rebuilt sandwiches


jack-open bus ride

through lucid mountain snowy visionary highway passes,

we snake in then out grey cloud holes

feinting unsure arcane skies…


there could be one sizably onerous evacuation

with nothing left to declare

once this storm moves out.

it should not be surprising

these visions have been witnessed by many,

the jabber-cut of waitresses

grabbing at each other’s pointed heels,

tongues and fingers flicking,

beckoning to "come back visit us anytime",

redressing those broken orders,

a coffee roasted

a 2-bit slice of blueberry pie…

easy over, why not?

so i try not being too dogmatic

lurking around open-holed cellars

stashed beneath balloon drinking college towns,

where stovepipes make excuses for cancer coughing explosions,

hacking back and forth till no difference,

till even frozen spit changes its ph factor.

i remember being shrewdly aware of my limitations,

asking those on the outside: “so, how does it feel?”

climbing taller pines to better grasp the up and down difference,

my closed expressions disguising these inside foregrounded walls

now are set aside for learning or the nature of games,

because most ideas already seem infected by arrogance

or whatever i’ll be want to admit.

but hey, where are our neighbors residing in this tenement?

who drives the school bus electric?

what more can be realized outside one’s grasp

to be analyzed

intellectually castrated

through step by step easy to follow directions?

are not most possibilities lurking right there

inside our own boundaries.

like playing piano “blind”,

stretching out

each run on every run

no matter where the notes go

exposed and open-trailed, echoing?

the copper wire conductor for all this music energy

are the artistic voices surrounding me.

so please share your water and stick with me?

moist notes are heard everywhere,

don’t dam them up inside

fatigued cultural learning hospitals,

where instead of natural antibodies

patients are wiped out by misdiagnosed allopathic blackboards!

please tell me what’s ever been gleaned

from some abstract recondite blackboard diagram?

better to get stung by a yellow-jacket.

sweat profusely until yesterday's dirty socks wash out.

clear rain is virgin snow no matter-

even if it’s summer everywhere else.

then give me fewer prescribed laws,

scribbled on the run

or memorized over excruciating centuries.
