Notable web postings - October 2014

♪  October 30

October 30 [Thu], 2014, 22:07

佐渡裕指揮 トーンキュンストラー管弦楽団演奏会
























Tonkünstler Orchestra concerts Conducted by Yutaka Sado

Autumn has deepened Europe in each city

There are performances of classical concerts and opera daily,

For the 2015-2016 season, one of the conductors representing Japan, Yutaka Sado, will be

One of the commanders who represents Japan, Yutaka Sado, will be based in St. Polten, Austria

He has  been appointed music director of the Tonkünstler Orchestra,

And preceding that, he will perform in Vienna's Musikverein large hall in May 2015

Program on two days

Debussy: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun

Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 3 in C major Op.26


Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A major Op.92

Piano is Nobuyuki Tsujii's.

He will also appear in a music festival in Prague

In combination with the Prague Spring Music Festival.

As a concert that can be listened to  in Vienna

I think the program is very interesting.

Concert of Tonkünstler Orchestra also has affordable ticket price.

Sale of tickets has already begun.

[There were many comments posted about the re-broadcast of two Nobu documentarries on Japan's WOWOW TV - following are some]


Baseball and Tsuman'naku, I changed channels.

Second piano concerto of Rachmaninoff was flowing; the pianist is Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Became glued.

wowowに辻井伸行さん出てる。 この人、佐村河内の被害を一番受けてる気がする。 本当は目が見えるんじゃないか的に。

Nobuyuki Tsujii's on wowow.  I feel that this person has taken the most damge from the scandal of Samlah Kawachi ["the Japanese Beethoven" who turns out to be not deaf and whose compositions were ghost-written].  The question about his blindness has not basis.

辻井伸行さんの演奏にまだ触れられた事のない 方 是非ともご覧ください。 伝説のピアニストになる御方です<(_ _)>Please, if you have not yet seen Nobuyukis Tsujii's playing,  do so by all means.  He is one for ​​the legend of pianists.

今日は、辻井伸行のドキュメンタリー@wowowライブ♪ 音色が美しい~(〃ω〃) 明日は氣志團万博1日目 ももクロちゃんでる~ 録画予約ばっちりさ(*^_^*)Today, Nobuyuki Tsujii of documentary on wowow  Tone is beautiful ....

#wowow で辻井伸行さんのドキュメンタリーを観た。ほとんどが彼の一番近くで支えるマネージャーや母親のインタビューでシンプルに構成された心にしみる番組だった。東北の津波や復興の話から、最後は穏やかな海の波打ち際ではしゃぐ辻井さんで終わる演出が良かった。

I saw the Nobuyuki Tsujii documentary.  Much of the program features thoughts from those who are closes to him, such as interviews from his manager and mother.  There is  a thread about the Tohoku tsunami and reconstruction.  The ending of Tsujii frolicking on the beach of a calm sea was good.

辻井伸行ラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第2番の後のアンコール。 リストの「ラ・カンパネラ」 観衆達は辻井にさらに熱狂的な拍手を送ってます。 泣いている観衆もいる! 観衆達の「ブラヴォー」の嵐と口笛。オケのメンバーも泣いていた。 さあ、いよいよニールセンの交響曲第4番「不滅」

Encore after the Piano Concerto No. 2 of Nobuyuki Tsujii Rachmaninoff.  "La Campanella" by Liszt got an even more enthusiastic appluse for Tsujii from the spectators.   Some audience seemed to be crying!  A storm of whistling and bravos from the crowd.    Members of the orchestra also was crying.  Now, finally Nielsen's Symphony No. 4 "immortal"

♪  October 29

Posted on BC Philharmonic Facebook page: Conductor Yutaka Sado relaxing between rehearsals in Salford. Only two days left until THIS:

Tweet from @BBCPhilharmonic: Is there a luckier piano in the world?! Waiting for rehearsals with Nobuyuki Tsujii.

image via Internet link

IMG Artists ‏@IMGArtistsUK tweeted

And Nobuyuki Tsujii inspires via Peter Rosen's film Touching the Sound DVD/BR #Gramophone Ed Choice

♪  October 28

CLASSICA - What's New!

October 28, 2014

本: 古都のオーケストラ、世界へ! オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢がひらく地方文化の未来(潮博恵/アルテスパブリッシング)

「 ...2010年度から3期続けて赤字を計上したけれど、2013年は辻井伸行&アシュケナージの全国ツアーが全公演完売になったおかげでリーマンショック以降の最高益を記録したなんて書いてあるのを読むと...     」


● この一冊は芸術的な成果だけではなく、財務面にも目を向けているのが特徴。第6章の「オーケストラの持続可能性(サステナビリティ)とは」で明らかにされ ているように、自治体の補助があっても中規模の地方都市でオーケストラを維持していくことはなかなか大変。2010年度から3期続けて赤字を計上したけれ ど、2013年は辻井伸行&アシュケナージの全国ツアーが全公演完売になったおかげでリーマンショック以降の最高益を記録したなんて書いてあるのを読む と、まさしく興行以外のなにものでもないわけだ。そこでサステナビリティの観点からなにが必要かという点に対して用意される著者の提言は着実な正攻法とい うべきものだが、特にブランディングとマーケティングの重要性に言及されているのが興味深かった。


This  book is not only about the orchestra (OEK)'s  artistic achievements, it also touched on the financial aspects. 

In Chapter 6, it explores the sustainability of the orchestra  and argues that it  has been demonstrated that should be subsidy from the local government to maintain the orchestras in medium-sized cities.  Th orchestra suffered a deficit 3 years in a row starting with fiscal 2010,  but thanks to the sold-out performances of the sold-out  national tour of Nobuyuki Tsujii & Ashkenazi, it recorded the highest profit since the Lehman shock.


Particularly of interest is the mentioning of the importance of branding and marketing.

image via Internet link

♪  October 26

Editions Parenthèses ‏@EdParentheses tweeted

Pour avoir une bonne raison de pleurer, l'incroyable Nobuyuki Tsujii dit Nobu

(To have a good reason to weep, the incredible Nobuyuki Tsujii A.K.A. Nobu)

#musique #handicap  via @YouTube

with link to  Tchaikovsky - The Seasons : November "Troika"(Nobuyuki Tsujii)

(encore for 2011 performance of Tchai 1 with the NHK)

Nobuyuki Tsujii is a Japanese classical pianist. Blind since birth, the 24-year-old was a joint gold medal winner at the 2009 Van Cliburn Competition. Even more amazing than his story is to listen to him play and realize that not only has he never seen a piano, he has never seen the music score!

♪  October 25

Koji Yamamoto @ Koji_hist  tweeted


...   next weekend I will go to watch BBC Phil + Yutaka Sado + Nobuyuki Tsujii

2014-10-25 22:16:33





























I listened to the "love  death of Isolde" on the new album of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii!

Mr. Tsujii's fingers glide over the keybooard to play the movement

from  the last scene of the musical drama of Wagner "Tristan and Isolde".

Mr. Tsujii pulled out  a miracle of plucking of the sound of a half-tone,

without ever tapping the bottom of the keyboard,

The quiet sound in the beautiful crystal clear tone is full of sadness.

depicting Isolde sings the the "love  death" in front of Tristan's body.


Closure of the scene of "Tristan and Isolde" is,

It was like floating in front of my eyes.

It is a really great "love death of Isolde".

Mr. Tsujii Nobuyuki is truly the incarnation of  the piano God.

♪ October 23  "Touching the Sound" is DVD of the Month, Gramophone Editor's Choices - October 2014

"It is not only an improbable journey but a compelling and inspirational one.'

 image via Internet link

♪  October 18

This blog post from Mr. Masahiro Kawakami, Nobu's childhood piano teacher, is dated Oct. 12 but just now been brought to my attention.

2014-10-12 Sun

... 私自身は、現在カプースチンのかなり難易度の高い曲と格闘中で、と同時にラフマニノフの協奏曲第3番とも格闘中です。今日も辻井伸行君に会いに行くので気 の抜けない日々が続いています。本当は一日中やっていたいロシア語の勉強(!)と自分の練習時間は、もう早朝と深夜しかなくなっております。睡眠時間はま すます減っているのに、お昼間にまったく眠くならない日も多く、18時間でもぶっ続けで仕事ができる体になってきました。... I am also dealing with a work that is of considerably higher degree of difficulty than  Kapustin [whose works Mr. Kawakami specializes in and was about to give a performance on when he wrote this post], the Piano Concerto No. 3 of Rachmaninov.   I have gone to see Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii today; it has been on my  mind every day.    I am now studying and practicing Russian and wish I could do that all day!   I practice by myself only by getting up early and staying up late; sleeping less and less, and not sleepy at all during day time; the body can work for as much as 18 hours! [It was not clear if Mr. K is talking about himself or about Nobu but Miyuki kindly straightened me out; and it is a surprise that he is involved in Nobu's learning of Rach 3!]

♪ October 17

Someone tweeted: "Watching Nobuyuki Tsujii's old video in Warsaw. His sound soothes my depression."  I too had the privilege of watching a video of

 Nobu at the 2005 Chopin Competition

Nobu at the 2005 Chopin Competition - with him in the photo is his childhood piano teacher, Dr. Masahiro Kawakami

♪  October 17

2014-10-17 23:41:24

















I listened to the "The Fountains of the Villa d'Este" on the new album of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii: "Nobuyuki Tsujii's "La Campanella - Virtuoso Liszt!".

I listened to the second song.

It is the first of four pieces from the third year of Liszt's "years of pilgrimage".


Not even a single grain of sound is ambiguous,

Beautiful tone is crystal clear,

Liszt has put in this song the worries of a complex mind, of his soul religious also exhaustive,

It was delivered to the depths of my heart.

It was a great performance.

Bravo over over over over! ! ! ! !

The best!

Indeed, Mr. Tsujii is the incarnation of the Piano God.

I was listening to a really great "fountain of the Villa d'Este".

♪  October 12

 An interesting discussion thread on an Italian forum for pianists    Please read it (with my humble English translation)  here

"In this video which appears to have taken place in a stadium, the pianist received bravos.  But to me it seems people were cheering for a blind person who plays with exaggeration and moves like a retard, when there have been pianists that come before him that played with much more style and who have shaped the history of jazz music ... a real shame."

This site offers discount tickets to Nobu's October 31 performance of  Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 3 with the BBC Philharmonic. The performance has actually sold reasonably well, but there are empty seats.  It is notable that the same promotion goes for a Nov. 15 performance with veteran pianist Garrick Ohlsson, which currently has more empty seats.

♪  October 11

There is a mentioning of Nobu in this Dallas Fort Worth News interview of a former Cliburn Competition juror --

Five questions with...Joseph Kalichstein [a former Van Cliburn Competition juror]

Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014


Q: When you are performing as part of piano quartet, who are you watching? Since there is no conductor, how do chamber music players stay on the same page? It seems you do it by magic.

A: It is sensing rather than looking. You may remember that, a few years ago, a blind pianist from Japan [Nobuyuki Tsujii] won the Cliburn. I talked with the Takacs String Quartet about how they stayed together since he couldn’t see them, and they said absolutely no problem. Watching makes it easier, but it is not absolutely necessary. You sense what the other players are going to do. ‘Magic’ is the right word for it...

♪  October 10

Click here to read a new interview of Nobu, in German, published by the Japan Embassy.  Nobu answers questions about which performances abroad he has particularly remembered and his impression of performing in Germany.  English translation here 

♪  October 9

This tweet seems to point to a future performance of  Brahms Piano Concerto No. 1  by Nobu with the  読売日本交響楽団 [ Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra - stay tuned

ちなみに、 読響の来季プログラムは今月末に発表らしいが、 カンブルランのブルックナー、ワーグナー「トリスタンとイゾルデ」、 小林研一郎のチャイ5、 ブラームス第1番、

ソリストに辻井伸行、 諏訪内晶子、小曽根真、神尾真由子、宮田大などなど。  今日もらった冊子にありました。

By the way, Next season's program of Yomikyo is likely to be  announced at the end of this month, Bruckner of Cambreling; Wagner "Tristan and Isolde"; Tchai 5 of Kenichiro Kobayashi; Brahms No. 1;  And Nobuyuki Tsujii to soloist; Akiko Suwanai;  Makoto Ozone;  Mayuko Kamio; Miyata University; etc.  It was a booklet that I got today.

辻井伸行びわ湖ホール公演。来年の一月末の話だぜ? お陰様で完売って、そんな馬鹿な…折角、U24は五千円で行けるのに…Nobuyuki Tsujii Biwako Hall performances.

End of January next year?  I heard it's sold out Such an idiot ... Much trouble, going to U24 is at five thousand yen ...  -tweet

SPECIAL OFFER FOR PIANIST READERS: Tickets to Daniil Trifonov at The Bridgewater Hall, ManchesterDaniil Trifonov at The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester

Pianist special offer: £15 all seats  -tweet

♪  October 8  Today's news search came up with this 2008-2009 shareholders' business report of the Avex Group Holdings, Inc, the parent conglomerate of Avex Classics, Nobu's record label.  It is of historical interest, as the year of the report came before Nobu's rise in fame in Japan, but he is mentioned as one of the "Artists of the Avex Label" (P. 10), and it is noteworthy that the report starts with this:

The Avex Group’s Medium-Term Vision

To evolve into the “entertainment brand company”

with the strongest creative and communication capabilities in Asia

This dovetails nicely what I wrote in a recent article  Message in a Bottle (for fans of Nobuyuki Tsujii outside Japan)

♪  Comments found on the Medici-TV page for "Touching the Sound -- the Improbable Journey of Nobuyuki Tsujii

October 7

辻井伸行さんのピアノの音を聞いた時に何て楽しそうにピアノを弾くんだろうと思った。真ん丸な音。私が出せなかった音。憧れの音。幸せの音。ピアノが苦痛で仕方なかった私にとっては夢の音でした。 辻井伸行「debut」  I thought how wonder and how he plays the piano happily, when I heard the sound of the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

A perfectly round sound.  Sound that he put out. The sound of longing. Sound of happiness. It was the sound of a dream. Nobuyuki Tsujii "debut"

October 6, 2014

決 めた!辻井伸行さんの演奏会のチケット買う!S席しか残ってないけど!ラフマニノフのピアコン3番!I decided! I will buy a ticket for a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii's! Only S seats left! Third piano concerto of Rachmaninov!  -tweet


Do you want to go the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii? Do you want to hear a live performance? Though hie's coming to Fukuoka next January, there are only A seat and S seats still available? Do you have 20,000 yen?  -tweet [Gifu News article]

復興願う美しい音色 ウインドアンサンブル岐阜が慈善演奏会





Charity concert is beautiful tone Wind Ensemble Gifu you wish reconstruction

09:15 06 October 2014

The 5th is (sponsored newspaper, Gifu, Gifu Chan) Great East Japan Earthquake victims charity concert made ​​of brass band lovers from Gifu suburbs of "Wind Ensemble Gifu"

I was held in Sui Topia center of Ogaki Muromoto town.

The Formed in 2005, the orchestra belongs to about 30 people in the center of society. Concert in third, about 80 people, including members Female Chorus call Peare, Sapporo Trombone Quartet has appeared this time.

The play 16 songs pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's was produced by the hope of reconstruction "Still, Yuku live" and, like "The Magnificent Seven". Showing off the voice clear and powerful performances, a big applause was sent from the audience. [blog of Ikuma Yoshiko, "music journalist and critic." ]

2014.10.06 Monday

... 今日も、辻井伸行の2015年初頭のコンサートのチラシ原稿を書き、そのあとザ・シンフォニーホールのチョン・キョンファ&ケヴィン・ケナーの リサイタルの原稿を仕上げ、カード誌「てんとう虫」の東儀秀樹のインタビュー原稿をようやく書き終えたら、もう夜になってしまった。...

 today started with the manuscript for the flyers of a early 2015 concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii [Edit: most likely for the tour with Pretrenko and the Royal Livermore Phil],

Finishing the manuscript of recital  of Jung Kyonfa & Kevin Kenner at the Symphony Hall after that, ending with writing the manuscript for an interview Togi Hideki for the  magazine "ladybug", and it was already night...

October 5, 2014

By Alan Light

ピ アニストの辻井伸行さんのように、目が見えないにもかかわらず「色」を感じ、それをピアノを使って表現できる人を見ると、一体どのような世界が見えている のか不思議に思ってしまうものです。目の見えない人たちが「見ている」世界とは一体どのような世界なのかについて、 Nautilusのコラムで非常に分かりやすい例を交えて解説されています。

Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii is said to feel  "colors" even though he is blind.  His power of expressions on the piano makes one wonder what he is able to "see".

What Do Blind People Actually See? - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus

辻井伸行くん凄いね、久しぶりにじっくり彼の演奏聞いちゃったよ。天才だね。 Nobuyuki Tsujii is awesone. I listened to him again after a long time.  He is a genius.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノの音ってなんであんなに綺麗なん!!What is it about the sound of the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii that it is so beautiful!  -tweet

October 4, 2014

まあ仕方ないけどさあ、チケットの値段の差が凄いよね(笑) 「ヴァディム・ホロデンコ リサイタル」チケット[全席指定]8,000円 「スタニスラフ・ブーニン in ピアノハウス箱根」チケット[全席指定]80,000円 Oh, come on.    The difference between the price of the ticket is amazing (laughs) "Vadym Khlodenko Recital" ticket [All seats reserved] 8,000 yen  "Stanislav Bunin in Piano House Hakone" ticket[All seats reserved] 80,000 yen

[Editorial: Vadym Khlodenko is the 2013 gold medalist of the Cliburn Competition; Stanislav Bunin -- not well known elsewhere -- is somehow revered in Japan.  Baby Nobu supposedly wanted only to listen to his recording of the Heroic Polonaise.  BTW these concerts at the "Piano House" have only 100 seats.  Bunin's apparently has sold out.]

October 3, 2014


2014-10-04 01:53:31


何といっても、チャイコフスキー ピアノ協奏曲第1番のピアニストに













Concert tickets in Japan Red Cross Special (Sat) has been shipping January 10 next year.

More than anything, it is the pianist of the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1

Nobuyuki Tsujii's!

Now, it is difficult to obtain tickets.

When you say why, and whether made ​​in hand, it is a special advance reservation of e-plus.

The other day, Pre-mail may not contain as I return to the house,

The! Is not it accepted from the start of the day 18:00

The change of clothes in a hurry, I was waiting for the time in front of the personal computer.

And, \ it was taken (^ o ^) /.

It is the thing preceding 515 yen service charge Nante cheap.

The reason, and whether or not a convenience store ticketing,

Character is so weakened tickets convenience store,

In the mail, leaving to commemorate the ticket with a solid.

I will arrive today in Yamato