"I Want You"

“I Want You”- a one act play

Two primary characters, husband and wife, married 2 years.

Setting: Couple’s bedroom

(Acting requires movement/gesturing)

Marlon: I want you

Sara: Go away. I’m tired.

M: But how can you say you’re tired? I let you sleep till 11:00? Here, I made you some coffee.

S: (shaking her head “no”) I don’t know, Marlon. I guess I’m just not into it. The whole thing- with all the preliminaries. All these changes just to communicate. Can’t we just abstain for awhile and not have any expectations? I don’t know- maybe there’s something wrong with me…I don’t know…

M: Oh, you’re just tired. I understand.

S: No, I’m not tired (getting frustrated). (fumbling for matches to light a cigarette) I’m bored!

M: With me?

S: I don’t know.

M: With your job?

S: Yeah, I guess.

M: So why not look around for another?

S: Maybe…Shit, no! I want more in a relationship…there! I said it! I’m not fuckin satisfied Marlon!

M: But every time we fuck you tell me you get off.

S: So what! Why do you assume just because I come everything’s cool. Man, having an orgasm for a woman is not just physical- it’s a real head trip too.

M: So what’re you sayin? What else do you want? Variety?

S: Maybe… I don’t know.

M: Well (climbing back into bed next to her), let’s talk about it.

S: Oh shit Marlon- what can I say? When I don’t feel good about us I guess I start looking around, wonder what another person would be like, but hell, I guess that’s not the answer. I’d probably find discontent in that relationship after a while too! I don’t know…(pausing for a long drag on her cigarette)…Look, I’ll get over this. It’ll pass. Be patient with me.

M: (calmly) Sara, look, it’s been weeks since we’ve made love. I can’t stand the tension. You ask me to be patient, but what about my needs?

S: You could get yourself off…

M: (agitated) It ain’t the same- you know fucking well!

S: So what the fuck you want from me? You want this piece of meat to fuck you and not be into it? (demonstrating) Just lay here on the bed, spread my legs, go through the motions?

M: (calmer) Wow! Is that where things are at, Sara?

S: I don’t know. I guess.

M: Well, shit…gimme a smoke.

S: I’m all out.

M: (quickly out of bed) I’m going out.

S: Yes.

M: Maybe I’ll get me more than a pack of cigarettes.

S: I can’t stop you honey.

M: I asked you, Sara- how would you feel?

S: I guess I’d feel…ummm… I don’t know.

M: (more hurt than angry) You don’t know?!

S: Marlon, this whole scene…I gotta get on another side of it. You too. We need some objectivity here. Since we’ve been married we stopped trying. I stopped trying. Take it for granted. I guess when hassles come I put them aside. And…

M: Wait! We never did that before!

S: Sure, we were only living together then. Three years…we had to try hard.

M: But now we got more to lose.

S: Before we had more to gain…

(uncomfortable silence: Sara, sitting up in bed, picks up a half smoked cigarette and lights it; Marlon after pacing stops looking out the bedroom window and breaks the silence)

M: (turning back to Sara, frustrated) I don’t know what to say.

S: (angrily) So don’t talk!

M: (also angry for the first time) Okay lady! I guess this is where it all comes down!

S: Look, Marlon, please try to understand. I don’t want to lose you…it’s just that I’ve been so confused lately.

M: Confused about what?

S: Myself. My direction. My whole goddamn existence!

M: And just where do I fit in?

S: I guess you’re part of the existence thing.

M: So if I exited this scene, things would be a lot less confusing for you, right? You’d have one less hassle to deal with, right?

S: I don’t know…perhaps. And perhaps no. Things have to get better, but if you’re gone, out of my life, things would be just as bad. Worse maybe…

M: You know how contradictory you’re sounding. (starting to pace again) This is totally fucking up my head! I’m starting to feel confused now too…

S: And angry I guess…

M: You think?!

S: Look, maybe we should separate for awhile. You know, live apart, or one of us take a vacation somewhere for a few weeks, a month. Leave the city.

M: Yeah…(looking forlorn)

S: That way we’d give each other space and not get on each other’s nerves. I don’t know…I think it’d be a good change.

M: Yeah (sitting down on the floor, back to her and the bed)

S: What’s the matter?

M: (shaking his head slowly) I’m tired I guess. Got up with the sun again.

S: You mean sleepy?

M: Yeah, I guess so...

S: Oh, Marlon…(getting up and walking over to him, sitting and facing him) I’m so sorry. Sorry for all this.

M: (turning away) Yeah…

S: (reaching out) Give me your head. Here, rest it here (her lap)…(sweetly) Is this better? Comfortable? This

is real nice…(tearfully).

(after several seconds of embrace)...Marlon, I love you.

M: I’m glad.

S: I…I want you…Please…I want you…

