Notable Web Postings March 2015
Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival
Nobu's Chopin/Liszt/Beethoven 'Appassionata' recital Japan tour started on February 17.
News, comments, photos are collected here (for the first 12 stops, Feb 17 through March 15) and here (for performances from March 19 through April 14)
♪ March 31
looks list
六本木は桜が綺麗に咲いていました^ ^
This is found under a "look list" on the clothing site "", presumably this is the "Nobuyuki Tsujii look". The text says: I just heard Tsujii Nobuyuki's piano! I am very happy that he plays all the songs I wanted to hear in the encores. (laugh)
Roppongi cherry bloomed beautifully
辻井伸行のラ•カンパネラが素敵すぎて心揺さぶられている。ピアノの音がキラキラしている…如何してそんな音が出せるのだろう… Tsujii Nobuyuki La Campanella shook my mind; too nice. The sound of the piano is sparkling and ... I don't know how he puts out that kind sound -tweet
我が家のにゃんこはクラシック、特にドビュッシーとモーツァルトが好きなんですが、昨日買ったばかりの辻井伸行さんのCDを聴きながら寝てます。At my home we like classic, especially Debussy and Mozart; we went to sleep while listening to CD of Nobuyuki Tsujii that just bought yesterday. -tweet
♪ March 30
WDRで辻井伸行のドキュメンタリーやってる I am watching documentary of Nobuyuki Tsujii on WDR. -tweet
#WDR - Debut in der Carnegie Hall - noch bis 0:50 h Der blinde Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii - echt phänomenal! #WDR - Debut at Carnegie Hall - until 00:50 The blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii - truly phenomenal! -tweet
♪ March 29
辻井伸行《プレミアム・リサイタル》旭川市大雪クリスタルホール 7月1日。札幌コンサートホールkitala 7月3日。両方とも完売してますね。でも期日内発券しなかったら無効になるし、都合でキャンセルもあるかもやし まだ諦めないでね〜 Tsujii Nobuyuki "premium Recital" at Asahikawa Taisetsu Crystal Hall on July 1 and Sapporo Kitala Concert Hall on July 3 have both sold out. But if you do not pick up the tickets by the due date your booking will become invalid, so try to avoid cancellation under the circumstances. -Yura tweet
辻井伸行さんって本当に天才だと思うけど、 お母様のマネジメントも相当なものだ。 しかもこの春からラジオで独り語りの番組を持つというのだから、 相当な精神力だ。 And I think Mr. Tsujii Nobuyuki is really a genius. The management by his mother is also something substantial. Moreover, she will be hosting a radio program this sprint. That takes considerable mental strength. -tweet
辻井いつ子がTBSラジオ「大沢悠里のゆうゆうワイド」に生出演中。ピアニスト辻井伸行さんの子育て、4月からの新番組「ミキハウス プレゼンツ 辻井いつ子の今日の風、なに色?」のために伸行さんが作曲した「今日の風、なに色?」も紹介⁉︎ Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii appeared Live on the "Osawa Yuri" show on TBS radio. Bringing up pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii; April new program "What color is today's wind?" introduced with music "What color is today's wind" composed by Nobuyuki Tsujii. -tweet
♪ March 26
This may be a troll's posting, but I will keep an eye on it. [Japan Yahoo &Q&A]
The other day, I went to the concert of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's Appassionata Tour.
It was my first time listening to Mr. Tsujii live, but I was tremendously impressed from the first note; tears streamed out. One sound one sound is terrific.
Music phrasing was clear and delicate. I was completely drawn into his world.
What do you think of his performance?
March 27
辻井伸行 7月12日《プレミアム・リサイタル》豊田市コンサートホール(愛知)完売してますね Tsujii Nobuyuki July 12 "premium Recital" at Toyota City concert hall (Aichi) has sold out - tweet by Yura
March 26
辻井伸行さんの演奏のラフマニノフピアノ協奏曲第2番。音楽は生きる力を与えてくれる。Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2 of Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing. Music gives us the power to live. [Japan Yahoo &Q&A]
The other day, I went to the concert of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's Appassionata.
It was my first time listening to Mr. Tsujii live, but I was tremendously impressed from the first note sound; tears streamed out. One sound one sound is terrific.
Music phrasing was clear and delicate. I was completely drawn into his world.
What do you think of his performance?
March 25
秋田にフジコ・ヘミングと辻井伸行がくるらしいのですがいきませんね Fujiko Hemming and Nobuyuki Tsujii are coming to Akita. I am not going but that's what I heard. [This explains why Nobu's recital in Akita is the only one yet to sell out -- Hemming is a senior, part Japanese and much admired in Japan due to a NHK documentary that lauded her for overcoming adversities. She performs in Akita on April 18 (tickets up to 12,000Y have been on sale since December 23 and have not sold out) while Nobu's Akita recital is on April 11, and was announced only in late January and tickets (4800-6800Y) have been on sale since February 22 and seems to have just sold out on PIA. The performances are at the same venue: Akita Prefectural Civic Centre]
Yura tweeted:
こんな事もありうる思て 先行抽選に申し込みしといたおかげで当選して良かったわε-(´∀`; ) 辻井伸行 7月24日 プレミアム・リサイタル 《ショパン&リスト》大阪いずみホール 座席数821席は、発売数分で 完売しておりました。Thank goodness for such a thing as advance lottery tickets. Tsujii Nobuyuki July 24 Premium recital "Chopin & Liszt" Osaka Izumi Hall (821 seats) was sold out in a few minutes after release.
辻井伸行 8月29日《自作&クラシック》オーケストラ・コンサート 22日に発売の大阪フェスティバルホールは、2700席中 残席 あと50席のみね❗️ Tsujii Nobuyuki August 29 "self-made & classic" Orchestra Concert Osaka Festival Hall released on the 22nd, only 50 of 2700 seats remain❗️
March 24 … 辻井伸行 ベートーベン ピアノソナタ 熱情 来週が楽しみだなあ。では、おやすみなさい。いい夢が見れますように。I am looking forward to Tsujii Nobuyuki's Beethoven piano sonata Appassionata next week. So, good night. I will see him in a good dream. -tweet [blog of a piano studio proprietor/teacher]
The best way is that you listen with your ears
Kagoshima Prefecture Aira Phi piano classroom is a blog "adult piano classroom".
Good morning.
I was cold this morning.
As I write, I wonder if spring is approaching? Snowman
Well, when it comes to the playing of pianists,
everyone is different.
I think each person establishes a method for himself in order to get the best sound.
More recently, in order to write an article,
If you had a look at the performance of various people at YouTube,
Suddenly, my eyes went to the pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano playing.
This person does not have eyes that see, but is able to create a consistently wonderful sound only by ear.
During the performance, his fingersstay close to the keyboard.
In most cases, there is no movement of the fingers away from the keyboard.
Great performances using the whole body
There seems to be no unnecessary movements.
Perhaps this stems from his visual impariment.
Or is that the only difference? I wonder.
Nevertheless, Mr. Tsujii seems to have developed a unique method of performing the fundamentals of piano playing, such as bending the wrists to make a height and shape that is firm.
He creates everything relying only on the sound that he hears with his ears.
I think it is great.
ハート 普通の場合、ピアノの演奏は、
Typically, playing the piano means looking at the score.
Students who come to my lessons tend to rely on the eyes.
When we depend on seeing, the information we hear with our ears I think becomes substantially reduced.
It may also affect the precision, such as playing a wrong sound that goes unnoticed [because the player is not listening].
When you play the piano, I wish you would think first about the music that you are playing.
(Yes, I know you are busy thinking not to make mistakes) by the sound that you generate.
Let's hear the phrases.
Use your ears ... [translation of the restbeyond me]
♪ Mar 23
視覚障害者の天才ピアニスト 辻井伸行 さんの 四感は 常人ではない やはり天才! The visually impaired genius pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii -- Even with only four senses, he is an extraordinary genius! -tweet
YOSHIKI、アリス紗良オット、辻井伸行、、 最近、ピアノ楽曲のクラシックばかりだ、 アイドル少なくなってきた、 YOSHIKI, Alice Sara Ott, Tsujii Nobuyuki ... recently, I am into classical piano music, have become less lazy. -tweet
♪ Mar 20
LucianoPavarotti RyuichiSakamoto NobuyukiTsujii など [such as] -tweet
Nobuyuki Tsujii one word .... WOW! -tweet
Tour de force. Tears come out. Tsujii Nobuyuki La Campanella -tweet
♪ Mar 19
辻井伸行 オーケストラコンサートの優先予約して、すぐに、プレミアムの優先予約しようとサイト開いたけど、アッとゆーまの予定枚数終了やった(・_・;
priority reservation of Tsujii Nobuyuki orchestra concert,but as soon as I get on the site to try for premium priority reservation, it has sold out.
子育てをテーマにおしゃべりしていく番組 『辻井いつ子の今日の風、なに色?』 が
Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii who brought up the global pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii
will host a program "Tsujii Itsuko What color is the wind today?" about child development
♪ Mar 18
A news story about the Tonkünstler Orchestra announces that Yutaka Sado will become the orchestra's chief conductor starting in May, and his inauguration will be marked by gala events including appearances by Anna Netrebko & Placido Domingo on May 15, and a performance with Nobuyuki Tsujii in Vienna on May 16. Sado-san is a long-time mentor of Nobu.
Japaner ist neuer Tonkünstler-Chefdirigent
Yutaka Sado tritt mit Ende der laufenden Saison die Nachfolge von Andres Orozco-Estrada als Chefdirigent des Tonkünstler-Orchesters Niederösterreich an. Der Japaner will die Tonkünstler als „internationales Spitzenorchester“ etablieren.
„Wiener Linie“ zum Antrittskonzert
Bereits am 11. Mai steht Sado in Innsbruck am Pult der Tonkünstler (mit den Pianistinnen Katia und Marielle Labeque), am 15. Mai, dem Vorabend des Life Balls, beim Red Ribbon Celebration Concert im Burgtheater u.a. mit Anna Netrebko und Placido Domingo, und am 16. Mai in Wien mit dem blinden japanischen Pianisten Nobuyuki Tsujii. Am 18. und 19. Juni folgt die Sommernachtsgala in Grafenegg.
[Translated from German]
Japanese is the new Chief Conductor of Musicians
Yutaka Sado occurs will, after the current season, succeed Andres Orozco-Estrada as chief conductor of the Tonkünstler Orchestra Lower Austria. The Japanese will establish the musicians as "international class orchestra".
"Vienna line" for inaugural concert
Already on May 11 Sado will be on the podium at the Innsbruck (with the pianists Katia and Marielle Labeque); on May 15, the eve of the Life Ball, the Red Ribbon Celebration Concert at the Burgtheater, with Anna Netrebko and Placido Domingo; and on May 16 in Vienna with the blind Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii. On June 18 and 19, the summer night Gala in Grafenegg follows.
image via Internet link showing the orchestra performing in Vienna's Golden Hall, where Yutaka Sado will perform with Nobu on May 16.
Feelings of beautiful tone
A recent favorite is pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's pianist ♡ a really wonderful person!
His beautiful songs impressed me from the bottom of my hear; I highly recommend him. ~ ♪
March 17
Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was at the Tokyo Station! I got to shake hands with him! I told him I bought his CD.
March 15
2015-03-14 16:53:58
Tsujii Nobuyuki's ☆Appassionata
Concert to take place on April 5 in Santo Muses.
I wanted to go, but tickets are sold out (≧ ∇ ≦)
I tried in vain to buy it on standby on launch day. I want to go someday
横山幸雄や辻井伸行の演奏には「個性」がなくつまらいものだと音楽の専門用語を多用しながら批判する人がいるけどそれは違う。曲に勝手な解釈を加えない正統派の「純粋」な演奏なのであって、その純粋さこそ彼らの個性なのだ。ごちゃごちゃ言うなら聴くな鬱陶しい消えろThere are people who use intensive terminology of music that criticize the performance of Yukio Yokoyama and Tsujii Nobuyuki was something boring, without distinguishing "personality". Their playing is "pure", orthodox without the addition of arbitrary interpretation to the song, The purity is their personality. They can be listened to cleanly without annoyance.
母へのホワイトデーは、辻井伸行さんのCDにしました。 この間「このピアノ素敵と思ったら辻井さんだった。」と感激していた様子なので。 White Day present to mother, I decided to get her Nobuyuki Tsujii's CD. "Tsujii's piano is nice", she [or I] thought. Inspiring.
[blog of a male in Sendai]
2015-03-15 17:43:37
Tsujii Nobuyuki's worldview
Today by chance I saw videos of blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing
Suddenly I was full of tears; I do not know why, but I kept watching somehow.
It was very strange.
I was quite impressed.
Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing seems to have the power to shake the soul.
Most impressive is one of his own compositions.
I can't remember the title, but it what he feels about the waves when he visited Nagano Prefecture.
Really it is such a very nice song.
He could not see from an early age.
And his worldview is shaped by his feelings without being able to see.
And though his eyes cannot see, it comes overflowing from his inside.
And though the eyes can not see, he is able to express himself outside.
Unique view of the world of his is expressed from his fingertips, from his inside, pouring out from his own world.
There are a lot of great people in the world.
March 14
【必聴】辻井伸行 難曲ショパン・リスト作品ベスト5
"Must listen" Five challenging works played by Nobuyuki Tsujii, with embedded Youtube videos of Nobu performing Liszt's La Campanella, Chopin's Op 10 etudes, Prokofiev's Piano Concerto No. 3, Chopin's "Revolution" (which is one of the op. 10 etudes) and Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2 . Not mentioned is Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit or Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 3.
[This site has been publishing a series of articles on Nobu, a good thing; but the contents seems somewhat hit-or-miss.]
March 13
Yura tweeted:
「最後には、進行役の駐日英国大使が“本日のハイ・ノート(最高潮)です!”と紹介して、英国で定期的に公演を行っている盲目のピアニスト・辻井伸行氏が、クラシックとオリジナルの2曲を披露しました」演奏を絶賛した王子からは、王室の紋章入り小皿が贈られた「週刊新潮」2015年3月12日号 "Finally, the British Ambassador introduced 'the high note (climax) of today' blind pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujiii who performs regularly in the U.K., who played two songs of classical and original, and won praise from the prince, who gifted Tsujii-san with a small royal heraldic l dish." -- Weekly Shincho" March 12, 2015 issue
辻井伸行さんの日本ツアー、秋田公演あるのね!!!この機会に観に行きます! Tsujii Nobuyuki 's Japan tour, there is a performance in Akita ! ! ! I am going to take this opportunity to see him! -tweet
Press release [with a single photo of Gergiev]
「ミュンヘン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団」の日本公演を ビー・エム・ダブリュー株式会社が特別協賛
含まれるメディア データ:
ビー・エム・ダブリュー株式会社(代表取締役社長: ペーター・クロンシュナーブル)は、ワレリー・ゲルギエフが首席指揮者として率いるミュンヘン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団の日本公演を特別協賛する。ソリストには、2009年の第13回ヴァン・クライバーン国際ピアノ・コンクールで日本人初優勝を果たしたピアニスト、辻井伸行を迎える。同日本公演は、11月25日の大阪公演を皮切りに、東京、名古屋、仙台で計6公演が実施される。
BMW hosts Munich Philharmonic Orchestra for concert in Japan (03/2015)
Japan BMW Corporation is special sponsor of performances of "Munich Philharmonic Orchestra" in a Japan tour of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra led by its Chief Conductor. The soloist pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii scored a Japanese first victory in the 13th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009. The Japan performances start with a Osaka performance on November 25, with a total of six performances to be carried out in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Sendai.
Artistic director, Valery Gergiev, Russia-born, is active worldwide as music director, he is the principal conductor of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra starting September 2015. He is a successor tot he late Lorin Maazel, who died suddenly in July 2014. These performances will reflect the collaboration of Gergiev and the Munich Philharmonic on works of Germany and Austria by Richard Strauss, Beethoven, combined with Russian works such as Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, and Prokofiev. Nobuyuki Tsujii, a pianist representing Japan, has costarred with Gergiev repeatedly, and will perform the piano concerto masterpiece "the emperor" by Beethoven on this Japan tour...
It is interesting that a subsequent web posting gives Nobu a little more notice, along with a photo
BMW presents
ド イツ屈指の名門オーケストラ、ミュンヘン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団が全国6公演の日本ツアーを行います。指揮は、2015年9月からミュンヘン・フィル の首席指揮者に就任するロシアの巨匠、ワレリー・ゲルギエフ。首席指揮者就任の披露公演となるこの日本ツアーは、新たなシェフを得た楽団の鮮烈な響きを聴 くまたとない機会。
ミュンヘン・フィルがチェリビダッケと築いた黄金時代のDNAが脈打つブルックナー。ご当地ミュンヘン生まれの作曲家 リヒャルト・シュトラウス、ドイツ音楽の神髄ベートーヴェン。そしてロシア音楽の中枢をなす作曲家たち、チャイコフスキー、プロコフィエフ、ショスタコー ヴィチ。まさにロシアの巨匠ゲルギエフとドイツの名門ミュンヘン・フィルだからこそ実現する、理想的なプログラム。
ソリストには、 2012年「白夜の星音楽祭」以来ゲルギエフと共演を重ねてきたピアニスト、辻井伸行を迎える。ゲルギエフとの日本発共演で披露するのは、ピアノ協奏曲の 傑作、ベートーヴェンの『皇帝』。日本を代表するピアニストとして国際的に躍進を続ける辻井伸行の本領発揮となる特別な公演をぜひご堪能ください。
BMW presentsGergiev ☓ Munich Philharmonic, dawn of a new era!
Leading Prestigious orchestra of Germany, Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, will perform on a nationwide Japan tour 6 performances. Conductor, the Russian master appointed Chief Conductor of the Munich Philharmonic since September 2015, Valery Gergiev. This Japan tour is a celebration of the Chief Conductor inauguration and a unique opportunity to listen to performances that showcase the vivid sound of the orchestra with a new chef.
Bruckner on whose DNA the golden era of Munich Philharmonic was built. Munich-born composer Richard Strauss, Beethoven the essence of German music. And composer who form the central Russian music: Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich. An ideal program to precisely realize the Russian master Gergiev and the prestigious German Munich Philharmonic.
The soloist, Nobuyuki Tsujii, is a pianist who has performed with Maestro Gergiev since 2012 at the"White Nights of Star Music Festival" On this tour he will co-star with Gergiev in the masterpiece piano concerto, Beethoven's "Emperor". Come Please enjoy a special performance that continues the breakthrough of Nobuyuki Tsujii as an international pianist representing Japan.
.... TOUCHING THE SOUND: THE IMPROBABLE JOURNEY OF NOBUYUKI TSUJIII (Directed by Peter Rosen) - The miraculous story of a Japanese pianist blind from birth, who has become a symbol of hope for all those with disabilities, hurdles to overcome, and problems in life. Performing throughout the world as a musical ambassador for his country, Nobuyuki Tsujii, or 'Nobu' as he is called by millions of fans with 'Nobu Fever,' his is a story about the power of music. Discussion with filmmaker following the screening.
I am not pleased with Nobu being mentioned as one of the Asian pianists whose emergence has been "stimulated by ‘the Lang Lang effect’" and the unnecessary "blind" label, but he is mentioned in this piece, :
The A-Z of the piano
We celebrate the world's most popular instrument with a look at 26 of its greatest features
Y is for Yamaha and the growth of the Asian market
Twenty years ago, any piano manufactured in the Far East was viewed with sniffy suspicion by the West, even those built by the long-established firm of Yamaha. How quickly all that has changed, with Yamaha, Kawai (both Japanese) and Young Chang of South Korea now producing quality instruments to rival the best European and American makes. Presently the largest manufacturer in the world is the Pearl River Group (China) producing a staggering 100,000 pianos a year and providing parts and/or economical models for other major brands.
Similarly, two decades ago few Asian pianists had made it on to the international stage. Now, stimulated by ‘the Lang Lang effect’, pianists from China, Japan, Korea dominate piano competitions and are routinely signed by major labels. Apart from Lang Lang himself, some of the best known are Yundi (formerly Yundi Li), Yuja Wang, Hong Xu, HJ Lim, Joyce Yang, Xiayin Wang and the blind Nobuyuki Tsujii.
I posted this comment:
I agree with you about the emergence of classical music in Asia, but I am not pleased with Nobuyuki Tsujii being mentioned as one of the Asian pianists whose emergence has been "stimulated by ‘the Lang Lang effect’", and I take exception to the unnecessary "blind" label accorded him.
Classical music has been big in Japan long before Lang Lang came along, and while the success of Mr. Lang is undeniable, Mr. Tsujii's rise to fame has followed an entirely separate path, and most definitely not on the coattail of Mr. Lang.
I am Asian American; I am not Japanese, but I have followed Nobu's career for years. All Asian pianists are not alike!
Kyushu Symphony Orchestra News
6月6日(土)に開催を予定しております、本名徹次指揮、辻井伸行ピアノの公演「第2回 名曲・午後のオーケストラ」チケットは、好評につき完売いたしました! たくさんのお問い合わせをありがとうございました。
June 6th (Saturday) scheduled performance "2nd masterpieces and afternoon of orchestra" with conductor Shiki Tetuzi and pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii Nobuyuki have sold out by popular demand! Thank you very much for your inquiries.
image via Internet link
アナザースカイ 辻井伸行 結果を出している人に言われると感慨深い Another Sky Nobuyuki Tsujii . The result of his words is deeply impressive. - tweet
Yura tweeted:
8月29日❗️大阪フェスティバルホール❗️*\(^o^)/辻井伸行自作&オーケストラ 〈第1部〉 いま日本は 川のささやき 神様のカルテ マエストロ! はやぶさ ジェニーへのオマージュ コルトナの朝 <第2部>ガーシュウィン: ラプソディ・イン・ブルー(ピアノ&オーケストラ)August 29 ❗️ Osaka Festival Hall ❗️ * \ (^ o ^) / Tsujii Nobuyuki homebrew & Orchestra <Part 1> Japan now, Whisper of the river, In His Chart, Maestro! Hayabusa, homage to Jenny, Cortona morning
<Part 2> Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue (Piano & Orchestra)
Noobuyuki Tsujii & the conductors that he performed with: Seiko Kim, Yutaka Sado, Vladimir Ashkenazy, James Conlon,
[blog of a mathematics teacher of public junior high school in Saitama]
Tsujii Nobuyuki concert ticket reservation
March 12, 2015
Ticket reservation for Tsujii Nobuyuki April 14 (Tuesday) concert ticket.
Was on the phone starting at 10:00 in the morning and could not get connected.
I was able to finally connect to reservation around 1:00.
I took an A seat, I think just before it was sold out.
Once sold out or I thought A seat has taken.
As I had never been to such a concert, it was a good experience.
But I wonder if everyone has such a hard time getting ticket?
♪ March 10/11
A tweet that warms the heart and perhaps will make Nobu happy:
明 日は卒業式 高校入学して卒業できるということに感謝して毎日を一生懸命生きなきゃね。 私が明日の送辞で一番最初に弾く曲は、東日本大震災のときに使われた、ピアニスト辻井伸行さんが作曲した 「それでも、生きていく」 I work hard and I give thanks daily that tomorrow I will walk in a high school graduation ceremony. The first song that will be played tomorrow is a composition by pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, "Still, we live on."
♪ "Touching the Sound" will be shown at the Sonoma Film Festival March 25-29.
image via Internet link
And it will also be shown at the RiverRun International Film Festival, North Carolina, April 16-26.
♪ March 10/11
A tweet that warms the heart:
明 日は卒業式 高校入学して卒業できるということに感謝して毎日を一生懸命生きなきゃね。 私が明日の送辞で一番最初に弾く曲は、東日本大震災のときに使われた、ピアニスト辻井伸行さんが作曲した 「それでも、生きていく」 I must work hard and I give thanks daily that tomorrow I will walk in a high school graduation ceremony. The first songs that will be played tomorrow is a composition by pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, "Still, we live on."
♪ Mar 8 Nobu power! All but one of 23 stops on his Appassionata solo tour has now been declared sold out. These stops are performed at venues of 1000-3000 seats!
See here: Avex Classics Nobuyuki Tsujii "Appassionata" tour poster
♪ Mar 5
Cleaning up the files on my home computer yesterday, I was reminded of a video that I had not watched for too long. Nobuyuki Tsujii "What the wind brings" 辻井伸行の風がはこんできたも
In it Nobu plays a composition of his impression of the winter wind an snow in Hokkaido. To me, that composition remains Nobu's best.
♪ Mar 2
There is a nice blog post that came up today from Montreal Canada, "Prodigieux Nobuyuki Tsujii !(The Stupendous Nobuyuki Tsujii!)"
I worked up an English translation, which you are welcome to read here: The Stupendous Nobuyuki Tsujii returns to Canada!:
The post includes a re-print of a great review of Nobu's 2013 debut performance in Winnipeg -- a review that I didn't catch at the time.
Nobu returns to Canada this May,
Standing ovation for Nobu's January 20 recital in Winnipeg -- image via Internet link
♪ Mar 8
辻井伸行氏のピアノが好きだ。タッチのやさしさと感情表現のセーブが聴き取れる。たたみ込まず、押しすぎず、曲の興奮に左右されない弾き方だと思って聞いている。俺だけの聴きかたかもしれないが、好きなピアニストの一人です。I like the piano of Mr. Tsujii Nobuyuki. Gentleness of touch and emotional expression ... Is not convolved, not too pressing ... it's the way to play that does not depend on the song of excitement ... he is one of my favorite pianists. -tweet
ランランは辻井伸行と同じくらい好きだよ♡ I love Nobuyuki Tsujii as much as Lang Lang [or the other way round -- I don't consider this a compliment but Lang Lang is big in Japan also.]
辻井伸行はマジで完璧 Nobuyuki Tsujii is, seriously, perfection. -tweet
川口リリア辻井伸行氏でチケットゲット♪彼のピアノの音とても楽しみ♪ヽ(´▽`)/ I fot tickets for Tsujii Nobuyuki Kawaguchi Lilia concert ! [Photo shows poster of April 14 Appassionata concert -- tickets came on sale yesterday.] -tweet
2012年に続き、辻井伸行さんとゲルギエフがミュンヘンフィルで11月に公演。前回は白夜祭にゲルギーが辻井さんを招聘したと言うから、きっと良いんだろう。演目も皇帝なら相当良いんだろう。でも、お値段良くなさ過ぎ_| ̄|○ Following the 2012, Nobuyuki Tsujii and Mr. Gergiev will performances in November with the Munich Philharmonic. Since the last time Gergiev has Tsujii to White Night, I think this will surely be good. Repertoire of "Emperor" is also wonderful. But, the price, well, is just too steep -tweet
♪ Mar 7
【チケット完売のお知らせ】「辻井伸行 日本ツアー≪熱情≫」(3月12日[木]19:00 群馬音楽センター)のチケットは、完売になりました。誠にありがとうございました。 [Notice of tickets sold out] Tsujii Nobuyuki Japan tour« Appassionata »" (March 12 [Thursday] 19:00 Gunma Music Center) is now sold out. Thank you very much. -tweet [Aside: it almost looked like this is one stop on the tour that would not sell out. Gunma has almost been a hard sell even for Nobu.]
... 辻井伸行コンサートチケットとれず。
... Tsujii Nobuyuki concert tickets .
I've been inquiring about ticket reservations for Tsujii Nobuyuki's concert in Ueda,
I could not buy it; the tickets were released and sold out at the same time.
When I looked at the auctions on the web, the price is more than twice the value.
I bet there are people who buy tickets not even intending to go to listen but for the resale.
暖かい雨のようなピアノの音色。ピアノってこんな音も出るんだなぁ..と、染み染み思う。 / ラ・カンパネラ / 辻井伸行 / ラ・カンパネラ~ヴィルトゥオーゾ・リスト!
The tone of his piano is like warm rain ... it stains ([i.e., leaves an impression on you] Tsujii Nobuyuki / La Campanella - Virtuoso Liszt! -tweet
♪ Mar 6/7
Nobu power!! Today at 10AM tickets came on sale in Japan for Nobu's April 5 'Appassionata' recital Japan tour stop in 上田 Ueda. Tickets for the Grand Hall (1,530 seats) sold out by the time I checked at 1PM - perhaps much sooner.
辻井伸行さんのコンサート行くことになった♪♪上田らしいし、来週のご飯の予定が終わったらちょっと節約かな( ;∀;) I am supposed to go Tsujii Nobuyuki's concert, it seems, in Ueda. Next week I will be eating rice to save money. -tweet
4月5日の辻井伸行さんのピアノのチケットを2枚譲っていただける方を探しています😢ってここで言って意味があるのかもわからないし今日言ったところで譲る人なんて一人もいないことわかるからつんだ🙏💭ハアアアアアア見たかった聞きたかった泣きそう😭😭😭しばらくアナザースカイ見れない😭😭😭 I am looking for someone who can hand over two tickets for Nobuyuki Tsujii's April 5 piano of concert [I didn't manage to get tickets today] I am crying; I want to hear him and see him, Aaaaa! I [saw him on] Another Sky. -tweet
辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート行ってきます! 人生初のS席です(●´ω`●) I am going to the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! My first S seat in my life -tweet
お母の誕生日プレゼントに取った辻井伸行さんのコンサート♩ わたしも行くはずだったのに...(笑)楽しんできてね I bought Nobuyuki Tsujii tickets for my mother's birthday. I am going too ... LOL. -tweet
2015年03月07日 11:15
March 7, 2015 11:15
Tsujii Nobuyuki concert tickets
Tickets for Tsujii Nobuyuki concert came on sale at 10 today and I tried to connect to the Internet reservation site . Finally connected 11:00 , but it was already sold out sold out when it was my turn. He is popular. It is not unusyal to not be able to get tickets when he comes here.
♪ March 4
記憶に残る愛の告白は全盲のピアニストからされたものかしらね(*´∀`*)ウットリ。あ、辻井伸行くんではありません。Confession of love to a blind pianist who entrances me. Oh, it is Mr. Tsujii Nobuyuki. -tweet
どんなに日本でチケットが即完売しても、世界的ピアニストになっても、この謙虚さはずっと変わらない事でしょう。辻井伸行 まだ26才。 No matter that tickets are sold out in Japan, and even if the is a global pianist, his humility does not change much. Tsujii Nobuyuki is still only 26 years old. -Yura tweet
♪ March 3
辻井伸行さんの行こうと思ったけどもうチケット完売だった…Σ(゚д゚lll) Tsujii Nobuyuki -- I thought let's go ... but tickets were already sold out. -tweet
辻井伸行さんの演奏にはパッションを感じる I feel the passion to Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing -tweet
♪ March 1
It makes me happy to catch this exchange on Twitter between two kura-ota type (classical music afficianoados)
Q: HIROMIさんのお勧めの他のピアニスト(クラシック限定w)は誰ですか?ギレリスかポリーニあたりでベートーベンのピアノソナタを聴こうかと思っているんですが。
Who are other pianists (in classic only) that you, Mr. HIROMI, recommend? I listened to Beethoven's piano sonata per Gilels or Pollini.
A: あおいくまさんにお勧めできるほどの知識が私にはありません。ルービンシュタインとかアルゲリッチとか誰でも知ってる奏者しか頭に浮かびませんもの。キーシンはすごいなあと思います
I am not knowledgeable enough to recommend, Blue Bear. Rubinstein and Arguerich came to mind. Kissin is amazing.
Also, the best player that I like might be surprising, but it is Nobuyuki Tsujii of our own Japan.
♪ Feb 28
うちのおかんから、 『朝やってたテレビで、辻井伸行先行予約って出てたから2枚チケット取ったよ!』 と言ってきた。 今年の11月予定なのに先行予約って早いね~(°∀°) と思いつつ… 値段見て……ハビッたわ😨 俺だすの??(笑)
In the morning chill, on TV someone was saying, "This morning I took two tickets because it is pre-sale of Tsujii Nobuyuki!"
This is for a November performance - I think it's a little early.
But look at the price ... Can I really bring myself to pay?? (LOL)
[Tickets for Nobu's performance with Valery Gergiev in Sendai are priced at 24000Y-16000Y.]
Oh, Nobuyuki Tsujii. I got a hit [for his concert ticket??]!!!!
♪ Feb 27
On a day off from his 'Appassionata' recital Japan tour, Nobu attended a reception in tokyo for Prince William of U.K.
Photo Reuters/Kyodo via Internet link
"Britain's Prince William (front R), Duke of Cambridge, talks with Nobuyuki Tsujii (front L), a visually-handicapped Japanese pianist, during a reception at the British Ambassador's official residence in Tokyo February 27, 2015, in this photo released by Kyodo. Prince William is in Japan for a four-day visit. [Photo/Agencies]" And the lady in kimono beside Nobu is, of course, his mother Itsuko Tsujii.