down by the ol kitchen sink blues

down by the ol kitchen sink blues

(by G. Fobes & R. Feldman)

down by the ol kitchen sink

where I first met you,

with yr dirty dishes too

and those brillo pads new

I thought there was hope

my dish pan hands could cope

finish in time to watch Deep Throat

that I could reach that previously-undocumented note

(pass that pip and give me another toke)

others might think this song’s a joke

but take a look at this dried-up egg yoke…

that you laid by the ol kitchen sink

you brought out the whip

you were on some strange trip

while I bravely battled the grease and grime

leaky stoppers running out of time

so after this job I’m packin my bags

throwin in the rags

ironin out any snags---

see a plumber

then get a new number

maybe catch you on yr next bummer…

with a year’s worth of paper plates

St. Louis