horses are surely smarter than other beings

horses are really smarter than other beings…

saddle falling over

crimson gray wagons,

sheltering more hopeful voices

who've moved on from their battles,

discovering newer ways to be loved

than those i continue struggling to reckon

instead, there is the road

and this loose frosty thumb

stirring the unforgiving wind

for a ride,

searching for a better alternative,

but each zooming steering wheel

gripped by another crouching frame,

throws firecracker automatic winces

before my freezing breath smoke

billows forth, then fades

along these salted highways

stripped startled trees

give themselves away,

denying fertile orchards

life out in the openfields

where I should be resting now,

yet they conspire to push me onward

before frostbitten skies

cover up their roots

horses surely prefer the gallop,

streaking across distant strange fields

instead of those half-trodden ones,

but facing these frigid nights

without our sweltering together,

without that familiar intimate air

breathing all over us,

I have learned these wild horses

are surely smarter than other beings