another ghastly holiday season

another ghastly holiday

so she tore ass through the alley

ducked into some uptight doorway

then squeezed into nothingness.

a cacophony of internal voices followed her relentlessly

stooping down

the lady picked up some rusty key

soaking from incessant forgotten days

under some discarded storefront mat

a steel door, vaulted, released…

and that was when Ophelia made her move!

leaping onto a chipped transformational green bottomless table,

she studied the cracked lines in the faces of the phantoms before her

“Is this chase necessary?” one of the ghouls complained

“Yes, can’t you see we’re all exhausted?” another chimed

meanwhile, Ophelia couldn’t decide whether to disembody or completely

re-morph back into the tigress

“We just wanted your autograph”, Imogene.

the striped one then blurted: “Don’t spit yet!”


“No one here gets out alive”, strummed Ophelia, in spite of her paranoia…

another steel door, vaulted…

another ghastly holiday season had now begun in earnest

(and Ophelia formally changed her name back to Imogene)

Lake Worth, FL

