

saguaro sweet rain

desert beholden

thirsty for centuries

that exact taste

each drop sizzling

crashing the sand below

patchouli creosote garden

blossoms once more

renewed, guided by monsoon winds

blundering past the Catalinas,


laughing soaked children

dance again to those annual rhythms

breathe once more that certain summer fragrance

blowing across Sonoran July skies

climbing through scorpion porches

surging over washes and ditches

where nesting vultures and doves fill our eyes with electric colors blasting

thunder stomping the bass drum universe

saturating our souls into humility,

even prayer,

until at last we appreciate the parched dearth

those months we must wait

so our lives may again find release

for the next unbroken chain…

for this coming on anyhow savage miracle!

Port St. Lucie, FL

July 30, 2017