lets call this: you set the alarm clock for 11 and ill set it

lets call this you set the alarm clock for 11 an

i go further and further

wondering where this button will take memememememememe, yes!

Sun is Life

creates Life

all I need to know

and this is the beginning…

The Will of the People…Accelerating Times We Live In…If Only Kennedy Had Been a Continental…

The Will of The People Is a Harsh Mistress…Plastered Storm Clearing:

Yikes, someone’s Coming!

the touch…velvet tipped touch…someone please invent “the touch”…alms not responding…fast vindictive dice…Jackknife reentry:

Do you want to be in this movie?

Strop my stone

wet my blade

smack me till im ready

Voice: “you’re gonna grow into a tree!”

Me: “nope, hope not…rather be a weed…”

so the bible said…

(not to be sneaky or anything, i peeked into the brain of a 14 year old girl)

Dear Neal,





bshoowun gypsy ajamster

snaggoggle misnease demur

½, j3, jest 23…

*all notes, letters, any chord, any combination put together…

sez it someway…

(fixin food,

loud exhaust fan rhythms,

i will help with the dishes)


(Repunzil, Repunzil,

Abre los puertos.

Repunzil, Repunzil,

Let me pass cool before this trip fades away…

St. Louis,