The Well

The Well

(inspired from an encounter with the i-ching)

day begins anew.

Cancer Moon holds firm, at rest,

evoking maternal light Heart visions

to those who choose to begin their path from

Womb to Heaven,

and begin again,

to those who choose to conceive clarity with that vision,

choose to consider revolution,

to shed the ectoderm

dissolving new skinclothing

for a new ceremony,

celebrating the Magic...

now there is a Well

made from fired Earth,

and it is deep in most directions,

and it has gazed at time and watchtowers eye to eye,

and it has chosen to emit Light and Wind and Rain...

Cancer Moon overhead

so barren so full with Water,

Winds stirring this Water,

gracing this summer Moon…

then nourishment prevails when the Well teems alive with this movement…

“Revolution means removal of that which is antiquated”

for changing Life seeks Waters of sustenance…

now this Well must be filtered to drink from,

for Water, when left still too long

becomes invaded by lingerers, stagnaters,

does the dance of Death accompanied by a monotone melody:

…to bury one's head in the sand…

…to be swallowed whole while flying…

…to be Motherless and milkless…

…to cultivate one's sightless Heart with passion

throughout eternities,

revolutions and reincarnations,

seeking more limitless prophetic visions…

and the Well

prudently nurturing its Water

ought not be judged nor mistaken for an end,

it exists as an oasis

temporarily permanent


to be observed, constantly,

Waters cooling and settling over time…

thus, those who are seekers

such as lovers

such as we,

shall never go thirsty

once July's Moon cycle commences,

for some Magic lives on

interpreted by our Visions,

and despite however hushed the Music

the Well continues on,

and fills the Heart again…

(These Truths I Mean to Laugh About in My Mind)

(These Lessons I Often Forget To Accompany Me During This Life's Dance)

