A Chorus of Horns, Brahma of Om

Brahma cow horns

silently saluting Devi cow goddess

wet chocolate bulging eyes

calmly closing,


while frenetic waves of wooden rickshaws

budget cars

white vans

psychedelic painted busses

pickup trucks with 35 people hanging on

crawl and whiz past,



dha dhin dhin dha, dha dhin dhin dha

da tin tin na, dha dhin dhin dha

the music of horns


short staccato honking

treble bewailing cacophony-

school’s out!

“hey kid! look, no hands!”

bicyclists delivering mustard flowers

weaving in and out

throughout this constant parade of sound and color,

these mystical Indian roads

where in solitary calm

holy cows loiter about

passive and unmoving,

sprawled solemn Gandhis

oblivious to the bebop symphony enveloping us all:

scata- tip-tip tat!

dip deeeeeeeep-ta dhat!


and motorbikes




then out,

no fear,

biker’s hair


blowing all directions,

while even more midget cars

and scooters

wait their chance to lurch out

from some long-forgotten side street,

beggars hands or stumps reaching through any open windows,

the chorus of horns

flying purple kites:

dhat dhat dhat!

meanwhile, oh our punching bag earth,



Ayurvedic streets choking in permanent repair,

anarchy construction company out to lunch,

truck drivers bloodied and turbaned,

teawalas and street workers gesticulating

hands and feet busy with life living,

some heading for Kerala rice or Punjabi yellow mustard fields

dodging off this constant passionate way of life,

the ringing of horns


cutting like knives,

blinding white light

multidirectional 23 entrances

all converging at once:

dhaaaat! tat! ata tat!

whizzzzz-beep! beep!


lekin, you Holy Cows

from Rigveda verses

are here to save us all from

these battery charged clarions:

you who are hip and indifferent,

you enduring bovines chewing on wisdom,

you heroic Hindu horn blowers

who come to teach the rest of us

to practice your non-violent examples of passive resistance,

devotional acts of civil disobedience,

dignified and honorable

valiant and emphatic

amid this world's turbulent ocean

buoyed about with these uncertain trumpets from hell!

