Nobuyuki Tsujii in Seattle, 2013, part 4
Continued from Nobuyuki Tsujii in Seattle, 2013, part 3 ; continued on Nobuyuki Tsujii in Seattle, 2013, part 5 "Recital report" posted on Nobu's official website, Jan 30, 2013, with four photos
This is one of 4 images posted with recital report, shown here via Internet link
シアトル交響楽団の本拠地Benaroya Hall(ベナロヤ・ホール)で行われた特別コンサート、
Celebrate Asiaに出演させて頂いて、チャイコフスキーのピアノ協奏曲第1番を演奏しました。
予定していた指揮者のLudovic Morlotさんが急病で、
29歳になったばかりのStilian Kirov(スティリアン・キーロフ)さんとの共演。
January 27, 2001 (USA)
A special concert was held in (Benaroya Hall), home of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra
I was allowed to appeared in "Celebrate Asia", played Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1.
(Photo: rehearsal)
Conductor Mr. Ludovic Morlot, who was scheduled, took ill suddenly,
I instead co-stared with Mr. Stilian-Kirov, who has just turned 29 years old.
The orchestra gave an enthusiastic and breathtaking performance, at the end of which we received from more than 2,400 in the audience
a huge applause and cheer like rumbling of the earth.
The encore played was Liszt's "La Campanella"
More comments and articles - <with photo - blogger is a professional in Information Technology who moved from Hawaii to Seattle >
2013-01-28 14:58
シアトルのBenaroya Hallで、開催されたアジアの夜という音楽会に連れていって頂きました。中国、インド、ベトナムの民族衣装、そして着物を着た方が大勢いらして、会場は華やかでした。
Asian Night
I was at the "Celebrate Asia" concert in Benaroya Hall in Seattle last night. The venue was gorgeous, and a great many people came and had on kimonos, and traditional costumes of China, India and Vietnam. Amazing violin of the splendor of India.
And, in the second half, the performance of Japanese pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii charmed the audience. He uses all of his petite body to bring out tones that drew tears. The audience and the orchestra applauded as he bowed down deeply.
I applauded heartily.
It was a great night. <a website for the Japanese American community in Seattle>
photo posted with article, shown here via Internet link
■ 辻井伸行氏、シアトル公演を大盛況のうちに終了
このリサイタルがシアトルでのデビューとなった辻井氏は、第1部でドビュッシーの 『2つのアラベスク』、『ベルガマスク組曲』、『版画』、『喜びの島』 を演奏。頭を左右に振り、体を揺らす様は、母親の辻井いつ子さんの著書に何度か登場する「音楽を全身で感じて楽しんでいる」時の様子そのもので、辻井氏自身が集まった観客のために心をこめて演奏しているのが伝わってくる。休憩を挟んでの第2部ではショパンの 『華麗なる大円舞曲』 『スケルツォ第2番』 『幻想ポロネーズ』 で透明感のある美しい音色を響かせ大きな拍手を受けたが、最後の 『英雄ポロネーズ』 では辻井氏の指先が奏でる旋律がそれぞれ生命を持っているかのように激しく勢いよく響いて会場の雰囲気が最高潮に達し、終わった時には熱狂的な「ブラボー!」という声とともに割れんばかりの拍手に包まれた。照れたような笑顔を浮かべた辻井氏は、何度も深くお辞儀し、アンコールには東日本大震災の被災者を励まそうと作曲した 『それでも、生きていく』 を演奏。後半に向かうにつれ、悲しく暗い雰囲気が希望を感じさせるような明るい音色に変わっていくと、会場のそこかしこで目頭をおさえる観客の姿が見られた。
また、28日には、今年で5回目となったアジア音楽を楽しむフェスティバル 『Celebrate Asia』 が、同じくベナロヤ・ホールで開催され、辻井氏を含むさまざまなアジア音楽のミュージシャンが出演。チャイコフスキーのピアノ協奏曲第1番でシアトル・シンフォニーと共演した辻井氏の、実に繊細な音色と情熱的かつ迫力のある演奏には、終わった瞬間から会場が大きな拍手に包まれた。指揮者を務めたシアトル・シンフォニーの副指揮者スティリアン・キロフ氏と硬く抱擁しあった辻井氏は、なりやまない拍手に応えて何度も舞台に登場。そして、アンコールにはリストの 『ラ・カンパネッラ』 を演奏し、再び観客を熱狂させた。
閉幕後に関係者らが出席して開催されたレセプションでは、各アーティストがイベントの司会を務めた KING5局ニュースキャスター、ミミ・ジャンによる質問に回答。「どのようにして音楽の道に進むことになったのか」といった質問を受けた辻井氏は、まだ1歳にもならない頃からショパンの 『英雄ポロネーズ』 を好んで聴いていたというエピソードや、5歳の時に旅行で行ったサイパンのショッピング・モールで演奏し、たくさんの人々に喜んでもらったというエピソードを披露。「音楽はすばらしい。たくさんの人を幸せにする」と締めくくり、あたたかい拍手を受けた。
The great success of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, concerts in Seattle
On the 22nd, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii (24) -- a young pianist representing Japan -- held a recital at Benaroya Hall in downtown Seattle. He played for about 2 hours the music of Debussy and Chopin, to a full-house crowd.
The musical talent of Mr. Tsujii was discovered before the age of 2. He was awarded the top prize of the piano department Instrumental Music Competition for blind students of Japan at the age of seven, debuted in performance with the Century Orchestra Osaka at the age of 10. He had success in solo recitals and played with various orchestras and outside Japan, and received the Poland Critics Award at the 15th International Chopin Piano Competition held in Warsaw in 2005. As the first ever native Japanese to win the top honor at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009, he became famous overnight. Since then, he has made an American debut at Carnegie Hall in 2011, and has been working as a pianist in the world.
In part 1 of the recital, he played Debussy's Deux Arabesques, Suite Bergamasque, Estampes and L'isle Joyeuse. As he played, he shook his head, shook his body; "enjoying feeling in the whole body music", as his mother calls it . In the second part after the intermission, he received a big round of applause with a beautiful sound and a sense of transparency in the performances of Chopin's “Grande valse brilliant", "Scherzo No.2", "Polonaise fantasy" and finally "Polonaise Heroique". The atmosphere of the venue reached its climax with booming melodic momentum forcefully transmitted, as the fingertips of Mr. Tsujii played as if they had a life. In the end, the applause would not stop, wrapped with enthusiastic shouts of "Bravo!" . He bowed deeply several times and smiled shyly. He rewarded the audience with encores that included "Still, we live", a piece that he composed to give encouragement to the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake. As in the second half, the bright tone with dark atmosphere would make you want to feel sad. Many in the audience appeared to be holding back tears.
In addition, the fifth year of "Celebrate Asia" to honor Asian music was held at Benaroya Hall on the 28th. Musicians of Asian descent, including Mr. Tsujii, appeared in the event. Mr. Tsujii gave a powerful and passionate performance with the Seattle Symphony of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1. The tone was really delicate. The venue was filled with loud applause from the moment he finished. Mr. Tsujii and conductor Mr. Stilian Kirofu, an assistant conductor of the Seattle Symphony, hugged each other tightly. They re-appeared on stage many times in response to ringing applause. Then, the crowd was again rewarded with an encore: Liszt's "La Campanella".
The event was moderated by KING5 TV station newscaster, Mimi Jin. At a reception held for officials in attendance after the closing, Mr. Tsujii, in answer to a question asked by Ms. Jin, described episodes of his listening in favor of "Heroic Polonaise" of Chopin from the time not even a year old. "How did you decide to go into music?" He described an episode of playing on a player piano at a shopping mall in Saipan while traveling at the age of 5, surrounded and applauded by a lot of people. He concluded, "I want to make people happy with lots of great music", and received a warm applause.
link to official website of Celebrate Asia
link to official site Nobuyuki Tsujii
More photos and other comments and postings at Nobuyuki Tsujii in Seattle, 2013, part 3
Related articles:
- Nobuyuki Tsujii recital in Seattle, Jan 22 2013 North America Tour - 2
- Nobuyuki Tsujii rehearses with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Jan 24 Nobuyuki Tsujii in Seattle, 2013, part 2
- More comments and articles Nobuyuki Tsujii in Seattle, 2013, part 4