Song of The Silent Now

Song of The Silent Now

(then the unwinding…

special words passed along from a dream

while my love went off swimming somewhere)

and as the stonecutter approached I immediately froze

even before words were spoken,

trembling, my new passion.

in moments, I lay down in the grass prostrate before him,

baring my chest to accept his dagger.

but at once, a fierce wind kicked up

sending me rolling down a hill,

with each turn picking up more speed,

till the next moment I became suspended in air.

I could no longer feel my body,

I was somewhere inside a spinning top,


having no ability to resist even a curious fly.

I became a leaf.

a flower.

a discarded seed of fruit.

a flame.

Song of The Silent Now 4

I had passed on to another side…

and as the three of us stood in some garden wind,

he repeated it was useless to resist:

“she is much more powerful than you now.

and you have seen to that.

I am nothing more than a catalyst speaking as her teacher.

you have merely died, and any power you possess

comes not from this world,

for love has made you its casualty"

he continued:

"to fight us now would turn you into a zombie,

a man who only steals

the real life flow from the living.

would you be content to gnaw away at her flesh to survive?

no, you must surrender, sit in silence

and disclose your true feelings solely to your own fleeting self

as your soul abandons you in your solitude.

a fierce wind will continue blowing all around you!


accept your death!

let the transformation begin,

for we are an unmovable force!”

Song of The Silent Now 2

so I ran, frantically seeking a mirror,

but all that I found had been covered with white towels

as it is done by the Hebrews when a loved one passes.

I reached for some water to help rid myself of this burning thirst but tasted only seawater.

I called out to my friend but recognized, after their first kiss, she was long gone to him.

at last I understood I was truly alone, first searching, then frozen, without breath.

and I died that night.

will anyone who cherishes a soul still recognize me?

from somewhere: “I will said the magician. It is my pleasure to collect broken souls and pitch them as pennies into a fountain. And yours is a rare one, indeed! It will be a time before you sink, and I shall enjoy the trick, for my time is eternal!”

then another voice: “I shall recognize you”, said the astrologer. “I have studied you and have come to learn your heart is more extensive and more vulnerable than most. All that fire, indeed! Your ideals are like slipping cards under the table of life. You have been a fool to think you could continue to survive in this game, for one cannot bluff the dealer, the one who owns the cards!”

finally: “I will", volunteered the Poet. "For I, like you, have considered Plato and his thirst for the Ideal World. And I too have walked those certain streets and garbage alleyways, longing for something more than the flesh. A world of secret gardens from the heart where sunflowers constantly bloom. I shall recognize you, Brother, for your essence shines through the night, and I have followed your light wherever you have dreamed. After this change you will no longer be the same. Have no fear! For changes evolve into true riches of the mind! Poets become Springtime's walking Hearts, and we have loved this in you! She is a weaver and your colors vibrant to her eyes. Yes, at times we become blinded from too many rooms to enter, and another’s colors must become our own. She is your Sister. You have tasted each other’s essence, and never shall you abandon that glory.”

What is this dream I have been dreaming?

A dream of dying?

Yes, this has been a dream of death.

But I do not fear those tired hours when my eyes are heavy from sleep.

I have given myself willingly to her and beckon for her to pass through my brain, singing her songs.

It is then I begin to understand this stillness screaming inside my heart.

Song of The Silent Now 3

And can I still dream in my waking hours?

Can I have the dreamer take me and weave me and sing me her songs?

Oh, it gets lonely in there!

I am fearful, but Love does not know how to let me down.

Paths cross and sometimes it feels they are one.

Can these journeys be separate yet still walked together?

I know that I have let my love down somewhere, my blindness, this damned fire inside that makes me move too quickly and perceive too often from only my consciousness.

It was this false courage I turn to when I cannot admit I must slow down.

When we cannot breathe.

Others have tried showing me a road and tomorrow they were gone.

This time it is different.

My teacher is restless and her hands are full, but her heart is not empty of love!

Yes, I own my own life.

I must continue with my work.

My Sister is a Poet.

It is her way to be true, to be real.

Her heart is as mine, and it is strong.

Luminous, a dream sung softly.

And hearts do become more alive when they have learned the lesson of surrender.

May 17, 1977
