notable web postings - 18

Dec 30





My mom bought tickets for Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert.  Looking forward to his co-starring with an orchestra.  I want to hear his Rachmaninov live! -tweet

Dec 29



どうしよう行きたい悩む The concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii in the hall of his alma mater, tickets were sold out when I tried to get some.

In the hall of his alma mater, it seemed that although Seiji Ozawa took the baton and the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra gave a concert, it wasn't sold out.

It is a troubling thought. -tweet    [Note: my translation is suspect; and Seiji Ozawa is revered in Japan and his performances, such as a January 17 performrance and two April performances with the Mito Chamber Orchestra at the Mito Art Tower ATM (680 seats), has already sold out (ticket prices 10,000Y-15,000Y.)] 

辻井伸行のコンサートいきたい(*´▽`*)皇帝か~  I want to go to Nobuyuki Tsujii/s concert ~ (* '▽ `*) emperor

Dec 28



コスモは 今日から年末年始のお休みです。



今年最後の営業日だった昨日 来ていただいたお客様

... 辻井伸行さんのお話


辻井さんが「長崎は 僕の第二の故郷」と言われるのがリップサービスではなくて本当にそう思っておられることがわかって とても嬉しかったです






楽しみです 良いお年を・・・

Onward from today

December 29, 2013 (Sun)

Today is the last weekend before the New Year holidays.

I wave goodbye to the old year to usher in the new year.

Customers came yesterday, the last business day of the year.

I enjoyed the story of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

He said "Nagasaki is my second home", and I was very happy to know that he really means it, rather than just paying lip service.

Performing in that space and  atmosphere with people around

He seemed like a shining star ...

I hope he will come again next year

Happy new year!

Dec 27

と ころでラヴェルの亡き女王のためのパヴァーヌがとても好きなんだけれど、アンサンブルよりもピアノだけがいいと思うし、何より辻井伸行さんのは最高だと思 う。By the way, I like very much Pavane for a Dead Princess of Ravel, but I think the piano version is better than the ensemble.  I think I like best the rendition of  Nobuyuki.  -tweet

2013今年のベストパフォーマンスの一つ 英国最大のクラシックの祭典、プロムス。7/16に倫敦のロイヤル・アルバートホールに24歳の天才、辻井伸行が現れた。オケはBBCフィル ラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲第2番

One of the best performances of 2013 is 24-year-old genius Nobuyuki Tsujii appearing at the BBC Proms -- UK's largest classical music celebration -- in the Royal Albert Hall in London on 7/16  .  Rachmaninoff No. 2  Piano Concerto  Nobuyuki Tsujii with he BBC Philharmonic Orchestra 

Dec 26




今 日は辻井伸行くんのピュアな音色に癒やされてきました。 Lack of sleep and fatigue accumulated ... But I finally got a good sleep after all! Early to bed and early to rise! That's the way to go! Today I have been healed by the pure tone of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii .  -Kamakura tweet




いつもながら 凄く感動しました!


あんな音 どうやったら出るんだぁ?(-o-;)


ホント 癒されました。




I went to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii. I was as always very impressed ! Tears from excitement from the beginning  ... and as I left I wondered how does he make it sound like that?   And how can he play so well without being able to see?  I was really healed. Tears of excitement ... I have not had a drain for a long time.

Dec 25/26

辻井伸行くんのコンサート♪   Nobuyuki Tsujii Concert -tweet

image via Internet link

Dec 25

初、辻井伸行くん!生音きけるのが楽しみです。First, Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun!I am looking forward to hearing his sound live.  -tweet

昨 日は新橋で靴磨きしてもらいました。プチ贅沢500円なり。今日は午後から仕事早退して鎌倉芸術館で辻井伸行君のピアノコンサートです。I had my shoes  polished at Shimbashi yesterday.  500 yen, small luxury. Will leave work early for  a piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii in Kamakura Arts Center this afternoon.   -tweet

Dec 24

The present I was happiest to receive was Nobuyuki Tsujii's CD. 今から、月光浴します🌙

"The Record Geijutsu" gives Nobuyuki Tsujii a thumbs-up  --   read the glowing reviews of the Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Debussy album that recently appeared in a major classical music magazine in Japan: "The Record Geijutsu"




The good old time.

Oh, it's Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Hey, he has become completely like an adult.

I missed the old days. [The blogger went on to write about when, at age 16, she saw Nobu appear live on the "Studio Park" show.]

Dec 23

Peter McCallum looks back on 2013's rich offerings

I was surprised to read this:

... the Sydney Symphony's richly intense reading of the War Requiem, one of the magnificent closing performances of Vladimir Ashkenazy's farewell season as the orchestra's chief conductor and artistic adviser. His genius has been to show the orchestra how well it can play.

I had not heard that Askenazy was ending his tenure as Chief Conductor of the Syndney Symphony - I was hoping that he would invite Nobu to perform with him down under.  :-(

Dec 22/23

An unusually thoughtful  blog post












まだまだ進化途中ですもんね。 今後が楽しみなのはもちろんです。

Nobuyuki Tsujii, piano solo tour.

This tour, which started at the end of November, will be in the mid-point after the year-end stop in Kamakura (on the 26th, the tour resumes after the new year between February-March. )

The repertoire: Chopin first half, the second half  Liszt.

His delicate touch and soft pianissimo for elegant works is alive and well.

I was able to see him perform live for the first time in a long time, and was somewhat relieved that he has increased in strength.  I sense a "budding" in him, as if he is standing at a starting point just now, having  graduated from innocence. I  also sense a little of loneliness.  It is an ongoing evolution.  It will be interesting to see what the future holds for him.

Watching pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii with my mom on DVD   -tweet










































I finished reading "What color is the wind  today?" (Published by Ascom) by Itsuko Tsujii.  The child was born with a congenital disorder of "small eye".  The mother, although she loved the child, endured day-to-day struggles. The two of them fumbled their way, step-by-step, towards the road to a pianist.  It's extraordinary that, in spite of the struggle with such sufferings, the heart of young Tsujii has remained pure, and is owner of such rich and beautiful emotions.  He has grown up in good health and and poured his beautiful heart into the piano, with an ability of creating music beautiful enough to be compared with great masters. 

He has been called a genius, but as with any artistic genius, nothing is explained by the word "genius".  A gifted person,  expending effort more than anyone else, aiming at far more than anyone else, and is loved by the goddess of fortune -- when given the opportunity to blossom his talents, it is possible for him to fly towards the frontiers where no man has explored.  Such a rare opportunity seems to have been given to Mr. Tsujii.

One worries that when such a genius appears, big business will exploit it, trying to squeeze everything possible out of him.  I do not like this idea of growing of a genius. 

His own compositions of soft sound of Richard Clayderman style is full. It is very beautiful. But, it is not a way to real classical piano music ... Mr. Tsujii should compose only to satisfy his mind. Record a  CD from time to time at best, to play as encores, it is good in that extent. But let's hope that the composing does not distract from the original mission.  He should say no to various business offers.  TV programs are not necessary.  Let's leave such things as drama theme songs to other composers.   It is a tough and lonely road, but let's walk the high road as a musician.

Living in an isolated world, this senior admires stunning masterpieces of Mozart and Beethoven, brought out only by excellent performances of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I think this is the mission of the pianist, it is the way to a great pianist.

The sound of his (piano), to me, is not of this world, it is a special sound.






December 21, 2013

Piano concert

I went to the piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii tonight! ! The La Campanella of Liszt, I was very impressed. Was able to spend a good time with friends after a long time;  it was a fun end of the year.

Dec 22










Nobuyuki Tsujii CD [the Chopin/Liszt tour

I received a CD of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii from teacher Takeuchi.  The other day I went to a concert with her.

Takeuchi -san is from a College of Music and is very detailed, It is safe to go to a  concert with someone so knowledgeable.

I am very happy because I forgot to buy the CD as the sales floor was crowded at the time of the concert.

Christmas of this year, I will spend an elegant time  in Thailand while flowing in in  frankincens,e listening to this CD.

Dec 21

前も言ったけど、おいらの好きなピアニストは、プレトニョフ。林太郎。辻井伸行。文句あるか!I said so before, but my favorite pianists is Oira,

(Mikhail) Vasilievich Pletnev (Russian). Rintaro (Japanese). Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Is there a problem!

辻 井伸行さんのサントリー公演のチケットが発売から数時間で完売したそうなんだけど、クラシック部門で日本人でその人気って、差し当たり内田光子さんぐらい しか思い浮かばないんだけど、、(゚Д゚)スゴイネ  The ticket of the Suntory performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii seems to have been sold out from release in  hours. In the realm of Japanese classic, at present the only other that enjoys such popularity is Mitsuko Uchida.  Oita concert with good photos











Chopin & Liszt ~ Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano percussionist) recital iichiko Grand Theater

... Route 197 wascongested. Although I reached the venue just before curtain time, the  parking lot of the Grand Theatre was full.

Although finally found parking at a hotel, of course I was not in time for the first song of the recital.

Nocturne (posthumous work) In C sharp minor, No. 20 is music used in the movie "The Pianist".  I was disappointed not to get to hear that.

However, great Chopin and Liszt, I went home satisfied.  [A very long blog post by I think a young person who is really enthusiastic]



演 奏された曲に関しては、あとでupしておきますが、本当に素晴らしかったです!I have listened to many classical concerts this year, and each time I have been healed.  But I am really happy to listen to a great performance this time.  The concert on the 21st is like an early Christmas present .... I will talk about the works played later, but it was really great!



ア ンコール中に、少しお話もしてくださったのですが、私の地元に来るのは初めてだという事、自分は地元のものを食べるのが好きなので、某牛肉とウミタケを食 べましたという事を教えてくれました^^  When the performance was done, he gave a cute talk beteen encores.  He talked about his parents (thundersous applause), that he liked coming to this region for the first time and eating something local such as some beef and Umitake.





Then, he said he was glad that we listened with great concentration which made him happy ... I was thinking in private that it was curious that there was really hardly any noise at all except for some throat clearing, but only great enthusiastic appluse. 

And, I may be mistaken, but in the middle of the Campanella, I felt that the smoke was coming out of the piano ... to me the smoke was white, but I don't know what exactly ....

... なんにしても、いろんな意味で凄いものを見させていただき、聴かせて頂きました!


... Even so, it was great in so many ways!  I was really happy to get to hear it and be impressed.   Thank you ^ ^

. 辻井伸行ピアノリサイタル@佐賀市文化会館わず。やっと念願の生ピアノが聴けて感激!いつも思うんだけど、伸くんのピアノは人間を超えた存在が弾いている ような魔法の音♪(機械っぽいという意味ではない)やっぱ聴覚の発達がド級な分、普通の人とは全然違う音の世界が見えてるんだろうな。す げぇ!!Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recital @ Saga Cultural Center.   Finally got to listen to his long-cherished and inspiring piano!  I have always thought that Mr. Tsujii's music is magical, his sense of hearing beyond human.  His sound comes from a world completely different from normal people who see.   Wow! !  -tweet

今夜はピアニスト辻井伸行さんのリサイタルに行ってき ました! ショパンとリスト、どちらも大好きな作曲家だから素敵なクリスマスプレゼントになりました!!!^ ^ お昼は美味しいスペイン料理食べたし、幸せな1日だったな〜♫ I went to the recital of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii tonight! It was in a nice Christmas present, because Chopin and Liszt are both my favorite composers! ! !  We ate delicious Spanish cuisine for lunch, and were happy   -tweet

久しぶりにピアノリサイタルとか 行った   辻井伸行さん、目が見えんとは思えん。  私、一生かかってもショパンあんな綺麗にひけん。  めっちゃ、感動した  またピアノ行きたくなってしまったよ✌  I went to a  piano recital for the first time in a long time.  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, who cannot see.  Dor me, it was the most beautiful Chopin in my life time.  I was truly impressed.  I want to listen to his piano.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのリサイタル、ピアノから音楽があふれてる!Recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii, the music from the piano is everywhere!  -tweet

Dec 20/21

Mussorgski... Ballet des poussins dans leurs coques... Nobuyuki Tsujii... …  (Translated from French:    Mussorgski... Ballet of the Chicks in their shells ... Nobuyuki Tsujii... )  -tweet

ピアニストの辻井伸行さん オーケストラ楽団と共演






Stern Auditorium’s Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall

881 7th Ave.

(bet. 56th & 57th Sts.)

 Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii to perform with  Orpheus Chamber Orchestra  7:00 Saturday afternoon January 25, 2014, at Carnegie Hall. We invited a guest pianist,  Nobuyuki Tsujii from Tokyo, to perform a concert of  Beethoven works.

Overture "Coriolan", "Symphony No. 2 in D major," "Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat major (Emperor)" piece of music, etc..

From $ 29 (balcony seats) up to $ 110 admission (first tier seat).

Born with visual impairment in 1995, Tsujii won the # 1 of the All Japan Blind Students Music Competition instrumental music department piano at age 7.   In 2009, he was the first Japanese to win the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.

Dec 20

A few postings have come up about the Fukuoka recital.

スッピンで福岡辻井伸行は失礼でしょうか? Please excuse me but I am going to Fukuoka concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii without putting on makeup. -tweet

今日は、念願の辻井伸行です。 Today, long-awaited Nobuyuki Tsujii concert  -tweet

image via Internet link

4 回目の辻井伸行。 訳わからん、意味不明‼︎ってくらい凄かった。 最前列で指が鍵盤の上を舞ってるのがしっかり見えました。My fourth Nobuyuki Tsujii concert.   I do not know the  reason, Meaning unknown! ︎ There is something great about him, I was in the front row and saw his fingers hovering over the keyboard. -tweet

image via Internet link - Nobu played the same 2 encore - nocturne #8 and "Still we live on"

2013.12.19 (Thu)







2013.12.19 (Thu)

Nobuyuki Tsujii recital

ACROS Fukuoka

I went to the recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

It was a miracle.

He did not miss a note, and was filled with youthful energy, From character, It was a straightforward performance. I was impressed. To do that without sight! When I think of his effort, I cry.

辻 井伸行さんのコンサート、もう来年の5月頃迄、満席だわ・・・ (^^;;)   Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert around May of next year already, and , it has just sold out; ;)  [I think this tweet refers to  May 26 recital of classical and self-compositions, at Tokyo's Yomiuri Otemachi Hall - general release of individual tickets start at 10AM today so it's too soon to declare "sold out".  But we shall see what happens] [Footnote: when I checked just before noon on the 20th Japan time, tickets were sold out.]

辻 井伸行 ショパン&リスト良かった♪CD買っちゃった♪ I bought Chopin & Liszt CD of Nobuyuki Tsujii ♪ It is good  [photo shows autographed postcard beside CD so I believe this was bought at a Nobu concert.]

Dec 19









Nobuyuki Tsujii Piano Concert in Oita

The other day, I was held in iichiko Guranshiata

I went to the piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii!

Wow, too wonderful! !

Delicate, majestic, elegant, gorgeous, graceful, serene, bold, brilliant,

lyrical, heroic, heartbreaking, elegant, sensuous, passionate ...

Cannot be expressed in words ...

Dec 18/19

辻井伸行さんのコンサートチケットをGET  キャンセル待ちの立ち見席でした。  なかなかチケット取れないみたいです   ショパンとリスト♪   The only ticket that i can get for a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii is for a standing room waiting list.  I wish I could get tickets easily for his Chopin and Liszt.

昨日は辻井伸行さんの日本ツアー《ショパン&リスト》へ出かけました。  開演で早くも涙ぐみ、  アンコール2曲めの『それでも、生きてゆく』では、

涙 が零れ落ちました。  I went to "Chopin & list" Japan tour of Nobuyuki Tsujii yesterday.  Started tearing as soon as the curtain was raised. 

"Still, we live on" was played  in two encores, tears fell.

EXILE ATSUSHIが3月5日に2ndフルアルバム「Music」をリリースする。

「Music」 は前作「Solo」から約2年3カ月ぶりとなる新作。このアルバムには既発曲の「MELROSE ~愛さない約束~」「Colorful Love」「Real Valentine」「道しるべ」や、辻井伸行との共演作「それでも、生きてゆく」、久石譲とのコラボ曲「懺悔」に新曲を加えた全15曲が収録される。

EXILE ATSUSHI will release 2nd full album "Music" on March 5, of "Solo" and "Music"  This album contains  outstanding songs including , "Yuki lives on" with Nobuyuki Tsujii, collaboration song with Joe Hisaishi ...

津軽三味線とか、辻井伸行氏とかではだめだったのか? RT ASEAN首脳ディナーで「EXILE」と「AKB48」がショーを披露

Couldn't they put on Tsugaru shamisen, or a performance by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii? in reply to an earlier tweet: At ASEAN summit dinner, Japan pop groups "EXILE" and "AKB48"  performed

スッピンで福岡辻井伸行は失礼でしょうか?  Please excuse me but I am going to Fukuoka concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii without putting on makeup. -tweet













Impressed by the piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii! !

In Iichiko Grand Theatre in Oita, there was a piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii the other day

I went to see.

He played works by Chopin and Liszt; I shed tears for the beautiful tone played by him

A lot of people came. Brom being to end I thought it was a miracle that someone visually impaired could play so splendidly. I think  Tsujii is a genius of the piano.

Normally the music is learned by looking at a score.  He learns by ear completely.   I thought that it was his talent that enables him to master the music, a thing of genius.  The tour continues until the end of March.I hope his  splendid performance will impress the whole country.

In this blog post, the blogger wrote about the troubles that she went through to get a Nobu concert ticket, first by going online, then a Yahoo auction.  She ended up with two tickets, and gave one of them to someone else, who received it ecstatically.

A very long blog post with some interesting photos.  I think the blogger is an older male, and he seems quite taken with Nobu, mentioning many of his YouTube videos, ending with:





偶然、You Tubeでビデオを見つけて、開いてみて、仰天。









Nobuyuki Tsujii became very famous at the time of the Van Cliburn Competition, seemingly taking up the newspapers and on TV. 

In those days I had no interest of him at all, and could not wait for it all to go away after a while.

By chance I found the videos on YouTube, I was compelled to open them, aghast,

Hi , Hello , Mr. Tsujii !

What a funny little man I am.  So in my case, I learned to take new experiences.  When you are willing to try, encounters will happen.

If more so, I must go into the outside world - it is stupid to think that there is no time to do something.  I have to walk in my own life.

Dec 18

辻井伸行さん、ショパンよりもリストが良かったなあ。でもラカンパネラはフジコヘミングさんの方が好きだ な!  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's Liszt is better than Chopin.  But I prefer the La Campanella of Fujiko Hemming.  -tweet from 大分 Ōita

木曜の辻井伸行さんのコンサートが楽しみすぎて眠れない。 ショパン&リストの神選曲やし、 席も絶好の場所やし。  I can not sleep; concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii on Thursday is too much fun. Chopin and List are selections of god, Also a great seat.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート、チケット完売でダメだった(´Д` )行きたかった… Piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii, It was useless tickets sold out and I wanted to go ...  -tweet

Dec 17

[Comments on the 大分 Ōita are collected at 2013-14Tour_3]









Mr. Tsujii comes to Okayama in February (^ ^)

I was looking at the ticket outlet casually and discovered that I was able to take a ticket.  I wonder if it was because the performance is on a weekday.  Lucky!  His concerts have sold out in so many other prefecture.  I have only seen him on television, so I'm really looking forward to  listen to him live.  The ticket price is super higher, and I will have to spurge for transportation - I do wonder about the high ticket cost 14,000 yen ...

伊熊よし子『クラシックはおいしい アーティスト・レシピ』出版トークショーへ。料理上手な伊熊さんが取材で交流を深めた演奏家のイメージに添って作った料理と、その人物像を描いたエッセイ。ラン・ランの肉団子、辻井伸行のかに玉など美味しそう。 "Classic artist delicious recipes" (a book) by talk show host Ikuma Yoshiko. Recipes and images of food mentioned on interviews to Ikuma-san, a good cook, along with human-interest essays. Meat balls of Lang Lang, delicious Crab balls of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  -tweet

Dec 16 Japan Yahoo ask a question

Q: We are fortunate that Nobuyuki Tsujii has filled his glass so much that now it is overflowing with music plus a positive attitude.

の訳を教えてください。 (  How to translate)

A: 辻井伸行氏が自らの器をたっぷり満たし、今やそれが音楽だけでなく前向きな生き方であふれていることが、私たちには幸いなことである。

Billboard Japan Top Classical Albums 2013/12/16

 2.  英雄ポロネーズ、ラ・カンパネラ〜日本ツアー《ショパン&リスト》スペシャルCD 辻井伸行

ec 15


この日は、駒形十吉記念美術館にも行く予定。 どちらも母への親孝行のつもりだけど、私も楽しみだな~o(^-^) …  Nobuyuki Tsujii tickets for March 2 Nagaoka Municipal Theatre .  Somehow got it on the last day of   Lyric Friends  priority reservation. The concert has already sold out. I am  planning to go to Komagata Jukichi Memorial Museum of Art on that day.  Both out of filial piety for my mother, but I also look forward to it!





Piano performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii


After three attempts, I was finally able to hear a live performance of Mr. Tsujii at the Great Hall Kitara on  December 11

It was a night of bliss that is difficult to express in words.





Piano performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii

After three attempts, I was finally able to hear a live performance of Mr. Tsujii at the Great Hall Kitara on  December 11

It was a night of bliss that is difficult to express in words.













Once a year I go to listen to the piano of  Mr.Tsujii, I heard a lot of nice sound this time. 

He is not just fine compared with other pianists.

His tone is very gentle. And his love of the piano comes across.

He has never been able to see the score, how does he manage organizingthe notes in his head?  I cannot imagine.

Listening to the wonderful performance, I was impressed again this time, and I received an inspiration: the power of living to the fullest. 

The ending encore was "revolution".  The physical strength that he has left is amazing.  I want to listen to him again next year.

Dec 14/15

盲目の天才ピアニスト、辻井伸行氏がラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲を演奏してい たが、観ていて思った。指揮者を常に見て、ピッチとかの調整をしないといけないと思うのだが、辻井氏は、自分の感覚だけで弾いている。この場合の指揮者 は、辻井氏に合わせざるを得ない。これ、重大な支障だ。どうするんだ?I have been watching blind genius Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii playing the piano concerto of Rachmaninoff. I think you need to always look at the conductor to adjust things such as the pitch.  In the case of Mr. Tsujii, he is only playing with his remaining senses.  A conductor in this case is forced to go along with Mr. Tsujii.  This is a serious problem.  But what can you do?  -tweet

An interesting discussion thread on Japan Yahoo.  The questioner asked if others also perceive a significant growth in Nobu since the Cliburn victory, and there were 4 responses.  I think all but one was positive, and the top answer says Nobu's Rach 2 performed this year (as seen on YouTube) is night and day from his earlier performances, and (s)he wishes that Nobu could re-record that work [and I agree.]

音楽の友 2014年1月号 "Friends of Music" January 2014 edition

... ●Rondo

辻井伸行ベルリンのフィルハーモニーホール・デビュー  Nobuyuki Tsujii Berlin Philharmonic Chamber Hall debut ...

[This was re-tweeted by the magazine]

Dec 14 - a newsy day!

Breaking news

British singer pop/opera singer Sarah Brightman sings the theme song of new Sakurai movie "Keep the light"! Composer Nobuyuki Tsujii.  The movie, to be released on March 21, is a sequel to the 2011 film 神様のカルテ (In God's Chart), a drama about doctors and patients at a hospital.  Nobu wrote the theme song for that movie and it was a big hit - In 2011 Nobu released a best-selling self-compositions album with the film's name.  For the sequel, Ms. Brightman will sing in English a rendition of that composition with lyrics written  by 夏川草介 Natsukawa Sosuke (the author of the books on which the movies are based.)

I like this blog post by "Cathy", who was at Suntory Hall last night with her husband.  [See 2013-14Tour_2  for more]



今夜は夫の待ち望んだ辻井伸行Japan Tour @サントリーホールでした。




Nobuyuki Tsujii at Suntory Hall - Decmeber 13

Tonight was the  Nobuyuki Tsujii's Japan Tour @ Suntory Hall that my husband and I looked forward to.

My husband really loves to play the piano, and this is an artist that he asked to arrange for concert tickets. 


Husband continued to applause hard, and seemed sincerely pleased with encore of two songs.  On this cold night with the weekend coming up, the hearts of this couple were  warmly aligned, thanks to Mr. Tsujii.

辻 井伸行さんの一般発売、電話もPCも大混雑で、発売時間を7分過ぎてやっと繋がったけど、予想どうりsold outですた。。。先行予約にハズれた時点でダメだね。残念。ま、その分、代金が返ってきた♪ Nobuyuki Tsujii general release .  PC and phones were busy, and 7 minutes after the launch time it was predictably sold out. . . Advanced reservation was no good.  A disappointment.  We did get our money back.  -tweet


辻井伸行さんです♪ …完売orz  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii - it's sold out  -tweet

辻 井伸行さんの前売りチケット買うために早起きしたけど、開店10分で全公演完売って…(°_°) 行きたかった…And got up early to buy advance tickets of Nobuyuki Tsujii, but in 10 minutes I opened all performances sold out ... (° _ °)  I wanted to go .  -tweet

親 にリクエストされた辻井伸行さんの来年3月のチケット、受付スタート時間からずっと繋がらず、、やっと繋がったと思ったら予定枚数全て完売。。あっという 間ですねぇ。辻井さんの演奏を一度生で!という母みたいな方々が一杯いるのね。Parents requested tickets of Nobuyuki Tsujii for next March.  Right from the launch time I could not get through.   By the time I finally got through all the tickets were sold out.  It happened so quickly.  Shewant to see Tsujii once in her life time - there must be lots of people like my mother.    -tweet

辻 井伸行さんのチケット取れなかったーorz やっぱり一般で先着は無謀でした。第一サイト繋がんないし!激戦区すぎ!楽しみにしてただけあってショック…( ;_; ) I could not get tickets for Nobuyuki Tsujii - it was brutal.  And it wasn't even the first site!  What a battleground!  Shocked.  I was so looking forward to it.  -tweet

今日発売の、来年サントリーホールで行う辻井伸行のショパン&リスト...うっかりしてたら既に売り切れ( ̄O ̄;)  Released today, Chopin & list of Nobuyuki Tsujii performing at Suntory Hall next year ...  I was careless and it is already sold out.   -tweet

辻井伸行日本ツアー「ショパン&リスト」大宮ソニックのチケット取れなかった  I did not get the ticket Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour "Chopin & list" of Omiya Sonic  -tweet

There is now a web site for the book "Nobuyuki Tsujii - miracle of sound", about the 12-year relationship between Nobu and his childhood piano teacher Mr. Masahiro Kawakami

image via Internet link [a blog about classical concerts in Osaka - The blogger had just discovered the announcement of  Super Classic Concerts at Aichi Arts Theatre]

... 僕が調べた限りでは、ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィルはひょっとして今回が初来日公演









詳細発表が楽しみです。 ...

... As far as I can tell,  this is the first visit to Japan of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic.  The conductor, Vasily Petrenko. did appear with the Oslo Philharmonic.  The Symphony No. 10 of Shostakovic is very enjoyable. Nobuyuki Tsujii is to accompany, Rachmaninoff  Piano Concerto No. 3

Because of him playing, ticket would probably be very difficult to get.


Because of Tsujii, it will probably be sold out immediately. But I think .... If there is no performance in Osaka, then I will consider making a trip.

The conductor of the season with the pianist of the season .  I look forward to further details...

December 12

[This blog, "Colors of the wind"  is devoted to the performances of Nobu!  In this post, the blogger describes in details Nobu's Chopin/Liszt recital, which she attended for the second time in Niigata on Dec 3, after attending the tour's first performance in Tokyo on Nov 16.  Unlike other posts, this blogger wrote about each track.  The post is too long for complete translation, I show below excerpts, with English translation]

12/3 辻井伸行 日本ツアー《ショパン&リスト》 / 松戸・森のホール21

2013.12.12 Thursday

1曲目は「ノクターン 20番」。



今日、やばいいい。 ...

「ノクターン 18番」も、きれいすぎて、たまりません。


いつもよりさらに力が抜けてるのかな? やわらかい、やわらかい、感じです。...





The first track "Nocturne No. 20". As soon as the first sound rang, I felt my cells softening.  The sound was  moist and incredibly, sexy.  It may have to do with the sound generated right in the middle of each strike of the keys. Today, it is a good rush. ...

Also "Nocturne No. 18", it is too beautiful, irresistible.

The fine sound is clean, shining, exquisite touch.  I wonder if he wa applying less power than usual? Soft, soft, I felt. ..

The "Funeral March", started with a deep sound that stick into my chest this time.  Unlike the beautiful sound of the previous three songs, this last song resonate deeply.  If I was  lulled into a calm, that was good too


Dec 11

[Many comments about the Kitara concert - see 2013-14Tour_1]

今夜は初、 辻井伸行くんのコンサートでキタラヘ。 いつもチケットが取れないので、 お誘い頂き感謝です。 今夜の演奏がたのしみ

First thing tonight, Kitara Hall concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun. I could never get the ticket, and am grateful for the invitation. Looking forward to the performance tonight.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのサントリーボール当たった~!楽しみ♪ Nobuyuki Tsujii Suntory lottery success! Fun ♪

サントリーホール公式アカウント ‏@SuntoryHall_PR Suntory Hall official account tweeted

【メンバーズ会員先行12/12のみ】来年3/28辻井伸行(ピアノ)日本ツアー「ショパン&リスト」、ショパン:ソナタ第2番「葬送」、リスト:愛の夢第3番ほか演奏します。会員は即日入会可、会費無料です。 3/28 next year [12/12 advance sale for members only] Nobuyuki Tsujii (piano) Japan tour "Chopin & List", Chopin: No. 2 Sonata "Funeral", Liszt: Dream of Love No. 3. Same day admission allowed, no membership fee

[Editorial: Suntory Hall, recognizing the popularity of Nobu, is using Nobu's last stop on his Chopin/Liszt tour at Suntory Hall for its membership drive.]

Dec 10

東海テレビ「スーパークラシックコンサート2014-2015」が発表になったが、相も変わらず最長で1年も先のチケットを売るという呆れたことをやるの が残念。タコ10は聴きたいが、不得意科目ラフマニノフのピアノが辻井伸行だからチケットをいつ買えばいいのか悩む。速攻売切れはないだろうが。 Tokai TV "Super classical concerts 2014-2015" was announced, but it is amazing that they are selling tickets more than a year in advance! Although I want to listen to  Shostakovich 10 [the symphony, which is on the program of Nobu's concert].  I don't care for Rachmaninoff but because it is Nobuyuki Tsujii on the piano, that will probably sell out fast.  -tweet

image via Internet link


梅 村直承撮影 Nobuyuki Tsujii received the Daily News Braille Culture award from the newspaper's president on December 10, 2013 in Tokyo

[More on this article at News from Japan]

Shuman Associates ‏@ShumanPR tweeted:

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra performs all-#Beethoven program with pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii at Carnegie Hall Saturday,...

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra performs all-#Beethoven program with pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii during Florida tour in...

Posted on December 10: [Facebook page of Shuman Associates]

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra performs all-#Beethoven program with pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii during Florida tour in January 2014

Concerts feature Beethoven’s Overture to Coriolan, Symphony No. 2 in D Major, and Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat Major, 'Emperor'

Special cocktail hour, dinner, and post-concert reception to be held in West Palm Beach on Sunday, January 19


第50回点字毎日文化賞の授賞式。辻井伸行さんもそうだが、お母さんのいつ子さんは、それはそれは素敵な人だった。The 50th Braille Daily Culture Award. The mother of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, Itsuko, was there. She is a very nice person.  -tweet

辻井伸行日本ツアーいよいよ明日です(*^▽^)/★*☆♪癒されてきます(*^^*)Nobuyuki Tsujii is a Japan tour tomorrow. I'll be healed. -tweet

辻井伸行のピアノリサイタルが佐賀市民であるとわ!! 普通に見に行きたいレベルなのに、バイトで入れて無料で聴けてお金も貰えるとか神! Piano recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii for the Saga citizens! ! Though it is not on a level that I want to go to see normally, I want to listen for free or get money for it, god willing. -tweet

Dec 9

天気予報は曇りのち雪。一旦とけた雪も昨日から積りました。教会のクリスマスの準備や仕事も師走で更に忙しい ですが、今週はお誘い頂いた辻井伸行くんのコンサートがあるので楽しみです。Weather forecast cloudy and snowy.  Snow removed yesterday has piled up again .  Busy with work and  preparation of Christmas at church, but looking forward to the fun of  a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.   -tweet

Nobuyuki Tsujii to Play Carnegie Hall, 1/25

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra continues its four-concert series at Carnegie Hall with its first-ever all-Beethoven program, focusing on the composer's middle period when hearing loss and difficult personal issues were beginning to affect his work. Orpheus will be joined by joint Gold Medal winner of the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, Nobuyuki Tsujii, making his Carnegie Hall orchestral debut in a performance of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat Major, Emperor. ..

明日は10日か!! 辻井伸行コンサートの抽選発表日だ!! サンタさん、私はいい子でした!!! さぁぁぁああああああこい!

Oh! ! ? The 10th tomorrow! !  It's the announcement date of the lottery for Nobuyuki Tsujii concert!!  Santa, I have been a good girl! ! !

【音楽】辻井伸行の弾くラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第二番を初めて聞いたけど、少しだけ繊細さに欠けて荒々しさを感じるのは気のせいかな?全体的にテンポも速い気がする。 <performance at the 2013 Proms>  -   [music]I heard the second Piano Concerto of Rachmaninoff played by Nobuyuki Tsujii for the first time, but I feel a little harshness and lack of  delicacy.  I wonder if it is my imagination? I feel the tempo is fast tempo on the whole.  - tweet



昨夜(というより今朝)放送があった「LAST NIGHT」を録画して1時間ほど観ました。...

放 送では出て来ませんでしたが、今年、辻井伸行クンがプロムスデビューを果たしました。着実に世界的ピアニストの階段を登ってますねぇ。流れる様な演奏、素 晴らしいです。ただ、私ごときが言うのもなんですが、体格の問題は如何ともし難いでしょうか。「力感」という点では物足りなさを感じます。プロレスラーみ たいなデニス・マツーエフとかと比べたら可哀想ですよね。


BBC Proms 2013

I watched for about an hour a broadcast of Proms "LAST NIGHT". ...

It's not on this broadcast, but this year Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii played a Proms debut. He has climbed the stairs of global pianist steadily. His  performance, like flowing water, is great. However, his physique is of concern.  I feel a lacking of something in terms of "Rikikan". He seems puny compared to someone like Dennis Matsuev, who is built like a professional wrestler.

Dec 8 ラムダ音楽日記 Music Diary




「このドビュッシーも聴きてを感動に導き、忘れ難く想わせるひとつの『徳』をそなえている。」「人気曲ばかり集めているが、その演奏が本当にすばらし い。・・・・・・瑞々しい輝きを放つ美音と、音楽への強い同化力がどの曲にも生きている。」というように、絶賛といっていいのではないでしょうか。

ジャケット写真を見ると、辻井さんがずいぶん大人っぽくなったように思いました。そのことと演奏に関係はないのかもしれませんが、素人考えでは、辻井さん の音楽も一段と成長したのかなと思ってしまいます。しかし、辻井さんの成長は、まだまだ続くことでしょうから、どこまで行くのかさらに楽しみです。

Nobuyuki Tsujii Debussy Works

In the "Recording Arts" [a Japanese magazine], I read a review of the  Debussy CD of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

The tracks of Two Arabesque, Bergamasque suite, Island of Joy, Dream were singled out and given high marks.

 "This Debussy is an impressive listen, and although the songs are familiar, it is difficult not to see the virtuosity."  "The performance is outstanding ... and the sound emits a lush shine.  Each song is alive with his strong ability to assimilate the music", and so on.  I think it is fair to say that those are rave reviews.

Looking at the cover photo, I thought Tsujii is very much like an adult.  My layman's view may not be related to the performance, but I wonder if he will grow further and where it will lead.  I look forward to his future direction.

辻井伸行のチケット、絶対とる。絶対聴きたい。 Tickets for Nobuyuki Tsujii, I will take absolutely. I definitely want to listen to him.  -tweet

友 達がたまプラの産院で出産したらしい。ピアニスト辻井伸行さんの親の産院!!実家こんな近くにあったとはね。。。  My friends gave birth at the clinic owned by the parents of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii!  I was there near the home.  -tweet

Dec 7

image via Internet link - note how crowded the venue (1,800 seats) was at an afternoon concert on a weekday - Nobu's draw in Japan is amazing.

... 曲目もショパン&リストと聴き応えがありました。





...  Listened to the Chopin & Liszt works; the playing was great, is all I can say.

There was a power of expression, and a powerful touch that gave me goose bumps.

He is a genius pianist that Japan is proud of!

I also bought the "Chopin & Liszt" CD that was just launched yesterday ...

Dec 6



夜に出かけることは珍しい。最近は早寝早起きの習慣が付いて、演奏中でも居眠りするのではないかと心配した。 ...







December 6 My heart trembled at the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii

I went to Nagoya by train yesterday evening. Going out at night is rare. I stick to the habit of early to bed and early to rise, and I worried that I might fall asleep during a performance, as I did recently.  ...

First track, Nocturne - the "posthumous work" of Chopin. Heart was trembling! This song is memorable. Before my mother passed away one year ago, I went by car to the hospital, and at the admission desk a piano CD is played. It is heard every day, this "posthumous work" of Chopin. ... Suntory Hall Members Club web page

Currently (Dec 6), you can see a list of ticket release dates for prominent upcoming performances - topping the list are Nobu (March 28), Lang Lang (4/26 & 4/27) and Kissin (5/1 and 5/4). I'd wager to say that Nobu's tickets will be sold out first (in addition to Nobu's popularity in Japan, they are also much less expensive :-)

Dec 5

こ のあとは、辻井伸行さんのピアノを聴きます。 日本ツアー≪ショパン&リスト≫ @ 愛知県芸術劇場 コンサートホール After this, I get to listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano. Japan tour «Chopin & Liszt» @ Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Concert Hall http://Instagram.Com/P/HiPVeHsOFU/

ママと辻井伸行のピアノコンサート( ^ω^ ) With Mom at Nobuyuki Tsujii piano concert

念願の辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタル!今回はショパンとリスト。 ここでは書ききれないくらい感動! 永遠の憧れ。癒し。たまに涙。 聴きたかった曲も生で聴けて感無量。 辻井さんの弾き方は優しい気持ちにさせてくれるんだよなあ。大満足◎

Long awaited piano recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii!  Chopin and Liszt this time. And impressed enough to write here! The longing for eternity. Healing. Tears once in a while. Songs I wanted to hear also filled with deep emotion on listening live. Tsujii's playing makes me feel his gentleness. Great satisfaction


image via Internet link

辻 井伸行サン!ピアノソロをきいてきました! やっとチケットが取れて、いけたから、嬉しい O(≧∇≦)o アンコールあって、全てが感動! Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! I've heard his piano solo! Was able to get ticket and finally able to go.  Glad to hear encores, all the excitement!

名古屋に辻井伸行さんのコンサート聴きに行ってきた〓 めっちゃ感動(T-T) 聴けてよかった〜! そして改名、〓いちご〓 (笑) 大好き(*^^*)

I went to hear a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii in Nagoya - it was good.  Truly impressed. that And renamed, strawberries  (laughs) I love it. 

本日は辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタルへ。 時に激しく、時に優しく、時に情熱的に。 彼の奏でる音の世界にドップリと浸かってきた! 特にリストの超絶技巧の演奏はブラボーの一言!! 大感動のステージだった~♪

Today I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recital. Sometimes violently, sometimes gently, sometimes passionate. I immersed myself in the world of sound made by him! The performance of the transcendence art of Liszt in particular deserves a word of Bravo!!  It was an exciting performance.

辻 井伸行のリサイタルに行ってきました! 音が綺麗すぎるぜー ショパンのノクターンはもっともっと表現を磨いたら、化けそう。年齢も関係あるかなー ほかは本当素晴らしかった。また行きたい I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's recital!  The Chopin nocturnes were very beautiful.  His  expression has become more and more, seemingly  more disguised. It is true that performance improves with age. I want to hear him again.


 I went to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. The sound has a sense of transparency, and somewhat disturbing, powerful somehow, and there was a sublime beauty. I was very happy during the concert


Nobuyuki Tsujii was great. Piano sound sprang forth like water in a fountain.

圧巻!リスト!辻井伸行、素晴らしかった!The best part! Liszt! Nobuyuki Tsujii , it was great!

Dec 4/5  This  blogger loves figure-skating and went to Nobu's Chiba performance with her two daughters.  It was her 3rd time at his concerts, and she seems as much in love with him as ever.  She wrote that at this performance, Nobu played Chopin's nocturne No. 8 and "still we live" for encores.

辻 井さんって   1曲終るごとに立ってお辞儀したり   観客のいない壁に向ってお辞儀したり・・・  ちょっと胸が痛くなる・・・。 でも人懐っこい笑顔がカワイイ Mr. Tsujii stood and bowed at the end of every song; he bowed to a wall where there was no audience.  My chest ached a little.  But his friendly smile is so cute.

Dec 4

明日は辻井伸行さんのコンサート♬初やでワクワク(>ω<) Tomorrow Nobuyuki Tsujii at concert - first time, excited   -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサートまであと1週間(*^ー^)ノ♪ リストのペトラルカのソネット 第104番から勉強再開です(*^▽^)/★*☆♪

One week to go for the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii one week to go ♪ Great!  I have just resumed learning Liszt's first sonnet of Petrarca No. 104   -tweet

This blogger (Kuro)  made a list of concerts that he attended this year and considers Nobu's Debussy recital at Suntory Hall to be the best.


... 1位を付けるなら、それはやはり辻井伸行君です。僕に取っては2008年、彼が19歳の時にはじめてサントリーホール大ホールで演奏したとき以来の、サン トリーホールでのソロリサイタル。ところが!チケット取れなかったんですよ、1枚しか。僕もハーマイオニーさん(奥様=魔女)も聞きたかったので、仲良く 半分こ(^_^;)。つまり前半のドビュッシーをハーマイオニーさん(奥様=魔女)が、後半のショパンを僕が聞きました。いつも通りアンコールが盛りだく さんで僕の方が得でしたね。ショパンはもちろん素晴らしいし、アンコールの最後「花は咲く」では感動しました。


Concerts I went to in 2013

... In the first place, it is still Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. It was in 2008 that I heard him play at Suntory Hall Great Hall for the first time at the age of 19, solo recital at Suntory Hall. This time, we could only manage to get one ticket.  Because my wife (the witch :-) and I both wanted to hear him, we took turns.  My wife heard the Debussy in the first half, and I heard the Chopin in the second half, where he gave lots of encores as usual.  The Chopin was great, and I was impressed.  "Flowers bloom" played at the end was very moving.

By the way, at this very moment, Debussy of Mr. Tsujii is flowing in the room, the CD that came out the other day. We found it most helpful tol= listen to it in a quiet feeling at night. Tsujii's  Debussyis good. I wonder if he would also make a collection of works by Ravel and Poulenc  ... by all means.

Dec 3/4

Miyuki wrote: I found this blog post about the Chiba recital

The blogger wrote she doesn't know much about classical music, but I really like the way she described Nobu's playing.




透 明のガラスとガラスが、しゃらしゃらとぶつかりあう澄んだ音色のような。The sound of the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii is as if I have entered a  different component to the sound of the piano.   It is in the sunlight of spring, such as thin snow meltflowing brilliantly.  The sound is clear as sparkling glass

Miyuki found another blog post about the Shimane recital "This blogger wrote Nobu's music shook her whole body."


















Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert, by express train.

Tickets for "Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan Tour" are hard to come by.  I and my daughter took the limited express train to Masuda Gurantowa .

Since I travel by car everyday, I only have the opportunity to take the train a few times a year. ...

How many years have it been since I saw Mr. Sado hugging Nobu-kun on the "Concert with no title" show on TV?  He is also of the same age as my second son.  I rented a CD of Mr. Tsujii after watching  a program in which he appeared.

To have a chance to listen to him play live, it was like a dream.

Thanks to my daughter who got the tickets from the Friends of the Gurantowa.

Chopin was played generously in the first half, after a break of 20 minutes, he played 6 songs by Liszt with increasing feeling.

It was surprised that hearing a piano recital for the first time, my whole body is shaken by the sound, which seemed to pour in lengthwise like a thunder from the top of the head.

In response to applause, he came back on the stage and played many times,

And like a mother I thought "Sure you want to play more?" , but he seems  still like my young son.

I was charmed by the last song, "Still, we live"; he put his heart and young energy in it.

Mr. Tsujii, 25-year-old, grows with each passing year.  It was a joy to see him.

Dec 3

今日は念願の辻井伸行氏のコンサート。 半休もらっていくのだ。楽しみー。

Today is the long-cherished concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. I am taking half a day off.  Comfort and joy.  -tweet

会 社を12:30に退出し、14:00開演の辻井伸行さんのリサイタルの行なわれる松戸市の森のホール21に向けて移動中。昼飯を食べる時間がない。武蔵野 線新八柱駅を目指す。 Leaving work at 12:30 for the 14:00 recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii at the Hall of Matsudo Mori 21.  Do not have time to eat lunch. I am heading to Musashino Shinpachi pillar station.  -tweet

Dec 2/3

明日は待ちくたびれた、辻井伸行さんのコンサートなんです☆ なんてったって、ショパン&リスト 愛の夢、弾いてくれますように。

I am tired of waiting for tomorrow, for a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii ☆ I want him to play Chopin & Liszt Dream of love -tweet

In this blog post, the blogger describe a talk by Mr. Kawakami, Nobu's piano teacher for 12 years since age 6. As described, Mr. Kawakami spoke of how he found, by trial and error, the best way to teach Nobu.

The blogger found the talk moving, and concluded:

才 能は人と違う部分、人と違う形で出てくる場合があるので相手の立場に何処まで立てるか、理解できるのかがとっても大切だということです。 人の才能は無限だという、Every person is talented in a different way. It can show up completely differently from others. It is very important for us to check and understand that the talent of people is infinite.

Mr. Kawakami, photo via Internet link

Dec 2 <blog of a pottery maker>






I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii piano concert in Gurantowa.

It has been a long time, and I was thrilled to see so many, many great people there.

It was excellent. The gentle tone projected strongly and clearly.

The piano was played from the heart ... it touched me.

辻 井伸行のチケット発売日わすれてたー(´;ω;`)もちろん完売してるし、、ショック(´;ω;`)せっかく長岡に来るのにーーーーあーーーー I have forgotten ticket release date of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  They are sold out of course, and I am shocked.  And I was so looking forward to him coming to Nagaoka. ーーーー Oh ーーーー   -tweet

Dec 1/2

December 1

Orpheus Signs Two-Year Collective Bargaining Agreement ... During the 2013-14 season Orpheus performs in New York City for its four-concert series at Carnegie Hall with soloists including jazz pianist Brad Mehldau, clarinetist Martin Frost, pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, and violinist Christian Tetzlaff. Orpheus will be in residency at the Cartagena Festival Internacional de Música in Colombia in January and embark on a major ten-concert international tour with Mr. Tsujii to Japan in February. In addition Orpheus will do a five-concert domestic tour with Japanese-American violinist, Ryu Goto.

辻井 伸行さんグラントワコンサート行って来ました。ラ・カンパネラ鳥肌ものでした。I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's Gurantowa concert. I got goose bumps listening to  La Campanella - tweet

辻 井伸行コンサートに行って来た母親がすごくよかったって言ってた。私も行きたかったけど、日曜の昼間に出掛けるの面倒で…(うそ。いつでも出掛けるの面倒 です…)。あとピアノはブーニン聴きに行った時に寝ちゃって…それがトラウマになってる。 My mother went to Nobuyuki Tsujii;s concert and said it was really good. I also wanted to go, but ... it is troublesome to go out during the day on Sunday (a lie -- it is a bother to go out at any time ...) I felt asleep when I went to listen to Bunin, and since then listening to piano is a trauma-tweet

辻 井伸行チケット争奪、家族ジャンケン大会開催しました。大盛り上がり。結果は、母、次男の2人が勝って、チケットゲット。AKBのジャンケン大会より興奮 しました。陽気な家族です。Nobuyuki Tsujii ticket scramble, the family got into a rock, paper, scissors tournament. Large climax. The result, mother and the second son  won the tickets. I was excited from rock-paper-scissors tournament of AKB. It was a cheerful family. <I believe this is the person whose previous posting lamented that (s)he was only able to get 2 tickets for Nobu's Osaka stop on his solo tour. :->  -tweet <Many thanks to Miyuki for spotting this post.  It shows how in demand Nobu's recitals are in Japan, but my heart goes out to the blogger.>






















「何十年生きているんだ、おじさんは。」 と言われそうだ。

 I miss the big fish again

November 30, 2013

"Nobuyuki Tsujii piano concert" in Nagaoka in March next year.

My wife and I want to go and tried to make reservation for two tickets.

Advance ticket sale points were

① Lawson voice telephone reservation

② Online reservation (subscription required)

③ Lyric Hall member reservation

④ Lyric Hall general release

I was looking at them indulgently.

Today was the ban was lifted for  ① ② ④

An uncle worked there, and so  ④ was the target.   Because the day was a holiday and sales was to start at 9:00, we should arrive at around 8:30. 

However, we were misinformed.

At  8:30, we were told that tickets have sold out and we should try elsewhere.   Perhaps people started lining up before 8:00.

We called ① immediately, but  that place was already sold out already.

Somehow, it was not possible to open search for ②. I wonder if it had sold out already? ? .

For option ③, I paid membership fee  (1500 yen to 2000 yen / year) to become Lyric members. It was too late to become a member  now ....

All tickets were sold ... ... Tohoho swallowed tears.

I learned that for something, early action is essential ...

I would like to say "We have lived for decades, uncle."

Dec 1

Posted on the site 島根県芸術文化センター「グラントワ」Shimane Arts Center "Gurantowa


2013/11/30 | インフォメーション



Information update  December 1 (Sun), for the "Nobuyuki Tsujii 'Chopin & List ' Japan tour", parking congestion is expected.

We apologize for the inconvenience to customers of the Iwami Art Museum and the Iwami Art Theater, but visitors are advised to please make use of public transportation such as bus , taxi, etc. as much as possible

 辻井伸行コンサートに来ています♪スペシャルランチのでデザート。  渋皮栗アイスと洋風ぜんざい(^-^)   Coming to the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Enjoying Wester style dessert

photo of delicious looking dessert, image via Internet link

Is this an honor for Nobu? :-) (^_^) Tokyo sports news Top place in the popular "faces of the year" goes to 31 year old Mami Sato, Paralympic women's long-jump athlete; 2nd place is 35 year old female wrestler Kyoko Hamaguchi; Nobu is the third.