Poem for a Unicorn Lady

Sunday's first morning sunshine,

a girl appears

whose eyes outsparkle

these copper-orange muleback hills,

whose purple gleeful cast bounces from her breakfast table

setting me along

dreaming of meadow deep green farms

and outside her cornbread cottage,

she waters her garden

embracing the December dawn,

humming lavender poems to the magic cottonwoods

as hummingbirds and rabbits stop to tune up,

pausing for her tea to brew

steeped from mystic Darjeeling Himalayan orchards

seven days before us,

a warm breakfast blueberry jam and yogurt anniversary

like those shiny red sparkles radiating from the blue Christmas Lights,

each other’s reflections glimmering

so easily in this warm winter wind

now there comes a gentle surprise

ripe and clean as a rich harvest of clover honey,

when each time we share our different directions

coming from the Wintertime corners of our land,

two people choosing to unfold

undress in rhyme,

a gold rush of the way it is

at dusk

with rainbows adorning her heels,

Unicorn Lady stoops to light watercolor candles

in preparation for the supper-

she will sit alone for the hundredth time

dividing set places for her magical guests-

phantom lovers

who may appear at her door in full artist costume

astonished in song

seeking a heart sincere

treasures may be found within unlimited universes,

and it is with this knowledge

she grows closer to herself each day,

so to all Life-things

who have known her grace flowing,

she will shed her wings at last,

and with their dreams beckoning

while trailing the love,

in unbroken silence,

she will dance

back to the garden


Castle Rock,


PS- (meanwhile outside

these canyon walls,

Albion Moonlight


then hitches herself up,

emerging from these grey-kind castle rocks,

conjuring some new certainties of creation)