China Syndrome

China Syndrome

it’ll cost millions

dealing with disasters said to be controllable,

millions of dollars in machinery, uranium,

millions of atoms,


millions of variables,

and the greater cost of lives

events can multiply,

reactions that cannot be seen


or tasted,

only the ultimate vibrations will be felt in the end

when it is too late for we millions-

only the blueprints will be forged,

alibis will be propagated-

there are no expedient alternatives for the populations

down at Three Mile Island,

Charlie welds a metal cylinder which ultimately encases a nuclear reaction.

and same Charlie drinks it off into the long night with his buddies

then tomorrow welds several more,

eventually to be replaced by other Charlies,

other cylinders.

is assuming perfection now a way of life?

billions of atoms of fire.

billions of centimeters of metal.

millions of seconds in time.

these and more variables cannot be ignored,

and most are simply uncontrollable.

is it so hard to admit that these Charlies are fallible?

hard to ignore the necessity to change this deadly energy paradigm?

when so many millions are born desperate

when so much harmless energy thrives,

why choose to encase, confine, and combust isotopes

when more will mingle with even more energy

only to react into its inevitable nuclear eruption?

tabby cat trailing a moth

ready to spring,


please convey to her the millions it will take to shut down those plants,

millions to satisfy our recklessly insatiable appetite for gadgets

that require more endless energy,

undying parasites

millions to admit we were mistaken,

the lesson corrupted

should life’s lessons amount to simply pressing buttons?

when something can go wrong will it?

now that Pandora’s Box has been pried open,

can earth’s entire populace remain safeguarded?

how many millions of green lives will it take?

how many millions of warm-blooded-babies?

now experts say unplugging the nuclear reactors is not cost effective.

what is the price to survive?



yes, the Apollo Program cost $30 billion.

850 pounds of lunar rocks, sand and dust were delivered to earth.


