
anywhere, somewhere,

this most human of humans-

solo voyager along a highway to the heavens-

sits shotgun in an anonymous vehicle running on heartbeat,

bestowing gifts from above to others below,

penetrating our spirit with words directly from the heart,

mirror reflecting back our strengths and weaknesses,

gorgeous shadow, voyager satisfied with the sun

smiling after the moon while holding back a tear,

praying that humanity be granted another year.


beneficent actions

this illuminated soul performs anonymously,

crisply, detached,

actualized as authentically as last year’s loaves of bread-

minstrel with no voice,

this wordless wordsmith

croaks along

from one dumb throat universe to the next,

insuring humanity’s river of sparks never ebbs.


tsaddik’s brachas never fade away-

so why wait for a reason why

when there is no “why” to understand,

for all eventually comes to light,

precisely, justly.