
“a single rip is harder to bear than a hundred ones”


swelling my heart,

swept over by careless promises

bitter shards of glass

orange peels, pits,

insincere moist handshakes

counterfeit vanilla hugs

an impostor’s hand now considers my headstone…

an impostor’s hand now uncovers my final resting place


choking my heart,

buried by mounds of abandoned memories

bits of clay-



then quickly discarded-

backyard crumbs scattered for blackbirds

an impostor’s hand now carves my headstone…

an impostor’s hand now digs my final resting place

dust conquering my heart,

questions squelched

questions without end,

answers fabricated from habit

pledges broken

eyes flinched

tongue crooked, twisted,

breath superficial, transitory…

an impostor’s hand now plants my headstone…

an impostor’s hand triumphantly earths my final resting place
