Nobuyuki Tsujii in Germany, March 2012

<<This page is linked to Critics' Reviews>>

It means a lot to Nobu to do well in Germany, homeland of Ludwig Von Beethoven.  And he seems to be doing  just that.  He gave a rousing recital in Munich on the 7th.  Then after a detour to Paris to participate in the March 11 earthquake commemoration UNESCO concert  (see Nobuyuki Tsujii in Europe, Spring 2012), he returned to Germany and on March 13 gave another successful recital in Dusseldorf to a capacity crowd.  There is so much that I had to start a new page for Dusseldorf and Berlin -- see Nobuyuki Tsujii in Germany, March 2012, part 2.


Munich, March 7

After the Munich recital was over on March 7, a  tweeter wrote  came up soon

"Wonderful concert by a Japanese  blind pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii, with a photo of Nobu on stage with a bouquet in hands

"It was the great concert on 7. Mar. in Munich! He's still unknown in Germany, but the audience was very excited at the end."

 Nobu's own site posted a recital report on March 9 --







Munich recital, at the theater Prinzregenten.

Program Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 11, Beethoven: is "Pictures at an Exhibition": "Tempest" Sonata, Mussorgsky.

I was surprised by enthusiastic (cheers and footstamping from the audience.

Liszt's Rigoletto-Paraphrase, Chopin's Nocturne No. 8 and. 'Still, we live ' by myself were  played for  encores.

On March 8, a review appeared on the Abendzeitung Muenchen website( Munich Evening News):

Konsequent ernsthaft (Consistent and Earnest)

"Der Japaner Nobuyuki Tsujii sieht keine seiner Tasten, doch das tut der Kunst des jungen Pianisten keinen Abbruch – in München debütiert er mit

Klassik Konsequent ernsthaft

Volker Boser, vom 08.03.2012 16:00 Uhr

Nobuyuki Tsujii of Japan does not see the keys, but that  does not diminish the art of the young pianists - in Munich, he made ​​his debut with Beethoven, Mozart and Mussorgsky."

The piano stool is almost as wide as an organ bank.  The Japanese pianist proceeds carefully, stroking his hands over the keys back and forth to anchor the right position.

It is also necessary. Nobuyuki Tsujii is blind since birth. In his home country, they  affectionately call him  "Nobu". In 2009, he became the first Asian American tio win the Van Cliburn Competition. Since then, he has toured around the world for two years. At the Prince Regent Theatre, he made his debut with Mozart's Sonata in A Major, K. 331, Beethoven's "Tempest" Sonata and the "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky. The technical superiority amazed. Even long interval leaps did not trouble the 23-year old . The barrels beads < The finger movements were sparkling like pearls.>   - no pianist can hardly do better.

One is  a little surprised by the pithy power of the touches,  repeatedly ignoring the particular fragility of Mozart. Some would consider that unusually charmless. The famous "Alla Turca" finale however was played with great sophistication. Contrastingly the consequent seriousness was gorgeous, with which the dynamic and the structural contradictions in Beethoven's "Tempest" was made not only audible but also subordinated under the whole musical context.

Even with Mussorgsky, direct energy of expression seems more important than hedged sound gimmicks. The "chickens in their egg schells“ was giggling livelily, on the "Market at Limoges“  the rebellious chatter was dominant.  And for the “great Gate of Kiev” a little Pathos was even permitted, which he resisted patiently before.


Original text:

Der Japaner Nobuyuki Tsujii sieht keine seiner Tasten, doch das tut der Kunst des jungen Pianisten keinen Abbruch – in München debütiert er mit Beethoven, Mozart und Mussorgsky

Der Klavierschemel ist fast so breit wie eine Orgelbank. Vorsichtig nimmt der japanische Pianist Platz, streicht mit den Händen über die Tasten, orientiert sich und bringt sich durch ständiges Hin- und Herrücken in die richtige Position.

Das ist auch notwendig. Denn Nobuyuki Tsujii wurde blind geboren. In seiner Heimat nennen sie ihn liebevoll „Nobu”. 2009 gewann er als erster Asiate den amerikanischen Van-Cliburn-Wettbewerb. Seit zwei Jahren tourt er um die Welt. Im Prinzregententheater debütierte er jetzt mit Mozarts A-Dur-Sonate KV 331, Beethovens „Sturm”-Sonate und den „Bildern einer Ausstellung” von Mussorgsky. Die technische Souveränität verblüfft. Selbst riesige Intervallsprünge bringen den 23-Jährigen nicht in Schwierigkeiten. Die Läufe perlen – kaum ein Kollege könnte das besser machen.

Ein wenig überrascht ist man von der kernigen Kraft des Anschlags, die vor allem Mozarts Zerbrechlichkeit immer wieder ignoriert. Manches wird ungewohnt uncharmant präsentiert. Das berühmte „Alla turca”-Finale ließe sich durchaus raffinierter gestalten. Hinreißend dagegen die konsequente Ernsthaftigkeit, mit der die dynamischen und strukturellen Gegensätze in Beethovens op. 31/2 nicht nur hörbar gemacht, sondern auch dem gesamtmusikalischen Kontext untergeordnet werden.

Auch bei Mussorgsky scheint die direkte Energie des Ausdrucks wichtiger als verklausulierte Klangspielereien. Die „Küchlein in ihren Eierschalen” kichern munter, auf dem „Markt von Limoges” herrscht aufmüpfiges Geplapper. Und für das „große Tor von Kiew” ist sogar ein wenig Pathos erlaubt – eine Geste, die sich Nobuyuki Tsujii zuvor beharrlich verkniffen hat..


And this blog post, with two photos,  came up on March 8, by a Japanese who was at the concert:

辻井伸行 ピアノコンサート













Mozart: Klaviersonate Nr. 11 A-Dur KV 331

Beethoven: Klviersonate Nr. 17 d-moll op.31/2 "Der Sturm"(テンペスト)

Mussorgsky: Bilder einer Ausstellung(展覧会の絵)









Nobuyuki Tsujii, Pianist

Blind concert pianist, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii in Munich on March 7

Was held at the Prinzregenten Theater.

In the past, Seija Ozawa had come to the Prinzregententheater to wave a baton.

I remember being there to see a concert led by Mr. Ozawa.

It is one of my favorite music halls..

70% in the audience were Japanese who came to the concert of Mr. Tsujii.

Mr. Tsujii  won the Van Cliburn Competition and his playing is much heard on YouTube.

The program was:

Mozart:Piano Sonata. 11 KV 331

Beethoven:Piano Sonta. 17 ("Tempest")

Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition

I was not aware that Mt. Tsujii is quite a powerful performer. My impression is that he prefers and

is better with modern musci such as Mussorgsky than Bach and Mozart.

I love the Tempest of Bethoven,which I myself  practice on the piano evey now and then

His Tempest is delicate and powerful.

Three songs were played as encores. The last song is probably his own song

Back home, I felt that I have seen something great ...

I look forward to seeing him mature with age.












I never dreamed that I would get to listen to the piano of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii in Munich


Then Mr. Tsujii appeared on stage, and I for some reason shed tears. 

Bowed deeply to the audience,

Shy smile respond to an unforgettable encore.


Heal people, comfort, empower.

The power of music goes beyond the language barrier, and it easily.





CD やDVDも持っているくらい大好きなんですよ。   I had wanted to listen to him live in a concert in Germany. Tsujii-san  will perform at a Memorial concert (in Paris) on the 11th, We really  look forward to it.

I love his CD and DVD


Starting with Munich in Germany, seems to perform in Dusseldorf and Berlin.

3. 辻井さんの自作集



Nobuyuki Tsujii's own collection ♪ I feel is a nice friendly

I would like to listen live someday ^ ^