Notable web postings -- August 2015

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

Please visit this page fornews, comments and photos about Nobu's Own Compositions with Orchestra tour with the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa) August 23-31 : Nobuyuki Tsujii "Own Composition & Rhapsody in Blue" Japan tour 2015 - Part 2

♪August 26

辻井伸行さんのCD2枚買っちゃいました。6000円越えは痛かった。 Bought 2 CDs of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  6000 Yen -- it's gonna hurt.

辻井伸行さんのピアノをそろそろみにいきたい。すぐ完売になるけど。。佐渡さんとのがいいな  I want to go to see soon Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano. But it was immediately sold out. .

I am hoping for Sado's

♪August 20

I was at a post office the other day and noticed this stamp set that was issued back in April to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the exchange of friendship gifts (sakura and dogwoods) between Japan and the United States.

Nobu wrote a popular piece  「花水木の咲く頃」" When Dogwood blooms" when he was still in high school. I didn't even know that the Dogwoods  in Japan originated from this country!  It is deeply moving to learn that historical factoid, and it gives new meaning to this piece. I have seen footage of Nobu playing this work as background music to his mother reading from her book about bringing him up ...

♪August 21

[blog post by a piano teacher]







Piano Friends (written description of one's impressions)

Summer vacation is just a little more.

Have you done your homework?

The other day, I was reading to my daughter for her to write her impressions,

For the first time,  in a long time the book "piano friends"

Tears  would not stop.




This book about pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii was by the non-fiction writer Takayama Norio was published in 2 011.  A few years ago it was one of the challenge books [books required for students to read]





When young Nobuyuki-kun was playing a piano in the city of Saipan,

he got applause from the audience, and in his mind the piano became an important tool for connection with the people around him. 







I was startled.  I myself try to be "nice" to my students and

"become connected" with them, by playing the piano!

A tool for connecting the heart to express your feelings

It is what we should hone our technique  for.



The piano to me is a friend, an affirmed partner.





In Mr. Tsujii's live  performances, the pianissimo is truly sparklingly beautiful and colorful.

What kind of scenery is spread in his head

I cannot imagine.



Also his attitude that spare no effort and the courage to take one step forward

I think I want to learn from that.





For my students who are still lost in their written assignment of impressions statement,

I recommend this book.

When you have writen the opinions statement,

the sound of your piano will surely also be changed.

    2015年8月21日 August 21, 2015

August ♪August 20

今日辻井伸行さんが同じ新幹線に乗っていた。彼はマネージャーにつかまって行動していた。 Nobuyuki Tsujii's was riding in the same bullet train today. He was escorted by his manager.  [Nobu is probably on his way to his first performance of the "Self-composition" tour]  -tweet by a Tokyo resident

今晩の息子のスリーピングミュージックはラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第2番。演奏は辻井伸行さん。抱っこして部屋を薄暗くして小音量で聴かせていると、予想通りというか期待通りで第2楽章のところですっと眠りに落ちた。辻井さん、ラフマニノフ...  Sleeping music tonight was Piano Concerto No. 2 of Rachmaninov played  Nobuyuki Tsujii 's. In the dim room heard at low volume, fell straight asleep in the second movement, as expected. Mr. Tsujii, Rachmaninof  -tweet

スケルツォ第2番 愛の夢 辻井伸行さんほんと左手のタッチが柔らかくて好き。ほんとコンサート行ってみたい。Scherzo of  Liszt's Love dreamNo. 2  by  Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I really like the soft touch of his left hand.  .  I really want to go the concert.  -tweet

ピアニストの辻井伸行のチケット取れちゃった、、、 I have taken a ticket for pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii  -tweet

♪August 19

ピアノの音色♪ Tone of the piano ♪

[a lengthy blog post by someone who enjoys Nobu's compositions]

♪August 14

Conductor Valery Gergiev is sometimes depicted negatively in western media, but he seems to have a kindness for Nobu. In their Munich event on November 4, Nobu's performance of "Emperor" is scheduled to come on after intermission. It is unusual for an orchestra performance to end with a piano concerto -- a conductor does so to generously yield the spotlight to a soloist that he wants to showcase. By the way, tickets for the performance have sold extremely well.

♪August 16 [Asahi-TV's blog for the "untitled concert" show, hosted by Nobu's long-time mentor Yutaka Sado, who is leaving the show -- see August 9 postings]


... 先週放送の『もう一度見たい名場面』で第2位にランクインしたピアニスト辻井伸行さんとの共演も、演奏後に披露された感動の抱擁シーンが、熱演で汗だくの佐渡さんに抱きしめられた辻井さんの悲劇⁉︎... (笑) August 16, 2015

... Last week we showed the scene that was voted the second most wanted to see again, of Nobuyuki Tsujii. The scene shown of the hugging after the performance received a lot of notice, the profuse sweating of Sado in the enthusiastic performance of Mr. Tsujii's tragedy? ... (LOL) [posted on Japan's Data Zoo site, summarizing programs aired]

2015年8月9日放送 9:00 - 9:30 テレビ朝日題名のない音楽会佐渡裕卒業企画 視聴者が選ぶ名場面ベスト10

    佐渡裕卒業企画視聴者が選ぶ名場面ベスト10の2位は2008年5月18日放送の「佐渡裕イチ押しアーティスト~辻井伸行」の放送である。盲目のピアニスト辻井伸行の才能を見出したのは佐渡裕であった。辻井伸行は題名のない音楽会で披露したラフマニノフの「ピアノ協奏曲 第2番」をヴァン・クライバーン国際ピアノコンクールでも演奏し、優勝した。 

August 9, 2015 broadcast 9:00 to 9:30 Concert without Title Asahi TV Yutaka Sado retirement viewers choice.  In second of 10 best, "Yutaka Sado proteges -- Nobuyuki Tsujii" broadcast May 18, 2008.  Talent of blind pianist was discovered by Maestro Sado.  Nobuyuki Tsujii performed "Piano Concerto No. 2," which he also played at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, and won.

♪August 15

辻井伸行くん、佐渡さんの汗まみれハグ…(笑) #題名のない音楽会 #テレ朝 Tsujii Nobuyuki-kun, Mr. Sado's sweaty embrace ... (laughs) # # Untitled Concert TV Asahi  -tweet

盲目のピアニスト、辻井伸行さんからも被害報告がw #tvasahi #題名 Blind pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii;  also damage report #tvasahi # title  -tweet

♪August 14

今日のピアノ練習曲(神様のカルテ)辻井伸行さん作曲、大好きな曲です♪  Today's Piano practice (God's medical record) Tsujii Nobuyuki's compositions.  I love his songs ♪ - tweet

昨夜WOWOWで放送された辻井伸行さんのドキュメンタリーを見ました。泣きっぱなし。彼の無垢で優しさに包まれたひだまりのようなピアノの音色は、お母様や周りの方達の愛情で包まれた音の粒なのね。感動でした。 Last night I saw on WOWOW a documentary of Tsujii Nobuyuki . Cried. The sound of the his piano is wrapped in innocence and tenderness, grains of sound wrapped in the affection of his mother. I was impressed.  -tweet

♪August 14Conductor Valery Gergiev is sometimes depicted negatively in western media, but he seems to have a kindness for Nobu. In their Munich event on November 4, Nobu's performance of "Emperor" is scheduled to come on after intermission. It is unusual for an orchestra performance to end with a piano concerto -- a conductor does so to generously yield the spotlight to a soloist that he wants to showcase. By the way, tickets for the performance have sold extremely well.

♪August 13

当選しました。 (嬉しいことは嬉しいけどそれより先に)ほっとした〜。 ▶︎辻井伸行×三浦文彰 究極の協奏曲コンサート〔東京〕 |ぴあ 

We won the jackpot. (in the pre-sale, I am glad) ▶ ︎ Tsujii Nobuyuki × Miura Fumiaki ultimate concerto concert [Tokyo] | Pia [tickets came on advanced sale today]

These are some of the tweets that came up after the rebroadcast of "Touching the sound" on WOWOW TV

♪August 12

Tweet by Yura:

今ならまだチケットありましたー❗️辻井伸行《自作&クラシック》オーケストラコンサート会場:北陸電力会館 本多の森ホール (石川県)8月23日(日)この曲は辻井伸行作曲 BS朝日「いま日本は」のオープニングテーマ曲 なんか元気出るわぁ♪  And there are still tickets!Tsujii Nobuyuki "self-made and Classic" orchestra concert venue:Hokuriku Electric Power Company Hall

 Honda Forest Hall (Ishikawa) August 23 (Sun) This song, composed by Nobuyuki, is the healthy opening theme song of BS' "Now Japan"

Click Tweet to see a video with a sound track of part of Nobu's composition "Japan Now!"

♪ August 9

In Japan, Conductor Yutaka Sado is stepping off a long-running classical music show "Untitled Concert" after being at the helms for decades. Sado is Nobu's childhood mentor, and Nobu appeared on the show many times over the years. Today (Sunday) was I believe the last episode of the show hosted by Sado, and Nobu (I think) appeared on the show as guest, much to the delight of twitters like this one.


Piano Concerto No. 2 is my favorite Rachmaninoff,  The Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing by request was seen on TV ... ♪ 🎹  I have listened to classic since I was in junior high school, but only learned about this work as an adult. I think it's a masterpiece It seems Russian composers know how to hit the chest

佐渡裕さんと辻井伸行さんのラフマニノフ良かった!ジーンと来ました。 全部見たかったな。 #題名のない音楽会  Yutaka Sado -san and Nobuyuki Tsujii's Rachmaninoff was good! ... I wanted to see the whole thing. # Untitled Concert -tweet

盲目だとかそんなことは関係ない。 辻井伸行さんの全身から溢れ出すピアノの旋律に心が震える。  It doesn't matter that he is blind.  My heart trembles in melody of piano overflowing from Nobuyuki Tsujii's whole body  -tweet

もう辻井伸行さんの演奏みると涙が止まらなくなる。人間の可能性とか限界とか、そんな決まり文句を根底から覆してくれるんですよね。私のハンデなんか可愛いものです、また元気をもらってしまいました、ありがとうございます。 #題名のない音楽会  Tears would not stop looking at Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing.  The human potential has no limit.  It is such a cliche.  A handicap has turned into such a lovable thing.  Thank you. # Untitled Concert -tweet

13 歳の辻井伸行さんの才能を見出せる佐渡さんもすごいし、もちろん辻井さんもラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲2番でコンクール受賞もすごい! 感動的な2人の抱擁シーン。 #題名のない音楽会  Sado's discovery of the talent of 13-year old Nobuyuki Tsujii is amazing! Of courseTsujii's Rachmaninov no. 2 at the contest that he won was also amazing.  The scene of the two hugging is impressive.  # Untitled Concert  -tweet

辻井伸行さんも今となっては素晴らしいピアニストになった。佐渡さんが見いだしたのか #題名  Nobuyuki Tsujii might not have become the great pianist that he is now if he had not been discovered by Sado-san. # title  #tvasahi -tweet

佐渡裕と辻井伸行の回良かったよね…  I think Yutaka Sado and Nobyuki Tsujii had a good time ...  -tweet

辻井伸行! Nobuyuki Tsujii!  -tweet

♪August 9

A blog post came up with this sketch

The text in the post says:

ドビュッシー_辻井伸行 Debussy_Tsujii Nobuyuki


ムスメがドビュッシーが聴きたいと言うので借りてきたアルバム。 辻井くんのアルバムは、ショパン、ラフマニノフと聴いたけど、このドビュッシーはとっても好み♪ 寝る前に暗くして聴くと水中で揺らいでいるような気になるのが心地よい。

Daughter said she wants to listen to Debussy and borrowed my album.

I have listened to albums of Tsujii kun, Chopin and Rachmaninoff,

The Debussy is my very favorite

In the dark before going to sleep, it is pleasant to listen and become feel like the rippling water.

♪ August 8

Take a look at this publication of "Nobuyuki Tsujii solo piano with flute accompaniment, music score." I doubt if any other pianist has the influence to evoke such a publication.

♪ August 7

Nobu appeared in a "Music of Hope" concert at the Urakami Cathedral in Nagasaki, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the second World War.  This was a free concert; thousands applied for tickets and only some lucky ones got them. News and comments about this event can be read here: "Nobuyuki Tsujii & Friends" commemorative concert Nagasaki 2015

♪August 6

The Epoch Times Deutschland, August 6 edition, has this article:

Carnegie Hall: Nobuyuki Tsujii, einer der besten lebenden Pianisten spielt zu Ehren der Tsunami-Opfer

Epoch Times Deutschland, Donnerstag, 6. August 2015 11:33

Der japanische Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, 27, wurde blind geboren und zeigte bereits im Alter von zwei Jahren ein großes musikalisches Talent, indem er Kinderlieder, die er gehört hatte, auf seinem Kinderklavier nachspielte.

Hier, im Video spielt er seine eigene Komposition zu Ehren der Opfer des Tsunami und Erdbebens 2011 in Japan. In einem Kommentar heißt es: "Nobu ist der Beweis, dass Menschen vom göttlichen Geist abstammen und nicht vom Affen." 

Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, 27, was born blind and already showed a great musical talent at age two when he was able to play children's songs on his toy piano. In this video he plays his own composition in honor of the victims of the tsunami and earthquake in 2011 in Japan. In a comment someone wrote: "Nobu is proof that humans are descended from the divine spirit and not from the ape."

I am not going to get into the debate of evolution vs. intelligence design, but I am glad that Nobu received this notice in Germany.


Music while on the move -- my recent favorite is "Emperor and Coronation" of Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.  It transports me to another world from the beginning; the sound is fresh and vivid, far more than expected.  The sound of the orchestra and Tsujii's piano has excellent compatibility.   For the first time, the "Emperor" is so refreshing.   In an air-conditioned car, perfect music to watch a summer blue sky. Bliss of being alone on the bullet train.

♪August 5

大星 光平 ‏@s8_k1  Oboshi Kohei [Japan baseball player] tweeted:







Future fun

The ① Battery [his team?] made it to homecoming for the first time in four years.

② Buddies movie.

③ family travel

④8 /31 Tsujii Nobuyuki concert

↑ This only [not sure if this refers to Nobu's concert]

♪August 4

 2015-08-04 19:37:03NEW !








2015-08-04 19:37:03! NEW

Theme: Music

Buy Nobuyuki Tsujii of CD.

I wanted to listen to the theme song of the "giants of beauty".

Monet also, Degas, nor youth off the coast.

It will be entranced.

God's finger.

Nice melody.

♪August 2

オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢 ‏@oekjp  [The Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa] tweeted

柴山潟湖上の花火に見送られながら、一路金沢へ。OEKはオーケストラとしては明日から2週間の夏季休暇に入ります。次回本番は8月23日金沢本多の森ホールにて、辻井伸行さんの「自作&クラシック」コンサート。そして東京、大阪、西日本を回ります。暑い日が続きますが皆様ご自愛のほど! Now that we have had the fireworks in Shibayamagata lake, it's back to Kanazawa.  The OEK orchestra enters two weeks of summer vacation startingtomorrow.  The next production is in the forest Hall of Honda Kanazawa on August 23, Nobuyuki Tsujii's "self-made and classic" concert.

The tour will visit Tokyo, Osaka,and  West Japan.  The days are hot, please everyone take care!

Yura made these 3 tweets with videos (I believe to help promote Nobu's own compositions -- bless her heart :-) [click link to see video]

辻井伸行withオーケストラアンサンブルコンサート《自作&クラシック》プログラム曲その3映画「マエストロ!」エンディングテーマ曲。まさしくこの映画のエンディングにぴったりはまった素敵な曲♪メイキング映像から。  [click link to see video]

辻井伸行withアンサンブルオーケストラコンサート《自作&クラシック》プログラム曲その2「ジェニーへのオマージュ」をアレンジ。カーネギーホールでも披露した美しいアレンジ[click link to see video]

辻井伸行withオーケストラアンサンブルコンサート《自作&クラシック》プログラム曲その1 「川のささやき」12才で作曲。誰もが純真だった心に戻れる澄みきった曲。レコーディング本番中。

♪August 1 

"Nobuyki Tsujii must break out of his shell"

A very lengthy blog post came up from someone who attended Nobu's recital in Hokkaido on July 1. Although the comments are not entirely complimentary and although I do not agree with everything expressed in the piece, I appreciate this blogger's sincerity and knowledge in classical music (and more impressively, in Nobu's career).  Above all, this blogger is well-meaning. 

... このリサイタルも含めて,これまでに見聞きした情報を総合すると,辻井伸行には彼自身の確固たる音楽的な世界がある。だから,その世界を自分の音楽で表現 するために,作曲にも手を染めているのだろう。だが,辻井が演奏家として揺るぎない地位を固めるためには,自分の殻を破る必要があるのではないか。つま り,作品を自分の世界に引き付けて表現することに加え,自分の世界から抜け出して,作品の世界に自分を合せる姿勢も欠かせない。

Based on what I have seen and heard, including this recital, Nobuyuki Tsujii seems to be in a strong musical world of his own. And perhaps to express his music to the world, he is dabbling in composing. But, in order for Tsujii to solidify his position as a musician, it is necessary for him to break out of the shell ...

The original article, in Japanese, can be read here.

I have made a rough translation of it here: Nobuyuki Tsujii must break out of his Own Shell

松尾大輔 [Matsuo Daisuke, whose profile says he's a composer-musician] tweeted:



Genius pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii is more than a computer that stores sound ... his excellent original works are  improved by his own performance; impressive ...

"Nobuyuki Tsujii is a composer's mind but also to the depth I can read Japanese musician

"Tsujii Nobuyuki has the heart of a composer and also the depth ... to be a musician that represents Japan

Notable web postings -- July 2015