evolved human beings?

In this world of ours mankind has assumed supremacy over all other creatures of Nature.


Because man possesses “reason”?

Man can speak words?

Man was born with the most superior neurological and anatomical systems?

All right then, agreed.

And let us examine ourselves a bit deeper.

We are superior to all other animals so they (other men) say.

I say: biologically only.

For if man were truly “superior”, man would need not burden himself by carrying around his egocentric “superiority complex”. As each day passes, man constantly must show his dominance over others…men, women, plants, animals…all life forms.

It takes an intelligent being, surely, to realize he has this sort of power-

but it takes a superior being to know when and when not to use it. Man lacks this evolution for he must constantly destroy and dominate.

I think our intelligence must be realized and rationally accepted, not over-documented and over-used. For this is real “superiority” and intelligence- ingredients for the evolved human being.