Alphabet City

Alphabet City

Applesauce appeases almost all associated academic aortic anemic assemblies

Bare barley balances between bizarre bellies below belligerent brotherhood brothels

Calculating cheerios cavort configuring carcasses cruising comfortable callings

Denizens deeply deliver dusty dissuaded dominoes daring deranged dopers to dodge derelict dogs devouring

damaged drugstore dime diners

Effortless energy elves exercise efficiently ending eons of eggdropsoup elasticity

Forgetful family fugitives flawlessly falter flip-flopping feverously falling from fathoms of fire, fertilized forever farms,

factories famous for fraudulent fictitious familiar fill in’s

Gorier gonads gulp gluey gooey goblets generating gyrations of gleeful girly gangs going global getting goddamned greased

Harry Haller halted, hesitated, having hellish hemorrhoids handsomely hanging from his head, hands, hosiery,

holding handrailed hallways herewith

Icy instigators isolated in indecent islands imagining impeachment issues irritating Israelis, illegal immigrants, and impotent iconoclasts

Juicy jellied jellybean Japanese Jewish Jehovah judges jester jamming juries juiced just Jersey Joel’s jalopies

Kaleidoscopic kangaroos killing KansasCity karate kings, kept kidney keys kinky, knowing kindness kicks keynote Kabala kibitzers kaput

Marginal maniacs manufacture molded marble mistakes missing Maybelline makeup machines more menacing maybe meagerly mentioned mimicked male monsters moping miserably

Neophytes never notice nonsensical nihilists nominating natural nomads nearly nor nevertheless no noontime Nevada

notorious neighbor negotiates notarized numbers now nevertheless next nexus

Ophelia opens on operatic overtures only observant omniscient oily olive owners opt out olfactorily onto oscillating

orange oatmeal orchids, obviously

Perchance Prudence persisted pestering Peter persistently pissing past Pablo’s paintings perhaps Pope Paul’s parents predict pedagogical paranoia previously pictured prehistoric pirates patronizing pathetic pentathletes

Quietly, queenly quartets questing quakingly quartered quotas, quoted quacking quivering quarreling quilted quotations

Restless renegade revolutionaries resolving riffs, reflecting reservoirs, responding redolently, resilient romantically revisited, revised, reckless, resplendently rapt roiled ruminating richness, realization

Stupefied stoic soldiers situate systemically somewhere south, settling sardonically sure spiteful speedsters speculating saturated sunsets surgically specializing in surrender, sacrificing soulful solitude someway, somehow

Tarnished tamales tailored too tepidly, thematically tasting tumultuously torpid twelve times tangier titillating tastebuds toward total transport, tremendous tranquility tripled to terminal terrifically toasted transcendent triumphs

United untied undulating uniforms utterly upended until uncle uppity undressed umbilical ukulele umbrelled Ursula underground

Viral vaccinations visualize voters vacationing vacuously viewing vagrants violating virtues vaporized visions

vast viciously vortexed valuables

Woeful working witches went what, without words while wending wonderfully willfully wasted when western women

wandered wistfully wealthy and wise

Yellow yearning yeast youths yipped yearning yes yarns yucca yesterdays yummy yahoos yelling Yiddish yarns, you’all

Zarathustra ziplocked zero zinc zippers zapping zombies zilch zesty Zimbabwe zenmasters zipcoding zoned

zowie zebra and zephyrs zumbaing

Spring, 2015

Lake Worth, FL