reinventing my shadow

reinventing my shadow

a current story

between the electric lights flashing,

all lit up for show

revealing another aftermath tale

of why hang around

hoisting run down sails

when heading out for the domino crap shoot ocean

current story here

stepping out fresh for a new start

where the only survivors are Badlands truckers

searching for maximum weighted cargo

only to satisfy the highway scale wardens

posted out there inside the bonefish horizon

beyond country tides blasting

beyond frontiers that really matter

times it don’t seem

there’s anyplace left to go

after quitting this place filled with brave trees

unlined paper,

after quitting this place reinventing my shadow,

writing down this song

current story here

breathing in the forest life

giving me a chill,

put her in reverse even once

and you’re gone

though you think you’ve found the way out,

it’s a long time away that got me here,

yet so much more

to head back there

(deep inside this Arctic Northcountry

memory tunes flow softly

gently ride down

this perfect green winding trail

carrying us all back to our inherent destiny)

Northern Minnesota