28 miles from MagicTown

(first time visiting San Francisco)

28 miles

dizzy foothills approachin

cant blame those highways for cultivatin this wait

now that climax closes…

28 miles from MagicTown

salt traces whisperin

shepherdin this warm wooden

open ship,

loggin its way magnetically,

a barrel horse headin home,

its thirsty trot to the river complete

we are one out here

this boundless road

golden high to the comin on drift

pardon me sayin so,

but glad to make your acquaintance, anywhichway

(here comes another bearded poet scribblin through your windy alleyways,

another Corso fritterin away his last 60 centavos

chuggin down your electric bowery O’Grady wine)...

simply askin to

please dredge up some kinda home for me

no questions asked

coastin along 28 miles from MagicTown

takin a clear See at your scatological messages

inhalin your sweet drum rollin bells

dancin with the rise and fall of your infinite bebop degrees

of what keeps you free floatin yet cemented together

while those beat kindred spirits come trailin along

urgin us on across your distant floodgates

skippin along in time to this electric celebration

embracin cold gusts and swingin kaleidoscopic shore lights

all smoothed over,

now calmed inside our very own heart-tunes,

as your golden gates at last embrace

this hopeful immigrant,


so very close to home at last
