Notable web postings -- November 2015

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

The Nobuyuki Tsujii × Valery Gergeiv × Munich Phil 2015 Japan tour started on Wednesday November 25 in Osaka with great success. The tour has now reached its final stop in Tokyo, with performances on Nov. 29, December 1 and 2.

News, comments and photos of individual performances on this tour are collected here: Nobuyuki Tsujii × Valery Gergeiv × Munich Phil 2015 NewsNovember 27/28

Tickets for the March 24 Fukuoka stop on Nobu's 2016 All-Chopin Recital Tour came on general sale today in Japan.  Several twitters wrote that on PIA (one of the major ticket outlets in Japan) it was declared sold out in THREE minutes. It always impresses me that in Japan the demand for tickets to Nobu's recital exceeds even that for his concerto performances!

今日は辻井伸行さんのチケット発売日でした。 残念ながら、ネット購入での戦に敗れました(^^;。 Today was  Release Date of Nobuyuki Tsujii's tickets. Unfortunately, I was defeated in the Battle of the web purchases.

チ ケットぴあで辻井伸行さんのコンサートのチケット買おうとしたら3分で売り切れてた泣きそうCrying.   I tried to buy tickets for Tsujii Nobuyuki's concert at Ticket Pia and they were sold out in three minutes.

辻井伸行さんのチケット!! アクセス集中しすぎ!! チケットぴあとか3分で売り切れてたMr. Nobuyuki Tsujii tickets! Too much concentration and access! Ticket PIA, was sold out in three minutes.

辻井伸行さんのコンサートチケット取れた喜び!( ᵕᴗᵕ ) Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert ticket scored --  joy! (ᵕᴗᵕ)

November 27

Mr. Kawakami wrote about Nobu's latest CD  Chopin Piano Sonatas 2 & 3 in his latest blog post:

[difficult translation -- to be cleaned up later]


This month, Tsujii Nobuyuki kun: CD called "Chopin Sonata No. 2, No. 3" has been released.

「ぶ らあぼ」12月号のCD評にも載っていましたが、嬉しく読ませていただきました。その評には、例えばソナタ第3番に対しては、「…このソナタに驚くほど新 鮮な息吹と奥行きとを与えている」とか、第2番には「謎めいた4楽章の美質を、これほど明瞭に伝えてくれる演奏は今までになかった」などと書かれていたこ とです。これは私にとっても嬉しく思える記述でした。

I was happy to read the CD Reviews in the December issue of [Classical music monthly magazine ] "Buraabo."  Its evaluation, for example, for the Sonata No. 3,

"... Surprisingly there is a fresh breath and depth in this sonata, " or, for the Sonata No. 2, "An enigmatic and sterling quality in the fourth movement."  These descriptions make me happy.


Because although the episodes this record I want to introduce to the extent of no offense, No. 3 was one of the repertoire that has been preparing for it at the time of the Chopin Competition appearance of 2005, the music over a considerable time could manner mature thing went.


How can the book of Mr. Tsujii is written also,

I think that first movement of this sonata No. 3 there was also talk of luck in the chance that the hit in the lottery of the Preliminary round has been facing.


And if you want to do it on him,

It is one of the songs of memories,

It is also a song of feelings.


No. 2 Sonata in the song entered the repertoire in this year's "premium Recital" series,

The live at Kioi Hall in Locle in this July,

The thing was Roku~tsu in time just before the rehearsal of the same day also sprinkled Mr. director who came from Germany.


The Friedemann's director is attention in the recording of this day,

Surprisingly, in the No. 2 Sonata it was also the third movement (funeral march) and the fourth movement.


Although live pre-production of the CD recording would have what some people or is interested was promoted to,

On that day Friedemann said he was concerned in particular with the tempo of the third movement.

 Mr. Tsujii did not seem to mind that, but I was a little worried. 


Again, because the important thing that convinced of both the artist and the director when it comes to CD recording, fine-tune fine in the relationship, such as the sound of playing on or Hall, and I need to last. In fact, I think that it became the workmanship of there its worth.

第4楽章は辻井君は何度弾いても指の動きはほぼ完璧ですが、ペダルの微妙な扱いについてはフリーデマン氏の要求もいろいろと あって、非常に細かいリクエストもいくつもありました。ピアニストにとっては、研ぎ澄まされた神経と、摩耗されない神経と、その両方が要るという感じで す。

The fourth movement is the movement of the finger when you play many times Tsujii kun is almost perfect,

Request of Mr. Friedemann for delicate handling of the pedal even if there are a wide variety,

There was also quite a few small request. For the pianist that's quite nerve wracking.

し かし、フリーデマン氏はあれだけの要求を迫ったにも関わらず、辻井君の演奏(4楽章)について「ただ、あれだけ弾けること自体、普通ではない。私はこれま でいろんなピアニストを聴いてきたが、あの4楽章をあんなふうに弾けるピアニストを知らない」と私に漏らしたので、私は同感で「あー、さすがに分かってい るのだな」と彼に対して一目置いたのも確かです。その他にも、非常に辻井君のことを深く分かった上で的確な指示を出していることに安心もしました。

However, Mr. Friedemann despite urged the request of only there, Mr. Tsujii  playing for (four movements)

"However, itself it can play only there, not usually. I've been listening to various pianist ever, Since the four movements that do not know like that play pianist "and was leaked to me, I agree with," Oh, I he know to truly " Even it is certainly put glance against him. Other than, I was also relieved that it has issued a very Tsujii precise instructions on where it was found deeply that of you.


However, this nerve-rubbing session took place immediately before a performance, very hard on the pianist.  I thought some might complain. But, Mr. Tsujii never does that.


In any case I was involved in the CD of Chopin's sonatas, I am glad that good people have finished a good thing.  And it is thanks to Avex's Classics.

♪ November 21/22

The loyal support that Nobu gets in Japan is deeply moving. It is especially strong in Tokyo (his home town) but also Osaka, where there are some of his most enthusiastic fans that I know. Tickets for his 2016 Chopin recital in Osaka came on sale this morning at 10, and this tweet from Yura describes how quickly they were sold out:

んん⁉︎大阪シンフォニー 辻井伸行 今日一般発売日。10時受け付けで10時ジャストに電話つながったやった!私「辻井伸行!(焦ってる^^;)」受付「只今B席C席ならございます」私「B 席で!」受付「あっ!あ〜申し訳ございません今全て完売しましたぁ」おかしい10時ジャストやん(°_°)

What the? Today is the day of Osaka Symphony Tsujii Nobuyuki general Release.We started phoning at 10:00 and got through at 10:00! "Accepting Tsujii Nobuyki (rush). Currently availabe B and C seats",  then "B seats!",  then "Sorry, completely sold out." Amusingly, this was all at just 10:00. (°_°)

The recital is to take place in The Symphony Hall  , which seats 1,704. The most desirable (and costly) tickets are the S seats.

And The Symphony Hall posted this notice at noon:

2015年11月22日 カテゴリー : お知らせ

2016年3月20日(日) 辻井伸行 日本ツアー チケットにつきまして

ザ・シンフォニー チケットセンターでの優先予約・一般発売 取扱い枚数分の販売は終了致しました。


November 22, 2015 Category: News

With regard to March 20, 2016 (Sun) Tsujii Nobuyuki  Japan tour tickets

The Symphony Hall Ticket Center completed its sale of  tickets for priority reservation and general release

Please note.

Nobu fan Shinobu offers this advice:

チケットぴあの辻井伸行チケット情報を 毎日チェックしていますが、一旦完売になっていても復活して購入可能になっていることがあります。前回日本ツアー大阪公演など予定枚数終了と販売期間中を 何度か繰り返していました。チケット獲得は、執念です。 [Keep trying.  Sometimes tickets come up after they have been declared sold-out] 

I concur with this advice.  From what I have seen, especially in Osaka, the concert hall seems to strive to provide extra tickets (including standing-only) after a concert has sold out.

♪ November 19

[I think this post may be tongue-in-cheek.]


辻井伸行 リサイタルチケット争奪戦に参戦してみた。






そう。今日は「辻井伸行 日本ツアー《ショパン・リサイタル》」チケットの優先予約日だったのだ。

 I've participated in the Tsujii Nobuyuki recital ticket competition.

November 20

I was relaxing and joying tea with mother, the first time after a long while.

When suddenly I looked at the watch and it was around 10:20.


Today is the priority-booking date for "Tsujii Nobuyukic Chopin Recital Japan Tour."


 Next year March 20. Osaka, The Symphony Hall.

"The world's best concert hall, to both future and over."

I am not hip to the catchphrase, and cannot tell the differences between two good concert halls.

Time is also good, the place is also good, and I would not mind to get into the competition even for a performer that's not as much of a favorite.


 But this is Tsujii Nobuyuki, who has gotten various evaluations. 

His is a favorite based on performances in the past

I want to enjoy the refreshing feeling like after watching American movies.

Rather than listening to other people's opinion,

I want to experience my favorite performer live.




I thought I was well prepared by becoming a subscriber to the symphony hall .. . registered for the calendar as I was supposed to.

Now it is already 20 minutes past the starting time.




With  a slight pain in my right hand,  I used my left hand to redial more than 200 times.

Suddenly this saying came to mind.


 "Shed your underwear"




When we discard everything, we are left with only ourselves.

That gets rid of the obsessions.

Sometimes, no matter how much we prepare ourselves,

We forget something,

And even with

It leaves people alone,

It throws away the obsession.

Sometimes not enough no matter how prepared,

There is also the slip of the mind

Perhaps it was not meant to be.

♪ November 19

A Japanese opera lover in London has noticed Nobu's Wigmore Hall debut coming up next April, and has purchased tickets for it. She was at Nobu's 2013 Proms debut and wrote enthusiastically about it.  Her post about the Wigmore Hall debut is here:

♪ November 12

There has been a sudden announcement of a special concert. On Dec 8 20:30, there is a filmed performance by Nobu to take place in Tokyo's Kioi Hall, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Tokyo TV's "Giants of Beauty" program. ( Nobu composed the most recent theme music for the show.) The concert is free by online application, for 200 couples (or 400 people). Deadline November 16! Good luck to the applicants! ^_^ ( I think this announcement also means that Nobu is back in Tokyo.)

November 14

Nobu is mentioned on the cover of the New Year edition of the "Family Illustrated" magazine in Japan :he is interviewed on Chopin's music.

庭画報編集長 秋山和輝 tweeted

2016年創刊700号記念を飾る新年号の表紙が完成!#正月 #ショパン #おせち #辻井伸行 #羽生結弦 #吉永小百合 #二宮和也 #大地真央 #郷ひろみ #平成中村座 #伊勢志摩 …

November 14

Tickets came on sale today in Japan for the two Tokyo performances on Nobu's 2016 All-Chopin Recital Tour. They were gone in no time. This tweeter wrote: "It took me two hours to get through the phone to reach the booking office, but the Tokyo performances had already sold out." There are a few remote stops on the tour that have not yet sold out: Gunma, Sasebo and Okinawa.  See here.

November 15

There is yet another unscheduled filmed performance of Nobu in December (besides the one on Dec. 8 for Tokyo TV's "Giants of Beauty") This one is to take place on Dec 14 for the long-standing and popular Asahi-TV classical music program "Untitled Concert," which used to be hosted by Nobu's mentor, conductor Yutaka Sado, and now by violinist Ryu Goto.


November 15

It is difficult for those of us outside Japan to understand just how competitive Nobu's concert tickets are in Japan's big cities. This Nagoya blogger wrote:


2015-11-14 23:35:00









"Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano recital advance reservation started at 10:00 today. I was on two phones, land-line and cell, and still could not make connection. Finally I got through at 11:30, only to hear the voice message to say, 'Our allotment has sold out.' And - so now it is down to the general sale on the 21st."

♪ November 7

There is a surprise mentioning of Nobu on page 6 in the November newsletter of the Symphony Orchestra of the Southeast Texas

Board Member Profile  -- Amy Lovoi

What has been your favorite  SOST concert?

In October 2013, Nobuyuki   Tsujii, who was awarded a gold medal in the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, performed at the Julie Rogers. Nobu's appearance was made possible by Regina Rogers in memory of her dear friend Van Cliburn and in loving memory of her parents, Julie and Ben. Nobu's piano performance was truly magical and to see Regina moved with joy was unforgettable. Regina said, “Van would be proud.”

Thank you SOST and Regina for creating one of the most memorable concert nights for myself and many others

There was not much heard from this concert, so this mentioning is especially precious.

♪ November 7

This tweet by the chief editor of "Family Illustrated" magazine in Japan says:


"Special New Year issue to commemorate our 700th edition will have a theme of 'In Praise of Chopin,' with an exclusive interview of Nobuyuki Tsujii, who is set to perform a Chopin recital starting in January. He speaks of his passionate feelings for Chopin."