Notable web postings - June 2014

June 26

@seassnow tweeted

6月28日(土)19:00~ピアニスト辻井伸行さんのスイス紀行が放送予定。 … 優しいお人柄とともに心に響くピアノの音色。クルー皆様のプロフェッショナルなお仕事と感動溢れるドラマの裏舞台に同行させて頂きました。良ければご覧 ください!June 28 (Sat) 19:00 Swiss Journey of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii is scheduled broadcast. Sound of the piano fills the heart with his gentle personality. And I was allowed to accompany behind the scenes of the drama, full of excitement with the professional work of the crew. Please watch this excellent show!

2014-06-26 22:31

辻井 伸行さん よみうり大手町ホール

2014.5.26 辻井伸行さん

よみうり大手町ホール 《自作&クラシック》








この反応に辻井さんも とても喜んでおられました。

もう一曲は、ラフマニノフの パガニーニの主題による




この曲、「ラフマニノフ ある愛の調べ」で映画の




のは「イゾルテの愛の死 」でした。




image via Internet link

Yomiuri Hall Otemachi Nobuyuki Tsujii

2014.5.26 Nobuyuki Tsujii

"Classic and original music" Yomiuri  Otemachi Hall

I was looking for it very much.

In this recital it was possible to listen to the original music of Tsujii.  Kindly he showed off his original songs for the first time this time.

The recital falls on the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relation between Japan and Switzerland, and it was extra special that the inroduction says there will be "an improvisation imitating the Swiss yodel."

At the climax there were many big applause from the audience.

Mr. Tsujii seemed very pleased with  this reaction.

Another song was "On a Theme of Paganini" by Rachmaninov,

It was an arrangement by Mr. Tsujii  of the Rhapsody.

It was a beautiful piano study.

I want to be immersed in the world of this beautiful melody for a while,

I was filled with such a feeling.

This song was used in the movie "Song of Love in Rachmaninov" along with the impressive flowers of lilac in the climax.  It was a love song with a beautiful lyrical melody.

And, the classical song that I was most impressed with on this day was "death of love Isode".

I was at a performance of his Chopin & Liszt Japan tour

but I felt my heart trembling the most in today's performance.

June 25


納車♪ フーガ美車 綺麗に磨きました(‘▽‘*)♪


今日も絶好調です(‘▽‘*)♪ おかげさまでありがとうございます。




June 24, 2014


I polished and cleaned a beautiful car.

Good evening, it is Ito Alpico Auto Works.

And today is a great day.

Thank you thank you.

And to be able to please a visitor,

I have the best job! !

Background music is Nobuyuki Tsujii.

"Dream of Love",  it is great.

辻井伸行&ヴァシリーペトレンコwithロイヤルリヴァプールフィルの チケット、今日届きました😍まだ半年も先。大事にしまっておかないとねー😉

Ticket of Nobuyuki Tsujii & Vasily Petrenko with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, arrived today 😍 six months in advance.  I will have to be careful with it.

June 24

辻 井伸行さんのコンサートに申し込もうと思ったけどチケット高すぎて二の足踏んでる I was going to splurge for a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii, but on second thought the ticket price is just too high.  -tweet

ラ カンパネラ 辻井伸行演奏 羽がはえて 飛んでいけそう... It seems feathers are flying when Nobuyuki Tsujii plays La Campanella ...  -tweet

辻 井伸行くん聴きに行こう!まだチケット買えるの残ってる!!しかもラフマのピアコン弾くやん!! と思ったら21000円もする…高い… どうしてこんなに高いのょ。 あぁどうしよう…B席ですら15000円…( Let's go to listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun! There are still tickets! ! Moreover, he is gonna play Rachmaninov! !  But I think the ticket price is so high ... 21,000 yen ...

And even a B seat cost  ¥ 15,000.   Aagh ...

June 23

Tweeted by Japan Grieg Society

ノ ルウェーの総合情報誌StyleNORWAY MAGAZINEが届きました。特集は「グリーグの世界を、辻井伸行さんと語り合う」。記事には日本グリーグ協会も協力させていただきました。北欧に行っ てみたいという辻井さん。視覚障害があっても全身で北欧を感じとる力があるのでしょう。(E)

General information magazine Style NORWAY MAGAZINE of Norway arrived.

Special  feature " the world of Grieg, a talk with Nobuyuki Tsujii ".

Japan Grieg Association was allowed to cooperate for the article.

Mr. Tsujii  wants to go to Northern Europe. He would have the power to feel the Nordic in his whole body in spite his a visual impairment

[The magazine article can be read here: Cover photo of Nobu can be viewed here:

This superb photo of Nobu is on the cover of Japan's Style Norway Magazine. It comes with an interview of Nobu; he talks about Edvard Grieg, the "Nordic Chopin", and about wanting to perform in Northern Europe (Nobu has never performed in Scandinavia) ... and he was asked about his love interest by none other than photographer uji Hori 堀裕二, long-time photographer who has given us so many of Nobu's fine portraits on Avex literature. Please read a rough English translation here 

image via Internet link

辻井伸行さんによるドビュッシーの演奏 ※7分28秒からの「月の光 "Clair de Lune"」が最高だ   Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Debussy.  "Clair de Lune" at 7:28 is the best.  -tweet

June 22

深夜に辻井伸行聴くと作業はかどる And I am getting on with work listening to the music of Nobuyuki Tsujii  -tweet

今日も素敵な繋がりを、ありがとうございます。皆様に感謝です。雨のお陰で、ゆっくり過ごせた休日でした。 優しい眠りが訪れますように。 おやすみなさい

ラヴェル、水のたわむれ辻井伸行.mp4: A nice connection today, Thank you. I thank everyone. Thanks to the rain, It was a holiday spent slowly. To be visited by gentle sleep .  GOOD NIGHT Ravel's "Water Play" by Nobuyuki Tsujii. -tweet

June 21

英語で辻井伸行の内容やったから久々に見たくなった これほんと感動するんだよなぁ(;_;) いつか生の演奏聴きたい😂 I wanted to see this after a long time because the contents of this Nobuyuki Tsujii video is in English :-) Am really impressed by it. I want to listen to his live performance someday.  -tweeter

image via Internet link

辻井伸行で泣く I cry with Nobuyuki Tsujii   -tweeter

『 情熱を持って努力すれば、必ず望みは叶う。 』 と、辻井いつ子さんは繰り返し語ります


『 風には色がある。 』




好きなスキーを一人で滑れば、 『 しんとした空気の中で自分がたてるエッジの音を聞くこと、そしてスピード感を感じることは幸せである。 』 と。


演題は 「 人間のもつ可能性を信じて ~息子・伸行の子育てから教えられたこと~ 」 。

『 親子の絆。子供にとって母親は無条件に自分の味方であってほしい。 』

『 子供のやりたいことをやらせた。子供の笑顔を見たかったから。 』

子育てから教えられたこと、それは 『 情熱を持って努力すれば、必ず望みは叶う。 』 ということ。



It is true that if you  have a "passion, your dream will come true," said Mrs. Tsujii Itsuko repeatedly

June 21, 2014

"The Colors of  Wind"

Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii is said to recognize different colors in the wind. 

With the help of his mother, he learned to sense sound and smell,

His talent may come from maximizing his senses, such as tactile sensation.

Nobuyuki Tsujii said he enjoys skiing alone, " Hearing the sound of myself cutting through the thin air makes me happy, as I feel a sense of speed."".

Today, we heard the story of his mother Itsuko Tsujii.

The title was "A lesson from parenting my son Nobuyuki: believe in the potential of human beings."

"Bonds of parent and child.  A mother wants to be a friend of her children unconditionally. "

"We do things for our children because we want to see the smile of a child. "

A lesson in child-rearing: it is true that if you have a passion, your wish would come true. 

Everyone in the packed venue repeated these words spoken over and over again by Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii.

I myself have started studying vocal music since last year,

I want to sing while accompanied by my son at the piano someday.

June 18






I have received from grandma for the celebration of your birthday, Mini piano of "KAWAI".

She said she wanted to get a toy piano for your birthday. We could not decide.

We were attracted nice top brand of toy piano  "Schoenhut," but the size of the keyboard is almost as large as the real thing ....

In the end, we decided on the overwhelmingly popular "KAWAI".

I heard that it is the one that blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii was attracted to when he was little  ...

image via Internet link

June 17 [ blog of a big fan of figure skater Mao Asada]

2014-06-17 10:45:00

フィギュアな時間 オリンピックコンサート2014から

Figures of Time -- Olympic concert from 2014

... 辻井伸行さんの演奏に観客は感嘆の渦へ

The audience reached a peak of admiration in reaction to the performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii ...


image via Internet link

Photo caption: 辻井伸行さんがアンコールで「ラ・カンパネラ」を演奏(写真:フォート・キシモト)Nobuyuki Tsujii plays "La Campanella" encore ( photo by Kishimoto)

June 16

「ギ ネス級」のショパン名手・横山幸雄が現代音楽に挑む異色コンサート  横山さん、田部さんは、共に上野学園で教鞭を執る同僚。09年ヴァン・クライバーン国際ピアノコンクールで日本人として初優勝した辻井伸行さんも、同大在 学時には2人に師事。"Guniness book" virtuoso pianist Yukio Yokoyama will perform contemporary challenge music with Tanabe-san.  Both teach at Ueno Gakuen.  Nobuyuki Tsujii, the first Japanese victory at the '09 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, studied with both as a student at the university student at the time.  -tweet

来年の1月のロイヤルリ ヴァプールフィルとペトレンコのプログラムが熱い!祝典、ラフ3、タコ10。ソリストが辻井伸行だから買うの大変そう。Program of Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic in January of next year is hot! Celebration, Rach 3, Shostakovich 10. Very likely to buy as soloist is Nobuyuki Tsujii  -tweet

やったー!! 来年の演奏チケット完売してなかった! だけど今年の演奏、チケット全て 完売とか。 悲しい。 辻井伸行のピアノ演奏 本当に大好き(*´ω`*)♡ [Avex poster of Liverpool Phil tour] Oh goody! ! Next year's concerts have not sold-out! But tickets for this year's performances are all sold out. How sad. I really love piano performances of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

2014.06.17 Tuesday

月刊 ぶらあぼ 7月号

無料のクラシック音楽情報誌「月刊 ぶらあぼ」





そ れだけでもエキサイティングなニュースだが、共演がヴァシリー・ペトレンコ率いる英国の名門ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィルとなれば、期待はますます高ま る。もちろん、ショスタコーヴィチ「交響曲第10番」、ストラヴィンスキー「春の祭典」&「火の鳥」など、ペトレンコが得意とする曲目も聞き逃せ ない。




Monthly Buraabo July Issue

Free classical music magazine  "Monthly Buraabo"

July issue was received.

Buraabo is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

Cover of this month features pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii of and conductor Vasily Petrenko.

Nobuyuki Tsujii is performing the challenging Concertos No. 3 of Prokofiev and Rachmaninoff.  That itself is exciting news, but he will co-star with the prestigious British Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, led by Vasily Petrenko,

The expectation will increase more and more.

Of course, there is also Shostakovich "Symphony No. 10", and you do not want to miss hearing the tracks of Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" and  "Phoenix", which Petrenko excels at.

In addition, there is also an interviews of violinist Ryu Goto.

Because it is placed in the store, please come visit us. Thank you, see you today.

June 15

辻 井伸行 with ヴァシリー・ペトレンコ&ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィルの、びわ湖ホールコンサートチケット、少しでもステージに近い席を取りたくて、家族の協力で、固 定電話と携帯合わせて5台を駆使。話し中が続いたけど 1台だけ早めにつながった!なんとステージから2列目GET! Nobuyuki Tsujii concert with Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Biwako Hall concert tickets, I wanted to take a seat a little closer to the stage , With the cooperation of the family, I had full use of give land and cell phones.  It was busy, but the first try got through.  I will be seated second row from the stage!  -tweet by Yura

June 14

@fumi_oboist tweeted


Rachmaninov Third of Nobuyuki Tsujii at Suntory at 10,000 yen is worrisome [10,000 yen is for the least expensive seats - the most expensive is 23,000Y]

June 12

The bad and beautiful of Venice by Assunta Ng, publisher

... There were two concerts that aroused my emotions to tears last year. One was Nobuyuki Tsujii, the blind pianist who performed in “Celebrate Asia” with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, and the other was in Venice, performed by a seven-piece orchestra....

9月11日の辻井伸行さんのラヴェルを 弾く!の曲目よすぎてほんと行きたいけどこの時期だしね(*_*) でもラヴェルのG dur コンツェルトすごい聞きたいNobuyuki Tsujii plays Ravel on  September 11! I want to go; the tracks are really good this time.  I want to hear Ravel's amazing concerto in G major.  -tweet [blog of a Japanese loving in Switzerland]

June 01, 2014




しかし日本じゃ考えられないド田舎でのコンサート。。。 知名度が高いのは日本だけなの? まぁいい。




The healing of the sun


This is my first time today, I was kicking myself to know that Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii made a piano recital debut in Switzerland last month.

Moreover, at a place very close to the house, and it took place on Saturday. Triple shock.  It is unthinkable for such a concert ot take place in the countryside in Japan. 

Is it only in Jpan that his name recognition is high in Japan?

I made these comments:

Mr. Tsujii was in Switzerland last month not just for the concerts, but to film a documentary which will be shown on Fuji TV. He went on to Basel to perform two sold-out concerto performances, and to Germany to perform two successful recitals in Stuttgart and Dusseldorf.

It is true that his name recognition is not as high as in Japan, but the respect for Mr. Tsujii that I saw in Germany was impressive.

I should mention that the recital in Baden, Switzerland was performed to a sold-out audience of 300+.

I have met Mr. Tsujii in person, and my impression is that he would happily perform anywhere to any audience! Personally, I admire him for that.

June 10 まだ間に合う お宝イベント情報 (Information on treasured events)


辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート チケット完売続出ですね









Piano concerts  of Nobuyuki Tsujii sold-out one after another

In spite of the handicap of a visual impairment, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii has gained a high reputation in the world,

Tickets of concerts in which he appeared have sold out entirely,

Ticket of the year, which is available at the moment, is limited to a September 2014 Orchard Hall performance

After that,tickets available next year starts with a Shiga Prefectural Art Theater performances.

He is young at 25 years old, has gone to a university, and is an artist with a promising future.

He deserves the support and the cheers of his fans at his concerts.

Even so, you will be surprised by the talent of achieving the skill of being able to touch the keyboard without sight.  For me, who does not play the piano, even with sight, it is beyond the realm of comprehension.  [Keiban Soceity, Shiga Prefecture] posted May 15



KEIBUN30周年記念感謝祭 スペシャルコンサート

セキスイハイム presents

辻井伸行 with ヴァシリー・ペトレンコ指揮


*ねっとも優先6/11 9:30~ 電話優先6/12 9:30~


SS seats we sold out!

S ~ E seats are accepted from June

KEIBUN30 Anniversary Thanksgiving Special Concert

Sekisui Heim presents

Nobuyuki Tsujii with Vasily Petrenko conductor

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic

* Net priority  6/11 9:30 - ;  phone priority 6/12 9:30 am -

 KEIBUN Society Secretariat 077-526-0011(9:30 to 17:00 weekdays)

June 7/8

今 英語の予習してたけど、次のLessonから辻井伸行さんの話題だからちょっとだけやる気がでた(`・ω・´)  Preparation for English lesson now, but the motivation for  the next Lesson is higher, because the topic is Mr.  Nobuyuki Tsujii.  -tweet

6月8日 ▼盲 目の辻井伸行氏、世界的ピアノコンクールで優勝 …から5年  June 8, blind Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii won an international piano competition ... it's been five years. -tweet blog of Japan Shiga Prefecture legislator Yoshimasa Okumura

014年 6月 7日 [土曜日]




辻井さんは同時にビヴァリー・テイラー・スミス賞(コンクールのために書かれた新曲の最も優れた演奏に対して授与される)も受賞しました。辻井さんの演奏 は予選のスクリーニング・オーディションから大きな反響を呼び、同コンクールが名前を冠するヴァン・クライバーン氏も『フォート・ワース・スター・テレグ ラム』で辻井さんの演奏について「奇跡としか言いようがない」「まさに神業だ」とコメントを寄せました。

6月6日のラフマニノフの協奏曲2番の 演奏後はコンクールオフィシャルブログにおいて「このコンクールから出るのは大きな瞬間ばかりだが、これは本当に大きな瞬間だ。」と評されました。優勝し た辻井さんには、賞金2万ドルと金メダル、銀製トロフィーに加え、アメリカ内外における3年間のツアー契約と録音契約が用意されました。


June 7, 2014

Today is the day of victory Nobuyuki Tsujii! ! ! !

June 7, 2009, Texas Fort Worth, Japanese winner for the first time at the prestigious Van Cliburn International Piano Competition;  history was born, also the first time for Asians.

Nobuyuki Tsujii was then  20 years old. The finalists were: one from Korea, one from Bulgaria, one from Italy, two from China. 

Cheers and applause exploded in the venue when "Nobuyuki Tsujii," was called  last at the awards ceremony.

Tsujii was also awarded at the same time the Beverly Taylor Smith Award for the best playing of a new songs written for the contest .  Tsujii was remembered for the great response from the screening audition for qualifying,.  Van Cliburn,  the namesake of the competition, called the playing of Tsujii  "miraculous ", commenting to the  Fort Worth Star Telegram that  "he is not just supernatural."

After his performance of Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2 on June 6, Tsujii said, "Coming out of the contest was really a big moment."  Tsujii won a gold medal,  and $ 20,000 prize money.  The prize also included a recording and a three-year tour contract in and outside of the U.S.

Today, Mr.Tsujii has actively involved in concerts and composition, and performed at the "2014 Olympic concert" NHK program yesterday.

June 7

昨日の辻井伸行さんのピアノが凄かったからマイクなしのホールで聴きたいなあって思ってたら、今日、来年1月のイギリスのオケとの共演のDMハガキが来て た。辻井さんはラフマニノフの3番かプロコフィエフの3番。なんというタイミング。行けという天の声かもしれないけど英国のオケなのでお高い!

Yesterday I thought that I wish to hear him in a hall without a microphone, because his piano was amazing.  Today I got a postcard that he co-stars with an orchestra of the United Kingdom in January of next year.  Mr. Tsujii will perform # 3 of Prokofiev and Rachmaninoff. What a timing. It may be the voice of heaven because it is an orchestra of the United Kingdom! -tweet

"Touching the Sound: The Improbable Journey of Nobuyuki Tsujii Blu-ray"   Naxos | 70 min |  Jul 29, 2014  release .  $20.99

Available for pre-order  -tweet

June 6

Please see News from Japan for comments on Nobu's performance at the Olympics 2014 concert,

本日の午後の院内BGMは「ピアノ協奏曲 辻井伸行」です。BGM hospital in the afternoon of the day is "Piano Concerto Nobuyuki Tsujii".  -tweet

@rosenprod documentary "The Improbable Journey of Nobuyuki Tsujii" is now on amazon for pre-order. link   -tweet

June 5

サ マランカホール、家のすぐそばなのに一度も行ったことなかった。なんと、辻井伸行さんも7月にそこでコンサートやるんだって。でもチケット完売だ (>_<) 当たり前だよね。Lanka Sama Hall, I once lived in a house right next to it.  I heard that Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii will do a concert there in July. But naturally it has already sold-out (> _ <)  -tweet

June 4

Dave Walker ‏@DaveWalker57 of South Africa tweeted:

Incredible! He was born blind. Nobuyuki Tsujii - Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor, Op 18:  via @YouTube

辻井伸行くんのチケットとれた〜♡  Happy that I got ticket for Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii -tweet [This is an article that appeared in the local newspaper of Fortworth Texas; Nobu is not interviewed in this article, although his name is mentioned]

Getting Around

Vadym Kholodenko

Arts on the Road

Posted Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2014

... For inspiration, we asked what Cliburn pianists, local conductors and other notable performers are doing this summer.


Vadym Kholodenko

The Cliburn’s current gold medalist, having made a triumphant recital appearance in St. Petersburg, Russia, last September, returns to that city this summer for the Stars of the White Nights Festival, a truly extravagant three-month fest named after the famous season of the midnight sun. Amid dozens of opera, ballet and orchestral performances, Kholodenko will play a recital June 21 of Brahms, Liszt and more at the Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall. Then, he hits the cobbled medieval streets of Croatia’s capital city for a July 3 recital at the Zagreb Summer Evenings festival that includes Stravinsky’s Petrouchka, which he played so memorably at last year’s Cliburn. Closer to home, see him in the mountains of western North Carolina at the Brevard Music Center on July 18. He’ll perform Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 2 with Miguel Harth-Bedoya, music director of the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra. It’s a preview of their plan to present all five Prokofiev concertos with the FWSO that kicks off with three more performances of this piece Oct. 24-26 at Bass Hall.

Haochen Zhang

The young man who shared the gold medal with Nobuyuki Tsujii at the 2009 Cliburn Competition is touring his native China in June, but the biggest date on his summer calendar is his debut at the BBC Proms, which bills itself as the world’s greatest classical music festival.   It’s certainly the world’s most spirited. Held since 1895, in recent decades mostly at London’s Royal Albert Hall, it’s a serious music festival that’s also deeply populist and full of arcane traditions. Same-day standing-room (or “Promming”) tickets (£5) get you a spot in the middle of the hall, right in front of the stage, and because Zhang is a pianist he’ll probably witness this little quirk: Whenever a piano is moved into place and its top opened, one section of the audience shouts out “Heave!” and another answers “Ho!” Zhang is scheduled to perform Liszt’s Piano Concerto No. 1 on July 19 with the China Philharmonic Orchestra.

I posted this comment:

I wish all the performers mentioned in your article great success. But for the information of your readers, may I mention the activities of another Cliburn Gold Medalist, Nobuyuki Tsujii (not interviewed for this article).

Nobu appeared in the 2014 BBC Proms. He was as much a sensation there as he was in the 2009 Cliburn Competition. You can find on YouTube several videos of his performance of Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2 with the BBC Philharmonic.

In 2013, Nobu wowed the audiences at the "White Nights" festival in St. Petersburg, performing a recital as well as Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 with Valery Gergiev. There is a DVD available on Amazon of his performance with Gergiev.

Nobu performed at the La Scala Opera House and the Louvre Museum this spring. He will start his Ravel/Chopin recital tour in Japan this summer; on the program is Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit. We Nobuyuki Tsujii Fans look forward to seeing Nobu perform Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 3 in Japan and Europe later this year and early next year.

June 3

テ レビで初めて辻井伸行さんを見た時、ピアノの音色の捉え方が普通の人と違うことに驚いた。視覚を失って聴覚が鋭い事だけじゃない。まるでピアノのくぼみの 所に立って聞いているような音。人は最初に、頻繁に聞いた音をその楽器の音色だと信じる。そして自分が信じた音を再現しようとする。When I saw  Nobuyuki Tsujii for the first time on TV, I was surprised to catch a sound of the piano that is different from that of an ordinary person. It is not only that due to his loss of vision that he has developed  an acute sense of hearing.  The sound is like that heard when standing in the depth of the piano.  We often think we are hearing the sound of a person, when it is the sound of the instrument that is heard.  To convince myself, I am trying to reproduce the sound.  -tweet

June 2

力強くかつ繊細な演奏でした。背負っているハンディを考えると信じられない素晴らしいさ。RT 辻井伸行さんのピアノ演奏楽しみ。もうすぐ始まる!:ファイナルセレモニー詳細 | SAYONARA国立競技場 | JAPAN SPORT COU  It was played delicate and strong. So  great that it is hard to believe that he carries a handicap. RT[Retweet] Nobuyuki Tsujii piano's fun. To begin soon!  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのかっこよさは異常 The coolness of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is extraordinary. -tweet

辻井伸行のピアノ協奏曲聴きながら家に向かってる。Heading home while listening to Piano Concerto of Nobuyuki Tsujii/ -tweet

「オリンピックコンサート2014」NHK総合テレビで放送されます♪ 【放送日】7月5日(土)午後4:00~4:59 ゲスト!ピアニスト辻井伸行さん、StarS(ミュージカルプリンス3人トリオ)楽しみ☆ "Olympic concert 2014"  will be broadcast on NHK General TV 4:00 to 4:59 Saturday afternoon July 5 Guest! Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, StarS (musical trio Prince)  Fun! -tweet [Lawson posting]

辻井伸行 with ヴァシリー・ペトレンコ&ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィル Nobuyuki Tsujii with Vasily Petrenko

and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic

'15/1/22[木] 14:00 埼玉

1/23[金] 19:00 神奈川

1/27[火] 19:00 東京

1/28[水] 19:00 東京]

1/29[木] 18:45 愛知

I tweeted the link, and Tokyo clown @ Iphonegooduser responded:

I think he work too much

I replied:

I worry about that too. But I saw him recently and he's in fine shape. Music is his world ... so it's not work for him!

Blog post [Recommended classical music concerts blog]

辻井伸行 ラヴェルを弾く&オーケストラアンサンブル金沢


2014年9月10日(水) 石川県立音楽堂コンサートホール

2014年9月11日(木) チケット一般販売 / 辻井伸行 ラヴェルを弾く&オーケストラアンサンブル金沢 オーチャードホール公演





Nobuyuki Tsujii  & Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa play Ravel

Nobuyuki Tsujii "plays  Ravel" is the title, while up to now he has been playing standard Ravel, but in any case it seems that he is the co-star of the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa.

September 10, 2014 (Wednesday) Ishikawa Ongakudo Concert Hall


Ravel: Pavane for a dead princess

Ravel: Piano Concerto in G major

Bizet: Symphony in C major

June 1

Many more tweets, photos and video about the performance at the National Stadium -- collected here.  [This blog post has excellent photos of the event -- the blogger must have a front row seat!]


... 19時半ごろから始まったセレモニーの始まりは、ピアニスト辻井伸行さんの「英雄ポロネーズ」で。国立に響き渡るショパン、すごく贅沢でした。


... At 19:30 it was the beginning of the ceremony, with pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii playing "Heroic Polonaise". Chopin reverberating in the National; it was very luxurious.

image via Internet link

Asahi News

... ファイナルセレモニーでは、海上自衛隊東京音楽隊3等海曹・三宅由佳莉氏が国家独唱。ピアニスト・辻井伸行も演奏を披露し会場を魅了した。司会はフリーアナウンサーの徳光和夫が務めた。...

... In the final ceremony, ... the venue was fascinated by the playing of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii ...

Mainichi (Everyday News) article

... ピアニストの辻井伸行さん(25)の「東京オリンピック・ファンファーレ」の演奏や、... Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii of pianist (25) played  "Tokyo Olympic Fanfare"

  国立競技場の聖火台に火をともす吉田沙保里選手=東京都新宿区で2014年5月31日午後8時11分、小川昌宏撮影  ... The cauldron of the national stadium was lit with a holy torch

image via Internet link

May 31

Many tweets today from the performance at the National Stadium -- collected here.

さよなら国立と、動物園と牛丼など - おっとメシだ

... その後ファイナルセレモニー。色々盛り沢山でよかったけど、特に印象に残ったのはピアニストの辻井伸行さんの英雄ポロネーズ、「ここで戦った沢山の英雄達のために」という言葉と...

National goodbye, zoo and  beef bowl - my husband's meal

... Final ceremony was good in many way, but I was particularly impressed with the Heroic Polonaise of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, with the words "for a lot of heroes who fought here"...

Scott Speck ‏@ScottSpeck1 tweeted

Great music making from Van Cliburn Gold Medalist Nobuyuki Tsujii with the incomparable Mobile Symphony!

◆May 30 EuroArts Music posted: "Due to the overwhelming participation in our Nobuyuki Tsujii lottery, we decided to give away both the DVD and the Blu-ray, so we now have two lucky winners! Check your emails and maybe one of these signed copies will soon be yours."

The discs were offered "To thank our followers for more than 1500 likes, we are going to open our Treasure Chest and will give away a copy of “Nobuyuki Tsujii – Live at Carnegie Hall”, signed by Nobu himself.  If you want to call this DVD or Bluray your own, email us at using “Nobuyuki Tsuji” as subject line. Deadline is May 29, 11:59pm CET.  We are looking forward to your numerous entries and wish you good luck!"

辻井伸行 ラフマニノフピアノ協奏曲第2番をYouTubeで見て感動している皆様ー❗️昨日から最新アップされた彼の驚愕の演奏動画見て下さい❗️4月のアメリカ公演で、プロコフィエフピアノ協奏曲第3番の超難局❗️これはもうラフマ超えでしょ❗️ …  Attention, everyone who was impressed to see on YouTube  Nobuyuki Tsujii's  Rachmaninov piano concerto!  Take a look at this video that has surprisingly come up just yesterday, from a performance in the United States in April.  Prokofiev Piano Concerto No. 3, even more impressive than his Rachmaninov.  -tweet by Yura

辻井伸行 こちらはアメリカ公演のプロコフィエフのあとの、アンコール2曲❗️アメリカのモビールシンフォニーオーケストラの人達、皆さん楽器をわざわざ置いて 笑顔で拍手してくれてます〜優し〜♪( ´▽`)   Nobuyuki Tsujii here after the American Prokofiev performance,  Encore 2 songs ❗ ️  The kindness of the Mobile Symphony Orchestra of the United States,  the members put down their instruments to join in the applause.  -tweet by Yura

そういえば辻井伸行さんのラヴェルのコンサートに行けることになりましてね By the way I have now decided to go to a Ravel concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii  -tweet

May 29 [posting by PIA, online ticket site]

一般発売     2014/5/31(土) 10:00

辻井伸行 ラヴェルを弾く! 辻井伸行(p) マルク・ミンコフスキ(指揮) オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢|ぴあ

9/11(木) オーチャードホール (東京都)

2014/5/31 (Sat) 10:00 general release

Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Ravel! Nobuyuki Tsujii (p) Marc Minkowski (conductor) Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa | PIA

9/11 (Thu) Orchard Hall (Tokyo)

辻井伸行ラヴェルを弾く 9月10日金沢石川県立音楽堂

2014年9月10日(水) 19:00

一般販売 開始:6月10日

Nobuyuki  Tsujii plays Ravel September 10 , Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefectural  Music Hall

September 10, 2014 (Wed) 19:00

General Sales Start: June 10

Mobile Symphony ‏@mobilesymphony tweeted:

#NobuyukiTsujii performing #Prokofiev Piano Concerto No. 3 with the MSO! Enjoy! [a blog post about someone's travels]



25日、北茨城 平潟の磯、昔?素潜りでアワビや牡蠣を捕ったんです。

読売ホール入口の花壇、これ朝顔の花のようです。 大ホールといっても500席ほど1階のみ


image via internet link

image via Internet link

On the 25th ...

Flowerbed of Yomiuri Hall entrance, of morning glory. The 500 seat hall is great.

Tsujii played on this piano.  It was inspiring to hear him speak without a microphone ...