My Cousin Alan

Alan Arbus

My Cousin Alan...

bicycles wush and weave

inside and around Rockaway bungalows

Alan in the lead

Marty, Matty, Sasha, and I holding up the rear,

baseball cards

snapping on clothespinned spokes

Beach 28 St breezes enticing late afternoon appetites-

Jerry's knishes,

Aunt Doris's garlicky leg of lamb,

cherry ices...

and every beach morning

we'd play "Alamo"

Alan is Davey Crockett

the rest of us his helpers

he's older:

"bring more dry sand, hurry,

the Mexicans are destroying the walls!"

but though the waves kept coming

we of course believed him

heroically dragging our full rusty blue buckets-

Alan could fix everything!

and those Rockaway summer nights

when we would get lost

being crazy

boardwalk hustlers

banging bumper cars

comparing arcade prizes

running against, dodging fake tackles,

and later Marty and I could never fall asleep

the laughter became contagious

Alan's favorite "dirty joke":

"What does one burp say to the other burp?"

"Let's come out the other end and be stinkers"

one of my bakery uncles in the next room

somewhere around 2:00 AM:

“shut up in there, you guys!”

growing up with Alan

sleep was always irrelevant,

fatigue impossible,

my cousin's energy

more than enough for us all...

and at Passover in Paterson,

us boys endlessly goofing,

obviously blaming little Marty,

but my mother and Aunt Sophie knew better,

knew Alan was the brains of the outfit

and I was the thief who stole the Afikoman

who got caught shaking the long table

spilling Elijah's wine

while all the time

Alan smiling back at Bubby,


like some beloved Italian Don...

yes, my cousin Alan

all six foot something of him

could outrun the entire Beachhurst football team

could out jump any of my Paterson friends

knew all the words of all those old rock and roll songs

could out think out analyze any of his teachers

out write any editor

out charm any woman

out jazz even Charlie Parker...

that’s why I am angry at the big dealer

who shuffled then dealt him those cheatin cards

from the bottom of the deck,

so I've been incensed throughout his MS years

with whoever poisoned our Adonis,

once glowing and influential

brashly brilliant and alive

longhaired and sardonically hip...

but it all must begin again, somehow, we know,

now that all his plays remain heaped inside Pasadena notebooks,

those oil paintings unsigned-

still, I am certain

the immortal bebop resides in his eternal ear,

I am positive

he will continue to amaze


we survivors

running wild,

as our memories,

the laughter

will forever keep him young

carry on his restless spirit

to witness another brilliant rebirth


Delray Beach