Passing of Mr. Van Cliburn February 27, 2013

February 27, 2013  It is with profound sadness that today we heard the news of the passing of Mr. Van Cliburn.

Eulogy for Mr.  Van Cliburn by Nobuyuki Tsujii 

<English translation by me - scroll down to see the original text in Japanese>

Source: <Asahi TV news, February 28 12:09, 2013 Japan time>

Pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii received the news of the death of his teacher Mr. Van Cliburn, on the 28th, through Avex Classics.  He issued a comment. Full text below.

"I am saddened by the news of the passing of  Mr. Van Cliburn.  I would like to express my condolences sincerely to the Van Cliburn Foundation and everyone involved. 

I first met Mr. Cliburn in May 2009, during the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. He was tall and slender; the hands that I shook I remember were warm and soft.   From the  calm elegance in the way of his speaking, I had the impression that he was a very delicate and gentle person.  Since then, he was sure to come whenever I performed in Texas.   In November 2011, he came to my recital at Carnegie Hall, and we had dinner together after the concert; he was very cheerful.

I  heard about his illness and visited him at his home on February 2nd of this year.  He stood up to greet me, and talked with me for more than the scheduled 30 minutes.    Our conversation went from advice on playing techniques, to the importance of telling more people about the beauty of classical music, a very wide range of things; it was sprinkled with jokes and stories, and he was very happy.  He said that Cliburn medalists like us, in addition to striving to deepen our own musical understanding, can make a strong impression on others to attract them to classical music.    When we said goodbye, his handshake was strong, so I feel I cannot believe that he has passed away. 

When I performed in the United States after winning the contest, in many concert halls there were posters mounted of Mr. Cliburn, a  major pianist who had played for decades.  When I listened to concert organizers and piano tuners talk so proudly of the time when they worked with Mr. Cliburn, I felt anew that  Mr. Cliburn was much loved and respected. 

It is a dream of mine to also  become a pianist that is loved across borders and time.  Mr. Cliburn, I have not changed and my goal remains and will always be the same.  I pray for you.   Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii "


「ヴァ ン・クライバーンさんの訃報に接して、とても悲しい気持ちでいっぱいです。ヴァン・クライバーン財団をはじめ、関係者の皆様に心からおくやみ申し上げま す。クライバーンさんに初めて会ったのは、2009年5月、ヴァン・クライバーン国際ピアノ・コンクールの期間中でした。 背が高く、すらっとしていて、握手をした手が柔らかく温かだったのを覚えています。話し方も穏やかで気品があって、とても繊細で優しい方という印象を持ち ました。その後も、テキサスで演奏した時には来て下さいましたし、2011年11月には、僕のカーネギーホールでのリサイタルに来て下さって、コンサート の後で夕食をご一緒しましたが、とても明るくお元気でした。闘病中とは聞いていましたが、今年の2月2日にも御自宅でお目にかかった時は立ち上がって出迎 えて下さり、30分の予定を越えて、お話して下さいました。お話は、演奏のテクニックに関するアドバイスから、クラシック音楽の素晴らしさをより多くの人 に伝えることの大切さまで、とても幅広いもので、ジョークを交えて、とても楽しそうでした。クライバーン・コンクールのメダリストたちには、自分の音楽を 深めて行くことに加えて、クラシック音楽に関心の無かった人をコンサートに呼ぶことのできるような、魅力ある人物であって欲しい、と話していたことが印象 に残っています。お別れする時の握手と抱擁も力強く、亡くなられたことが信じられない気持ちです。コンクールで優勝してからアメリカ各地を演奏で回りまし たが、いくつものホールで、何十年も前にクライバーンさんが演奏した時のポスターが大切に貼ってありました。コンサートの主催者やピアノの調律師の方々が クライバーンさんと仕事をしたときのことを誇らしそうに話してくれるのを聞いて、クライバーンさんがどんなに尊敬されて愛されているのかをあらためて感じ ました。国境と時間を越えて愛されるピアニストになることは僕の夢でもあります。クライバーンさんは、これからもずっと僕の目標であることに変わりありま せん。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。ピアニスト 辻井伸行」

Cliburn’s passing calls to mind Nobuyuki Tsujii winning the Fort Worth competition - Dallas News, Feb. 27, 2013

Service for Mr. Van Cliburn. March 3, 2013


March 2

A public funeral will be held tomorrow Sunday March 3 , in Texas, for Mr. Van Cliburn.  On P. 3 of the program for the service, which you can view on this page, you will find Nobuyuki Tsujii,  along with other gold medalists of the Cliburn Competition,  listed as "Cliburn Gold Medalists Honourary Pall Bearers" <blog of "a housewife living in Kansai">

2013-03-03 22:43









Message from Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

Last month (28 February 2013) the evening edition of the Asahi Shimbun had an obituary of pianist Mr. Van Cliburn.

Speaking of Mr. Van Cliburn, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii (blind pianist) won in the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009,  the first for a Japanese.  I know of such a person. (Very popular pianist).

Known through the program at that time also Tsujii, of course, I became a fan in the family.

The obituary of Mr. Cliburn mentions that Mr. Tsujii visited Mr. Cliburn last month.

And received a firm handshake-hug.

Reading the article, I was a little relieved

that he was able to say goodbye ...

March 1

Posted on Nobu's own site

It was so sad to hear that we lost Mr. Cliburn.

His personality and his achievements shine on me as a guiding star.

It will never be faded for ever.

Thank you, Van.

And this statement was tweeted and posted on their facebook page by the Cliburn Foundation:

The Cliburn ‏@TheCliburn tweeted: From Nobuyuki Tsujii: "His personality and his achievements shine on me as a guiding star. It will never be faded for ever. Thanks, Van."

It was also posted on the facebook page of the Cliburn Foundation, with a photo of Mr. Cliburn bestowing the gold medal to Nobu.

Posting on facebook by a Nobu fan in Japan

ヴァ ンクライバーン氏のご冥福を心よりお祈りいたします。世界中のファンが悲しみに暮れていると思います。温かそうな眼差しと物腰がTVを通しても感じられま した。本当に信じられない・ I pray from my heart for the soul of Mr. Van Cliburn. I think fans all over the world are grieving. Even through the TV, I felt the warmth of his gaze and demeanor. I really cannot believe.





















February 28, 2013

Era of the pioneers

I drank on Monday what has been spoken much,

This will take about a week for the tone of the stomach to be restored.

I have became familiar with Mr. Cliburn when pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii won the championship,

I would be another three year since then for another Van Cliburn Piano Competition to take place.

He was a tall, old gentleman  who firmly hugged Mr. Tsujii on stage,

Mr. Cliburn was  also a symbol of the competition.

So that the dath Mr. Cliburn death was mentioned in papers and news in conjuction with the victory of Mr. Tsujii.

What got lost is that Mr. Cliburn won the Tchaikovsky Competition that took place in the Soviet Union, famous for the concerto No. 1

 It is said that Mr. Cliburn himself did not expect  an American pianist to be allowed to win in the Soviet during the Cold War.

By supporting the winners of the contest launched, the foundation in his name has continued to be a leader of the world of classical music, and has produced a number of pianists.

Although in Japan we became familiar with him through the victory of  Mr. Tsujii,

the obituaries I read are  disappointing,

They should be obituaries for a stalwart; this is like witnessing the end of an era.

Feb 28 <Fort Worth Star Telegram article>

"Van Cliburn's talent was uniquely suited for a moment in history" By Olin Chism NHK World News (English) <with video>

US pianist Van Cliburn has died at the age of 78.

Cliburn shot to fame during the Cold War in 1958 when he won the first International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. He was 23 years old.

He passed away on Wednesday at home in Fort Worth, Texas. He had been diagnosed with bone cancer last year.

The Van Cliburn International Piano Competition was founded in 1962, to commemorate the pianist's achievement in the former Soviet Union.

Many of the world's top young pianists take part in the competition, held every 4 years in Texas.

Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii became the first Japanese winner when he shared the top prize in 2009.

Feb. 28, 2013 - Updated 02:54 UTC (11:54 JST)

バーン・クライバーンが亡くなったのですね。バーン・クライバーン国際ピアノコンクールで優勝した辻井伸行さんが、子供の様に彼に抱きつき、彼も愛おしげに抱きしめていたのが、思い出されます。素晴らしい芸術家を失うのは残念でたまりません  Van Cliburn died.  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, when he won the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, clung to him like a child; and I will remember his love in that generous embrace.  A shame to lose a great artist.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんが全世界に認知されるきっかけになった、あのコンクール結果発表の日を、あのどきどきと感動と授賞式のお二人のハグを忘れません @YahooNewsTopics 音楽家クライバーン氏死去 #クラシック音楽  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was given opportunity to be recognized all over the world;  I will never forget these on the day when the contest results was announced: the pounding excitement of the ceremony and the hug of the two @ YahooNewsTopics Death of musician Mr. Cliburn musician   -tweet

サヴァリッシュの次は クライバーン! 私の知っているクラシックの音楽家が次々と亡くなっていきます(T_T) 最近 クライバーンと言うと 辻井伸行さんを思い浮かれる人が多いけど 私は あの貴公子 「バン クライバーン」しか思いつきません。Sawallisch (German conductor, who died on February 24) and then Cliburn! <Something about people not paying enough attention to the other death in classical music.>  Van Cliburn is not the only noble classical music musician; I think many people get carried away with <his connection with> Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii  -tweet


Nobuyuki Tsujii:  Mr. Cliburn gave me the chance to fly around the world.  He has passed away. I will pray for him. <link to a June 2009 Avex Press Release detailing the Cliburn victory of Nobu>  -tweet

The Fort Worth newspaper Star Telegram retweeted this tweet of mine to its 18,321 followers:

@startelegram Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii made a moving eulogy for Van Cliburn - English translation.


A Nobu fan in Japan wrote, by email:












さらにすばらしい演奏をしてくれる と信じてます。




I was surprised by news of the passing of  Mr. Cliburn

If not for the Cliburn Competition, I might not have known Nobu.

I am grateful for the Cliburn Competition.

The hugging that Mr. Cliburn gave Nobu at the time of the announcement of the competition results always impress me no matter how many times I watch the scene.

Mr. Cliburn made a very nice comment about the performance of Nobu:

Precisely because he really loves  music, I think he is the essence of  music, without prejudice.

Nobu said  Mr. Cliburn made him want to play even better.

Mr. Cliburn was directed to Nobu,

His gentle and loving smile will not be forgotten.


2013-02-28 13:40:55







Mr. Van Cliburn

2013-02-28 13:40:55

Mr. Van Cliburn, of the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, is said to have died. If not for this person, I would not have purchased CDs of Mr. Tsujii.   Even now, I am writing while listening to Mr. Tsujii's Rachmaninoff.  I will pray for you.

For allowing the name of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii to become known all over the world, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

A Piano coach of Nobu (and a close friend of his mother) wrote in her blog:


February 28 [Thu], 2013, 22:38


 [27日 ロイター]
















Nothing but Surprise . . .

I came home and saw the Yahoo news ...

"On the 27th  Mr. Van Cliburn, American pianist who was active in the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, died in Fort Worth, Texas. He was 78. It was revealed in August 2012 that he had been diagnosed with bone cancer

Mr. Cliburn won the First International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1958 at 23 years old, when it was held in Moscow. He also contributed to the improvement of relation between the United States and the Soviet Union. He burst into fame in the United States, where he came to be known by more than classical music fans.

In honor the achievements of Mr. Cliburn, the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition was founded.   In 2009,  blind pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was the  first Japanese who won the contest."

This article came out of nowhere.  I was really shocked.

I also heard about the situation from Mrs. Tsujii ...

During the competition, Mr. Cliburn appreciated the music of Nobu from the start.

I am happy to hear that ...

Mr. Cliburn

From the top of the sky,

Please watch over the activities of Nobu, as he grows more and more in the world.

Read more here:

Feb 27/28

在日米国大使館報道室 ‏ (U.S. Embassy press room) @usembassypress tweeted:

American pianist Van Cliburn has passed away.Japan’s Nobuyuki Tsujii won the 2009 Van Cliburn Int’l Piano Competition. <Japan sports news article>



ピアニスト辻井伸行さんの話 信じられない気持ちです。米国各地で尊敬され愛されていたクライバーンさんは、これからもずっと僕の目標です。「クラシック 音楽に関心のなかった人をコンサートに呼ぶことができる、魅力ある人物であってほしい」と話していたことが印象に残っています。


"Feeling that I cannot believe," said Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

On the 27th, the first U.S. pianist who won the International Tchaikovsky Competition, which was held in the Soviet Union during the Cold War in 1958, Mr. Van Cliburn, died at his home in southern Texas. He was 78.

Pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii  spoke of a feeling that he cannot believe the news .  Mr. Cliburn was beloved and held in high esteem throughout the United States. I hope to continue his goal.  It was impressive that "a single person, an attractive figure, sparked so much interest in classical music concert"  [February 28, 2013 11:52]

Cliburn’s passing calls to mind Nobuyuki Tsujii winning the Fort Worth competition - Dallas News, Feb. 27, 2013

Cliburn’s passing calls to mind Nobuyuki Tsujii winning the Fort Worth competition

By mgranberry

5:51 pm on February 27, 2013


<Photo of Previous Cliburn competition winner Nobuyuki Tsujii>

Van Cliburn’s death rekindles memories of some of the amazing performers who have come to Fort Worth to play in or win the competition named in honor of the late pianist. My own favorite memory involves Nobuyuki Tsujii, who so easily played Chopin, Debussy, Liszt, Beethoven.

Tsujii was one of 29 competitors in the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, which he won, a feat considered all the more remarkable because he’s blind.

Tsujii managed to impress even Cliburn himself. “He was absolutely miraculous,” Cliburn told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. “His performance had the power of a healing service. It was truly divine.”

Blind since birth, Tsujii first showed interest in piano at 2, when he startled his mom by playing a flawless “Jingle Bells” after hearing it on the radio. “I felt so astonished, so surprised,” his mother, Itsuko Tsujii said through interpreter Kay Nakamoto.

He began studying piano at 4 and went on to major in piano performance at a Tokyo university. He can read Braille but doesn’t use it for piano. He plays only by ear. He listens to a live or recorded version of what he wishes to play and memorizes the notes. He then spends hours, even days, matching the score to his flying fingertips.

Piano, Tsujii said, is his passion, his life.

“I just love to play,” he said through his interpreter. “All the time … always.”

He most loves Debussy, Chopin and Beethoven but will occasionally play jazz. He likes to swim and, his mother says, is a fearless skier, a technique he mastered by hanging onto a teacher as he cruises down the slopes.

He has competed continuously since fifth grade and at 17 won a special award at a competition in Poland.

“I want continuously to play the piano,” he says. “It is my life. I wish to become a world-famous pianist who will soar to the sky all over the world.”

The first full day Nobu was in Fort Worth, he played for eight hours, lashing the keys until almost midnight, even after his host family had gone to bed.

“We lay there listening to this extraordinarily beautiful music – and then it stopped,” said Carol Davidson, who with her husband formed the host family, whose dog loved to hear the young man play. “For a moment, I was worried,” Ms. Davidson said. “And then I heard Nobu walk by himself upstairs, with no problem. The only thing I missed was the music. That I could have listened to all night long.”

Feb 27

ヴァン・クライバーン亡くなったのか…R.I.P。辻井伸行さんが優勝したあのピアノコンクールは続くよね。  Mr. Van Cliburn has died ... RIP.

Subsequent Piano Competition that was won by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  -tweet at 9:14AM February 27

ア メリカの世界的なピアニスト、ヴァン・クライバーン氏が、27日に亡くなりました。 クライバーンさんの業績をたたえて始まった「ヴァン・クライバーン国 際ピアノコンクール」では、日本人として初めて辻井伸行さんが優勝しています。World renowned American pianist, Mr. Van Cliburn, has died on the 27th.  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is the first Japanese to win the "Van Cliburn International Piano Competition", begun in his honor.  -tweet

Van Cliburn, American Classical Pianist, Dies

by The Associated Press

February 27, 201312:39 PM

In this article eulogizing Mr. Cliburn, Nobu (and his co-medalist) is mentioned

"The 13th Cliburn competition, held in 2009, made history when a blind pianist from Japan, Nobuyuki Tsujii, and a teenager from China, Haochen Zhang, both won gold medals. They were the first winners from any Asian country, and Tsujii was the first blind pianist to win. And it was only the second time there were dual first place winners."

クライバー ンって聞いたことあると思ったら、辻井伸行さんがヴァン・クライバーン国際ピアノコンクールで優勝したときに聞いた名前だった。I think the first time I ever heard of the name of Mr. Cliburn was when Nobuyuki Tsujii won the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.  -tweet