Notable web postings --  December 2014

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

December 31

無性にクラシックピアノが聴きたくなり… BS朝日「奇跡のピアニスト 辻井伸行 音楽の神様に導かれて」心が癒される~♡ 小さい頃、ピアノを習ってた時のピュアな気持ちを思い出す…(T▽T) その音色はストレートに心に響く 大晦日の夜、独り、厳かに、雑念を取り払い… For no particular reason I wanted to hear classical piano ...

BS Asahi "Guided by God -- pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, music of miracle" - the heart is healed ♡ I am reminded of the feeling of purity when I learned to play the piano in childhood (T ▽ T) On this New Year's Eve that resonated in my mind.   Alone, Solemnly, I got rid of worldly thoughts.  -tweet

ガキ使も紅白も見ずに、辻井伸行さんのピ アノ聴いてるなう。ちなみにドイツのベルリンフィル本拠地ホールで公演した時の映像。今流れてる曲はショパンのピアノソナタ第2番(いわゆる葬送行進 曲)。 静かな大晦日ですw  Not wanting to watch the brats on Red and White (a New Year special aired on NHK), I listened to the piano of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  On video he is performing in the Berlin Philharmonic Chamber Hall, Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 (the so-called Funeral March) is flowing. This is a quiet New Year's Eve.  -tweet

辻井伸行 クラシックの本場 ベルリンの聴衆に披露するショパン とリスト。魂の演奏。日本人として 誇らしい 至高のピアニストだ。Nobuyuki Tsujii showing off to the audience in Berlin Chopin and the Liszt classics. Performance of soul.  A supreme pianist who brings pride to Japanese.   -tweet by Yura

辻 井伸行ソリスト 佐渡裕マエストロ 日本人としての 最高のコンビ。そして王道のチャイコフスキー これ以上ない感動。Nobuyuki Tsujii soloist and Maestro Yutaka Sado.   Best combination of Japanese performers. And royal road of Tchaikovsky.  I could not be more impressed.  -tweet by Yura

辻 井伸行さんのドキュメンタリーを視てる。指揮者として共演したアシュケナージの一言が引っ掛かる。「彼はまだ若い。まだ伸びる。いい先生に教えてもらうと 良い。」今の彼の環境は最上ではない、と聞こえるのだ。I'm looking at the Tsujii Nobuyuki documentary and caught the words of Ashkenazy who co-stars as a conductor.   "He is still young. Still developing. It may be good for him to be taught by a good teacher."  I take it that he is not yet at the top on his game.   -tweet


辻井伸行さまの音色。茶の間にいながらこんな贅沢  Tsujii Nobuyuki's great tone.  Luxury while sipping tea in the living room  -tweet

辻井くんのピアノも素晴らしいけど、BBCのオケの演奏がグルーブ感があって良かった〜♫ BS朝日 - 奇跡のピアニスト 辻井伸行 音楽の神様に導かれて~  Piano of  Tsujii kun is great, and there is a sense of groove of his playing with the BBC Orchestra.   BS Asahi - miracle of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii Guided by the god of music ~  -tweet

辻井伸行さん音楽の神様に導かれて グリーグがいい!! Grieg on Tsujii Nobuyuki's music guided by God! ! -tweet

盲目のピアニスト 辻井伸行さん

 「地 デジ」のテレビチャンネルがバラエテイー番組とコマーシャルばかりなので、腹がたって「BS」に切り替えたら、盲目のピアニスト辻井伸行さんの演奏が始ま るところだった。スイスのラフマニノフの生家を見学したあとでのスイスの管弦楽団とのラフマニノフ「ピアノ協奏曲第2番」の競演だということであったと思 う(小生は全く音楽に疎いので正確には覚えていないのだが)。


演奏が始まって、息をのんだ。引きずり込まれた。おそらく聴衆側 からではよく見えないであろうと思われるが、テレビがしつこくクローズアップして撮影し続ける彼の両手の指の動きには小生の目が釘付けになった。盲目でも 片時も休まることなく首を左右に振りながら多分アクセントをとりながら、華奢で繊細な長い指先が鍵盤の上を微妙に痙攣するように検索しながら、しかも猛ス ピードで鍵盤上左右に行き交いながら鍵盤をタッチする映像は得もいわれぬ迫力があった。まるで10本の全部の指先には目が附いているようである。実際そう なのではないだろうか?彼の指先には視神経が交錯しているのではないだろうか? 第3楽章まで全くの暗譜で弾ききった。およそ人間業と思えなかった。プロ のピアニストなら当たりまえのことかも知れないが、盲目なんだから。


Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii

As the "terrestrial digital broadcasting" TV channels were playing nothing but jink and commercials, I switched  to "BS" in anger.  I landed on a show where blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii has just started playing.  I think it's a performance of Rachmaninoff "Piano Concerto No. 2" with the Swiss Orchestra after he visit the birthplace of Rachmaninoff in Switzerland (I do not remember exactly because Yours Truly is completely ignorant in music). 

Playing begins, and I gasped. Was hooked. Perhaps to show a perspective not normally seen well from the audience side, the TV camera persistently focused on closeups of the movement of the fingers of his hands.  My eyes became glued.

... [ The blogger goes on the expound on his/her thoughts on how a blind pianist plays]

December 29

bsフジで『辻井伸行×加古隆×レ・フレール THE PIANIST~作曲家たちの心音~』見てます。この演奏会は生で聴きたかった〜。 ピアノはベーゼンドルファーでした。 …    bs Fuji  "heart sound - of Tsujii Nobuyuki × Takashi Kako × Les Freres THE PIANIST ~ composer ". This concert I had wanted to hear live ~. Piano was Bösendorfer.

2014年12月28日 (日)












そ の番組は、「ピアニスト辻井伸行 トルコ行進曲 ~トルコ・アンタルヤに奇跡の音色が響く~」というタイトルで、2011年12月にトルコで開催された、 トルコの著名な音楽家「ファジル・サイ」が音楽監督を務める「アンタルヤ音楽祭」、それに辻井が招かれ、演奏する模様を追っている番組でした。






辻井伸行|それでも、生きてゆく~風がはこんでくるもの|ドラマハイライト (YouTub

December 28



Tsujii Nobuyuki san and Vietnam and Switzerland

image via Internet link

image via Internet link

image via Internet link

BS フジで25日夜、辻井伸行さんのピアノを聞いた。ベトナムの演奏会でのショパンの英雄ポロネーズ。そして、ベトナム国家音楽学院で、さまざまな民族音楽と 楽器に触れる。民族楽器で震災をきっかけに辻井さんが作曲した「それでも、生きてゆく」を演奏。そのお礼に彼はそれをピアノで弾く。それに寄り添うように 民族楽器が合奏。感動的な番組だった。これにはまって、今晩もスイスを訪ねる番組を見た。ワーグナーやラフマニノフが暮らした家を見る。彼らが使っていた ピアノをひく。この番組ではスイスの公演でリストの“愛の夢”、“ラ・カンパネラ”、久しぶりに聞いた。圧巻はバーゼル交響楽団とのラフマニノフのピアノ コンチェルト第2番。よかった。


BS Fuji on evening of the 25th, I heard the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii. Chopin's Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53 in the concert of Vietnam. Then, in the Vietnam National Conservatory of Music, he touched a variety of folk music and instruments. "Still, we alive on", composed by Tsujii in the wake of the earthquake, is played on folk instruments.   He played it on the piano in the thank-you, accompanied by the ethnic instruments ensemble

It was an impressive program.

Addicted to this, I saw a program to tonight of his visit to Switzerland.

He was at houses that Wagner and Rachmaninoff lived in.

He  played the piano that they used.

"Love  dream" of Liszt at Switzerland performance;

"La Campanella", I heard for the first time in a long time.

Highlight was  the Piano Concerto No. 2 of Rachmaninov with the Basel Symphony Orchestra. It was good.

December 27

It's so good to see a Japanese posting expressing the same sentiment as I did in a previous article, about Nobu's (lack of) presence outside Japan. A translation of the article and some comments by me can be found here: IMGにも頑張ってほしい I want IMG to work hard

image via Internet link

December 27 [blog by a Shinto priest]























"If you find a small joy, you can overcome a sad fate."

In the words of Tchaikovsky:

You cannot be sad in this world

If you find a small joy

Sad fate is overcome.

Tsujii Nobuyuki's St. Petersburg

He was there attending the music festival,

From there, the 4 hours train

To a town called Kling,

where  Tchaikovsky spent the last years of his life.

It was in that house that the Pathetique was written,

It is a quiet home surrounded by greenery.


In many of our lives,

"If you find a small joy ..."

That is the treasure of life.

Things that are important cannot be seen with our eyes.








琴線に触れ、心が揺さぶられる。 ...

Pure Tsujii Nobuyuki

I saw a show of Tsujii Nobuyuki, called "melody that connects the hearts - Southeast Asia Journey "

For some reason, tears spilled as they should not have.

When listening to the piano of Tsujii, I am always in tears.  His sound, spun out of an instrument of metal called piano, is just so pure.  

The sound connects like a chain of peals.

The sound douses us like moon drops. 

 heartstrings are pulled; heart is shaken ...

December 26/27

Tremendous response to the 3-hour documentary shown on BS-Fuji.  It seems like they showed the entire performance of Rach 2 with the Basel Symphony Orchestra, and there were some other new scenes.  Miyuki was able to watch the first half and wrote: "There were a couple of scenes that didn't look familiar to me. I haven't checked the old recording, but did Nobu play a piece on the pipe organ that sounds like something between this song or a Bach music? They showed it along with the performance "Still we live" which I remember he played. Also, was there a scene of Nobu tasting old wine that was made in 1988? ..."

Below are some of the many tweets that came up.  I imagine there are more to come.

「辻井伸行のスイス紀行」の約3時間の再放送を見た。前回も見ているがあらためて感動した。特にラフマ二ノス作曲の「ピアノ協奏曲第二番。(第一楽章、第二楽章、第三楽章)」の、45分にも及ぶオーケストラとの演奏が素晴らしく、感動ものだった。I saw a re-broadcast of about 3 hours of "Tsujii Nobuyuki Swiss Journey". I also watched it last time, but was again impressed. Especially Rachmaninov's  "Piano Concerto No.2  (First movement,second movement, third movement)", 45 minutes of wonderfully playing with the orchestra, it was something inspiring.

BSフジで辻井伸行くん、て呼びたい人の凄い演奏を。感動感動感動! BS Fuji in Tsujii Nobuyuki-kun, I want to shout out to people about his amazing performances.  Impressed impressed impressed!

ピアニスト辻井伸行さんの番組見てる。ラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲をたっぷり。すばらしいし、かわいい!とにかく辻井さんの番組って見入ってしまう。 I have seen pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's program.  Plenty of Rachmaninov concerto. Awesome, cute!  I would watch any program of Mr. Tsujii!

辻井伸行 スイス紀行 ラフニノフ ピアノ協奏曲第2番 感動しました(^O^)/ 2番3番は、良く聴きますが、最高でした。ありがとう  Tsujii Nobuyuki Switzerland travelogue. Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2  was impressed/2nd and 3rd. I  listen often, but this was the best. Thank you

辻井伸行 ラフマニノフ「ピアノ協奏曲第2番」bravo❗️演奏後、指揮者の方 感激して泣いてますよヽ(;▽;)ノ  Nobuyuki Tsujii Rachmaninoff "Piano Concerto No. 2" bravo❗️ After playing, the conductor seemed to be thrilled and was crying. 

こ こ最近仕事のトラブルで気が滅入り、好きな音楽も聞こうという気になれなかったが、辻井伸行のラフマニノフには久々聞き入ってしまった!(T_T) My mind has recently been occupied with troubles at work.  I am not used to listening to my favorite music, but I listened to Nobuyuki Tsujii's Rachmaninov for a long time!

辻 井伸行さんのピアノ演奏はじめてじっくりみている。全盲だけどハンデを自分の売りとしてすごいとおもう。ハンデをプラスに変えている。弾き方も鍵盤を触れ るように移動させる。指は直立で黒鍵とかで距離感をあわせているように見える。 でもそれでも「いい音」が出せる。すばらしいピアニストです。I looked at Tsujii Nobuyuki's piano playing carefully for the first time.  It is amazing that he is blind.  He has turned the handicap into a plus.  He plays by moving on the keyboard with touch.  It looks to me like he keeps his fingers in position with a sense of distance relative to the black keys.  But yet he puts out a "good sound".  That is a great pianist.

辻井伸行 BSフジ ラフマニノフ 「パガニーニの主題による狂詩曲」ん〜 素敵過ぎるでしょヽ(;▽;)ノ ノブ君のドキュメンタリーには、石田ゆり子さんのナレーションが とてもマッチしますねー♩ Tsujii Nobuyuki on BS Fuji, playing  Rachmaninoff 's "Rhapsody Theme of Paganini.  Excellent documentary.  Yuriko Ishida's narration is a great match.

BSフジの「辻井伸行×スイス紀行」を見ている。(というより聴いている。)ベルン大聖堂のパイプオルガンを初めて弾くのを聴いて、やっぱり神様はいるんだ、と思った。 I watched the "Tsujii Nobuyuki × Switzerlandtravelogue" of BS Fuji. (Actually, listening.)  Listening to his playing on the pipe organ in the Bern Cathedral for the first time, I thought God does exist after all.

A blog post with some photos

December 26

ヨーロッパ旅行✈情報部 ‏@euro_tour, with 484K followers, tweeted

本日(12/26)夜7時、BSフジ『辻井伸行×スイス紀行』「~ラフマニノフが愛した国を訪ねて~3時間SP」 この地で感じたものを音に変え、辻井伸行はバーゼル交響楽団とラフマニノフを熱演! Today (12/26) 19:00, BS Fuji "Tsujii Nobuyuki × Switzerland Journey" "Visit to a country that  Rachmaninoff ~  3 hours SP" Inspired by what he felt about the sound of the area, Nobuyuki Tsuii gave an enthusiastic performance of  Rachmaninov with the Basel Symphony Orchestra!

image posted with tweet

December 25

There is a posting on Japan's Classical Music Blog questioning the high ticket prices for Nobu's coming Japan tour with Petrenko








Royal Liverpool Philharmonic's first visit to Japan tour. Tsujii Nobuyuki with Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic  ...

As for this Nobuyuki Tsujii push, who is reaping the profits? I am incomprehensible as to which office is doing the push . I want you to stop it.

There is further discussion on the subject in the posting.

December 25

辻 井伸行×東南アジア紀行をBSフジで観ている。 彼の演奏に感動で泣けてくる(T-T) I watched the Tsujii Nobuyuki × Southeast Asia travelogue on BS Fuji.  Cried at the sight of  his moving performance.  -tweet

辻井伸行さん、ベトナムのオケとの共演、泣ける! Tsujii Nobuyuki's, co-starring with an  orchestra of Vietnam, I cried!  -tweet

『辻 井伸行×東南アジア紀行』 ~心を繋ぐメロディー~今日17:00~放送 ベトナムでクラシック音楽を広めようと心血を注ぐ日本人指揮者との再会 … #BSフジ" ⭐明日はスイスへ ラフマニノフ "Tsujii Nobuyuki × Southeast Asia Journey" - the connecting melody ~ Today at 17:00 reBroadcast.  Reunion in Vietnam with Japanese conductor who pours h8s heart and soul to try to spread classical music ... and Rachmaninoff #BS Fuji "⭐ tomorrow to Switzerland  -tweet

母親の年賀状印刷代行しながらコーヒー飲んで辻井伸行を聴いてる Listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii and drinking coffee while printing greeting cards for my mother  -tweet

December 24

Billboard Japan Classical Music Chart through Dec 29

Nobu's Liszt CD is at 8th place and has been on the chart for 6 weeks. [promotional post by HMV, listing many recordings by Petrenko & Liverpool Phil]


辻井伸行with ヴァシリー・ペトレンコ&ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィル


2015年(平成27年) 1月22日(木)~1月30日(金)全8公演

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic's first visit to Japan tour

BS で放送されてた、辻井伸行くん×チャイコフスキーの特集なう♪ 毎回ながら、あんなにキュートな彼から、途轍もない音たちのパワーに圧倒される。 辻井くんの音は、ぷるっぷるの葡萄の粒が溢れる感じがするなぁ(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) いつか生演奏聴きに行きたい1人です♪ Broadcast by BS, featuring  Tsujii Nobuyuki-kun × Tchaikovsky's featured Nau ♪   He seems cuter than ever.  I was overwhelmed by the power of his sound, overflowing like sweet grapes.  I want to hear his music live someday.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんが、教会の絵を指先でなぞっているのを見て、レイモンド・カーヴァーを思 い起こした。Tsujii Nobuyuki san traced a picture of the church with his fingertips, the great gate of Kiev.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのキエフの大門、 前に演奏悩んでた番組やってたけど、その悩みを乗り越えて、堂々とした立派な演奏。数年でスゴい進歩してる。生聴いてみたい。(名古屋公演完売) #辻井伸行 Tsujii Nobuyuki's Gate of Kiev.  I saw the program that I had trouble catching previously.  He overcame adversities and gave an imposing and fine performance.  I am amazed by his progress in just a few years.  I want to listen live. (Nagoya performances sold out) # Tsujii Nobuyuki  -tweet

BSフジ「]辻井伸行xチャイコフスキー 白夜音楽祭&サンクト ペテルブルク紀行」視聴中。辻井伸行の展覧会の絵がスゴイ!I am watching on  BS Fuji " Tsujii Nobuyuki x Tchaikovsky. White Nights Music Festival & St. Petersburg Journey".  Tsujii Nobuyuki's "Pictures at an Exhibition" is awesome! -tweet

December 23

辻井伸行の高知公演完売?!Nobuyuki Tsujii's Kochi performance sold out?!  -tweet

奇 跡の盲目のピアニスト辻井伸行が世界のコンクールで優勝したのか知らないけど ああいう人は何て評価したらいいかわからないよね 音楽なんてものは第一に 生育環境が大事で 親から理解あったり後押ししてくれる人だけが活躍できるから 辻井氏は運が良かっただけとしか思えないなぁ  Though I don't know how miracle blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii won in a world of competition  I am not sure how people made the evaluation  But good music comes out of a nourishing environment, due to the support of understanding parents and people who are willing to cultivate hm.  I don't think it is out of luck that Mr. Tsujii has become so good.  -tweet

Yura  tweeted

うわぁ 今チケットぴあで検索したら、辻井伸行 1月のコンサートチケット 東京サントリホールの Aプログラムは完売。Bプログラムは残席あと1席。福岡もあと1席(^_^;) 大阪はあと70席余り。高額でも聴く価値は大きいよね。 Wow, w I just now did a search on PIA to check on tickets for the January concerts of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Tokyo Suntory Hall Program A is sold out; Program B is down to one seat.  Fukuoka also only one seat left.  Osaka has 70 or more seats.  It's worth listening to great music even if it is expensive.

クリスマスコンサート🎄⛄️💝 大好きな辻井伸行さんの曲をメドレーにした🎹💓いつも周りにいてくれる人にありがとうの気持ちいっぱいで演奏した( ^ω^ )🎵 ピアノずっと続けようって思えた  There was a Christmaswas a concert 🎄⛄️💝 favorite was a medley of Tsujii Nobuyuki's  songs  🎹💓 It was played with a  feeling full of thank you to the people around (^ ω ^) 🎵

- tweet

December 22

A blog post by Mr. Masahiro Kawakami 川上昌裕, Nobu's long-time childhood piano teacher

別 のお知らせですが、1月1日の夜にBS朝日にて恒例の辻井伸行君の2時間番組があります。先月成功してきたばかりのリヴァプールでのコンサートの映像も たっぷり観ることができるでしょう。今回ラフマニノフの協奏曲第3番を新たにマスターして、ほぼそのまま本番に臨んで大舞台でちゃんと成功をつかんでしま う、やはり奇跡的な力を彼は持っています。マネジメントやテレビ局の人たち(&本人)の証言で、この事にきっと間違いはないでしょう。今回は私も大いに関 わったこともあって、しかしイギリスへは行けなかったので(ちょうどモスクワ滞在中にイギリスから「演奏会成功しました!」のメールをもらった)、今回の 番組には強い関心を持っています。元日を楽しみにしているところです。There is a two-hour annual program of Tsujii Nobuyuki-kun on BS Asahi on the night of January 1. We will get to see a lot of footage of a successful concert in Liverpool last month.  He miraculously performed  the Concerto No. 3 of  Rachmaninov on a big stage, which he newly mastered. By the testimony of his management and the TV crew (and himself), I don't think I am mistaken on this.   This time  I was also heavily involved, but I did not go to to the United Kingdom (I was in Moscow when I got the e-mail  "Concert was successful!" from the United Kingdom), and so I have a strong interest in this program. This is what I am looking forward to for New Year's Day.

December 20

Mr. Peter Rosen (Peter Rosen Productions, Inc.) sent his holiday greetings and alerted us to this review of his Nobu documentary "Touching the Sound" that appeared in Classically Speaking

"An extraordinary DVD, aptly named." 

"The seventy-minute documentary culminates in Nobu’s Carnegie Hall debut in 2012, but the most touching moments run from the precious early black and white video of Nobu from just over two years old, to the conversations and travels with his mother and Asano. When she tried to teach him about colors, he asked her, “What color is the wind?” Years later Nobu would say, “I can see the mountains when I feel the wind.” Viewers will get both a sense of majesty and perhaps the breath of the divine as they experience this remarkable testament."

先週は紀尾井ホールでTHE PIANISTを鑑賞。辻井伸行さんの繊細で美しい音色、今回もアンコールでラカンパネラを聞けて嬉しかった。 I watched THE PIANIST in Kioi Hall last week. I was glad to hear Tsujii Nobuyuki'sdelicate and beautiful tone, and La Campanella for encore this time.  -tweet

December 19


今 回は全日空で移動したのだが、機内ビデオのラインアップに辻井伸行さんを特集したものがあった。70分くらいのドキュメンタリーだったのだが、これが実に 感動的で涙が出てしまった。本人に加えてお母さん、マネージャーさん、ピアノの先生と彼を支える人達のコメントがふんだんに盛り込まれていたが、なんとい うか、彼の音楽が献身的に彼を支える人達を幸せにしている様子が伝わってきた。彼のピアノを聴くものすべてが彼の成し遂げていることに圧倒されるが、いつ ものことながら本人は実に飄々としている。


I returned home today after finishing a business trip in less than a week. I took off in 30 degree temperature and came back to Tokyo in 8 degrees.  When I was in Southeast Asia, I wore a thin sweater at the hotel conference room without feeling cold.

I was flying ANA this time, and there was a feature of Nobuyuki Tsujii on the in-flight videso. It was a documentary of about 70 minutes, but I became utterly emotional and in tears.  His mom and his manager spoke,people who are happy to give him devoted support.  His piano teacher and a Van Cliburn juror both spoke highly of his music and his ability to interact with the composers.   He has become more and more mature now and  will be a more and moreamazing pianist. It's really great.

A happy blogger shared this nice photo taken backstage after Nobu's PIANIST performance in Tokyo on the 18th. She wrote: "辻井さんの演奏を聴いたのは

初 めてだったのですが、 一曲目が始まった瞬間から 鳥肌がとまりませんでした。 And although I was listening to the performance of Mr. Tsujii for the first time, from the moment that the first piece began, goose bumps did not stop."

image via Internet link

♪ December 18

Posted on Japan's Tower Record online, this looks like a press release


Vasily Petrenko to perform in Japan with the venerable Royal Liverpool Philharmonic and Nobuyuki  Tsujii ! 

今 から自称セクシーヘアメイクF氏とオペラシティで、辻井伸行とレ.フレールのピアノコンサート(*^^*)わくわく❤️  I am all done up and at the Opera City from now, Nobuyuki Tsujii and Les. Freres piano concert (* ^^ *) excited  -tweet

image via Internet link

Christmas コンサートは、良かった♪辻井伸行ちんの音色は優しくて、心から暖まった。自分自身のエゴが見えたら、涙が出てきた。加古隆は、強さの中に優しさ切なさを 感じる音色。レフレールは、明るい音色。一人だけど、ゆっくり癒された♪ Christmas concert, was good ♪ Tsujii Nobuyuki piano tone is gentle, sincerely and warm. Seeing him in person, tears came out. Takashi Kako, the tone feel the tenderness sadness into strength. Refureru is, bright tone.  I am slowly healed ♪  -tweet

image via Internet link

【THE PIANIST Premium2014 Xmas 辻井伸行 / 加古隆 / レ・フレ-ル 】 東京オペラシティ … 辻井さんのまっすぐでどこまでも綺麗な音色。至福の時間。 [THE PIANIST Premium2014 Xmas Tsujii Nobuyuki / Takashi Kako / Les freres] Tokyo Opera City  ...  Tsujii as always with a clean and beautiful tone . Bliss of time. - tweet

image via Internet link [blog post by a Les Freres fan]

『The pianist』


今日は辻井伸行くん、加古隆さん、レ・フレールによる『The pianist』







Today Tsujii Nobuyuki-kun, Takashi Kako and  by Les Freres,  "The pianist".

After the their  set of performance, Les Freres came back to the stage with Nobu-kun.

Mr. Tsujii  started playing and then suddenly stood up in front of the piano

as he played a Christmas song with Les Freres.

I went to today's concert because I wanted to see this encore.

Amazing! What' a pianist is Tsujii Nobuyuki?

He learns piano music by ear and is unique.

Today they played a lot of Christmas songs because it was a Christmas Special.



と 落ち込みながらも、月曜日は辻井伸行君を含めた3組のピアニストが出演するコンサートを聴きに行く。が、前夜に物凄いポゴレリッチの演奏を聴いた所為なの か、演奏された数々の「イージー・リスニング・ミュージック」には正直ガックリ。辻井君は、矢張りクラシックを演奏する方が素晴らしい。 ...

... on Monday I went to a concert where three sets of pianists appeared, including Nobuyuki Tsujii kun. But, perhaps it was because the night before I had listened  to the performance of the tremendous Pogoreritchi, I was honestly disappointed by the "Easy Listening Music" played.  Tsujii kun would do well to stick to traditional clasical...

♪ December 17 (blog of a staffer of pianist Kako , one of the PIANIST  performers)

THE PIANIST プレミアムと題した12月のコンサートが、15日と16日に東京・紀尾井ホールで開催されました。ホントに国内屈指の音響抜群のホールです。

さ て明日18日で最終日のオペラシティを迎えます。辻井伸行さんもレ・フレールさんたちも、そしてkakoさんも口々に「年末のお忙しい時に来てくださ り、、、」と挨拶で言ってます。会場に足を運んでくださるお客様には、アーティストもスタッフも皆で感謝していますから、自然に出てくる言葉なのですね。


さ てさて、夏の THE PIANIST ツアーと変わらない元気さで登場した辻井さんは、やっぱり純心なお姿が魅力的でアンコールの超絶技巧もブラボー!です。kakoさんの「雪の中」は30年 前の曲に久しぶりにトライした見事な弾きっぷりでした。まだ弾けるんだ、と自信が持てたそうです。レ・フレールさんのクリスマスソング・プレイも楽しさ全 開ですね。




BSフジ 2014年12月28日(日)17:00~18:55

『辻井伸行×加古隆×レ・フレール THE PIANIST ~作曲家たちの心音~』

今、最も聴きたい人気ピアニストたちの心揺さぶる演奏!そして、貴重な音楽対談は必見! ・・・・・・・・・・

今 年kakoさんにとっての最後のコンサート、日曜日・神戸でのクリスマス・コンサートでも「雪の中」を弾きます。北海道で遭遇した雪の降る真夜中の車の疾 走。たった一度の吹雪の経験から生まれた懐かしい曲です。クリスマス・ソングの代わりに、是非この曲にも会いにいらしてください。

THE December concerts titled PIANIST Premium entitled was held on the 15th and the 16th in Tokyo's Kioi Hall. It is truly, acoustically, the preeminent domestic hall.  Well, we will be celebrating the last day at the Opera City tomorrow the 18th.  His friends Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii and Les Freres, along with Mr. Kako, are saying greetings of "let's get ready for the busy year end.  The artists thank the customers who bring themselves to the venue, the staff and everyone.  The words came out naturally.

Even though Tokyo is under extremely cold and strong wind,inside the venue there was a lot of warmth.

Well, Mr. Tsujii appeared in fine form that has not changed since the THE PIANIST tour in summer. His appearance of pure heart is attractive and his virtuoso encores won bravos. It is so.  Kako's playing of "in the snow" was stunning, his first time in a long time of a song written 30 years ago.  He can still play it, in complete confidence.

Also, it is fun to hear the Les Freres' Christmas song play in full bloom.

At the end of the performance, the excitement level in the show just before the encore reached its climax, so that people on the second floor where standing up leaning in handrails as far as they could. ..

Come to think of it, this performance at Suntory Hall last September was just aired on BS Fuji, and, by popular demand will be re-broadast near the end of the year.

BS Fuji December 28, 2014 (Sun) 17:00 to 18:55

" Tsujii Nobuyuki × Takashi Kako × Les Freres THE PIANIST ~ composer -- the sound of their hearts"


A whimsical blog post

Planning a dinner party with awesome guests...

At a dinner party with Taro, I want to invite Hayao Miyazaki, a Japanese animator, John Lennon, whom probably everyone knows, Nobuyuki Tsujii, a blind pianist, and the father of modern science, Galileo Galilei.

seating plan :-) image via Internet link

♪ December 16

EuroArts announced the winner for their Christmas sweepstake of a blu-ray of Peter Rosen's Nobu documentary "Touching the Sound" - see here

image via Internet link













I arrived early at Kioi Hall.

Very impressed with the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

 Encore La Campanella made me and three people cry.

...  Piano of Kako  and Les Freres.

It was really good.

Now, next year in January in Suntory Hall.

I took a photo of the hall.


心満たされた X'mas コンサート

紀尾井ホールにて 開催の THE PIANIST Premium 2014 X'mas に行ってきました

辻井伸行、加古隆、フレール という ジャンルもスタイルも、使うピアノも異なる3組のピアニスト=作曲家 が オリジナル曲を演奏する人気のコンサートです。

舞台には それぞれのアーティスト用に3台のピアノが置かれます

2013年は東京・大阪のみの開催でしたが、今年の夏は 7都市に拡大

チケットは 即日完売で 見逃してしまった。

そして ”Premium"と ついて企画された 本公演

今回は なんとか入手できましたが、やはり 完売でした。

会場も 紀尾井ホールと ピアノコンサートには 最も適していると思われる会場のひとつ

平日の午後に こんな贅沢な時間を過ごしていいのか、、、と思われるほど 堪能した 3時間となりました。

最初に登場した 辻井さん

シャツに サスペンダーという クラシックコンサートとは 違ういでたち

曲の紹介も兼ねての トークがあり、その姿・語りも微笑ましく会場全体が 温かな雰囲気に包まれます。

クリスマスメドレーの即興では、後ろ向きでピアノを弾いて 会場をさらに盛り上げました。

”クラッシクコンサートでは こんなことはできません” と コメントする辻井さんが 本当に楽しそう

続いて 加古隆さん

印象深かったのが、12月なので と披露した ”雪の中で”

冬の旭川から札幌に車で戻る際、強い雪が向かってくるようだった という経験から 作った作品ですが、 雪が見えるようでした。

2部は 連弾デュオ のフレール

即興のクリスマスメドレーは 力強く明るい演奏に 会場からは手拍子も湧き上がり、楽しい雰囲気に

そして アンコールでは まず 辻井さんと フレールが 1台のピアノで 連弾

辻井さんも 興がのって、途中からは スタンディングでの演奏

再アンコールでは 加古さんも加わり、 3台のピアノで 加古さんの名曲 黄昏のワルツをアンサンブルで披露しました。

会場は 満足感で満たされ、私達も その場にいることが 幸せでした。

今回は 2階席ながら 演奏者の指使いがはっきり見える 場所で それも 楽しく、また その技術に 圧倒されました。


次回も 是非 チケットとっていきたいですね。

I went to the PIANIST Premium 2014 X'mas in  Kioi Hall

Nobuyuki Tsujii, Takashi Kako, Les Frere, is a popular concert also three different sets of pianist-composer playing original songs on the piano.

Three pianos were placed on the stage, one for each set of artists

In 2013 it was held in Tokyo and Osaka only, this summer it was expanded to seven cities

Tickets sold out the same day and I missed it.

And this performance was  "Premium"

This time  managed to get a ticket;  it was sold out again.

One of the venues was Kioi Hall where  piano concert seems to be the most suitable

It was a luxurious time on a weekday in the afternoon

3 hours went by quickly.

First up was  Mr. Tsujii

Dressed differently from classical concerts, a shirt with printed suspenders.

There is talking that served as the introduction of the music, and the figure as well as the talk was heartwarming, and the whole meeting place was wrapped in a warm atmosphere. 

Looking very happy, he said, "This cannot be done in classical concert"


And Tsujii played an encore with the Freres on one piano,

In the middle of the playing, Tsujii stood up.

Kako  also joined in a group encore on three pianos of the  the waltz of Kako's classic twilight.

Venue was filled with satisfaction, we were also happy.

This time it is also extra fun because from where we sat on the second floor, we could see the fingering clearly; I was overwhelmed by the techniques.

THE PIANIST series is popular

I want to continue by all means to take the ticket next time. [blog of Fuji-TV announcer 山中章子 Yamanaka Akiko]



昨日妹と一緒に、『THE PIANIST Premium 2014 Xmas』に行ってきました!!!


『辻井伸行×加古隆×レ・フレール THE PIANIST












December 17, 2014


Along with sister yesterday, I went to the "THE PIANIST Premium 2014 Xmas!" ! !

Because I saw a BS Fuji broadcast the other day of

"Tsujii Nobuyuki × Takashi Kako × Les Freres THE PIANIST Heart sound ~ of ~ composers"

Since I was in charge of the narration of the show, I would like to listen to it live for once ... (* ^ o ^ *)

Wow ! I was thrilled with the TV show, but live music was more amazing! ! !

But such a  variety of sound put out by the piano ...

So much splendor, I sighed.

It was  over too soon * \ (^ o ^) / *

After performances, I got photographs taken with Mr.Tsujii and also with Les Freres ♪

Please everyone try to listen to it live!

But, if you are dead set against going to concert ...

The program that was broadcast the other day, will be re-aired on 12/28 at 17:00

Please watch it by all means! !

♪ December 15

【THE PIANIST =Premium= 2014 X’mas】 出演:辻井伸行/加古隆/レ・フレール 本日と明日が紀尾井ホール、18日が東京オペラシティ。 … 行かれる皆様楽しんで来て下さいませ♪[THE PIANIST  Premium 2014 X'mas] Cast: Nobuyuki Tsujii / Takashi Kako / Les Freres today and tomorrow at Kioi Hall, the 18th at Tokyo Opera City.  Please every one come and enjoy.  -tweet

演奏会行ってきましたー 辻井伸行、初めて生で聞きました しかもラカンパネラ! 感動もんです みんなすごかった I went to the concert; it is over.

I heard La Campanella of Nobuyuki Tsujii for the first time live! It was exciting and everyone was amazed.  -tweet

♪ December 14/15

辻 井伸行さんのチケット取れた✨ 嬉しすぎる!!! 憧れの人が静岡来てピアノを生で聞けるとかもうほんと幸せすぎて  Tsujii Nobuyuki's ticket gotten -  too happy! ! ! I am happy and really looking forward to hear his piano when he comes to Shizuoka.  -tweet


タワーレコード梅田大阪マルビル店 Tower Records Umeda Osaka Marubiru tweeted ‏@TOWER:


[Classic] "Turkish March" of Nobuyuki Tsujii's  was broadcast yesterday on BS. You can find this song in his full Mozart album ...

image via Internet link

Dancing monkeys:old money demands youth, sex! "@nytimesarts: Critic’s Notebook: Daniil Trifonov and Yuja Wang Play at Carnegie Hall"  -tweet

piano world forum discussion of Trifonov's Carnegie recital piano world forum discussion of Trifonov's Carnegie recital New York Times review

Too much! I don't know about anyone else, but I'm exhausted just reading the description of Trifonov's recital. I'm left feeling glad I wasn't there but to be fair, he should be glad that his career won't be based on cynics like me.

The author (who?) of the review said it absolutely wasn't a simple show. Hardly. It seems like a quite complicated one. I have no idea where virtuosity veers off into show off, but I do know it began with Liszt, n'est-ce pas? Most of Liszt's music doesn't do much for me (other than making me feel quite insignificant), though I'm glad there are pianists around that can play it. But to *use* it in this fashion seems quite unmusical to me. I expect that soon we will have Guiness Records judges attending these sorts of recitals to sign off on them...

♪ December 14

て か、店頭の試聴器で辻井伸行さんのリストのCD聴いた。 昔は辻井さんの嫌いだったのに意外と良いかもって思った I was listening to the Liszt CD of Nobuyuki Tsujii on a test-listen machine in a store.  There was a time when I disliked Tsujii, but I thought it was surprisingly good.  -tweet

[Tickets come on sale today for 2 stops (Shizuoka  静岡 2/26 and Nagasaki /3/15) on Nobu's Chopin/Liszt/Beethoven Japan recital tour.]

辻井伸行さんのチケとれた。楽しみっ(*^^*)  I caught ticket of Tsujii Nobuyuki.  I will enjoy it(* ^^ *)  -tweet A salon owner appreciates the "Nobuyuki Tsujii Best" CD



Cold wintry wind and Shiwasu

Following very cold days, Christmas music is now flowing in the city...

♪ December 13/14

The excellent 2011 documentary 「ピアニスト辻井伸行×トルコ行進曲 ~トルコ・アンタルヤに奇跡の音色が響く~」" The miracle of sound ~ pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii × Turkish March - Turkey Antalya" was shown at 19:00  on Fuji-BS TV and judging from tweets posted quite a few people watched it.  Following is a selection of tweets:

トルコ行進曲・辻井伸行。Turkish March- Tsujii Nobuyuki .

辻井伸行さんがトルコ行った番組見てた。トルコ行進曲良かった。 Tsujii Nobuyuki Mr. I was watching program went Turkey. Turkish March was good

テ レビで、辻井伸行さんのアンコール曲は「それでも生きて行く」が、実にすばらしかった。音楽に詳しくない私でも、非常に感銘を受けました On television, Nobuyuki Tsujii 's encore of "Still we live on" is really wonderful. Even though I was not familiar with the music,  I was very impressed.

フジテレビの報道スクープSPを観ていたが人質がピアノを弾く場面から辻井伸行氏のピアノ演奏のCMに切り替わった のがあまりにもスムーズで本編の続きを観ていると錯覚した。自.宅で観ていても滅多にないこと。 I was watching the news bulletin on SP Fuji TV about hostages.  Then came a CM of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii playing  piano at a home; there is an illusion of a smooth transition.  I rarely watch TV at home.

今日は実家で BSでやっていた辻井伸行×トルコ行進曲 を観ていた。素晴らしかった☺︎辻井さんの ショパン雨だれ や、オリジナル曲 それでも、生きていく が好きだ♪トルコ行進曲も素晴らしかった。共演者のjazzバーションも凄かった☺︎ I was watching  "Tsujii Nobuyuki × Turkey march" on the BS at my parents' home today. Was great ☺︎ I like Tsujii's and Chopin raindrop, original songs "still we live" ♪ Turkey march was also great. Co-star Jazz player [Turkey's pianist Fazay Said] was also amazing ☺︎

Yura tweeted with screen shot from the show

あっ!YAMAHAのピアノで演奏してるわー 辻井伸行クン スタインウェイじゃないわー 初めて見た聴いた。でも綺麗で華麗な音出してるー♫ さすがやね(≧∇≦)

There! Nobuyuki Tsujii playing  on a YAMAHA piano instead of a Steinway; I heard and saw  that for the first time.  Clean and brilliant sound as always.

♪ December 13

[tickets came on sale today for 4 stops (Sendai, Nigata, Kanazawa and Fukui) on Nobu's Chopin/Liszt/Beethoven Japan recital tour.  The Sendai tickets sold out instantly, the Nigata stop is near sold out at 1:10PM, while the other two stops are not near sold-out.]

辻井伸行さんのコンサートチケット、即完売で放心状態…涙  Tsujii Nobuyuki's concert tickets, dazed to find them sold out ... tears  -tweet 

♪ December 12

Billboard Japan Top Classical Albums Year End chart: Listed in 4th place is Nobu's Hero Polonaise, La Campanella - Japan Tour "Chopin & list" Special CD 英雄ポロネーズ、ラ・カンパネラ〜日本ツアー《ショパン&リスト》スペシャルCD, but the company that it is in is highly dubious: Violinist of Love and Madness (David Garrtt), Mao Asada Skating Music 2013-14, Mamoru Samuragochi (the unmasked "Japan Beethoven) composer: Symphony No. 1 "HIROSHIMA" Naoto Otomo, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra

Tweet in Spanish

"Cuando el hombre hace q un instrumento traduzca l amor n un lenguaje celestial es un virtuoso,Nobuyuki Tsujii lo es." (When a man makes an instrument sing in a heavenly language that I love, he is a virtuoso - Nobuyuki Tsujii is. (Nobuyuki Tsujii - Beethoven | Klangraum Waidhofen 2012)

♪ December 11

A short video posted by ePlus to promote "Sekisui Heim presents Tsujii Nobuyuki with Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic" -- there are still some unsold tickets for their upcoming Japan tour.

December 9

SurreyVascularClinic ‏@surreyvascular tweeted at 11PM U.K. time

To all our #vascular inpatients @FrimleyPark tonight Chopin's #Berceuse played by Nobuyuki #Tsujii. Sleep tight!

December 8

辻井伸行さんのコンサート行きたかったのに速攻売り切れてたのね(涙) I wanted to go to concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii but it sold out in a hurry (tears)  -tweet

Blog post of  Tsuzuki Eiichi , male -- The Japanese is way above my head, but this person wrote disparagingly of Nobu and especially of his mother, accusing her of haughtiness, supposedly looking down on sponsors whom she deems unworthy for her son.  Of the Van Cliburn Competition, the blogger wrote that it is but one of many such competitions in the world, and held at a "red neck" state of the U.S. at that.  I have previously read similar opinions expressed in Japan, and Miyuki mentioned some of them to me, but -- come on, it's been 5+ years since the Cliburn, give it a rest, Mister!

December 7

[Tickets came on sale at 10AM today for the Mie prefecture  (1903 seats).]

チケット3分で完売とか辻井伸行なにごと😩 Nobuyuki Tsujii tickets everything sold out in three minutes    -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサートチケットとれなかったーーー  I didn't get tickets for concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii  -tweet

December 6

[Tickets came on sale today for two stops ( Ehime & Kagoshima) on Nobu's Chopin/Liszt/Beethoven Japan recital tour coming up in February/March.  On PIA the Kagoshima  stop (1,502 seats) sold out instantly, but not the Ehime stop (at avenue that seats 3,000).  Tickets will be on sale for another stop the next day  Mie prefecture  (1903 seats).]

ピアニストの辻井伸行さんのコンサートのチケット、買いに行ったら売れきれてた。😣今日発売なのに。 Tickets for concert of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii was sold out when I tried to purchase, even though it only came on sale today.  -tweet

え、え、え、辻井伸行さんのコンサート行きたい!明日チケット発売…どうしよ! 大阪は売り切れてるけど、三重なら、行けるかな…

ドキュメンタリー・教養  eh, eh, eh.  I want to go to the concert of Tsujii Nobuyuki.  Coming on sale tomorrow ... but how!  Osaka has sold out, and will try to go to the one at Mie prefecture ...    -tweet

December 5

Clever tweet

論文、ハンドアウト他を作成 → グレン・グールド

机上の片付け → クロード・ドビュッシー

アイディアが必要 → ギル・エヴァンス

人と話す前に → キース・ジャレット、辻井伸行

疲れている → ムーンライダーズ、メトロファルス、平沢進

疲れ切っている → ワンダバ (イマココ)

Writing a paper, making up a handout, etc. → Glenn Gould

Desk clean up → Claude Debussy

Ideas needed → Gil Evans

Before talking with people → Keith Jarrett, Tsujii Nobuyuki

Weary → Moon Riders, Metro Fars, Susumu Hirasawa

Exhausted → Wandaba (Imakoko)

December 4

The Dec 4 Verbier Festival Daily News mentions my The Business of Concert Pianists December 2014  piece that I posted just today.  I think it's because all the pianists that I mentioned in that piece EXCEPT Nobu has performed at the Verbier festival!

December 2

Nobuyuki Tsujii mentioned on reddit thread "Are there any very famous pianists that don't know how to read notes?"

This Japan Business Press Co. article mentions Nobu as one of the "flowers of the year 88" (double luck -- the number 8 is associated with luck in Chinese/Japanese) -- people born in 1988 that have come to prominence, such as Nobu, table tennis player Ai Fukuhara and baseball player Masahiro Tanaka.

