and boots,

rubbing and blowing into blue fingers,

palms cupped,

not in prayer

inside some disembodied wind

an offended angel named Poseidon

had been busy

rearranging the furniture

outside, even more sailors

sprinted from the sea

desperately undressing

frozen cynical bathing suits

waves nipping at frostbitten toes,

seabirds billowing ice clouds

bitter blustered breath

howling out for soothing songs

yearning to be heard

locked out of paradise

solitary phantoms way beyond the grave

laden by broken promises of sweet warm Decembers,

now melted long away,


and they bid Poseidon

with trident held aloft

these armies of sailors entreated:

“where went the sun?

went the treasures offered?

Medusas, and the child horse promised?

the profound laughter and the olive tree?

where went the suggestion of spring

lovers of verse

whose shadows defy seasons?”

and his response…

you represent the tyranny

the violence

the Gods abhor

with your amendments and guns

violence untamed

citizens unfulfilled,

you represent the greedy usurers

continually strangling their prey

extracting all the blood

and laughter

that defines man

your voyage cannot be condoned

by myself

nor any other God-

this apocalypse you weave

will insure your own demise

and Poseidon waved his trident

parting the air

dividing earth and sea,

and many were left unprotected,


and many remained



pardoned with the understanding

that tolerance allows another chance,

but the path narrows

and choice vanishes

when men forget they are men

and masquerade as demigods

then the rains came

billowing down from the heavens

showering down on what remained of humanity

those left to pass on the tale

those spared to continue the saga,

the innocent

the children,

and then Poseidon beckoned the winds

sweeping away the debris

left from those disposed

ripping away the masks

of the survivors

till souls were bared,

and he again waved his specter

inviting the snows

to freeze and cleanse the population,

those left to whisper through the holocaust

those who could evolve from these lesser generations,

revenants seeking shelter

nothing left to lose

devoid of disguises

naked in the light,

and granted a final choice

whether to celebrate life-

or the alternative-

with Poseidon standing guard

August, 2016