Stars Inside Her Sea

Steady footprints ebb deeper from her eyes,

some certain glow singing of silence

erasing any boundaries for tenderness.


Her castle, a universe of colors and breezes and heartbeats,

suggesting portals illuminating past lives,

fragrancing HaShem,

furthering waterfall music,

embracing her madonna lips.


And when her dance sweetens our nearness,

the air nearby stills

respecting her grace and her art,

no matter the season,

no matter the moment.


Then her young girl’s fingers stretch beyond further,

church bells peal water poems of balance,

touching waves of her beauty,

this heart she has caressed.


Then her power emerges,

mingles and sparkles brave with spirit,

kindness emanating from long ago beneficent souls weaving throughout:

thirsty, audacious, brimming with wonder.


And so, blessed,

her children surround her

with a humble lover emerging,

all very much alive with honest eyes, plain spirits, satisfied hearts.