2012-13 Japan tour part 5

 Nov 22  3PM  Kanagawa 神奈川, Nov 24 3PM Saitama , Nov 27 7PM Sapporo 札幌 , Nov 29  Kanagawa 神奈川 7PM Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall  横浜みなとみらいホール

 Nov 22 3PM  Kanagawa 神奈川

image via internet link

This is the first of two concerts in Kanagawa.  This one is a matinee performance, and although it is completely sold out,  tickets were easier to have than the other concert, which will take place on a weekend on Nov. 29. 


これから辻井伸行さんのコンサート!! Now, Mr.  Nobuyuki Tsujii in concert!

い まから、 辻井伸行さんの ピアノコンサートへ🎵 (o^^o) 🎹 🎼 すごくたのしみです ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡   Coming up, Mr. Nobuyuki's concert -- I am really going to enjoy it.


Nobuyuki Tsujii Viano concert has finished just now.  Lovely. I adore it!  Four songs for  encore.  Words cannot describe.  -tweet

よ こすか芸術劇場にて辻井伸行ピアノコンサートを鑑賞。 前半はドビュッシー、後半はショパンでどちらも素晴らしかった! アンコールもたくさん答えてくれました。お父様が横須賀生まれなんだって! Yokosuka Arts Theatre in Nobuyuki Tsujii watch piano concert. Debussy first half, Chopin second half -- both were great! He responded with a lot of Angkor. His father was born in  Yokosuka!

界的ピアニストの辻井伸行くんは天才だと実感した夜 This evening I realized that world famous pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii is a genius.

辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート🎹 感動して泣いちゃいました (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩ ) I was moved to tears by the piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

辻井伸行のツアー、横須賀で聴いてきました。アンコールはショパンの「別れの曲」「革命」、震災復興の祈りを込めた「それでも、生きてゆく」「花が咲く」。 pic.twitter.com/ObAz2EBd <photo of concert program> I have been listening to  Nobuyuki Tsujii tour concert in Yokosuka.  Encores were Chopin "Revolution" and" farewell", "Still, we live" and "Flowers bloom".  -tweet


 辻井伸行のコンサートいってきた^^ほんとすごかった!感動して何回も泣きそうになってしまった…( ; _ ; )/喜びの島も版画も全部よかったし、私の好きなスケルツォ2番!もう唖然って感じだったヽ(;▽;)ノ  pic.twitter.com/iSykTGFr  <photo of stage> Concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii was really amazing!  I ended up almost crying many times with emotion!  It was all too good.  Prints/Pleasure Islandand  Scherzo No. 2 are  my favorite ... feeling stunned.  -tweet


http://blog.goo.ne.jp/o-hibikoujitu/e/109f96c7b54a7ea1aa6a277d69ef2758 <a blog by a retired gentleman in his 60s>


Weblog / 2012-11-25 22:41:37

















Nobuyuki Tsujii 2012/13 Japan Tour

Yesterday I went to a concert that I desired.

I was really looking forward to have a ticket to buy about half a year ago.

Nobuyuki Tsujii performs concerts in the world of music, andhis young  delicate playing is really impressive

I was able to enjoy myself, forgetting for the moment the daily humdrum.

He came out on stage five times to perform encores.

Thesecond song was Chopin's " farewell " and the third a song about the earthquake .

In "Still we live", which he composed, I heard a very friendly melody.

 Tears were naturally flowing down my cheeks.  Two friends later told me that they also shed tears.

Everyone was impressed by the audience-friendly gentle strong performances of classicical music.

Fourth encore was the song that NHK has been playing constants since  the earthquake, "flowers bloom" was it.

The fifth time he praised the "flowers bloom"  CD <on sale> in the concert hall and urged the  audience to support  the Great East Japan Earthquake

He bowed and said please buy the CD. Repeated four times a deep bow at every encores until then,

A cute gesture that struck the chest.

There was something coming to chest gesture without looking at the cuteness that say

In the lobby, they were selling the "flowers bloom" CD and I purchased a "God's medical chart" original songs album.

I have a desire to listen to him and I look forward to seeing his performances in later years.

Nov 24 3PM Saitama  所沢市民文化センター Tokorozawa Civic Cultural Center (MUSE)


 image via  internet link

 image via internet link

Special comments from a Nobu fan on the NobuFans facebook page:

" 所沢市アークホールでの公演は、ご本人もコメントされてましたがホールの響きが良くお客様も集中して聴いて下さるので嬉しいと。。。きっとピアノから近い 場所の方は気がついていたと思いますが、一曲弾き終わる度に満面の笑顔でニコっとされる表情が何とも言えず、本当に大満足なんだなぁ~と思いました。心か ら、どうしてこんなに胸を打つ演奏が出来るのか?どうして感情豊かに心臓がドキドキする演奏が出来るのか?と最初からアンコールまで同じ気持ちで聴く事が 出来て嬉しい気持ちが数日、過ぎても持続してます!!

Performance in the Tokorozawa concert hall, I was very happy to be in the audience ... I sat close to the piano.  Every time he finished playing there was a broad smile on his face, looking very happy.  I felt like my chest was beating when he played.  And emotionally my heart was pounding.  I was happy from the beginning to the end of the encores.  Even after a few days, the feeling has persisted.


明日は、辻井伸行さんの、リサイタル行くの。所沢市で。両親を招待しました。 Tomorrow, going to Nobuyuki Tsujii's recital in Tokorozawa. I invited the parents.  -tweet

今日は辻井伸行くんのコンサート。耳そうじはしてきたけど、ひげそるのは忘れた、Today Nobuyuki Tsujii kun concert. I cleaned my ears, but forgot to shave  my beard.

お はようございます。2連休!!今日は、辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートへ行って参ります。…頭痛が…早く治りますように(;_;) Good morning. 2 consecutive holidays! Today, I will be going to Mr.  Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano  concert. This morning I have a headache

<Friday, November 23rd was 労働感謝祭 (Labour Thanksgiving Day), a public holiday in Japan>

こ れから所沢ミューズのマーキーホールで、藤村実穂子リサイタル。ヽ(^○^)ノふとアークホールを見ると、凄い行列。そちらは辻井伸行リサイタルだそう だ。道理で。ブームが落ち着いたら行こうと思うけど、なかなかそうはならない。At  Tokorozawa Muse Hall now , Miho Fujimura child recital. I look at the main hall suddenly, there is an amazing procession. Seems there is a Nobuyuki Tsujii recital. No wonder ... - tweet at 2:30PM

盲 目のピアニスト辻井伸行さんの演奏会なう!今休憩中(^^)今日ゎ一瞬も寝ないで聴いてます(・∀・) Concert of blind pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! Today listeing I did not sleep even for a moment (^ ^) -- during a break now (· ∀ ·)

辻井伸行さんコンサート。辻井さんの斜めうし ろ、2階席最前列。指の動きも見えるし息づかいも感じられるすごくいい席。表情が見えないのだけが残念。 Concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Diagonally behind Mr. Tsujii, front row seat on 2nd floor.  The seat is good enough for me to see his finger movements and his breathing.  I just regret that I cannot see his facial expressions.

辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートへ。リサイタルっていうのかな。迫力、感動、涙して。辻井さん、凄い方でした! pic.twitter.com/L0TsyDiQ <Saitama> 11/24 concert poster> Went to Nobuyuki Tsujii 's  piano concert. Maybe called recital . Powerful, emotion, and tears. Mr. Tsujii was amazing!  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのドビュッシーとショパン、とてもよかったです。 あの「英雄ポロネーズ」を生で聴けて満足♪アンコール曲の中で弾いてくれた東日本大震災の復興への祈りを込めた2曲には感動しました。 今度は「川のささやき」などのオリジナル曲のコンサートを聴きに行ってみたいなぁ(* ̄。 ̄* Nobuyuki Tsujii 's Debussy and Chopin, was very good. I was impressed  by two songs: Chopin's Herioic Polonaize and the prayers to the Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction  song.  Next time,  I want to go to hear a concert of original songs, such as "whisper of the river"

所沢の辻井伸行さんのコンサート、と ても素晴らしかった…。 綺麗で力強くて、音のひとつひとつがキラキラしてて、音楽ってなんて美しいんだろうかと心に染みた Nobuyuki Tsujii 's  Tokorozawa  concert was very great ... Clean and strong sound, every note shimmering, beautiful music that touched my heart

辻 井伸行さんのコンサートいってきたーーヾ(。・ω・。)ノ 演奏はちょーかっこいいんだけど、最後の最後に手ふっててかわいかったぁ!♡癒された!スケ2やばい!すごい I went to concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  He was so cute waving his hand at the end.  I was healed! ...

辻井伸行さんは、フレッシュで、とても、魅力的でした。感動の、ピアノの音色(*'▽'*)   Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, very fresh.  Exciting sound of piano.

辻井伸行さんのコンサートが終わったところ。素晴らしかった! Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert was just over. It was great!

辻 井伸行さんのピアノコンサートに行ってきました。魂ふるえた!凄く良かったです(^O^ I went to a piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. My soul was trembling ! It was very good


In Tokorozawa, Nobuyuki Tsujii kun recital.  A few years ago his Heroic was transcendent and only good.  today I felt terrible/intimidated/threatened <editorial: not sure if this means good or bad>



This blogger had a family union for the concert, getting together with his/her 68-years old mother and 72-years old father, and had a great time -- another example of Nobu's power to bring families together.

... 魂を揺さぶる音色とでもいいましょうか。




身 震いしました。  His tone stirs the soul...He plays with his entire body and generates a pure sound that strikes the heart. His a musical genius. Thrilling.

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/fuaki/20121124/1353759510  (fuakiの日記 Diary of Fuaki, A male blogger)

. 今日は、妻に付き合って、所沢ミューズの辻井伸行ピアノリサイタルを聴きに行った。8月頃、早朝7時30分から並んで、整理番号NO1で購入した座席は、 辻井氏の演奏が近くで見られる良い所だった。 o out to his wife, today, I went to listen to the piano recital Nobuyuki Tsujii Tokorozawa Muse. In August, lined from early morning at 7:30, seats were purchased in Docket No. NO1, was a good place to be seen near Tsujii's performance.

. 鳴り止まないアンコールの嵐に2度も応えた辻井氏は、この所沢には初めて来ました。素晴らしい音響のホールです。そして、所沢の皆さんが集中して聴いて下 さり、とても嬉しいです。そう語った。これは、本心だと、私は思った。1曲ごとに、ピアニストの演奏には熱がこもり、感情が移入していると感じられたから である。 Mr. Tsujii spoke after playing two Encore to applause that did not stop ringing. It was his first time to come to Tokorozawa. It is a hall of great sound. And, I hear you make everyone in Tokorozawa is concentrated, I AM SO GLAD, he said.  I felt that it was his true feeling.  With each song, the pianist raises the temperature and the emotion is felt.

. 妻の運転する車の中で、 私は、アメリカのオバマ大統領と、 ピアニスト辻井伸行氏と、 同じ時代を生きることが出来て、そのことを幸せに思った In the car driving with my wife,  I thought I was happy to live in the same era as  U.S. President Barack Obama and pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

http://blog.goo.ne.jp/library1789/e/b5e2a4700767fba0d9a0292d8c8cd53f beautiful blog post with a last line that made me tear up.

... 美しい音が次々とこぼれ落ちる素晴らしい演奏にとても感動しました。


日本を代表する立派な音楽家であると思いました。...I was very impressed by the beautiful sound spilled a great performance after another.

"It is no longer necessary to precede his name with 'visually impaired'.  He is a musician worthy of representing Japan."

Nov 27 7PM Sapporo 札幌 - cold! - photo of left below is compliments of a twitter a twitter who was at the concert, who wrote: 今日はこれから奇跡的に当たった辻井伸行さんのコンサート。雪害心配だったけど予定通りやるみたいでよかった(*^^*)  Today now I hit the concert of the miraculous Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I was worried about snow damage but every thing went as planned (* ^ ^ *)

 image by internet link

  image by internet link

Posted on the website of the Sapporo Kitara Concert Hall on the day of the performance http://www.kitara-sapporo.or.jp/top/new20121127-4132.html

11/27(火)19:00 開演の「辻井伸行 日本ツアー2012/13」は、予定通り開催いたします。チケットは全席完売となっておりますため、当日券の販売はございません。中島公園内は積雪により 足元が悪くなっておりますので、お気をつけてお越しください。   11/27 Tue 19:00 "Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour 2012/13" will be held as scheduled. Since all seats are sold out, sales of tickets will not be guaranteed.  Snow in Shima Park is making walking difficult; please come and be careful.


これからお友達と盲目のピアニスト、 辻井伸行のコンサートに行ってきますイデはパンクロックオルタナ大好きですがクラシックも大好きです

And with blind pianist friend now, I am going  to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii I love punk and alternative, <the friend> loves classic.  -Hokkeido twitter

これから辻井伸行さんのピアノ聴いてきます(*^▽^*) Now I will listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii 's piano

盲 目のピアニストである辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきたよ*噂には聞いてたけど、本当に自然と涙が溢れてくるんだね。 Is I had heard about him, I've gone to the concert of blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii; tears came naturally, overflowing.

今 日はこれから奇跡的に当たった辻井伸行さんのコンサート。雪害心配だったけど予定通りやるみたいでよかった(*^^*)  Today now I hit the concert of the miraculous Nobuyuki Tsujii. I was worried about snow damage but every thing went as planned (* ^ ^ *)


This blog post about the Sapporo recital last night has some beautiful photos, and many fine sentences.

 image shown via Internet link; Christmas decoration on a tree outside the Kitara concert hall

image shown via Internet link - List of the 4 encored played; the 2nd song is Tchaikovsky's "Troika" - fitting!

... 札幌が大好きで新鮮なお魚やみそラーメンが大好きと笑顔で話す辻井さん。


本当に素晴らしい辻井さん今まで以上 より好きになりました


Smiling as he spoke, he said he loves Sapporo miso ramen and the fresh fish.  Tsujii, with the purity still like a boy,  finally disappeared into the hall waving his hands. I fell in love more than ever with the amazing Tsujii.  I want to see him perform live again next year.


今 日は夫の誕生日です。私からのプレゼントは、以前から「一度、生で聴いてみたい」と言っていた辻井伸行さんのチケットです。...Today is the birthday of my husband.  As a gift from me, ticket of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii since once before he said he wanted to hear him live...

<This blogger mentioned that although the concert was sold out, there were some empty seats in the hall perhaps due to the snow condition -- there was a blizzard warning, and on the blog there is a photo of a snow covered parking lot.>


奇跡のピアノ  The Sound of Miracle





November 27,Tuesday,  KITARA concert hall,

Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano concert

I went to listen to the "tour 2012/2013 in Japan."











I like the friendly, "airy" live sound, like freshly picked fruits


Fresh and alive as any sound, and was like a gentle breeze.



Tsujii came on stage, and after confirming the leftmost key of and the rightmost key, started to play suddenly.

この日の演目リストです。Following is a list of toda's repertoire.















前半、ドビュッシーはどれも何故か絵が見える感じがしました。 In the first half, Debussy none of the picture for some reason I have seen.


映像が浮かぶんだろうと。 Even though Mr. Nobuyuki cannot see, I wonder why the image is floating.

色の洪水のような、きらきらした不思議な音色です。 Such as the flood of color, it is a strange tone that glitter.


幾何学模様や色の光が見えています。 I understand the with partial vision, a person can see some geometric patterns and colors of light.




So, it is possible that some colors of light is visible to Mr. Tsujii

However, even in sighted people, there is no consensus of visual perception of light or colors.


この日の中で一番生き生きと楽しそうに弾いていました。 Heroic Polonaise, the  last song on the concert program, was played happily and most vividly on this day.

辻井さんにピッタリの曲だなーと思いました。 I thought it was the perfect song for Mr. Tsujii.

そしてアンコールも沢山弾いてくれました。 There were a lot of encores.

観客へのご挨拶もマイク無しで話してくれました。He also used a microphone to greet the audience.

ご本人、食べる事が大好きなので、食べ物が said he loves to eat and talked

美味しい北海道に来るのは楽しみなんだそうです。 about the delicious food that he looks forward to whenever he comes to Hokkaido

また来年も来てくださいね(^o^)/  I hope he comes back next year

奇跡の音を、ありがとうございました♪ Thank you, for the sound of a miracle.

Nov 29  Kanagawa 神奈川 7PM Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall  横浜みなとみらいホール Nobu returns to Kanagawa, this time in the evening.  Tickets for this concert sold out in minutes, and you can see why.  I had not realized it, but this is the very concert hall where Nobu was practicing in preparation for a performance with Yutaka Sado and the BBC Philharmonics when the 2011 earthquake struck on March 11 (see http://bit.ly/SxcL0E).

image via internet link

TWEETS <selected - too many to include>

明日、実験を順調に終わらせて、みなとみらいで生辻井伸行拝んできます  Tomorrow ... I will worship Nobuyuki Tsujii live at the Minato Mirai Hall

今日は起きた時から頭痛がする(*_*)でも今日は辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行くから、会社に着いたら、薬飲もうっと。 Today I woke up with a headache.  I'm going to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I am at work and will take medicine. 

おはよーございます.今日も元気に忙しそうです…が,夜は横浜みなとみらいホールに久しぶりに行きます.ノブくんこと,辻井伸行くんのリサイタル.癒され るんですよねー彼の音には.荒んだ心をマッサージしてもらわなければ!あー楽しみ!!... I will be cheerfully busy today.In the evening I will be going to Nobu-kun's concert, after a long time, at the Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall. Recital of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  The sound of his piano will heal me.  My turbulent heart can sure use a massage.  Oh, fun!

みなとみらいホールでの辻井伸行さんのコンサートへ向う電車なう On a train heading towards a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

今夜はみなとみらいホールで辻井伸行の横浜公演。ブーニンよりは上手い。それは分かる。 http://photozou.jp/photo/show/1246998/161800400 … <photo of program of concert> Nobuyuki Tsujii performance tonight at Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall.   Better than Bunin . Understand it.

辻井伸行さんのコンサート、意外に子どもが目につきます。未来のピアニスト! Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert <in Yokahoma last night>, children surprisingly noticeable. Pianists of the future!

みなとみらいホールに来ています。本日は辻井伸行さんのコンサート。素晴らしい…。感激しています。 We've come to the Minato Mirai Hall. Today Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert. Great .... We are thrilled.

辻井伸行さんのコンサート行ってきました。綺麗な音色で感激でした^^時折、無邪気だったり、情熱的だったり、優しい音で癒してくれたり、素敵な時間でした(*゚▽゚*)I went to concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  At times the sound was very beautiful, and was innocent, and was passionate;  healing friendly sound; I had a great time

今日は横浜でピアノのコンサート。辻井伸行さんの演奏でドビュッシーとショパンを聴いて来ました。学生時代にオーケストレーションした「版画」を聞けて興奮し、スケルツォの圧倒的表現力にため息が出そうでした。アンコールは別れの曲より革命が好みかな。 http://twitpic.com/bhj8kr  <photo of concert program>Piano concert today in Yokohama. I have been listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing of  Debussy and Chopin. Excited to hear the "prints" that I played in orchestra in college, the <Chopin> scherzo is overwhelming.  Encore "farewell" instead of  "revolution" that I preferred   <or vice versa>

今日は辻井伸行さんのリサイタルに行ってきました♪ 演目はドビュッシーとショパン。ピアノを習う子なら必ず勉強する有名曲ばかり。 http://instagr.am/p/SnaFxrl95u/ Today Nobuyuki Tsujii repertoire ♪ I went to the Chopin and Debussy's recital. I learned those famous songs when I was a child.

 辻井伸行くんのコンサートで横浜みなとみらいへ行って来ました。ショパンも素晴らしいけど彼のオリジナル曲も大好き♪ 心が洗われました。画像はランドマークタワーのYuming tree. いよいよ今年も後1ヶ月!! pic.twitter.com/VGoB6wvF <photo of a Christmas tree I think named after Yuming, famous Japanese female singer> I went to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii kun at Yokohama Minato Mirai♪ I loved it.  M heart has been washed.  Great Chopin, and his original songs are also great.  Photo of the towering Yuming tree <in the lobby?>.

今日は全盲のピアニスト、辻井伸行くんのコンサートに行ってきた♪目が見えないとか関係なく凄かった! Today I went to the concert of the blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.  He is awesome regardless of his blindness!

辻井伸行さんのコンサート終了!泣けた「感動」なんて簡単な言葉は使いたくない感じNobuyuki Tsujii concert has ended! Simple words cannot describe the "deep emotion".  I was moved to tears,

辻井伸行さんのピアノソロコンサート終わりました。ただ感動(泣)  The recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii just finished. Simply touching (sob)

ついさっきまで、みなとみらいホールでノブくんこと、辻井伸行くんのピアノリサイタルでした。 相変わらずの「天使の音色」。このひとの演奏はやっぱり生がいちばんなのです。Piano recital of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii just finished at the Minato Mirai Hall, "Voices of angels" as usual. His performance is also the most lively.

『辻井伸行・日本ツアー』みなとみらいホール。前半はドビュッシー。お馴染みの『月光』も組曲として聴くと一つの役割を担う作品に聴こえてきた。後半は ショパン。高度な演奏に音符一つ一つが意味を持って語りかけてくる。彼の指が彼の想いを伝える。震災時にこのホールにいた。その日作った曲も披露。

" Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan Tour" in Minato Mirai Hall.  The first half of Debussy.  "Moonlight" etc. from the well known suite.   The second half of Chopin.   High level performance of one-by-one note with meanings.   His fingers convey the feelings of him. He was in the hall at the time of the earthquake.  He played a song he made ​​that day.  https://twitter.com/cms128/status/274273171211968512

Yoko, a Nobu fan who was at the concert wrote this moving note via facebook:




又~明日も頑張ろう!! When Mr. Tsujii finished playing the encore  at the "Minato Mirai <concert hall>, I could once again feel bitter emotion overflowing the hall in memory of what happened on March 11 of last year.  More than one year has elapsed, I was full of emotion thinking about it..  Mr. Tsujii played "Still we Live" and "Flowers bloom" ... would like to do something for the sake of reconstruction ... as he finished, the melancholy melody echoed in the hall, and he did not look up for a while.

The scene was a heart-to-heart moment. 

Before the performance started, I got to exchange our hearts' thoughts with some of the audience.

I will also do my best tomorrow ~! !

and also:











Thoughts overflow when  I reflect on yesterday's concert.  When watched on DVDs, Mr. Tsujii plays the piano lightly and quietly, sometimes violently, sometimes carefully as if it were a part of the body.  This time, the Japanese cheer and bravos exploded for Mr. Tsujii.  His  Debussy is unique and the melody is deeply beautiful. For the Japanese, such intense cheers and standing ovations may happen in rock concerts, but not usually at classical concerts.  The Japanese is normally embarrassed to express emotions  at  a concert, but Mr. Tsujii received enthusiastic bravos. I will be happy again to see audience in Europe and America sincerely give Mr. Tsujii applause and standing ovations. 

Tsujii's concert yesterday I went with a friend for the first time. 

I saw his father.  Mr. Tsujii looks very much like his father.  When he performs closer to home, his father may be able to come even if he is busy.   <Perhaps because of his father's presence>, Mr. Tsujii yesterday played calmly and quietly.

And a blogger well versed in music was at the concert also.  He  wrote by email:

Still feeling excited after the concert, In your previous mail, you wrote  'I found the experience of sitting in the concert hall far superior to listening to him on recordings.'  These words just express what I feel.

We can expect a blog post  from him about his experience.  Stay tuned.


http://ameblo.jp/kyokouchida/entry-11416156275.html  <by an expectant mother>

最高の胎教(^^) posted 2012-11-29 19:58:54





The best Prenatal Care

I went with my mother to hear a live performance of Tsujii for the second time. It was a feeling that my heart will be comfortable and relaxed.  I recall how sweet the sound was when I first heard it. ... I wonder if my baby knows mom has become too comfortable. I wonder if the sound of the piano registers on the baby. He/she was moving like crazy in my belly. Judging from the movements, Chopin seems to be noticed more than Debussy  (laughs). My head, which has been often full of thoughts recently,  was suddenly lighter. This night I will sleep comfortably.

... 「今夜はじっくり生音を味わうぞ~」と期待していたコンサートでしたが……



え、もう2時間たったの? という感じで



という先入観があったので、いい意味で裏切られました。 (アッという前に終わってしまい、味わう余裕がなかったので、できればもう一度、同じプログラムを聴きたいです)。


... "Tonight - I'll thoroughly enjoy the live sound," I went to the concert with that expectation.  The splendor of the performance was more than expected.

The performance opened with Arabesque at a very fast tempo. Debussy and also Chopin

went through at a tremendous tempo, without affording a lingering taste of sound,

When it was over, I was stunned.

I thought: did two hours really pass?

I felt as though I had ridden on a roller coaster of an "excitement" concert.

Mr. Tsujii = healing,

Because of that  preconceived notion, I felt betrayed in a good way. (I ended up saying that I could not really taste it, but would love to listen to the same program again.)

In any case, there is tomorrow to face with courage. I will continue to follow his career.

http://blog.goo.ne.jp/andiamo-piano/e/77371d11b2e4d5e70eabc5509024c875 This blogger is a kindred spirit.  She wrote  that she was so thunderstruck by Nobu at a 2008 recital that she did not leave her seat during intermission, and how now she could no longer get tickets to his concerts.  She ends the post with "He has become one of the most promising musicians of the future."  The photo below is from the post, presented via internet link.  And, I have been informed by a Nobu fan in Japan that according to the profile, this blogger is  a piano teacher who graduated from a prestigious music college

image via Internet link <A photo of collected items, including a ommemorative2008 tour program for Nobu's "debut "album in the center of the photo.>


辻井伸行リサイタル ~ 横浜みなとみらい






辻井さんの音を初めて聴いた私は、雷に打たれたかのように休憩中も席から立ち上がれないほどでした(*^_^*)。当時20歳だった若き青年の演奏に完全 にノックアウトされていました。茅ヶ崎市民会館の(大ホール)ピアノがあんなに美しく響くなんて。もちろん著名なピアニストも時々リサイタルを開きます が、そういうことではなく、純粋無垢な、真摯に紡ぎ出される音色の美しさは、汚れたところが無く透き通っていて、誰にも邪魔されることなく彼の世界があ り、真っ直ぐ突き進んでいっていたのでした。


















Nobuyuki Tsujii Yokohama Minato Mirai Recital -

I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's recital yesterday, was held at the Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall.

It has been three years since he  won the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.

The first time  that I was at a live performance of Mr . Tsujii was a concert in Chigasaki Shimin Bunka Kaikan, which was held in February 2008.  He was on a tour for the release of his "debut"  album .

From listening to the news, I thought this child is amazing.

On the program of that tour, the first half he played Chopin's Fantasy, lullaby, barcarolle, scherzo. The second half half, "Apassionata", "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven.

That first time I heard the sound of Mr. Tsujii, I did not get up from my seat during the break; it was as if I had been struck by lightning  (* ^ _ ^ *).  I had been completely knocked out by the playing of that young adolescent of 20 years old at the time. The sound in Chigasaki Shimin Kaikan Piano (Large Hall) that I heard was so beautiful.   It is not like  some recitals by prominent pianists that I had gone to sometimes.   Pristine beauty of sound, spun out in a serious manner, is clean and transparent.   He is in a world undisturbed by anyone.

I came away with an impression of him different from what I saw on television.

Yesterday the recital was at Minato Mirai. a And now it is hard to get a ticket.  Even though I purchased a Pre-S seat <a premium seat>, I was in the last row of the first floor  (T_T)... I should have waited for Suntory Hall ... after all.

<concert playlist omitted for brevity>

The Debussy displayed great technique.

In the second half,  Chopin's Scherzo was a wonderful performance.

Compared to when I listened to his overflowing youthful Chopin and Tchaikovsky, he has matured  and the Chopin has more depth.  The extraoridinary effort and experience on a number of largest stages in the world has helped him grow as a human, of course.

For encores, he played the "revolution" and "Songs of Farewell", Chopin's Etudes.

Listening to the song of farewell, my lacrimal gland loosened.

The original songs "Still, we live" and "flowers bloom"  resonate with me.

On March 11 2011. Mr. Tsujii was in rehearsal in the Minato Mirai Hall with conductor Yutaka Sado conductor;  a concerto performance with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra had been scheduled.  I had taken a ticket for that performance at Kawasaki, that concert hall suffered broken ceilings, is not far from this one.  "Still, we live" is a song that seems to be been made ​​after the earthquake. At Minato Mirai concert yesterday he talked about it, and there was a variety of thoughts.

The song is familiarly associated with the "Still, we live" drama starring Eita-san, drawn with a different meaning.

Next April, he will costar with BBC Philharmonic, conducted by Yutaka Sado again.  I want to go listen to the performance  but unfortunately I cannot,(sold out).

He has become one of the most promising musicians of the future.


This blog post has beautiful photos, including the one shown below via Internet link.

昨夜 11月29日 木曜日


場所 : 横浜みなとみらいホール 大ホール






Thursday, November 29, last night

I went to a piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

Location: Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall Large Hall

Starting at 19:00

Was it really 2 hours?

I think he has a great power to attract people

I cannot find words to express. . .

I had a great time anyway.

http://vivianno.exblog.jp/19292695/ <with beautiful photos of the piano and stage, one of which is shown below via Internet link>

... 素晴らしい!感動!!


Amazing! Impressed! !

It was a happy moment in the Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall.


This is a thoughtful essay titled "辻井伸行 日本ツアー2012 鑑賞記  Impression of Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan Tour", by a knowledgeable Japanese blogger who attended Nobu's Nov. 29 Yokohama recital .

Some excerpts follow - full translation to come





My admiration in this concert reached its height following the  Scherzo No. 2.

It has the feel of the style of the masters, the playing was really imposing.

From the beginning, I was impressed with the quality and the intensity of the sound.





Good rhythm and sensitivity, vivid tonal changes, the rich yet exquisite sound. Tsujii's performance has good nuances. Above all, the sound itself was lively and bursting. He demonstrated that he has polished up considerably since the Chopin Competition."

2012 11/30




初・辻井 伸行でございました。















Debussy and Chopin

My friend had a hard time getting the concert tickets.

It is said to be sold out on the same day. We sat far away, and could not see his hands.  It was my first concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I did not know much about him, but heard that he went to the Ueno Music school. I knew I that he won the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. I remember well that it was 2009. His playing of Rachmaninoff was seen on NHK World news, and he became phenomenally popular.

Without any preconception, I thought his Debussy and Chopin was good. The sound is straightforward, with the purity of a child.  The Chopin was brilliant.  The Debussy is moe moist and I like it better.  I was prepared for the  "Pleasure Island" . What a fast "Pleasure Island".   It was the fastest among those I ever heard. His interpretation is different from mine.  It was a learning experience; we try to be good. His bows were cute and pretty. I told my friends, "There. <That's how it should be done>"

Then, in the lobby after the show, there was much of the audience:  three generations of parents and children, with many elementary-school-age girls.

<Something about imitating the bow.>