and then I saw the angels (malachim)

(sheltering a child crossing a busy morning street)

thus, it is written that we may choose our better angels

who inhabit the trees, the stars, the glowing mountains of paradise…

or, reveal the scribes, we may choose those inferior ones who dwell among the hail, the reptiles, the colossal thunder of perdition…



messengers without names

creatures of light and spirit,

conceived from beneficent deeds of balancing humanity’s capacity to love

thus gifted with laughter…

yet fearing humanity’s capacity to deceive

thus smitten by tears


healers of our scars and torment

liberators of our forever struggles,

immune to tears

passionate warriors

hazzans of heavenly praise

masters of forgetfulness…

yet savants of mindfulness


cherubim without voices

seraphim who sing eternal,

teachers with wings

and wingless servants pervasive,

revealers of divine mysteries

spreading wisdom and insight into ourselves,

guiding us to make our own resolutions

inspiring each of us to practice our humanity


seraphs embracing gentle relationships

seraphs witnessing harsh conflicts,

testing our convictions and choices

encouraging life’s necessary transitions,

conveying the language of divine energy,

forever steeped in intentional beauty

serenading our lives with joyful insights

for all circumstances…

angels steadfastly resisting any malevolent and vengeful transgressor

angels faithfully sheltering a young child crossing a busy morning street

malachim forever remain obvious and evident

hover unseen and veiled,

graceful dancers or confused soldiers

healers yet destroyers

placid and mindful or stricken with insomnia

just and merciful yet fearful and afraid

praiseworthy and peaceful yet filled with terror and fire

each of us has been gifted a voice of free will to determine a way,

while the malachim, God’s ultimate guardians, remain steadfast to their covenant-

sheltering us children crossing a busy morning street
