

New Song Sung

along pebble-dashed crossings,

these Towering Universal States

bursting from all directions, fulfilled.

Unfurling Peaks Soaring

red-gold circles our eyes,

young black hawk gliding down a painted pass, anticipating,

feigning, breezing through these boundless miles of sentient rock.

“We have no answers”, they stare, glowing back at us,

“you are, we are,

only difference we endlessly bathe in The Holy Silence”.

There are few answers to intentional questions,

precise moments simply appear, reflecting

the Light, showering


right out there in front of our eyes.

And somewhere across this world,

yet another gold-red sunset

colors the sky,

that same sky now arising here,

this Tigerland,


its aura of Mighty Majesty.

Bola National Forest

Albuquerque, New Mexico