“You're my enemy!”

a scream

followed by three

and then more.

“Help!” my child blasts. “You’re my enemy!”

I can’t catch my breath.

I’m starting to get a nosebleed.

Wow, my son’s “enemy”?

“What’s an enemy?”

“You know- I hate you!”

“But I bought you organic carrots”.

“I’m calling Mommy!”

“We just laughed doing your your homework together”.

This is too painful to be happening.

Such anger- rage: “help?!”

“Don’t you feel safe with your Daddy?”

No response.

I run to the kitchen.

What have I done to you, son?

Are we not God's sweet gifts to each other?

Partners in this long song?

I hurry back to his bedroom with a glass of water,

my little son lying there fast asleep.
