dualities of the mind

dualities of the mind

over-sensitivity in

any one particular situation

unlocks certain rational power mechanisms,

for I AM,

for WE ARE,

and it becomes quite evident,

life conveniently falls into dualities of the mind:




discovering the reasons for doing

sometimes becomes a non-answerable task,

yet living in this manner does have redeeming qualities,

a question of whether to live actively active

or actively passive

randomly seeking self-sensual-expression

lives the life of me for myself

at those particular times


is life lived for something/someone

outside external (?)

or lived for the purpose of life inside (?)

or is life a matter of just things/people to live for (?)


particulars may become ideals

and ideals may become realities

and realities paint the landscapes of what is livable,

dichotomies be damned!
