Notable web postings - September 2016

Continued from Notable web postings - August 2016

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

♪ September 30  Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii's blog post

My patience has paid off -- I was hoping for just such a blog post!

Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii made a blog post about Nobu's appearance at the アメリカ大使館 U.S. Embassy Tokyo on September 26, at a reception for the anniversary of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), with photos, including one of Nobu and his parents with Ambassador Caroline Kennedy.

Mrs. Tsujii's blog post is at

The text of the post, with my translation, can be found here => Nobuyuki Tsujii at the U.S. Embassy 9/26/2016

PHOTO above -- From left: Nobu's mother. Itsuko Tsujii, Nobu, Ambassador Caroline Kennedy and Nobu's father Takashi Tsujii.

♪ October 1 10月1日「徹子の部屋」再放送 "Tesuko's Room" episode rebroadcast on BS-Asahi

Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii's blog announced the rebroadcast of the show aired on September 20




♪ September 29 HarrisonParrott 2016 autumn brochure

It strained the eyes a little, but I found Nobu listed on P. 4 (photo below) of the management firm's new brochure, and -- what a coincidence -- the leader of the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Lorenza Borrani, who will be the director of the orchestra's tour with Nobu in Japan next month, has newly signed with the management firm.

♪ September 27  Nobu performed at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo for the 26th Anniversary of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).

Thanks to Yura who spotted a facebook posting about the event, as well as several tweets from attendees.

The U.S. Embassy in Tokyo hosted a reception for the 26th Anniversary of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) on September 26th.  

According to the blogger, Ambassador Caroline Kennedy spoke of her family's involvement with Special Olympics, including stories of her uncle Teddy Kennedy. Nobu played two works.

A posting on the Twitter indicates that the event was streamed live. It may yet show up on the Embassy's YouTube channel, so let's keep an eye on it =>

The photo below shows Nobu, his father Takashi Tsujii (according to Yura -- if so, a rare public appearance), mother Itsuko Tsujii and Ambassador Kennedy at the event.

PHOTO above is from a tweet by Mr. 谷合正明 Masaaki Taniai

♪ ♪ September 27 Nobu is the subject of a published Ph.D. Thesis

In March 2013, Nobu visited Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where he performed and met with  UBC (University of British Columbia) doctoral student Stefan Sunandan Honisch, who was pursuing his study in music education.  Mr. Honisch has since successfully defended his dissertation, "Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii & the education of the sensorium through musical performance", now available for browsing on the Internet. =>

Mr. Nick Asano (Nobu's manager) wrote, upon hearing this news: "Actually, he interviewed Nobu during our stay in Vancouver, and we did a few extra sessions on Skype after that.  I believe that was a huge task for Stephen, I'll write to him to say Congratulations. Thanks again for letting me know."

PHOTO above: Stefan Sunandan Honisch (right) and Nobu (center), in 2013. Source: posting by blogger (left)

♪ September 25

辻井伸行さん演奏のベートーヴェン「熱情」を聴く。この人の音は、湧水のように澄んだ音ですね。涼しげでとても優しい。激しいソナタなのに、この人の音色はまるで、山奥からしずしずと湧くよく冷えた地下水をイメージさせる。そうした湧水の清々しさと静謐さのなかで奏でられているよう。 -tweet

たしかに辻井さんのショパン「革命」はそれこそ熱情的に演奏されるが、その音一つ一つの残響はとても繊細で優しげだ。ご自身の徳とでも言うべきものが残響に宿るのであろうか。そう、世界的なピアニストというのは、おそらく残響への入魂で勝負するのではあるまいか。平に感服します。 -tweet

♪ September 24

Tickets came on general sale for the first time for a stop (Fukuoka January 9) on the Nobuyuki Tsujii 2016-17 Bach/Mozart/Beethoven Japan Recital Tour, at 10AM today in Japan.

When I checked just now, at 12:30PM Japan time, the PIA concert ticket page for Nobu was overloaded.



Home accesses are concentrated, and connections may be difficult

We are sorry. Please try again some other time.

And now it shows

予定枚数終了Allotment sold out

So, the popularity of Nobu's recitals remain undiminished in Japan!  However, often tickets  become available again at this outlet some time later.   But this is a very good sign.

♪ September 26

辻井伸行さんのコンサート Concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

2016-09-26 20:27:04


The other day, after work, I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert alone.



I love "La Campanella" especially Tsujii of play,

The sound of the bell emitted from Tsujii's piano shaken the soul.

(Meaning that the bell and La Campanella)


When listening,

In city of old Europe,

People in a variety of life,

For a moment,

To stop the hand,

It reminds the scene to listen attentively to the sound of the bell.


But this time I was not listed in the repertoire list, at the end of the last encore, Nobuyuki Tsujii was me playing the La Campanella.




Very, very, I was happy.

To the tone of the beautifully painful rang out across the piano, heart had been trembling.

Place you do not know even whether or not to breathe, I listened.

♪ September 23

「ヴェネツィア・ルネサンスの巨匠たち」の音声ガイド、とってもおすすめ。。。石坂浩二さんのガイドが耳に心地よくて、辻井伸行さんのピアノ演奏も本当に素敵でした。いつもは情報量多くなっちゃったり壁掛けの作品解説と内容かぶってたりでガイド要らなかった~と思うのですが今回はあって良かった!I highly recommend the audio guide for "Venice Renaissance masters." . . Koji Ishizaka's guide was comfortable to the ears, and the piano playing Nobuyuki Tsujii is really nice..  I usually think there is no need for commentary on the content of the wall-mounted and the amount of information is too much, but I'm glad to have it this time!  -tweet

辻井伸行君の1月のコンサート行こうかなぁ。 バッハのイタリア協奏曲弾くみたいなんだよ。 あんまりバッハのイメージがないから聴いてみたい。 あとベートーヴェンの月光&熱情、モーツァルトのピアノ・ソナタ17番を弾くらしい。I wonder if  I should go to concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii in January. It seems he will play Italian Concerto of Bach. I want to listen to it because I have no image of Bach. After that come Beethoven's Moonlight & passion, and it seems he will also play the Piano Sonata No. 17 of Mozart.

チケットget👍✨めっちゃ楽しみ💓生でオーケストラ聴けるのなんてボリショイバレエ団ぶり!!しかも辻井伸行さんのピアノ生で聴けるなんて!✨😭それを1500円で聴ける学生は最高(笑)学校帰りに行けるのは浜松の特権I got tickets. Loads of fun.  Great to get to see Bolshoi Ballet the first time! ! Moreover I can listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano as student at 1500 yen, the highest (laughs) privilege of going to school in  Hamamatsu on the way home

♪ September 23

The Chamber Orchestra of Europe posted

The COE plays for Japan

On 27 September 2011, the COE’s string players gave a private concert in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) and in support of the victims of the [2011]  Japan earthquake, at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow. The concert was directed by Lorenza Borrani and the Orchestra’s Glasgow-born principal cello, William Conway. The programme included Mozart’s Divertimento in D, Tchaikovsky’s Andante Cantabile for solo cello, Dvorak’s Serenade for strings, Bor’s McMozart’s Eine kleine bricht moonlich Nichtt and Heidrich’s Happy Birthday Variations. This benefit concert was a great success and raised £5,300 (around €6,100) for the children of Japan through UNICEF.

The COE will tour with Nobu in Japan in October.  The 10 performances are also directed by the orchestra's leader Lorenza Borrani.

♪ September 22

Fuji TV documentary of Nobu in USA to air October 9!

When Nobu was on tour in the U.S., with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra back in June, Fuji-TV traveled with him. And now, as promised, we will get to see some of the footage filmed, including Nobu's performances at New York's Central Park. There will be scenes of Nobu performing in a jazz club and dancing with a tap dancer!

<BSフジサンデースペシャル> 『辻井伸行×ニューヨーク』(仮)

2016年10月9日(日) 21:00~22:55

<BS Fuji Sunday Special> "Nobuyuki Tsujii × New York" (provisional)

2016 October 9 (Sun) 21:00 to 22:55

Program description with my English translation here => "Nobuyuki Tsujii × New York" 2016 Fuji-TV Special

♪ September 21 Waiting for that Fuji-TV documentary on Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra in U.S. 2016

This tweet from Shinobu echoes my own thought


When will the documentary of Nobuyuki Tsujii co-starring with Orpheus in Minnesota Beethoven Festival and the NY Central Park in June be aired? We look forward to it. BS Fuji-san, please announce soon!

I retweeted  it to @FujiTV and -- it may or may not be a coincidence -- but the announcement showed up shortly thereafter!

♪ September 21 18:30 Nobu performed to in a sold-out Benefit Concert for the AJU ( Association to Improve the Lives of People with Severe Disabilities in Aichi Prefecture)

The concert took place in  愛知県芸術劇場 Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Concert Hall (where Nobu has performed frequently; it holds 1800 seats)

Nobu performed his own compositions and some classics, similar to what he did in Ohga Hall, Nagano, earlier this month. 

Some comments

辻井伸行さんのコンサートへ行ってきました😌辻井さんの演奏はCDでたくさん聴いていたけど、生で演奏を聴くのは初めてでした💓 とても綺麗な音で居心地の良い時間でした〜🎵

I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert.  I listened to his CD a lot but this was my first time listening to him live.  It was a cozy time in a very beautiful sound

辻井伸行 ピアノ・リサイタル 愛知県芸術劇場コンサートホールにて この先ずっと私の心に残る、とてもとても幸せな時間を過ごして参りました。

Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recital Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Concert Hall will remain in my mind for years to coem. I have had a very, very happy time.

クラシックコンサート行ってきました\(*´ `*)/辻井伸行さんのピアノソロ聴けて貴重な体験させて頂きました✨ I went to classical music  concert ,  I was allowed to experience Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's precious piano solo.

辻井伸行さんのクラシックコンサート行ってきました…!!とっても貴重な体験させて頂きました😂😂😂人生に2回とないだろうな〜✨ Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii classical concert I went. A very valuable once-in-a-lifetime experience.

大村秀章Hideaki Omura, Nagoya Aichi prefectural governor, tweeted:


Last night, in the Aichi Art Center concert hall,  we looked forward to the attendance of Princess Tomohito of Mikasa, who joined us at the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. This was a welfare concert for the "AJU House of Independence."  It was wonderful! The enthusiastic applause was overwhelming.  Thank you very much!

♪ September 20 GREAT NEWS! 

Yuko wrote:

I saw a "Ongaku no Tomo" ("Friends of Music" magazine) at a library. The London Phil and Vladimir Jurowski are to visit Japan in October 2017 and perform

with Nobu. The details are unclear.

音楽の友"Ongaku no Tomo" ("Friends of Music" magazine) is a well-established magazine in Japan.

Vladimir Jurowski  is a renowned conductor whose star has been on the rise internationally.

 It would be a great honor to Nobu to perform with him and the illustrious London Philharmonic Orchestra.

This is to be confirmed -- but I will definitely keep my eyes and ears wide open on this one.

♪ September 20  The show "Tetsuko's Room"aired in Japan

MORE at Nobu and mother on "Tetsuko's Room" 9/20/2016

This twitter (someone in show biz)  posted a photo of her taken at a party

徹子の部屋、天才ピアニストの辻井伸行さんとお母さんのいつ子さんだ〜〜😊😊! 2年前くらいに辻井さんの誕生日パーティー兼コンサートの打ち上げに参加させていただいた時の📷💕 同じプログラムを無理言って2公演見せてもらったんだ〜!素敵だった、、 そしてわたし、、、若い、、

♪ September 14/15 Better late than never!

Posting on the Cliburn Foundation Facebook page

"A Happy (slightly belated) Birthday to 2009 gold medalist Nobuyuki Tsujii, who turned 28 yesterday!"

♪ September 11 Charity concerts instead of birthday parties?

In addition to the September 21 Welfare Concert for the Severely Disabled, it seems Nobu has just held a charity recital for the Star Association of Social Welfare, according to a blogger <= Click to see more photos, some of Nobu's former university


辻井伸行 チャリティ・ピアノ・コンサート




September 12

Nobuyuki Tsujii Charity Piano Concert

Yesterday ... we went to the 80th anniversary concert of the Star Association of Social Welfare.

It was held in the Ishibashi Memorial Hall of Ueno Gakuen (Nobu's former university)




It seems Mr. Tsujii is a graduate of  Ueno Gakuen, and played in this hall for five years, the last time at his graduation exam.

[The program is Nobu's own compositions and classics. Two encores. Applause would not stop. Nobu had to close the piano lid himself.]



Very cute, now I am a humble fan of Mr. Tsujii!

♪ Congratulations to the Hiroshima Carp baseball team for capturing their first pennant

It is big news in Japan, and long-time Nobu fan Miyuki (who lives in Hiroshima) wrote:

"I'm happy that they finally have become a champion team after such a long time. I became a fan of the team when I learned that one of their best players (Yoshihiro Maru) is a classical music lover and his favorite musician is Nobu ... Hiroshima Carp was founded as a symbol of restoration after World War II and I think the way they run the team suits the atmosphere of this peaceful city."

Image source: Japan Times

♪ September 21 18:30 Nobu to perform in a Benefit Concert for the AJU ( Association to Improve the Lives of People with Severe Disabilities in Aichi Prefecture)

第25回ウェルフェアコンサート開催のお知らせ(チケットは完売しました)9月21日水曜日 愛知県芸術劇場で辻井伸行さんのピアノ・リサイタル!


Announcement of the 25th Welfare Concert on Wednesday September 21, piano recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii in Aichi Prefectural Art Theater! Tickets have sold out.

This year, we welcome pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, who will deliver a piano recital.


This concert is organized by the Family Support Group of AJU to support independent living of those severely disabled and to expand the understanding of their family and welfare  through the best of music.

The concert will take place in  愛知県芸術劇場 Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Concert Hall (where Nobu has performed frequently; it holds 1800 seats)

It looks like Nobu will perform his own compositions and some classics, similar to what he did in Ohga Hall, Nagano, earlier this month. 

The announcement also mentions something that I wasn't aware of:


He (Nobu) has  issued CDs continuously, and has won the Gold Disc award twice.

SSeptember 9  Those "Learned Critics"!

Okay, I had stopped looking at the always glowing reviews of certain big-name pianists, but this one caught my eye.

Staatskapelle Dresden/ Thielemann review - Trifonov sparkles in Mozart

It is a review in the U.K. Guardian of a very recent Proms performance, in which pianist Daniil Trifonov played Mozart Piano Concerto No. 21 (Nobu will play this work with the Chamber Orchestra of Europe next month).

Critic Martin Kettle gave Trifonov a big thumbs-up (a "sparkling and virtuosic account"), but if you look at the comments following the post, you will read several people who were at the concert pointing out that "There was a near catastrophic breakdown of ensemble towards the end of the first movement of KV467, caused by Trifonov losing his way." Also, "there were substantial passages that just didn't sound like Mozart at all."

It really makes my blood boil.  It is unfathomable how an experienced critic could overlook such glaring transgressions. It confirms to me that "learned critics" feed off of each other. Mr. Trifonov, it seems to me, has been anointed by the classical music critics community as the next coming and could do no wrong. I suspect Mr. Kettle was predisposed to proclaiming this performance of his as yet another great feat of the SUPER PIANIST OF OUR AGE.

I could just see a scathing review of such a performance if it were made by some other pianist not already placed so high on the pedestal by the learned critics.

UPDATE: Some learned critics did get it right: Michael Church of the Independent " Came dangerously unstuck", and David Nice of the Arts Desk

But Bachtrack's David Karlin (who didn't give Nobu a very good review of his Chopin recital) made the same mistake as Kettle.

September 8 19:00 辻井伸行 音楽と絵画コンサート Nobuyuki Tsujii music and painting concert  Bunkamura Orchard Hall

September 8  Flying from Osaka to Tokyo for Nobu's concert

Nobu fan Shinobu, who has been to countless Nobu concerts, is on her way from Osaka to Tokyo for Nobu's concert this evening. The typhoon apparently has passed and the concert in Shibuya's Orchard Hall will take place as planned. 

大阪伊丹空港で出発待ち。30分程遅延のもよう。JALでいざオーチャードホール辻井伸行音楽と絵画コンサートへ。Waiting at Osaka Itami Airport.  About 30 minutes of delay.   JAL in a pinch to Orchard Hall NobuyukiTsujii music and painting concert.  -tweet

And she made it!


Nobuyuki Tsujii Music and Painting Concert at Orchard Hall.

It is hard to express in words, but this is certainly one of the best of the 62 peroformances of his that I have heard so far.

Other comments:

《辻井伸行 音楽と絵画コンサート》第2部のドビュッシー×ドガの絵画では「エトワール」「バレエの授業」をはじめバレエ絵画ばかりが超巨大スクリーンに❗️私って、バレエに関しては外さないなあ〜大好きな絵と大好きなピアニストさん^_^ "Nobuyuki Tsujii music and painting concert" --  In part 2, the paintings of Degas "Etoile" "Lesson of the ballet" was shown with Debussy!  It was the first time I saw the ballet paintings on giant screen ... favourite pianist and favorite paintings. ^ _ ^

辻井伸行〜音楽と絵画コンサート〜 念願の辻井くんのコンサート行ってきた🌟 心が洗われるような綺麗な音色、感動した! 絶対またいつか行く💫 #辻井伸行 #Bunkamura #オーチャードホール…  Nobuyuki Tsujii -music and painting Concert - long-sought Tsujii-kun concert. 🌟  beautiful tone washed my heart, I was impressed! Absolutely will go again someday 💫 # Nobuyuki Tsujii #Bunkamura # Orchard Hall ...

オーチャードホールで辻井伸行音楽と絵画コンサートを鑑賞。赤ちゃんや子供の頃の写真が可愛い。アンコールで真田丸の最後に流れる曲が聴けて嬉しかった。やっぱり生は音がいいなあ。 テレビ番宣もしてくれた。徹子の部屋に出るそうです。20日だったかな?


辻井伸行さんの「音楽と絵画 コンサート」に行ってきました。第1部は、トークも交え、スクリーンで視覚的にも楽しみました。第2部は、クラシック曲とスクリーンには、絵画。そして、アンコールには、すばらしい演奏。良かったです。(^_^) I went to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii on music and painting concert. Part I also talk the enjoyed visually on the screen. Part 2 is a classic song and screen painting. And Encore, a great performer. It is good. (^_^)


娘とオッパッピーが辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイクルに行ってて終わるの待ってたけど、さっき終わったみたい❗️  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recycling sappy music overtime;  and the daughter wanted to wait till the end, but I just wanted it to be over ❗️

 秋、はじめました   Autumn has begun

有名どころのピアノに有名どころの絵画、そして真田丸にカンパネラ 辻井伸行のカンパネラが生で聴けて本当によかった The famous piano famous paintings, and Sanada-Maru and Campanella. Mr.  Tsujii is a blessing in life to hear, really

 今日はオーチャードホールで開催された、辻井伸行くんの『音楽と絵画コンサート』に行ってきました🎵第1部は自作とフォトグラフ、第2部は名曲と絵画でした❗2/3しか見えませんでしたが、月の光×クレーは感動でした。親友同士の競演である、英雄ポロネーズ×ドラクロワも良かったです(〃∇〃)Of Nobuyuki Tsujii today held at Orchard Hall, music and painting concert I went  was painting with the famous homebrew and photos, part 2 part 1 ❗ could see only the first 2/3-light x clay was impressed. Friends compete in the Polonaise x nice Delacroix (member ∇ member)


:辻井伸行 音楽と絵画コンサート | オーチャードホール | Bunkamura …

This concert has been done. Was healed. : Tsujii, line music and painting concert | Orchard Hall | Bunkamura …

ずっと見てみたかったんだけどなかなかタイミングが合わなかった辻井伸行、ようやく見られた!そりゃ世界的なプロなんだから当たり前なんだろうけど、滑らかで軽やかな運指を目の当たりにすると圧倒されるね。。。wanted to see much more easily disagreed when Nobuyuki Tsujii, was seen at last! A worldwide professional it obvious I'm overwhelmed to see smooth, lightly fingering I would guess.

辻井伸行のコンサートで爆睡決め込んだやつの話する?  Was there some guy who fell asleep and snored at the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii?

今日はここで辻井伸行ソロコンサートでした!本編のショパンのバラード第1番とアンコール曲のラ・カンパネラは本当にお見事...!! @ Bunkamuraオーチャードホール

Today was Nobuyuki Tsujii row solo here! La Campanella of Chopin's Ballade No. 1 and Encore is really nicely done. Bunkamura Orchard Hall @





Last night, I listened to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii!

I expected to listen to the piano while artworks are shown.

At first I enjoyed the beautiful piano while looking the painting and photos in the back, but ...

Unexpected  reversal! !




When he was playing one of his own compositions made at the time of his Venice travel

Photos of Venice flowed behind him.

I felt, "Oh, the photographs have become supplements to the song."






The visuals dominated wiwth force,

making it felt as if we were on a gondola rocking on the canals in Venice.

Unsteady feeling of being above the  water.

And I could feel the air and the Italian sunshine and water

It made me feel ashamed that I only know Venice from photos.






In playing a song like this, it would seem he would rely on the  visual,

but Mr. Tsujii generated plenty of the atmosphere of Venice in his presentation.

And Tuscany, and Barcelona ...

He communicate well even on the radio without resorting to visual

I wish I knew how he does that!






In the second half I felt most for Ravel's "Water Play" and Chopin's "Ballade No. 1."

And  the dynamism in the "Polonaise in A-flat major," the dynamism

Also Delacroix also Monet also Vermeer projected behind him.

Great performances complemented by masterpieces!



Month after next, there is a chance that we will see Mr. Tsujii again

Both his playing and his talk have become more and more enjoyable!! Another positive blog post













Last night, at the Shibuya Orchard Hall

It was Nobuyuki's concert Tsujii of pianist.

Beautiful paintings, such as Renoir and Monet,

While in the background  photos of Tsujii and family

It was a new scheme for the piano performance of Mr. Tsujii.

Very naturally matched; the melodies of Mr. Tsujii stood out more as a result.

Especially in the first half, with compositions inspired when the Tsujii family was traveling in Europe and the United States

Venice and the Seine River of Paris;  the rural landscape of northern Italy

​​To listen to them against the backdrop of Gaudi in Barcelona,

It was the best of luxury.


♪ September 8  More Bach/Mozart/Beethoven recital tour revealed

Another performances of Nobu's Bach/Mozart/Beethoven recital tour have been announced on PIA online ticket outlet

南陽市文化会館 大ホール (山形県)

2016/12/25(日)  14:00 開演

2016/10/7(金) 10:00より一般発売

Nanyang City Cultural Center Grand Hall (Yamagata Prefecture)

2016/12/25 (Sun) 14:00  curtain <- Christmas Day!

2016/10/7 (gold) 10:00 general sale starts

September 7

Nobu's official site has just announced his September 20 appearance on another long-running popular TV show 徹子の部屋"Tesuko's Room"



PHOTO above: Nobu appeared on the "Tesuko" room show last year.

September 7 

Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii mentions on her blog that she will appear with Nobu on the September 20  徹子の部屋"Tesuko's Room"  TV show. The host of the show, 黒柳徹子 Tetsuko Kuroyanagi is "an internationally famous Japanese actress, a talk show host, an author of a best-selling children's book, a World Wide Fund for Nature advisor, and a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF." She is one of the most popular and admired women in Japan. At age 83, she seems ageless, and has hosted the show for decades! The photo below is from an episode of the show aired in 2010.

September 7  Typhoon threatens Nobu's September 8 concertSeptember 7  Typhoon threatens Nobu's September 8 concert

TicketSpace tweeted:

【台風13号接近に伴う、9/8「辻井伸行 音楽と絵画コンサート」について】 台風13号の接近に伴う公演の実施につきまして、本日(9/7)現在、公演は実施致します。万一、公演中止の場合はこちらのTwitterでもお知らせを致します。

[Due to the typhoon No. 13 approaching today (September 7), there is concern for implementation of the 9/8 "Nobuyuki Tsujii music and Painting Concert." Currently, the performance will be carried out. Should it be necessary to cancel the performance, we will announce here on Twitter."

今 日は軽井沢大賀ホールで辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートを聞きに行ってきました。 初めての生コンサートでしたが、心に響いてとっても感動しました。 アンコールでは「真田丸紀行」のテーマ曲を弾かれ、これまた大感激でした~(*≧∀≦*) Today, I went to listen to the piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii in Karuizawa Ohga Hall. It was my first live concert, but I was very impressed, echoing in the mind. In the encore he played the theme song of "Sanadamaru Journey", - I was thrilled. -tweet


Pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, I was listening to La Campanella for the first time in a long time. I thought, it's God. -tweet

昨日は軽井沢 大賀ホールで辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきました。




Yesterday I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert in Karuizawa Ohga Hall.

The first half was his original and the second half classical music.

It was quite good, including his original songs.

However, I wonder why from time to time my tears were overflowing.

Returned home safely, but I was a little scared in the rain and thunder; and now, I am back in the office

- tweet of a Tokyo IT worker


... 最後に、ショパンの「バラード1番」「英雄ポロネーズ」の華やかな演奏でした。




Today, in the afternoon, in the Oga Hall, Nobuyuki Tsujii Special Concert...

....Finally, it was gorgeous performance of "Ballad No. 1", "hero Polonaise" of Chopin.

There is also a standing ovation, mountainous applause, two songs encore

After that, Mr. Tsujii is, closed the lid of the piano to signify adjournment. . He is still in his 20s, I look forward to further maturity as he continues  playing.

[Blog post with many photos showing the scenic beauty of the region and of the concert program plus encore list]


He plays the piano wholeheartedly with love. Thunderous applause at the end of the concert. Today it was a moving, moving, moving time.


Really happy to be able to listen to his live performances, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, thank you for a great performance.

辻井伸行さんの自作曲 2016年 09月 07日

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's own compositions September 7 2016昨日 軽井沢大賀ホールの辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートに行きました。



Yesterday I went to the piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii of Karuizawa Oga Hall.

Karuizawa is in early autumn.

I was not familiar with the original works in the program

彼自身のオリジナル曲は すっかり手の中に曲がある感じで美しい音と年代による彼の成長を思いました。

アンコール曲は 真田丸紀行とリストのラ.カンパネラ


I thought his original songs in his hands sound beautiful, and that he has come along well with age.

The encores were Sanadamaru travelogue and Liszt Campanella

... 帰りにはね、駅でピアニストの辻井伸行さんとすれ違ったんだよ。


On my way home, I and pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii passed by each other at the station.

Huh! Karuizawa indeed!






Birthday gift from relatives -- tickets for today's Nobuyuki Tsujii concert

 I went to at Karuizawa Oga Hall

Karuizawa wind, me let me somehow feel the autumn






The venue was sold out!!

Since the concert started at 3 pm on a weekday afternoon,

the age group was high.  But there was a surprising number of men, perhaps senior men in Japan have also undergone a change





First half of the concert was his own compositions.

Each song was  gentle ... beautiful ... briilliant ...

His facial expressions while playing was also very nice ....

It was a very impressive time.





The second half the Debussy and also Liszt, was amazing! !

I have no words to describe it

Let's just say... it was like a nice dream

♪ September 5

Two questions came up on a Yahoo Q&A forum in the wake of the "Sanma" show appearance

盲目のピアニスト辻井伸行さんですが、さんま(さんまのまんま)とのトーク中にも首を振ったり、指を動かしたりしてますが。 癖ですか。 それとも他に障害があるのでしょうか。

On the "Sanma" show, blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii frequently shakes his head and moves his fingers. Is it a habit? Or does he have another disability?

先日TVでピアニストの辻井伸行さんが  タイプの女性は浅田真央さんと言っていて、  お二人とも心根がピュアで優しく、 すごく素敵な人だと思っていたのでなんだか嬉しくなりました。

何年も前から浅田真央さんがタイプっておっしゃっているんですね。 真央さんが彼の弾くピアノ曲で滑ったらどんなに素敵だろうと思ったのですが  そのような事はいままでにあったのですか?お二人が実際に会ったことはありますか?

Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii was on TV the other day and says his ideal type of women is Mao Asado.  These two people are pure, gentle and talented.  I am happy to hear that.  Has Mao Asada ever skated to his piano music?  And have the two actually ever met?

♪ September 3 Nobu makes his first appearance on popular TV talk show  『さんまのまんま』 (Manma's Mackerel Pike)

A flood of tweets about the show came up immediately after the appearance -- too numerous to list all, but here are some samples:

あっ!辻井伸行くん さんまのまんまに 登場してる〜✨ *\(^o^)/

Ah, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii appeared on the "Manma" show


Nobuyuki Tsujii on "Manma". He likes to eat delicious food. He wants to lose weight before a blind date. Really funny.

辻井伸行さんかわいいw Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is cute.


After watching Manma ,Nobuyuki Tsujii reminds me of Argerich and Vladimir Horowitz. I never went to their concerts; I want to go to Nobuyuki Tsujii's

テ レビ付けたら辻井伸行さんが人物イメージを曲にして即興で弾いていた。こういう感性すごく憧れる。Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was on TV was playing an improvisation of his impression of someone. Such sensibility that I really admire.

さんまのまんまで辻井伸行さんが即興で弾いた曲が綺麗すぎて。 Tsujii Nobuyuki san played an improvisation of his impression of the Pike -- it was too beautiful.

さんまのまんまゲスト辻井伸行 今年の最高回出たね いやあ凄いわ このクオリティーはeテレでも無理ちゃうか'Pike of Manma' guest Nobuyuki Tsujii

turned out to bethis year's best

Well it was amazing that such quality is on eTelevision.

Yura tweet with a 2-minute clip <== click to see video clip

お 母さんのハヤシライス以外でも、どこにいっても食べてますゆうとけよぉ。辻井伸行 さんまにトークのダメ出しされる。 ショパンの『英雄ポロネーズ』を どんな曲や?と聞かれ、しょうがないからメロディーを口ずさんで伝える。初めて聴くわ [translation beyond me but the conversation is apparently very funny]

Another Yura tweet with a clip -- something about girl friends

Yura tweet with a video clip

クレイジーケンバンドの歌ったけど「歌下手やな」言われる。絶対音感でさんまの引き笑いを『ソ』と即答♪ 「俺今どんな顔してる?」に『びっくりしてますね』メッチャいい反応😂会場に美人は何人ぐらいおる?『けっこう美人が多いと思います』グー

Nobu sang a song by the Crazy Ken Band (that he apparently loves). The host struck a glass bottle and ask Nobu to identify the note to demonstrate his absolute pitch. Nobu answered immediately "The Soviet Union" and drew a big laugh. Something about Nobu being able to tell beautiful people.

Yura tweet with a video clip [something about Mao Asada . female figure skater admired by Nobu]

メッチャおもろかった ( ̄▽ ̄)佐渡さんがさんまと楽しそうだったのがきっかけで出ようと思ったようで。「27歳です」に、「もうおっさんやな」言われてるし^^; 浅田真央ちゃん推しもさらにアピール♡『さんまのまんま』辻井伸行 Nobu plays an impromptu of his impression of the host, and a romantic ballad by request


More at Nobu makes his first appearance on popular TV talk show  『さんまのまんま』 (Manma's Mackerel Pike)

♪  September 3

辻井伸行さんの母・いつ子さん講演 山陽レディース倶楽部「きらり」

Nobuyuki Tsujii's mother, Mrs, Itsuko's, gave a talk at Sanyo Ladies Club "Kirari"

♪  September 3

辻井伸行って、気分いい人だ。久々にこんなにハキハキ話す人見た。全盲、弱視の生活って凄く大変な気がする。Nobuyuki Tsujii gives a feeling of a good person. He speaks so lucidly for a long time. I feel good that the blind and the visually impaired can lead such a good life.

♪  September 3

ヴェネツィア・ルネサンス展 [Venice Renaissance Exhibition] ‏@accademia2016 tweeted:


Our Audio guide is very popular. Detailed narration of the arts by  Koji Ishizakat. And there is a  special content,  music "Brilliance of Venice" composed and played by pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii can be listened to in full!

♪  September 2

This floors me. Mr. Kawakami (Nobu's long-time piano teacher) just returned from Italy after attending a concert seminar with a group of Japanese students. He is appearing in a concert on November 8. In his latest blog post he lists Nobu's Tokyo "Music and Paintings" concert and his two upcoming TV appearances. Then -- if I got it right -- he seems to be saying -- longingly -- that he does not watch TV because his TV is broken!

Mr. Kawakamie should check here!

PHOTO: Mr. Kawakami and Nobu in St. Petersburg, April - source Mr. K's blog

September 2 19:00 東京芸術劇場 コンサートホール (東京都) Tokyo Art Center

辻井伸行 音楽と絵画コンサート Nobuyuki Tsujii music and painting concerts

Nobu will perform classical music and his own composition to projection of famous art works.

Lots of tweets came up after the concert:

父母と辻井伸行さんのコンサート!幸せ。幸せの夜。楽しい! 父が本当に喜んでくれてそれが私は本当に嬉しい。 また聴きに行こう!Went with parents to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert!

happiness. A happy evening.  Very pleasant!

  My father was really pleased, and   I am really glad.

  We will go again!

[Looks like Nobu played 3 encores:  Chopin's Nocturne No. 20;  theme from "Sanada Maru"『真田丸』(NHK TV drama series) [I think this is the first time that he played this in a concert] and La Campanella.

東京芸術劇場にて辻井伸行さんのリサイタルを見に行ってきました。 音楽×絵画のコラボレーション、しかも大好きな印象派。最高でした( `•ω•´ )✨ 終わってお母さんとディナーしてきた

I went to see the Nobuyuki Tsujii's recital at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space. Music × painting in  collaboration.  And I love the Impressionists.  It was the best ( `• ω • ') ✨  I had dinner with my mother. - tweet

辻井伸行音楽と絵画のコンサートを東京芸術劇場で鑑賞 ♪オリジナル作品は本当に素敵♡キラキラ輝く美しい音色で心まで綺麗になったみたい(^^) 絵画&写真と音楽のコラボレーションで芸劇初ソロとの事。9月8日はオーチャードでコンサート♪

Nobuyuki Tsujii music and painting appreciation ♪ original work and classic  concert at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space was really nice; my mind was cleansed.  ♡ Sparkling beautiful tone (^^) It was his first solo of collaboration of Paintings & photography and music.  There is a  September 8 concert in Orchard


The joy of the sound of the piano, grain by grain, was overflowing! It brought happiness to the audience.  Today's  performance was Nobuyuki's music and paintings .

辻井伸行さんのコンサート行ってきた〜音がきらきらしてて素晴しかった。。そして終わったらMステウルトラフェス決まってる!♥︎♥︎なんだかんだ21年目もどんどん楽しみ作ってくれて幸せです  I sent to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert - the sound was  sparkling and reverberating .

When it was over it made me decide to [attend a certain art/music festival next.]  Somehow even after 21 years this is still fun.


We went to Nobuyuki  Tsujii's "music and painting Concert".

Right from the start the hall was filled with the music of Mr. Tsujii.

The second half starts with the Classic "dream" and "Clair de Lune",

The "Water Play" [Ravel] was exquisite.  We listened happily.  great applause and storm of bravo after a dignified performance of Chopin's   Polonaise in A-flat major .   Seated behind the screen, I didn't see too much.

辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきました!ナマで聴くのは初めて。 彼は天才です。感動さめやらず… I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert! The first time to listen to him live is. He is a genius. I was moved ...

辻井伸行さんの「音楽と絵画」コンサートにお誘いいただき行って来ました。自作曲とクラシックの名曲のピアノソロと、ステージ上のスクリーンに投影される絵画のコラボ、なのだけど、むしろ 絵画はいらないかな…I went to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii "music and art" concert .  Original music and classical music for piano with screen projection of paintings on stage with original .   But I don't need the paintings.

辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行って来ました。心洗われる美しい旋律と…ラ・カンパネラは圧巻でした  I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert. And the beautiful melodies washed my heart ... La Campanella was the best part

またまた東京芸術劇場にて今度は辻井伸行さんのコンサートです。いや~素晴らしかった!意外におちゃめな人でした(笑)  Once again at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space; this time a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

It was really  great ~! He was unexpectedly playful (laughs)

今日は辻井伸行さんの「音楽と絵画コンサート」に行ってきたのですが、もう言葉には言い表せない位の感動をもらいました。 1部はオリジナル曲に合わせて、大きなモニターにその曲が生まれた海外の風景を写して演奏でした。 #辻井伸行コンサート

[detailed description of the concert]

... 演奏が素晴らしい上に、絵画も楽しめて、とても楽しいコンサートでした。








... Great playing, and I also enjoyed the paintings; it was a very enjoyable concert.

As the applause from the audience would not stop, he had to close the lid of the piano before taking the final leave from the stage.

By the way, he has performed in the Tokyo art theater with many orchestras, but playing solo for the first time.

Oh~! Tachiae been honored ✨ [translation beyond me]

Furthermore! Tomorrow he will be the "Manma" show; and I have already set the recording.

It will be fun.

[This blogger was not thrilled with the first half and only warmed up at the end of the second half]

前半は 彼が小さい時に『作曲した曲』に 彼の『小さいころの映像』が重なります。

1曲1曲を丁寧に説明をしながら ピアノを弾く辻井氏の誠実な人柄が伝わってきます。


「これはまずい、テレビで見た彼は虚像だったのか?」と 正直 焦りました。

流れるような指の動きはあるものの 手の動きが少なく 音に広がりはない、、、

あれ〜? という感じです。


後半は 『クラシックの名曲』に 『名画の映像』が重なるという趣向。

1曲目、2曲目、3曲目は ドビュッシーの曲に ルノワールやルドンの絵画。

彼の演奏に 強いインパクトを感じない私は 鈍感なのかな?


まるでウォーミングアップをしているかのように ピアノのタッチが非常に軽くなります。

ヒャーーー 彼は手が3本あるにちがいない と思う様な見事な演奏です。

うまく表現できませんし 障害者を揶揄する気持ちは 微塵もありませんが

『曲を楽譜から学んだ人と 曲を聞いて学んだ人は

英語を文字から学んだ人と 英語を聞いて学んだ人と 同様の差がある』。

だから 楽譜にはない 隠れた音が聞こえるのではないかと思うのです

アンコールで NHKの「真田丸紀行」を演奏してくれたあと

最後の最後に弾いてくれた「ラ・カンパネラ」は まさに「神ってる」演奏

鳥肌が立ち、背筋が寒くなるほどの感動を感じて 当然のスタンディングオベーション。

それにしても コンサートの盛り上げ効果が あまりにうまくできているので

イージーな私は すっかり策略にハマってしまいました。

In the first half, family video of Mr. Tsujii were shown along with his own compositions.

I felt it was a little awkward, as if we were watching TV. In spite of his flowing finger movements, there was little hand movements and spread of sound.

After intermission were masterpieces of classics and painting. The first three pieces were Debussy shown with works by Renoir and Redon. I did not feel the impact and wondered if I was being insensitive. Only when the 4th and 5th work of Ravel did I warm up. The piano touch was very light. He must have three hands. It was a stunning performance.

[something about disabled people being able to learn musical score by listening, similar to people learning English by listening]


After playing the NHK "Sanadamaru travelogue" music, he ended with "La Campanella".  It wa a "God-like" performance. 

Goose bumps stood,  I felt the excitement and the chill of the standing ovation.

 I know the feeling well.  It is easy to get addicted. [blog dedicated to Nobu's concerts attended by the blogger]

This blog post has detailed description of the concert; this particular blogger -- a long-time Nobu fan who has gone to many of Nobu's concerts -- is highly positive about the experience.

The post is very lengthy and detailed -- here are some of her points:

Nobu appeared in a casual outfit [probably the same one as on the Sanma show], with suspenders and shoes that seems to sparkle a little, making the blogger think that the pedaling will be magical in those shoes.

From the opening song "Giants of Beauty", the sound was more glittering and reverberated than ever. 

Nobu talked to the audience after the first two songs, saying that he has now warmed up.

The blogger felt that Nobu's playing  has evolved since his "boyish" days.

She thought the "Tribute to Jeanie" song sounds different -- perhaps the arrangement in the middle is different -- and sounds more beautiful than ever.

She is as big a fan as ever and her next Nobu concert is in November. [Another appreciative blog post]


... 鳴り止まない拍手に「今日はこれでお仕舞いです」と、最後はピアノの鍵盤蓋を閉めて丁寧にお辞儀をしてステージを去っていった辻井君。 お茶目です

I came to listen to Tsujii kun of the concert that took place at the Tokyo Art Theatre on September 2.

... As the applause would not stop, Tsujii-kun at last close the keyboard lid of the piano as if to say "That's it for today" and left the stage with a polite bow.  Kind of playful. A blog post by one who enjoyed the concert

辻井伸行さんコンサート Concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

... この広い世界のどこかに、こんなに素晴らしいピアニストがいると思うだけで私の人生はもっと鮮やかになりそうハイビスカス

世界って、人生って、本当に素晴らしい  ...

... My life is going to be more vivid just thinking that there is such a wonderful pianist somewhere in this wide world.  What a wonderful world I live in, really great. ...

♪ September 3

辻井伸行さんの母・いつ子さん講演 山陽レディース倶楽部「きらり」

Nobuyuki Tsujii's mother, Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii, gave talk at Sanyo Ladies Club "Kirari"


♪  September 2

Nobu is among the favorite memories of some staffer at WQXR radio in New York, which will rebroadcast his June concert with the Orpheus atCentral Park performance this holiday weekend.!/story/wqxr-staffers-favorite-summer-memories/

This Labor Day, WQXR will play selected highlights from our favorite live broadcasts recorded during the summer, featuring performances from Caramoor, Lincoln Center, Central P

Annie Bergen, Midday Host

I was thrilled to meet Alan Alda in person and hear about his strong personal connection to Mozart! Also, hearing the amazing pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii perform Beethoven’s Emperor concerto at the Naumburg Bandshell was magical.

Michael Shobe, Assistant Program Director

Bringing my 18-month-old daughter to the Naumburg Bandshell for Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Nobuyuki Tsujii, and Beethoven was a wonderful summer experience. She danced to the Coriolan Overture and paraded around the audience during the Emperor Concerto.