Notable web postings February 2014

Feb 28

辻井伸行ジャパンツアーに来たぞー😊♪ I have come to the Japan tour concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii   -tweet

image via Internet link

辻井伸行くんのピアノコンサート来た! am at piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun!   - tweet

image via  Internet link

ホクト文化ホールに続く人の列☆辻井伸行さんだったか!  A long line of people at the Hokuto Bunka Hall for Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii!   -tweet

息 できないくらい迫力満点で、 息するの忘れるくらい聴き入った! 辻井伸行さんのカンパネラさん最強! あすかちゃんの胃 ごめんね(._.) 長野楽しいって言ってくれて 嬉しかったよー!! 4月までに飽きないでね…!It was so compelling that I could hardly breathe, listening so intently that I forgot to leave!  The Campanella of Mr. Tsujii is the strongest! ...  It was nice for him saying that Nagano is fun! !...  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート行って きた♪一音一音がクリアで滑らかで清らかな感じ。人柄がにじみ出る演奏だった。映画『神様カルテ』の宣伝とテーマ曲もアンコールで聴けた(^^)ホールの 音響がわるいので、客席まで音が響いてこなかったのが残念。♪ I went to piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  One sound one sound is felt, pure smooth and clear. It was a performance that exudes personality. For encore theme music and promotion of film of "God's medical records" (^ ^) ,I am sorry that some people could not hear the voice.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんは天使です! と思ってしまう様な音色。 トークも好き す。Nobuyuki Tsujii is an angel! Tone was what I thought. I also like his talk.  -tweet

辻 井伸行 「日本ツアー ≪ショパン&リスト≫ 長野公演」 終了~♪ オーラと云うか パワーと云うか。ただただ凄い・・・ 芸術! お蕎麦に林檎も召し上がって 善光寺詣りもされたそうです 初めての 長野市でのリサイタル (・∀・) ありがとうございました♪ またいらしてくださいね。Nobuyuki Tsujii "Japan Tour« Chopin & list » Nagano performance " just ended.  He talked about the power of the aura.  Nothing but great ... Art!  Went to Meili Zerko-ji Temple when he was in Recital in Nagano for the first time; also seemed to enjoy our apples and soba (· ∀ ·) Please come again ♪ Thank you.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサートすごくよかった(^^)  The concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was great -tweet

夕 べ聴いた辻井伸行さんのピアノ、コロコロ飛び回る早いパッセージや、余韻をたっぷり残した和音の響きに感動!一曲終わる毎にため息しか出ないくらいの素晴 らしい演奏でしたI heard the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii  last night, the passages flew by quickly, the impresive sound of the chords left me yearning for more. It was great playing; I sighed deeply at the end of each song.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタル聴きに行きたい。ちょうど今日発売日。でも7月の予定なんてどうなるかわからんwチケット代 決して安くないからなぁ…。I want to go to listen to piano recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii. Today is the release date.  But I do not know what my schedule in July would be, and I wonder because the tickets are not cheap.  -tweet

e+ に騙された。 辻井伸行の、先行販売、今日の21時からってんで、21時20秒に、申込みクリックしたら、 もう、席は無かった。 ピアでは、3月1日からの正式販売しか無いじゃん。もともと、席なんて無かったんよ。この数日前のプレオーダーも外れた、としゃあしゃあと言ってきた し・・・。I was taken in by e +. Pre-sale of Nobuyuki Tsujii from 21:00 today Nde, I clicked at 20 seconds to 21 hours, and there was no seat. On PIA only general  sale starting on March 1. Originally, there was no seat. It is shameless for them to adverstise a few days ago that there is a pre-sale also ....  -tweet

長岡で行われる辻井伸行さんの演奏会は今週末です。盲目というハン デがありながらも、世界的なピアノコンクールで1位という快挙を成し遂げたピアニストです。。おそらくチケットはほぼ、完売でしょう。  This weekend in Nagaoka is Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert. He is the pianist that in spite of his blindness has achieved the feat of winning first place in a world-class pianocompetition.  Most likely the ticket had already sold out.  -tweet

Feb 27

今日の午後はPTA行事で“ピアニスト辻井伸行氏の母・辻井いつ子先生講演会”へ。生後間もなく全盲とわか り「絶望と不安に襲われた」中での子育てスタート。積極性と行動力で伸行さんの可能性を引き出し、二人三脚でピアニストへの道を歩んでいったという話し、 同じ母親として勉強になりました。This afternoon I listened to a talk by Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii, mother of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, at a PTA event about parenting.  "I was attacked by anxiety and despair" shortly after learning after birth that her child is blind.  in the know and blind shortly after birth. The story pulled out the possibility of Nobuyuki's behavior in power and ambition, and how it led to the road to the pianist in the three-legged race, and as a mother, I learned.  -tweet

明 日は、辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきます。 去年は、残念ながら、チケットが取れず、 その前の年には、数人で150回ほどかけて、 超レアな…Tomorrow, I'm going to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii. Unfortunately, the year before I could not get tickets, going through several people and over 150 times.  Super rare ...  -tweet

Feb 26/27

耳 が聞こえるかもしれない佐村河内守はともかく、目が見えない辻井伸行は本当にすごいと思った。 Samura Kawachi Mamoru may not actually be deaf, but Nobuyuki Tsujii cannot see with his eyes and I think he is really awesome.  -tweet

盲目のピアニスト辻井伸行さんにはいつも驚 かせられる。指揮者の居ない「オルフエウス管弦楽団」と米でコンサートを実現。「違う音楽ができ新たな挑戦、音楽は世界共通」と。来月は伊ミラノ・スカラ 座デビューだ!おめでとう♪ I am always amazed by pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii blind.  He performed  a concert with the Orpheus Orchestra  in the U.S. without a conductor "Different music poses a new challenge; music is universal" he said. Next month's Italian La Scala debut! Congrats!  -tweet

[This blog post is long.  The blogger started with describing the difficulties of getting tickets for the concert back in November and then getting to the venue on the day of the concert -- but all those complaints vanished the minutes Nobu appeared on stage :-]




長い休憩の後はリストのプログラムです。最初の「エステ荘の噴水」の軽やか且つ華麗、いかにも噴水のタッチ。その次の次、「愛の夢 第三番」は馴染みのあるメロディということもありますが、その超絶技巧を見事に弾きこなす姿に、思わず涙してしまいました。

この難曲を全くスコアなしで! しかも練習するためのスコアさえ目にすることが出来ない彼がこれらの曲を弾きこなすのは、生まれつきの恵まれた才能とはいえ、それこそ血の滲むような努力があったのだと改めて思い知りました。




Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

Around last November I found out about the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii to take place in Hiroshima...

After a long break it was a program of Liszt.   It started with a brilliant light of the "fountain of Este Zhuang" . Then the familiar melody of "dream  of love No. 3", the beauty and virtuosity made me shed tears involuntarily.

To play these difficult pieces at all without score!  He was born sightless and could not even see the score to practice.  Even with obvious endowment of talent, it must have taken a very serious effort.

"La Campanella", "death of love of Isolde"<tears came out during this song> " and finally "Waltz from opera  <Faust>" --  at the end. applause did not stop sounding.   As expected, it was "Still we alive" for the last encore.

This, as everyone knows, is a song to commemorate the victims of the "Tohoku Earthquake", composed by Mr. Tsujii himself ...

I was reminded again of the kindness and the essence of his gentle touch on the piano.

Concert of about two hours thus ended successfully.

Afterward, everyone in line waiting for taxi seemed to be saying, "Hey, that was good." ...

Feb 26

い よいよ辻井伸行クンのショパン&リスト日本ツァーが昨日の広島から始まりました 聴きに行かれたファンの方のブログには  ファンタスティック !グレート !アメイジング!と、感嘆の羅列が!😂あー行きたい早く行きたい3月21日大阪シンフォニーが待ちきれない!リストのファウスト聴きたい![I read] blog posts of  fans who went to Chopin and Liszt Japan tour ofNobuyuki Tsujii Kung that finally began again in Hiroshima yesterday. Fantastic! Great! Amazing! And, admiration!I cannot wait to be at Osaka Symphony on March 21! I want to listen to Liszt's Faust !  -tweet

辻 井伸行が鳥取にやってくる。残念ながらチケットは完売… エステ荘の噴水は好きな曲なんで聴きたかったNobuyuki Tsujii is coming to Tottori. And Fountain of Este is a favorite song ... unfortunately tickets sold out.  -tweet

昨日の辻井伸行様の華麗なる大ポロネー ズ頭から離れない。素晴らしすぎる。Of Polonaise Brilliant of Nobuyuki Tsujii yesterday [I heard] not far from his large head.  Too great  -tweet

A blog post spotted by Miyuki, who wrote: "This blogger described what I felt really well.


image via Internet link

辻井伸行日本ツアー 広島公演 ショパン&リスト




















Hiroshima performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii   Chopin & Liszt Japan tour performances

Really, it was a great concert

He was the youngest (age 17) participant in the 2005 Chopin Competition, and was awarded the "Critics Award".

Watching the Chopin Competition on TV , I thought he was great.

And, in 2009, he won  the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, the first time for a Japanese, Mr. Tsujii  has been since then a success internationally.

Even when I saw him, for the first time, on the TV documentary of the Chopin Competition, I thought how he, blind, could be so good

Last night, for the first time, in fact, I saw him perform live for the first time.  The performance was nothing short of amazing, and I sincerely thought that he is great regardless of his blindness.

Encore, Chopin. My favorite nocture, thinking about it makes me cry...

And, after the encore, he took the microphone for a little talk.

I have been in concert in  Hiroshima many times , and I like the Hiroshima style okonomiyaki and oyster

And, "Thanks to your concentration in listening to my playing, I was also able to play in concentration. "

Thing "in me listening to concentrate playing my, I was able to play I also concentrated, today,. Thank you" like that

And, second song encore, "Still, we still" composed by himself after the Great East Japan Earthquake to show support for the people in the affected areas, to give hope for wanting to live.

The tears that had been put up in the nocturne came out in full force ... but I hesitated to sniffle.

Oh, thank you for the moving  music !

Feb 25/26


辻井伸行 日本ツアー《ショパン&リスト》広島公演









I went to a piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii♪

Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour "Chopin & list" Hiroshima performance


Piano concert for the first time performed by such a famous pianist.

I had not been at a concert since my daughter's piano recital in elementary school

And I found my heart pounding and palpitationss seized by chest again, it was the first time that I had such an impression

It is a play that lasted almost two hours, a dazzling performance.

Nobuyuki Tsujii is so amazing

The family went out for the first time in a long time to a piano concert

I was able to spend a very good time.

image via Internet link

image via Internet link

Another blogger who was at the concert last night in Hiroshima.  "Mr. Tsujii himself seemed to be in a dream when he played the second Piano Sonata of Chopin ... the finesse of the fingers ... a transcendence ... There are many times that the melody is played on the left hand, but really perfectly." And she splurged for the souvenir CD.

image via Internet link

辻井伸行さんのショパンとリスト  ...

ステージの上にピアノと辻井さん それだけで十分でした 感動できる時間をありがとうございます

Chopin and Liszt of Nobuyuki Tsujii ...

Tsujii and piano on the stage was enough by itself.  Thank you for an impressive time.

Feb 25/26


辻井伸行 日本ツアー《ショパン&リスト》広島公演









I went to a piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii♪

Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour "Chopin & list" Hiroshima performance


Piano concert for the first time performed by such a famous pianist.

I had not been at a concert since my daughter's piano recital in elementary school

And I found my heart pounding and palpitationss seized by chest again, it was the first time that I had such an impression

It is a play that lasted almost two hours, a dazzling performance.

Nobuyuki Tsujii is so amazing

The family went out for the first time in a long time to a piano concert

I was able to spend a very good time.

image via Internet link

image via Internet link

Another blogger who was at the concert last night in Hiroshima.  "Mr. Tsujii himself seemed to be in a dream when he played the second Piano Sonata of Chopin ... the finesse of the fingers ... a transcendence ... There are many times that the melody is played on the left hand, but really perfectly." And she splurged for the souvenir CD.

image via Internet link

辻井伸行さんのショパンとリスト  ...

ステージの上にピアノと辻井さん それだけで十分でした 感動できる時間をありがとうございます

Chopin and Liszt of Nobuyuki Tsujii ...

Tsujii and piano on the stage was enough by itself.  Thank you for an impressive time.

Feb 25

今夜は辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートにいってきます^ ^ まだ時間あるからカフェで一息。 [photo of latte]

Tonight I am going to the piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Taking a break  at the cafe because there is still time.   -tweet

辻 井伸行さんのピアノコンサート。今まで聴いたことのないショパンとリストでした。彼の世界はどんな色なんだろう。水面がキラキラ光るような、そんな音色が 連なって、今まで見たことのない世界を感じさせてもらえる演奏でした。しばらく余韻に浸ってしまうな。  Nobuyuki Tsujii 's piano concert. It was a Chopin/Liszt and that I had not heard until now. I wonder what kind of colors there are in his world. It was a performance that glitters like the surface of the water, such consistency of tone as the world has never seen until now. I will be immersed in the afterglow for a while.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんの生演奏が聞けて良かった(*^^*) あ~幸せ(人´∀`).☆.。.:*・゚  It was good to hear the music of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii live.  Happy.  -tweet

今日はシスで、辻井伸行さんの日本ツアー「ショパン&リスト」の稼働でした!音漏れで聞こえるピアノの音色が、ひとつひとつ生きているようで、心を撫でてくれているような心地良さでした!あー!楽しかった(*^_^*) [photo of twitter] Today I was at the "Chopin & Liszt" Japan tour of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  The sound of the piano seems to be alive note by note.  It was a good feeling that stroked my heart!

Oh! It was a good time.  -tweet

”いつまでもショパン“読み終わった!榊場隆平のモデルはピアニストの辻井伸行さんだね(*´▽`*)I finished reading [the novel] "Chopin forever" !

[The character] Sakaki-jo Ryuhei is modelled after Mr.  Nobuyuki Tsujii. -tweet

Feb 24/25

「辻井伸行 × ゲルギエフ」チャイコフスキー ピアノ協奏曲第1番 #wowow  2012年の白夜祭の模様、このコンサートが行われたサンクトペテルブルクのマリインスキー劇場とっても素敵。 CONCERT HALL …"Nobuyuki Tsujii × Gergiev "Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1  at the White Nights Festival in 2012.  This concert took place at the very nice Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg  [link to webpage with good description of the history of the concert hall]  -tweet

Feb 23/24 [Judging from the tickets shown in the photo, this blogger is going to the Tottori recital]










I did it!  Tickets that I signed up for in December finally arrived.  My heart was pounding - it was a lottery win. 

Concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun long-sought, I will attend with a former student who now owns a nursery.  Oh, fun!

image via Internet link

Feb 23

今 年サラマンカに森麻季さん、アリス沙羅オッド、辻井伸行さん、牛田君などが来るみたい。何これ、豪華すぎる。 This year coming to Salamanca Hall [in Gifu] are Mori Maki, Alice Sara Ott, Nobuyuki Tsujii, Ms. Ushida.  What luxury.  -tweet

ソチ 閉会式ではあのラフマニノフ2番がグランドピアノ登場で生演奏された。私は思わず佐渡裕さん指揮 辻井伸行クンピアノのラフマニノフを想い浮かべた。去年大阪で聴いて感動 さらにプロムスの動画で感涙😂佐渡さんはノブ君とベルリンでベルリンフィルとのラフマニノフをやりたいそうですよ   Rachmaninoff second piano concerto was  live music on a grand piano  in the Sochi closing ceremony. I inadvertently thought of the Rachmaninoff of Nobuyuki Tsujii under conductor  Yutaka Sado.  Last year I heard them in Osaka.  Tears.  I was further impressed with videos of Mr. Sado went on to perform with the Berlin Philarmonic and Nobu-kun performed at the Proms.   -tweet

Feb 22

The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra  announced its 2014-15 season: "...Another returning favourite is blind-since-birth pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, who also wowed concert-goers in 2013. He'll perform Beethoven's Emperor concerto on May 8 and 9, 2015..."

辻井伸行日本ツアーin 鳥取~♪♪♪  Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour in  Tottori  -twitter  [Tottori is a remote area in Japan, the only sand dunes in Japan exist here.]

Feb 21/22

7/2、 辻井伸行リサイタル@松本ハーモニーホール取れた!今回は全国10の名だたるクラシック専門ホールでのリサイタルツアーとかで、普段からお馴染みかつ小規 模なあのホールで見られるなんてほんと貴重。東京なら絶対プレミアものだろな。I was able to take a ticket for Nobuyuki Tsujii July 2 recital @ Matsumoto Harmony Hall!  This recital tour takes place at 10 famous classical professional halls, much more valuable than everyday small familiar venues.  It will absolutely be the premiere concert in Tokyo.  -tweet

浅田真央選手のフリーを再度観て、感動。 その流れで、辻井伸行さんの演奏されてるラフマニノフ「ピアノ協奏曲第2番 ハ長調 作品18」を観て、涙。 2つとも大好きだ!!!I watched again the free program of Mao Asada --  impressed.  On video, I watched the Rachmaninov "second piano concerto in C major Op. 18" being played of Nobuyuki Tsujii -- tears.   I love those two! ! !   -tweet

Roge の「Jeux d'eau」を聞いてみたけど、幻想世界に浸かり過ぎているようであまり好みではなかった。辻井伸行さんの演奏も確かに凄い。今初めてCziffraの演 奏を聞いた。独自色が強いけど演奏の中に吸い込まれるような感覚があった。何だこれ。世界的にはどんな評価なんだろう。。And I the Although I am partial to Roge's "Jeux d'eau", it seems a choice immersed in a fantasy world.  Performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii is also great indeed.

I heard Cziffra playing for the first time just now. Original color is strong, but there was a feeling of being sucked into the performance.  Such is the world of evaluations.  -tweet

辻井 伸行さんの演奏を見て、「一本松」も スタインウェイだったことを想う今夜。Watching the performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii, also "solitary pine tree", I think that it was a Steinway tonight.  -tweet

ラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第2番、第1楽章、辻井伸行の演奏で、ぜひ聴いてほしい。浅 田真央選手のスケートで耳に残ったのなら・・・。吹雪の中、冬の山を歩きながら、ぼくはこの曲を思い出しているよ。Rachmaninoff  Piano Concerto No. 2 , first movement by Nobuyuki Tsujii, I want you to listen by all means. It remains in the ear in the skating of Mao Asada .... During a snowstorm, while walking in the mountain of winter, I'm remembering this song.  -tweet

浅田真央のフリーの演技録画でみたけど、すごかったじゃな いか。というわけで使用された曲「ラフマニノフ ピアノ協奏曲 第2番」を辻井伸行さんの演奏でどうぞ I saw a recording of the free-program performance of Mao Asada, it was amazing. She used music [the second Rakhmaninov piano concerto] a performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii [Not true, the music used by Ms. Asada was not performedd by Nobu.]  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサートはガチで行きたかったんだけど、いろいろ無理だった…I wanted to go to the damn concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii, I tried many ways but it was impossible ...   -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサート行きたかったんだけど、無理そうです。I want to go a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii, but it is likely impossible.  -tweet

Feb 21

昨夜のフリーでレジェンドとなった真央ちゃん!その感動を呼び覚ます、辻井伸行さまの【ラフマニノフ「ピア ノ協奏曲第二番」】、良かったらお聴きください☆リストとラフマニが弾けずピアノから逃げた私が、最高に尊敬する演奏です♪ …Miss Mao became a legend in last night's free program! It reminds me of the excitement of this audience at Nobuyuki Tsujii's Rach 2.  Please listen while it is available.  He played Liszt and Rachmaninov.  It is a performance to be respected to the highest. -tweet

まおちゃんのフリー曲、「ラフマニノフのピアノコンツェルト第2番」は盲目のピアニスト、辻井伸行さんがバンクライバーン国際ピアノコンクールで使った曲で、それで金賞を取った曲でもあるんですよねー だからあの曲で完璧な演技をしてくれたことがとっても嬉しい  Music for the free program of Miss Mao was Rach 2, the song that blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii played in the Van Cliburn Piano Competition.  It was music that also took a gold medal. 

So very happy that she gave a perfect performance with that song.

真央ちゃん、完璧。 佐村河内のペテン。







そして、ラフマニノフ ピアノ協奏曲 第二番って、いいよね。


Mao-chan, perfect. Shenanigans of Samura Kawachi.

★ Mao-chan

Mao was  perfect in figure-free.


Mao-chan, I was crying at the end.  Mao-chan tears overflowing naturally, the body was shaking.

Thank you, it was great.

And,  Rachmaninov second piano concerto, it was good.

Performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii is the best...

Feb 20/121

ど うせ真央ちゃんの映像は観られないからと、ひとりラフマニノフ祭りをしていた。[Since I did not watch the video of Mao-chan anyway, I had a Rachmaninov festival.] sm21525892 ラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲 第2番 ハ短調 作品18 辻井伸行 / Nobuyuki BBC Proms full -tweet

辻井伸行が弾くラフマニノフ聴いて更に泣いてる Crying further listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii playing Rachmaninoff   -tweet

気 のせいかもしれないけど、ベレゾフスキーの演奏、 なんかオーケストラと微妙にテンポが合ってなかったようにも聴こえた。 辻井伸行さん や 小山実稚恵さんの弾き方ははっきりして好き。まあ相性もあるけどね。 It may just be my imagination, but in the performance of  Berezovsky that I heard, his tempo does not match the delicate and gentle touch of the orchestra.  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii or  Michie Koyama could clearly have been used, and I think would have been a better fit.  -tweet

[The translation of this long blog post is beyond my Japanese proficiency. The gist of it is that Nobu should not have been linked to the discussion of the fraudulent composer Samura Kawachi Mamoru just because they are both supposed to have overcome a handicap.]



  偽作曲家としてやり玉に上がっている 佐村河内守氏の事は、縁薄いクラシック音楽の世界 又事件そのものも余り興味が無かったので、何も本サイトでは取上 げなかったのだが、ピアニスト辻井伸行氏の活躍を以前載せた事が有り、身体障害者の社会での活躍と云う視点で見ると、伝えられる像とは全く違った見方も有 るのでは無いかと思い筆を起す。... 全盲だからといって、彼の演奏に何の支障もないし「全盲のピアニスト」と形容することは、 彼の演奏に対して失礼だと思う。 ...

The case of the false Beethoven

Fraudulent composer Samura Kawachi Mamoru has been held up as  an example of disabled people, including Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, achieving unjustified success in our society... His blindness has not posed any hindrance to his playing.  To call him the "completely blind pianist" is, I think, disrespectful to his playing...

Feb 20

辻井伸行のドビュッシーのアルバムが最高。。 The Debussy [CD] of Nobuyuki Tsujii is the highest.  -tweet

ド ビュッシー:ベルガマスク組曲~月の光 - 辻井伸行...♪ #NowPlaying #浅田真央 #GoMao #Maofight  Debussy: Bergamasque Suite ~ Claire de Lune -Nobuyuki Tsujii ... ♪ # NowPlaying  # Mao Asada  # GoMao  # Maofight  - tweet [This twitter is perhaps seeking solace in Nobu's music and holding out hope for skater Mao Asada.]

目には見えないけど真央ちゃんの事が大好きだといっていた辻井伸行さん。He cannot see with his eyes, but Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii expressed his love for Mao.  -tweet

浅田選手はラフマニノフのピアコン2番か! のだめや辻井伸行さんで有名ですね。  ロシア受けも良い選曲かと◎  どうぞ自分らしい演技を!! 辻井さんの魂のこもった ラフマニノフ。A link to Nobu's Proms Rach 2 performance Asada chose Rachmaninoff Concerto 2! It is famous for Nobuyuki Tsujii and Nodame.  Good choice for Russia.  Act like yourself please! !  Soulful Rachmaninoff of Tsujii.   -tweet

【サラ・ブライトマン 感動のヴォー チェ】誰もが知る名曲揃いのベスト盤。日本独自の企画、映画「神様のカルテ2」の主題歌収録。前作の辻井伸行によるテーマに原作者夏川草介が原詩をてがけ た「神様のカルテ ~Keep the light~」  [Sarah Brightman Voice of excitement] Known by everyone for her best classical albums. For Japan only, she recorded theme song for the movie "Kamisamanokarute 2". Music composed by Nobuyuki Tsujii for the movie's prequel, with lyrics by author Natsukawa Sosuke.  [The CD comes out next month, March.]  -tweet

[The women's figure skating yesterday at Sochi has left a lot of our Japanese friends disappointed, perhaps including Nobu, known to be a big fan of Ms. Mao Asada.  This astute blogger wrote that "somehow it seems the fun has gone out of her (Asada's) skating".  The blogger was also at the Sendai concert of Nobu with the Orpheus, and she wrote: "And it came through that for him (Nobu) playing is fun."  Yes, that's the difference.  Let's  hope that the fun will never go out of Nobu's performing on the piano.]


辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団 日本ツアー2014







さて、先々週のことだけど、辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団 日本ツアー2014を






歌劇 ドン・ジョバンニ

交響曲 第39番 変ホ長調


ピアノ協奏曲 第5番 変ホ長調 作品73 皇帝


モーツァルト ピアノ協奏曲 第26番 戴冠式 第2楽章








February 20, 2014

Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Japan tour 2014

Sochi Olympics,

More and more shiny (new) medals for Japan, Arafo, Guttoki, tears for Kasai's jump.  Today I go up around 4 o'clock in the morning ...

Turned on the TV and there was Murakami Kanako-chan.  I watched everything starting there.

I wonder what happened to Mao-chan ... somehow it seems skating is not fun anymore.

And I hope he doesn't fall during the Rachmaninoff [long program].

Well, the week before last, I was at a concert of the 2014 Japan tour of  Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.

I thought I would like to listen to piano of Mr. Tsujii, but wasn't going to take the ticket, as it was not a solo, but I took the ticket at the last minute.

Program S performed in Sendai. It was Beethoven and Mozart.


Opera Don Giovanni

No. 39 in E flat major symphony


Emperor Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat major Op 73


No. 26 No. coronation second movement Mozart piano concerto

Piano solo

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra plays without a conductor,

Very fresh somehow.

Piano of Tsujii kun really nice ...

Luckily from my seat I was able to see the finger movements of Mr. Tsuii.

Was impressed.

Though the sound is so fast and strong, it is also very beautiful and the finger movements very graceful,

And it came through that for him playing is fun.

I want to also listen to his Chopin and Rachmaninoff.

Feb 19/20

こんな時は辻井伸行さんのラフマニノフピアノ協奏曲聴く  In times of trouble, I listen to the Rachmaninov Concerto of Mr. Tsujii.  -tweet [ (S)he might be referring to today's rather disappointing results of Japan in the ladies' figure skating short program. I sympathize. But as Nobu would say: Never give up - there is still the long program to come.]

ホロヴィッツ〜ミケランジェリ〜〜タロー〜辻井伸 行。私にとってのピアニスト系譜。・・一見関連性ないようで、ある所に秘密が。・・手のひらの形。。ピアニッシモの美しい。This Tokyo twitter gave Nobu a very high compliment: "Horowitz ~Michelangeli ~ Tharaud ~Nobuyuki Tsujii . The pianist genealogy for me. ... Does not seem relevant at first glance, but there are certain secret  things... Shape of the hands... The beautiful pianissimo."

Horowitz ~Michelangeli ~ Tharaud ~Nobuyuki Tsujii . The pianist genealogy for me. ... Does not seem relevant at first glance, but there are certain places of secret . ... Shape of the hands. . The beautiful pianissimo.  -tweet

Feb 19

そ れを見てそのホールである7月の辻井伸行考えようと思ってたんだけど…今週末発売なんだけど…  It is being released this week... I would like to try to see Nobuyuki Tsujii in the hall this July...   -tweet

辻井伸行くんのリサイタル広告が載ってた♪ けどっ、仙台公演がないじゃーんo(T□T)o ♪ Advertising for the recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii kun is on. But there is no stop in Sendai.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんの「熱情」いいな! 聞いた中で一番好きだ Of Nobuyuki Tsujii I say, "passion"!  I like very much what I have heard.  -tweet

【光 にふれる】日本で辻井伸行で企画を出したら怒られるのかなぁ.ユィシアンの実家にまで行ってて,あの言い方はないや.まぁ,照れ隠しなのかもしれんが "Touching the Light" [This refers  to a 2012 Taiwanese film, not the Peter Rosen documentary] Japan's Nobuyuki Tsujii .  I want to see it at my parents' home.  Well, may be on television.  -tweet

辻井伸 行さんのリサイタルがあるのか。行きたいけど一人で行くのは勇気がいるぞ。誰か興味ある方いらっしゃいませんかね  There is a recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii. I want to go, but going alone takes courage. I would prefer to go with someone interesting.  -tweet [I love what this blogger says]

2014-02-18 13:56:53



「すごい! すごい!」という番組の作りだったが、聞こえてきた音は普通だった。辻井伸行のピアノの音を初めて聞いた時の衝撃具合とはくらべものにもならなかった。












Credibility and (electrostatic authenticity)

The fraudulent composer Samura Kawachi Mamoru is making the news.

I also saw the NHK Special about him.

Although the program exclaimed "amazing! Amazing" , the sound that I heard was normal.

It did not compare at all with the awe when I first heard the sound of the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Although it has long been said that the authority of NHK has also been tarnished,

The expression "featured on NHK" still carries considerable clout.

That's why the creators should choose their coverage target more carefully.

More and more, wise people are saying "What is real?"   It is very difficult to see through the ploys of advertising and publicity making full use of psychological means.  Performances are called great when they are merely respectable, not a big deal at all...

Group psychology of the Japanese is also typically unreliable. Rumors of great performances spread by words of mouth. Many people take them as truth, leading to illusions.

"What is really true?"  It should be determined by seeing with one's own eyes and listening with one's own ears.  Think for yourself and decide on your own. 

We live in a world when doing so is difficult.  More and more the global community is commercialized.  And as English is now spoken fluently by many, even sensibility has become globalized.  It is unfortunate.

Feb 18

Thank you @WQXR ... for airing Mozart's K265 performed by Nobuyuki Tsujii  at 1:15PM earlier today (Feb 18)!/playlist-daily/2014/feb/18/?scheduleStation=wqxr -tweet

[It took this blogger a while, but this post about Nobu's Carnegie Hall performance came from the heart. ]

 "Someday, somewhere when I hear a song played today, I would remember hearing them from Mr. Tsujii at Carnegie Hall, on the birthday of my 14-year old son. A happy memory. What music, what a night, I thought."

(With photos that do a good job of portraying the feel of that evening.)  English translation of the post can be read at Nobu returns to Carnegie Hall, Jan 25, 2014.

image via Internet link

Feb 17

辻井伸行@府中の森が、全席1万円。演奏者一名でこの値段は、府中では破格の高さ。人気があるのだろうね。Nobuyuki Tsujii @ Fuchu Mori,

¥ 10,000 seats. This high price in solo performance is unprecedented in Fuchu.  It will be popular.   -tweeter

ラフマニノフピアノ協奏曲第二番 辻井伸行






Rachmaninov piano concerto No. 2  Nobuyuki Tsujii

Miss Mao (Asada) is the only magnificent performance on ice.

Please listen  to this wonderful performance of Mr. Tsujii.

As for me, modulation? And, I like the change in expression of Miss Mao.  I am grateful to be living in the same country and same era as this genius.  Thank you, Mao-Chan!

[Nobu is a big admirer of Miss Mao Asada. Miss Asada will skate in the Olympics this week to Chopin's Nocturne #2 in the short program  and Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2 in the long program, but not Nobu's renditions.  Miyuki wrote that she read somewhere that she will be skating to the Rachmannov by Russian pianist Boris Berezovsky.]




7月は辻井 伸行さんのプレミアムリサイタルもあります!

大変価値のあるリサイタルでしょうね :-)

image via Internet link

Japan Philharmonic Kyushu performances ·: *


I should mention that

There is also a premium recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii in July!

It must be the highest priced recital ever :-)

Feb 16!topic/

Posting on google's group


A recording of a recent live recital at WQXR New York :!/story/webcast-pianist-nobuyuki-tsujii-greene-space/

Remarkable achievements , regardless of one's view of the playing.

His most recent cd is an all -Debussy issued Sept., 2013. Anyone hear heard, care to comment ?

His earlier cd's have rave Amazon -US reviews. His recent " Emperor " at Carnegie with Orpheus did not get a positive review in the NYT ( although more performances together will presumably improve the results ) :

His big piece, possibly winning piece, at the 2009 Cliburn was the "Hammerklavier ".  I heard most of his Cliburn performances at the time. I still believe Bozhanov should have received Gold at that Cliburn.

[I posted a response, of course!]

行 こう!行こう! 辻井伸行には行ってますよ〜。 昨年はオーケストラ、ソロ行った! クラシック会員になってます。 Let's go! Let's go!  I went to concerts of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  With orchestra last year, also a solo! I have become a classic(al music) member.  -tweet

昨 日、待望のソン・ヨルムさんを聴くことが出来た。辻井伸行さん、ハオ・チェン・チャンさんは既に公演を聴いているので、これであのヴァン・クライバーンの 上位入賞者を自分の耳で確かめられた。あの時点とは当然違うだろうけど、思うところはあった。とても気に入ったピアニストがいる。Yesterday, I was able to listen to the long-awaited concert of Yueo-Yum Son. I have already listened to performances of Nobuyuki Tsujii, Haochen Zhang, and this confirmed in my ears the winners of that Van Cliburn Competition. They are all different of course, but I think it shows that they are peers.  These are pianists that I like very much.  -tweet [It is good that people in Japan are still thinking about Nobu's concerts with the Orpheus .]


2014-02-16 23:38:30

ハロハロ~jackだよ音譜 ご主人さんと2月の上旬だけど、辻井伸行さんのコンサート行ってきたよラブラブ














何かスピに通じるなん星 この世の中、見えるものだけじゃないし、その先入観だけでもない。


ブラボー!! 皇帝、万歳

"Emperor" Feb 16

It was the beginning of February and I went to  Concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii. I heard that although he could not see with his eyes, the is a born professional sparkling pianist.

This was a  collaboration with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, famous abroad and without a conductor. 

My husband is often moved to tears by love from live orchestra.

It was a day after heavy snow, but we got to Muza Kawasaki smoothly.  (The audience wrap around the building in 269 degrees!  The acoustics in the hall is impressive.)

Beethoven's work "emperor" was an angel.

Piano Concerto with liveorchestra was more exciting, my husband and I are are also excited about a rising star

And although his eyes do not see, Tsujii played accurately on the piano keyboard, (but then he has been playing since 2 years)

He  played with a very great tone.

And there was rhythm throughout his body.  He seemed focused on the world of sound and his feeling is transmitted.  The live performance with the presence of Tsujii was very impressive.

The "people who see a mistake to draw, people can not see the eye play the piano perfectly".

"He can see in spite of his visual impairment.  Without being able to see he can play the piano perfectly."

On this day I felt the excitement of human potentials.

Bravo! ! Emperor, cheers

image via Internet link

A belated blog post find


辻井伸行コンサー  2014/02/08(Sat)




















image via Internet link

image via Internet link

Nobuyuki Tsujii concert :: 2014/02/08 (Sat)

I went to a concert of Tsujii.  I had wanted to go absolutely once.

Surprisingly, I was able to get ticket through the homepage of the venue on the day of the concert. When I mentioned that to someone else, she was skeptical at first, but went home immediate to try to call to get a ticket.  I went and it as a full house again but I was able to go.

The star power and audience enthusiasm was terrific I was told that if you wait a few days you would not remember, but I was able to.

It was a really great concert.  Tsujii's Piano Concerto was in the second half.  My tears could snot stop and I had goose bumps. 

It was good to be alive with excitement ... I thought sincerely.

Orpheus is the most popular and the world's best orchestra without conductor

The breathing is good co-starring with the Chamber Orchestra.

The expressive power.  Beautiful melody.  Smoothing fingers in motion.  My heart was shaken.

Regardless of his blindness, he played happily on his favorite piano music, which was transmitted in this place.  And I felt the beauty of music in my whole body.  It was moments like a dream. 

How much effort does it take on earth?

I really owe a big thanks to the person who told me about his concert.

Feb 15

クラシック音楽おすすめコンサート Recommended Classical Music Concerts


辻井伸行ラヴェル&ショパンリサイタル 夜のガスパールほか





Feb. 16, 2014

Nobuyuki Tsujii Ravel &Chopin recital

"Gaspard de la nuit" added

Ravel and Chopin recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii is to take place in various locations the end of June through July.

The blind pianist has received acclaims for a long time.

Although he is well-known for playing the difficult works of Liszt, I think he is also addicted to the poetic composers of the same period. (This does not mean that the music program this time is easy.)

Feb 14





世界的に有名なピアニスト・辻井伸行氏のコンサートが3月19日(水)、相模女子大学グリーンホール大ホール(旧グリーンホール相模大野)で開催される。 午後7時開演。エイベックス・クラシックスが主催、創立35周年を迎える小田原白梅ライオンズクラブ(倉田雅史会長)が後援する。

同クラブでは辻 井氏の演奏を小田原市民に聴いてもらおうと、コンサートのS指定席に10組20人を招待する。対象は小田原在住者で当日必ず来場できる人(未就学児は入場 不可)。希望者はハガキに住所、氏名、連絡用電話番号を明記の上、同クラブの奉仕事業で知っている活動を一つ、もしくは今後期待する奉仕事業を一つ必ず記 載して応募を。1人1通のみ受付。...

[Town News Odawara version]

15 Feb. 2014

Concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

White Plum LC invites 10 pairs of readers

March 19 (Wed), world-famous pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii will be holding a concert at Sagamijoshidaigaku Green Hall Great Hall (formerly Green Hall Sagami). Start time: 19:00. Sponsored by Avex Classics, the Odawara Lions Club (Chairman Kurata  Masashi) celebrates its 35 anniversary on the occasion.

20 people of Odawara citizens who would like to listen to the playing Mr. Tsujii are invited to take advantage of 10 pairs of reserved S seat for the concert, compliments of the club. For Odawara residents (no admission for preschoolers) who can come on the day.  Please apply by providing one or more service projects expected in the future, along with club address, name, contact phone number on a postcard.  One mailing per party Accepted

この間辻井伸行さんのコンサート行き ましたとても素晴らしかったです感動しましたまた行きたいです A while back I went to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii. I wanted to go and was impressed and it was so amazing.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんの「月の光」(ドビュッシー)を聴いています。e-onkyoのハイレゾ配 信のダウンロード。普段クラシック全然聴かないけどこれは綺麗で分かりやすい。落ち着ける音楽でBGMとしても良いですね。I'm listening to "Claire de Lune" of the Nobuyuki Tsujii (Debussy) CD. Downloaded high resolution from e-onkyo. I don't listen to classic, but this is unusally easy to understand. It is also good as background music to relax with.  -tweet

Feb 13/14

佐村河内は論外ですが。フジコ・へミング、辻井伸行のCD買うこともないし、1回聴いたからもう演奏会も行きません。宮本笑里も行かない。(笑) …  Mamoru Samuragochi is out of the question. Fuijiko Hemming.  I will never buy a CD of Nobuyuki Tsujii, and will not go to any more concert after I heard it once.  I also won't go to Miyamoto Emiri.  -tweet

I tweeted back: In U.S.A., we say, "One bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch."  佐村河内 is a BAD apple. 辻井伸行 is a very GOOD apple.  Got that?

町田先生の滑らかな演技と哲学に鳥肌がビンビンなんじゃ~ジャンプのミスはそんなに気にならなった辻井伸行さんプレゼンツの  悲哀にして力強いバッハ のシチリアーノに乗せて魅惑的に滑走する フィギュアスケーター  を死ぬ前に一度見たい ホントに

The smooth performance of Mr.Tatsuki Machida gave me goose bumps, who cares about the missed jump.  I really would like to see once, before I die, a figure skater gliding fascinatingly in tune with Bach's Scicilian presented by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  -tweet

These postings in a Twitter conversation brightened up a quiet day:




Suntory Hall

Concert of Orpheus & Nobuyuki Tsujii

I was released from day-to-day operations, moments of treasure

辻井伸行いいよねー 彼が演奏してると音符が踊ってるのがみえるもん

Nobuyuki Tsujii, alright!   The notes appear to be dancing when he is playing

image via Internet link

Feb 13

ちょっと元気出ない時にも辻井伸行クンのピアノを聴くと、よっしゃノブクン頑張るわー!て気持ち になれるんですよねー コンサートの演奏終わった後のはにかんだ笑顔にも、いつも本当に癒されるし( ´ ▽ ` )ノ先週行ったコンサートでは「ノブー!ありがとー!」と叫んでしまいました

I listen to the piano of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii whenever my spirit is a little down. Wow, Nobu-kun always does his best! Also, I can still feel his shy smile after he finished playing a concert - always healing. I ended up shouting "Thank you, Nobu" at the concert that I went to last week. -tweet

辻 井伸行さんの演奏会感想は。。。 想像してたより、すごく良くて私は大好きです!! 二楽章、深呼吸したくなるほど心が溶けました。 ピアノが素晴らしい!! ピュア移りました!! Impression of Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert . . Better than I had imagined. Second movement, was heart-melting enough that I was tempted to take a deep breath. Piano is great! ! I was truly moved ! ! -tweet

なに?! ヴァシリー来年は手兵と来日してくれるの!! しかしカップリングが… 名古屋でこの値段になってるのはその影響だよね… セキスイハイムpresents 辻井伸行 with ヴァシリー・ペトレンコ & ロイヤル・リヴァプー What? ! Vasily is coming to Japan next year! But, he is performing with ... and just look at the impact of that on the price in Nagoya. Sekisui Heim presents Nobuyuki Tsujii with Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Philharmonic -tweet

Feb 12/13

@WQXR presents Nobuyuki Tsujii @TheGreeneSpace, New York on Jan 14, 2014.  Archived webcast - now over 2000 views!  -tweet
















佐 村河内インチキ問題の遠因には、目が見えないというハンディにも負けずにっていう辻井伸行さんの成功があったのかもにゃぁ……。似たような美談を、嘘だと は気付かなかったとしても、各方面はそれを過剰に演出しまくったわけだし。ツジイ君は音楽も正真正銘の<本物>だから問題ないんだけど、ね。


Classical music scandal

This topic went around the world last week. Is it burning out?  The composer who was touted as the modern Beethoven.  Story came out that he did not really compose, and may not have been deaf at all.

He has been a swindler who deceived the audience by using a ghost writer, I want to talk a bit about the situation.

It seems that the critical tone to be exclusively on TV,

The analyses in newspapers or text media have been calmer.


Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii has been brought up because he too is a "value-added" celebrity, but that is rude.  It seems the bad deed of Mr. Samura Kawachi  somehow extends to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Mr. Tsujii is genuine, although I don't think much of Fujiko Hemming ...... Samura Kawachi is a fraud.  The success of Nobuyuki Tsujii is not just because he is blind.  The heartwarming story may be similar, but it is not a lie.  Mr. Tsujii has amply demonstrated that his music is genuine, so no problem.

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is also a person with a background story, but in his case there is merit to the story, his character stands for itself, unlike Kawachi Mamoru

740[TV]鬱っぽさが身体を被ってた気だるい日 曜の朝、たまたまテレビをつけてたら「題名のない音楽会」で辻井伸行君が演奏するピアノ曲のあまりの素晴らしさに目が覚めて寝転んでた身体が自然に起上り 「おー、すげー」と情けない感想をもらしながらやり場のない「やる気」に満ちた自分がいた。慶Morning of lazy Sunday, I was feeling depressed, but woke to the splendor of the remainder of a piano song by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii played on "Concert without a title". I had turned on the TV by chance, but found myself naturally thinking "Oh, soooo" and my self-pity gave way to "motivation".  -tweet

Feb 12

Comments posted on a report of the "Japan's Beethoven" scandal in the U.K. Guardian

-Martin Stanzeleit (principal cellist of the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra) has this to say in an review comment:

The music was written by a ghostwriter who is a professional arranger. He used bits and pieces of Mahler, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich. Some phrases and chords appear 100% the same as in the original. Copy and paste. But dead composers can't complain, can they? I played the last performance with the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra before the truth was revealed - believe me, I know the score better than I'd like to.

-Well, he was apparently not actually deaf either - see my other post. I wouldn't be surprised that this work could fool me, but it is surprising that it was not called out by a music critic, some of whom know a lot about music. Perhaps they are more deferrential in Japan. This music seems to be little known in Europe.

February 10

This business economic news article was posted on today, and probably has significance on Nobu's career overseas - I surmise that we may be seeing more appearances of Nobu in London, including recitals. I hope I am right, and congratulations to Avex Classics International


2014.2.10 12:09



当社は、2011年にクラシックに特化した新人の発掘・育成、マネジメント、コンサートプランニング等、プロダクションの事業領域を中心に、海外展開も図 ることを目的に設立いたしましたが、欧米でのコンサート事業、マネジメント事業をさらに拡大すべく、この度のオフィス設立にいたりました。





Avex Classics International Co., Ltd. has established an office in London, the center of classic [music] business.

Avex Group Holdings Inc.

The Company, specializing in classical music, was established in 2011 with the goal of development of new talents; exploring business opportunities; management; concert planning; promotion; and overseas expansion of concert business in Europe and the United States. In order to further expand the business management, a London office is established at this time


Future Development

Concert business. Cinematic concert series featuring fusion of classical music and cinema at Royal Albert Hall (London). Planning and implementation of recital series for Japanese artists.

Management business: Beginning with a focus on overseas support and management of, and developing global activities of, contract artist Nobuyuki Tsujii; extending in future to international classical music artists.

February 8 

The "Weekly Biz", a Japanese publication in New York, interviewed Nobu before the Carnegie performance, but only just now got around to posting the interview. "I want to convey my music regardless of my blindness." English translation here:

February 7/8

I thank Nobuko for spotting a  blog post by Mr. Masahiro Kawakami, Nobu's long-time childhood teacher. Mr. K was at Suntory Hall last night; he posted this write-up with uncommon speed. Mr. K taught Nobu to play Mozart's "Coronation", and he wrote about how he perceived the changes in Nobu since. He also ended by saying that he would like to travel overseas with Nobu!  Please read the blog post in English here: Nobuyuki Tsujii & the Orpheus in Japan, 2014 PART 2

image posted with blog post by Mr. Masahiro Kawakami, presented here via Internet link

From left: Mr. Kawakami, Nobu, Itsuko Tsujii, and Mrs. Kawakami

Feb 12


2014-02-12 15:48:00

今 や世界的ピアニストとなった辻井伸行さんをソリストに迎えた、オルフェウス室内管弦楽団のコンサートに行って来ました。Now truly a global pianist, we greeted Nobuyuki Tsujii at a concert of the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra...

Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra @ Tokorozawa Muse arc Hall

image via Internet link  - note the snow


















まだ雪の残る帰り道 心はもう春でした

image via Internet link

Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.

February 11 is the last day of 2014 Japan Tour

We  listened to program B, "All Mozart"

1. Opera "Don Giovanni"

2. "Coronation" (Cadenza Nobuyuki Tsujii)

Encore Tsujii "Turkish March"


Tsujii's piano made me cry this time.

Shall we say, even the feel of the body to go loose in the hearty tone

He is humble as usual  ...

It is difficult to keep this indeed he has become famous

It is why Tsujii is loved before and after the Van Cliburn Compeition

I think it's because he has not changed 

In his 20s now, it is time for him to find a nice love and marriage.

I would like to see him mature more and more in his  performance.

This July he is scheduled to perform Chopin and Ravelat Kioi Hall in my neighborhood - it will be fun.

On the way back there was snow still, but my mind was already in spring.

Love this post by a male blogger who was at yesterday's concert. It started with "My first Nobuyuki Tsujii concert" and ended with "Nobuyuki Tsujii has attracted attention from all over the world already, I pray from the bottom of my heart, for your success further in the future."

初めての辻井伸行さんのコンサート ♪ 

今日は妻と約1年ぶりに、クラシックのコンサートに行ってきました。( ^ ^ y

今 回は、機会があれば是非1度は生の演奏を聴いてみたい、と思っておりました、皆さんもご存じの世界的に有名で且つ、「奇跡のピアニスト」と呼ばれている全 盲のピアニスト、辻井伸行さんのコンサートでした。また今回は辻井さんのソロリサイタルではなく、「オルフェウス室内管弦楽団」とのコラボレーションでし た。



①モーツァルト 歌劇「ドン・ジョヴァンニ」K.527 序曲

②モーツァルト ピアノ協奏曲第26番二長調 K.537「戴冠式」

③モーツァルト 交響曲第39番変ホ長調 K.543

アンコール曲① モーツァルト ピアノソナタ第11番イ長調(トルコ行進曲付き)K.331 第3楽章  Turkish March

アンコール曲② ハイドン 交響曲第44番ホ短調 第4楽章

アンコール曲③ レスピーギ 組曲「鳥」第3曲「牝鳥」

アンコール曲④ マスカーニ 歌劇「カヴァレリア・ルスティカーナ」間奏曲




② はピアノ協奏曲なので、ピアノパートがないところでは、辻井さんは頭や体を左右に揺すって、OCOが奏でている音楽に溶け込んでおられました。そしてピア ノのパートに入ると、TVで拝見した際にも感じた「とても優しくて且つ透明な音色」で、ミスタッチもない正確性とOCOとの一体感が醸し出す演奏に、今ま でにない感銘を受けました。ワタシは感銘を受けると、鳥肌が立ってしまうタイプなのです・・・

特に第3楽章では、ワタシは完全に辻井ワールドに引き込まれてしまっていました。( ^ ^ ;

辻 井さんは②で終了なのかな、と思いきや、鳴りやまない拍手のお陰で、アンコール曲①をソロで演奏されました。こちらの演奏も、辻井さんの優しさと力強さが ピアノから伝わってきました。演奏後、観衆の拍手を受けながら、ご自身も拍手をされていたので、辻井さんご自身も納得の行く演奏ができたことを、表現され たのかもしれません。

既に世界中から注目を集めている辻井伸行さんですが、今後の更なるご活躍を、心よりお祈りいたします。m(_ _)m 

My first Nobuyuki Tsujii concert

For the first time in almost a year, my wife and I went to a concert of classical music today.  It was a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  We had wanted to try to listen to Mr. tsujii playing live at least once by all means when there is an opportunity.  As everyone knows, he is blind and is referred to as a "pianist of miracle", and is said to be world famous. It was not a solo recital of Tsujii, but a collaboration with the "Orpheus Chamber Orchestra".

What we heard -- Tracks this time, were as follows:.

① Mozart opera "Don Giovanni" Overture K.527

② Mozrt piano concerto  No. 26 in D major K.537 "coronation"

③ Mozart symphonyNo. 39 in E flat major, K.543


① Mozart Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major  K.331 3rd movement (Turkish March)

② Haydn symphony No. 44 in E minor, fourth movement encore

③ Respighi Suite "bird" third song "Mesutori"

④ Mascagni opera "Cavalleria Rusticana" Interlude

Encore ① was played by Mr. Tsujii after enthusiastic applause upon completion of track ②


After performance of track ①, Mr. Tsujii was finally escorted on stage, to great applause from the audience  Because track ② is a piano concerto, when there was no piano part, Mr. Tsujii rocked his body from side to side.  When he started the piano parts, he immediately blended into the music being played by the orchestra.  The "very gengle and transparent sound" was felt even when I watched him on TV.  He played with the orchestra with a sense of unity and accuracy with no wrong notes.  I was impressed as never.  I was so impressed thatI got goose bumps.

In the third movement in particular, I was completely drawn into the world of Mr. Tsujii

I thought his performance ended after ②, but thanks to the applause that did not stop, he returned to play a solo encore ①.

Also playing it with gentleness and strength handed down from the piano, while receiving the applause from the crowd, he himself also applause as if to give his own assent, and perhaps to expressed that he himself considered that he had a convincing performance.

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii has attracted attention from all over the world already, I pray from the bottom of my heart for his further success  in the future.

Another satisfied customer at yesterday's final tour concert

image via Internet link





一度聞いてみたかった辻井さんのモーツァルトでしたが、生で聞いてその素晴らしさが分かりました。優しい音色、音のつながりの素晴らしさ、…。素人の私で も違いがはっきり分かりました。素晴らしい演奏でした。ご自分でも満足な演奏だったようです。コンサートマスターに手を引かれて退場する際、自分で拍手を していました、私にはガッツポーズにみえました。高いチケットでしたが大満足。



Concert of Mr. Tsujii

February 11 ( Tuesday)

Teacher Mr. H and  dermatologist ,

I was at Tokorozawa Muse , " Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra , All - Mozart program" in matinee concert .

Although  I went to hear the Mozart was of Mr. Tsujii just once,

It turns out that the live performance was wonderful.

Gentle tone.  Splendor of the connection of sound, even an amateur like me can tell the difference clearly.

It was a great performance.

It seems that he himself was satisfied with the performance.

When he was led back by the concert master, he was clapping his own hands.  It looked like a victory pose to me.  The ticket was expensive but I was very satisfied.

Also, the Orpheus was a great ensemble  ...

The photo was taken at the Muse,  25 minutes before the performance.  It was the view from my seat,  16th rows from the front, seat number 26 of slightly right

Mr. Tsujii's Mozart Piano Concerto No. 26 "coronation" will remain in my memory.

所 沢ミューズで辻井伸行さんとオルフェウス室内管弦楽団の演奏を聴いてきました。初めて辻井さんのピアノを生でききましたが、やわらかな光を放っているよう な音色の美しさは本当に素晴らしかった!才能あふれる若きピアニスト、ぜひソロも聴いてみたいです。We listened to playing of Mr.Nobuyuki Tsujii and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra in Tokorozawa Muse. Although it was our live piano Tsujii for the first time, we were impressed by the beauty of his tone, like a soft light; it was really great! Young talented pianist, I would like to listen to  his solo all means.  -tweet

辻井伸行さん&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団日本ツアー2014行って来ました。良かったです (-^〇^-) Went tot Nobuyuki Tsujii &   Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Japan tour 2014. It was good  -tweet

辻井伸行さんとオルフェウス室内管弦楽団のコンサート は、とてもとてもよかった。やっぱり生の楽器の音、音楽はストレートに心に響いてくるな。 Concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra was very, very nice. The sound of music of live instruments came to my mind straight.  -tweet

Feb 11

今日は所沢ミューズで辻井伸行さんとオルフェウス室内管を聴きに行きます。オールモーツァルトプログラム。今から楽しみです!I 'm going to listen to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra in TokorozawaMuse today. All Mozart program. It is fun from now!

Yoko, a big Nobu fan, wrote via Facebook

" 昨日、サントリーホールでオルフェウスとの演奏会に行って来ました。Aプログラムのみでしたが、室内楽団とは思えない80人編成のオーケストラに匹敵する ほどの素晴らしいベートヴェンでした。後半の辻井さんとの演奏は、やはり辻井さんのピアノが加わる事で楽団の方も更に熱が入っている!と感じました。指揮 者がいない演奏なので、より近く辻井さんの周りを囲み何だか温もりのある雰囲気でした。前半で一人のヴァイオリニストの弦が切れてハラハラしましたが動じ る事なく演奏されてプロだなぁ~と感じます。アンコールは戴冠式第二楽章・ショパンの遺作・トルコ行進曲。楽団の方も身を乗り出して聴き入っている様子が 印象的で皆さまも辻井さんの演奏を楽しまれているので嬉しかったです♪今日はアミューズですが残念ながら行けないのが心残りです。とにかく辻井さんのピア ノは人を引き込む力がある本物のピアニストなのだ!とつくづく思う昨晩でした~。"

Yesterday, I went to a concert of Tsujii with the Orpheus, at Suntory Hall.  It was Program A - all Beethoven.  The chamber orchestra was good enough to rival orchestras of 80 members.  Tsujii joined in the playing in the second half, it seemed to me that the orchestra was more animated with the piano.   Because they perform without a conductor, the atmosphere seemed warmer as they surround Tsujii closer... Encore coronation second movement, Chopin and Turkish March.   It made me happy to see that even the orchestra members leaned forward to listen, looking impressed

It is a regret that I cannot go to the Tokorozawa Muse today. Tsujii  a real pianist whose piano has the power to draw people anyway! I thought so deeply last night.

2014-02-11 01:31:34  [Posted by a Ishikaya 石川県  blogger]








気づけば 私だけでなく

2階席 3階席のサイドのお客さん







I went to a classical concert the other day

... And in the second half

the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii was applied.

He is blind as you know

When he was not playing, his body fluctuated.

I noticed that it was not just me, byt all the audience on 2nd and 3rd floors on my side were leaning forward to listen

And I was completely absorbed by him.

Encore 3 times, his last solo sent colors into the air of the venue

I was in tears and my heart was shaken.

Yes, a time like this is what I need once in a while.

2014-02-11 16:30:02

辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団日本ツアー2014 @サントリーホール
























連日全国8都市を回るという なんともハードなスケジュール叫び


[posted with 2 photos of classy displays in lobby of Suntory Hall]

image via Internet link

image via Internet link

Nobuyuki Tsujii and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra 2014 Japan Tour

I was invited by a friend  to the concert of blind pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii blind at  Suntory Hall

At the end of the performance there was a large roaring applause, followed by encore many times. 

Love that pretty smile of his and the repeat deep bows after each encore.

Encore of three songs Tonight, when the "Turkish March" started, there was clapping with a momentary roar, although it quieted down immediately.

The performance of the world-class orchestra without a conductor has been praised.

Listening to their  performance live, perfectly synchronized with a blind pianist, without conductor, I consider the performance a miracle

From Febrary 1 through today the 11th, they performed tirelessly everyday from day one, on a tough schedule that spans 8 cites across the country.

Cheers for good work. [Japan agriculture online news]

きょ うで2年11カ月。巨大津波が白い牙をむいた「あの日」の惨事を昨日のように思い出す▼盲目のピアニスト・辻井伸行さん作曲「それでも、生きてゆく」を何 度も聴く。〈心の目〉で「あの日」を見詰め奏でた... It has been 2 years and 11 months, but I still remember it like yesterday the disaster of "that day", the giant tsunami White Fang ▼ I listen often to "Still, we live" by the blind pianist-composer  Nobuyuki Tsujii. With his "mind's eye" he played, staring at "that day"  ...

Feb 10

Two tweets from the same person:


Tonight Nobuyuki Tsujii at Suntory Hall, out of the blue. It was ok for me; I just put on a jacket.

Then followed by this tweet


Nobuyuki Tsujii,  it was a great performance.  Chosen by God to be born in order to give dreams to people.

辻 井伸行&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団のコンサートへ行ってきました。オールベートーヴェンプログラムです。天皇皇后両陛下にもお越し頂きたかっ た!!!I went to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. It was an all-Beethoven program. I wish the Emperor and Empress were there! ! ! -tweet

Suntory Hall encore list - what an intelligent idea to have such a page

February 10, 2014 (Mon)

<Great Hall>

Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Japan tour 2014

Mozart: Second movement 26 in D major, K537 Piano Concerto from "coronation"

Chopin: No. 2 Nocturne "posthumous work" (Piano Encore) Mozart: Turkish March (Piano Encore)

初 めて辻井伸行の演奏を生で聴いたけど、本当に素敵な演奏でした。I heard for the first time a live performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii , but it was a really nice performance. -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノ、すごかった!!感動です! Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano, was amazing! Moving! -tweet

辻井伸行よかった〜! Nobuyuki Tsujii was good! -tweet

辻 井伸行氏、オケの演奏中も体と手がうごきつづけるミュージックホリック。しかも演奏後は笑顔を絶やさないナイスガイ。音量は少し足りないけど技術はかなり 高い。音の入りと出もかなり美しい。多分、モーツァルトを主戦場にしていくのだろう。将来たのしみ。Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, his hands and body continue to move even while only the orchestra is playing. And a nice guy who does not stop smiling after playing. Volume is a little lacking, but technique is quite high. The projection of sound is also quite beautiful. I would like to see him play an entire Mozart in the future. -tweet by a businessman

明日は辻井伸行さんと管弦楽団とのコンサートに行くのだ(*^_^*)楽しみだな~♪♪Tomorrow I will go to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii with an orchestra. Fun.  -tweet

[This blogger was at the opening concert in Osaka. The blogger gave the orchestra high praises, and wrote well about Nobu.]





ピアノ協奏曲 第26番 《戴冠式》、
















♪ Mozart in a bouquet -- Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus ☆


And, with Mr. Tsunii, Piano Concerto No. 26 "Coronation"♪ It was very beautiful.

The piano of Mr. Tsujii, I feel it has changed each time listen ...

The piano and strings also interwine very gracefully,

And the performance matches the breath of the Orpheus,

Beautiful melody of the cadenza, solo piano was charming as befitting Mozart ...

The piano sound of Mr. Tsujii is impressive, always sparkling.

The soaring melody of Mozart felt to me like flowers beginning to bloom.

The sound seems to come from the flowers

My heart was trembling · · ·

I feel the growth of Mr. Tsujii as a pianist more and more.

It was a very nice concert

Feb 9/10

 そういうえば今日親が辻井伸行のコンサートのチケットくれたからサントリーホール行ってくる  Going to Suntory Hall today because my parents gave me a ticket for a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii   -tweet

Feb 9

辻井伸行にゴーストピアニストはいません!Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii does not have a ghost pianist! -tweet, Feb. 9, 2014

Posted by someone who braved the heavy snow of yesterday to be at the Tochigi Prefectural Cultural Center:

... いよいよ ソリストの辻井くんの登場。割れんばかりの拍手は 期待で満ち溢れ 彼のあの天使のような はにかむ笑顔と まぶしいオーラを 間近で見た感激で 最初から胸が熱くなってしまいました。

... Finally Appearance of Tsujii kun soloist. Thunderous applause. And full of hope. He is like an angel. Shy smile. Dazzling aura. Inspiring seen up close. My heart was warmed from the start."

ミューザ川崎!これから辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団のコンサートMuza Kawasaki! concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra coming up   -tweet

ミューザでコンサートなう。次はやっと辻井伸行さんのピアノ♡ concert at Muza. Finally, piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  -tweet

辻井伸行くん、素晴らしかったです(^ ^)

アンコールは戴冠式とリストのピアノ曲。リストの方は知らなかったのですが、超絶技巧っぽいのでなんとなくリストかなぁとは思ってました← Mr.  NobuyukiTsujii was great! Encore second movement of Mozart's "Coronation" and something by Liszt that seems very virtuosic [it's Rigoletto Paraphrase]  -tweet

辻井伸行&オルフェウス終演。最近の演奏会の中で最 も感動したー♪ (@ ミューザ川崎 シンフォニーホール) Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus just over. I was most impressed with this latest concert (@ Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall)

ソチ開会式で五輪マークのフラッグ掲揚のロシア代表の中に、巨匠ヴァ レリーゲルギエフがいた!辻井伸行クンは来月イタリアでゲルギエフ指揮、ミラノスカラ座オーケストラ共演でプロコフィエフピアノ協奏曲を演奏します。話題 性なんか通用しない実力オンリーの評価の厳しいヨーロッパからの依頼です。In the opening ceremony of the Olympics of Sochi, Russian representative hoisted the flag, there was Maestro Valery Gergiev's! In Italy next month, Nobuyuki Tsujii Kun will play the Prokofiev piano concerto conducted by Gergiev, with the Milan La Scala orchestra. It takes ability to be invited [to perform] like this in Europe where evaluations are stringent.

うちの母さんは佐村河内さんのファン だったけど、これからは辻井伸行さんを応援していくっぽい My mother was a fan of Mamoru Samuragoch ... but from now on we will cheer for Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Feb 8/9

【辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団 日本ツアー】栃木県総合文化センター メインホールにて プログラムS/大雪でも諦めずに行って良かった。アンコールで別プログラムの曲も聴けて大満足。ラ・カンパネラも素敵でした。 [Nobuyuki Tsujii and Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Japan Tour] it was good to not give up and go in spite of the heavy snow. Program S in the Tochigi Prefectural Cultural Center Main Hall. Very happy to hear another song in the encore. La Campanella was also nice.  -tweet

(´・ω・`)昨夜のソチ五輪開会式の間に聴いていたラフマニノフ。 sm21525892 ラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲 第2番 ハ短調 作品18 辻井伸行 / Nobuyuki BBC Proms full:  @youtubeさんから  Last night I heard Rachmaninoff No. 2 in C minor 8 Piano Concerto during the Sochi Olympics opening ceremony.  -tweet

雪の夜長に。。辻井伸行さんのピアノ  …The long night of snow. . Nobuyuki Tsujii 's piano  -tweet

ただ純粋に大好きなピアノに一心に向かって来た結界が、今の海外や日本での活躍につながっているんだと思います。日本の若い人が海外で活躍している事、受 け入れられている事はとてもうれしい事ですよね?サッカーや野球選手と同じように海外で頑張っている辻井伸行クンの事も素直に応援したいです。  He overcomes barriers and plays the piano with pure love, which I think is why now he has successes in Japan and abroad.  We should be happy that young people in Japan have been  active abroad.  We should cheer Nobuyuki Tsujii Kun for doing his best abroad, in the same way as baseball and soccer players .  -tweet

Feb 8 [blog of an ophalmologist]




コンサートマスターに手を引かれて辻井さんは登場しました。今までいろいろな演奏会に行きましたが、辻井さんを見た瞬間、表現できない気持ちになり、涙が 出そうになりました。フェスティバルホールを満席に埋め尽くした聴衆、皆が同じような気持ちになったのではないでしょうか。




昨年春に新装なった朝日のフェスティバルホールはとても大きな会場ですから、クラシックのコンサートで満杯になることは稀です。それが今回は満員札止め、 実際の会場でも空席はごくわずか。これほどの熱気に包まれた会場はあまり記憶にありません。辻井さんはほんとうに幸せなアーティストだと思いました。

皇帝はこの日が日本初日であったため緊張されたのか、出だしのカデンツァでちょっと音をひっかける場面があり、どきっといたしました。その後、オーケスト ラの助奏がかなり長く続く間、辻井さんは上半身をグルグルと回し続けておられました。音楽にのめり込んでいるであろうその姿はまさにベートーベンを思わ せ、こちらがその熱気にうたれ、身震いしてしまいました。

アンコールでは得意の「リゴレットパラフレーズ」(リスト)と革命のエチュード(ショパン)を弾かれました。打鍵の正確さ、フレージングの美しさ、全体の 構成の確かさ、そして、音自体の美しさなどなど、ピアノの演奏で望まれるものをほぼ完璧に持っておられます。うらやましい限りの演奏技術です。


Concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

The other day, I went to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii and the Orpheus chamber orchestra I on the second day of their Japan tour. I love Beethoven's  Piano Concerto  No. 5 "Emperor" and I went looking forward to hearing it.

Tsujii appeared, led by  hand of the concert master.

Although I had gone to a variety of concert, the memont I saw Mr. Tsujii, tears almost came out -- it is a feeling that cannot be expressed.  I think the feeling is shared by the audience who filled the vast Festival Hall

And, how will Tsujii and the Orpheus perform the masterpiece "emperor", which I heard many times on CD,  given that he is blind and plays with his senses of touch and hearing?

For 37 minutes, I listened intently. The applause came instantly the moment when the last note was sounded in the hall.

On this day I realized just how his piano has impressed people so much.

Festival Hall is a very large venue, it was newly re-constructed last spring.  But a full house for classical music is rare.  This time it was packed with a sold-out crowd, with negiligible empty seats [editorial: the concert was officially declared sold-out].  I cannot remember the venue being enveloped in such enthusiasm.  I thought Tsujii is a really happy artist.

Because this was their first day to perform "Emperor" in Japan, I sense there was a little tension.   In the cadenza, I was surprised to hear a tentativeness in thesound at the beginning of the cadenza.  After that, while the orchestra continues with the obbligato considerably for a long time, the upper body of Mr. Tsujii continues to undulate. His entire figure seemed devoted to music, reminiscent of Beethoven exactly, caught in the excitement of the piece.  It made me shiver.

In Encore, he played for the audience "Rigoletto Paraphrase" (Liszt)  and "Revolutionary" etude (Chopin).

Accuracy of keying, beauty of phrasing, certainty of the overall structure, and the beauty of the sound, folded  together almost perfectly to what is desired in the piano music.  It is a performance of enviable technique.

In the future, with an enlarged repertoire, I hope he will perform before us on a regular basis

Japan Yahoo Q & A

Q: 辻井伸行さんも怪しいと思うのですが、みなさんはどう思われますか?私への批判は一切受け付けません。本当の意味で、聞く耳を持ちませんのでね…ナーン チャッテ I think Nobuyuki Tsujii is also doubtful, but what do you think? 

A:  辻井さんは嘘ではありませんよ。疑う余地もありません。そもそもわざとらしさが違いますね。Tsujii is not a lie. There is no doubt.  In the first place, the handicaps are different.

Feb 8

辻井伸行さんのピアノをiPhoneで再生しながら、 ノリノリに雪かきをしています♪♪ 最高です

Playing the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii on the iPhone while we are shoveling snow in high spirits - the best!

Posted on the website of the Tochigi Prefectural Cultural Center:







"Notice of "Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra"

◆ ◆ 10:45 now

It has been decided that today's performance will be held at appointed time.

Delay of transportation can be expected due to weather condition.

Please come and be cautious, with time to spare.

Please check back for updated information.

今日は父親がピアニスト「辻井伸行」さんのコンサートに行く予定なんだけど、会場まで辿り着けるか? うちの前の道路も真っ白。車も時速5キロくらいのスピードで走ってるよ〜 Father and I are supposed to go to the concert today, but how do we get to the venue? The driveway in front of my house is all white, and cars are traveling at 5km (3 miles) per hour. -tweet

image via Internet link

そうだ 辻井伸行、 いこう。 Yeah, Nobuyuki Tsujii; I made it there.   -tweet

Scene at the Tochigi Prefectural Cultural Center, 2:45PM-- image via Internet link

辻井伸行がアンコールでカンパネラ弾いてくれた!Nobuyuki Tsujii gave us "La Campanella" in encore.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきた。指揮者を置かないオルフェウス室内管弦楽団&盲目のピアニストの作り出す世界は、自由かつ面白くてとても興味深い。アンコールの演奏がまた圧巻だった。I went to a concertof Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Conductor-less Orpheus Chamber Orchestra & blind pianist created a universe that was very interesting, fun, and free.  Performance of the encores was the best part.  -tweet

Feb 7/8

録画してた“辻井伸行の魂の旋律”見てます。彼の奏でるピアノの旋律、癒されます~  I watched a recording of "The melody of the soul of Nobuyuki Tsujii". The nelody of piano played by him - that is healed  -tweet


辻井伸行さんのクリスタル感はハンパないよな! Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano has an unusual feel of crystal!  -tweet

Japan Yahoo Q&A

Q: 辻井は 将来ラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲3番に挑戦しますか? Mr. Tsujii, are you sure you want to take on the challenge of Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 3

A: 知恵袋なんかじゃなく、こっちに質問してください。It 's not something we know, please ask a question over here.

今日は先月に引き続きサントリーホールに行ってきました。辻井伸行さんのピア ノ初めて生で聴きました。 I went to Suntory Hall last month and will again today. I will hear Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano live for the first time. -tweet

辻 井伸行さんとオルフェウス室内管弦楽団のコンサートに連れてってもらった。目が見えない辻井さんにしか弾けないピアノがあると思った。感動しまくっI was treated to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii withthe Orpheus Chamber Orchestra .. I thought that the piano was such that only visually-impaired Mr. Tsujii could play. And I was earnestly impressed. -tweet

オ ルフェウス室内管@サントリーホールに行った。オール・モーツァルト・プロ。2曲目のピアノ協奏曲第26番「戴冠式」では、辻井伸行が独奏を務めた。音色 がとても美しい。オケからも多くの刺激を受けているようだった。 I went to the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra @ Suntory Hall. All Mozart program. Nobuyuki Tsujii has soloist for "Coronation". Tone is very beautiful. He seemed to have received inspiration from the orchestra.  -tweet


グ ラムです。ブラヴィッシーモでした!!!あー、素敵な彼女と一緒に行きたかったなぁ。。。Nobuyuki Tsujii I went to a concert and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. It was an all-Mozart program. It was bravissimo! ! ! Oh, I just wish I had gone with a nice girlfriend. . . -tweet

Feb 7

This blog post is a nice antidote to the Mamoru Samuragoch scandal

辻井伸行くんのピアノ  2014年 02月 07日




それにしても、隣に座っていた二人連れの初老の女性たちが、辻井くんが観客に向かって四方向にお辞儀をするたびに「可愛い、可愛い」と満面の笑み。なん か、無垢な赤ちゃんを可愛がるのと同じような感じがしました。私の回りの人々を見廻してみたけれど、皆が満面の笑みでした。これはもう、癒し効果抜群のコ ンサートでした。

Piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun  February 7, 2014

We listened to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun. I wanted to listen to him live for once, and was expecting much.  Had watched him occasionally on TV; he seems to be talkative and speaks so well.  I felt a real wonder about him.

"Innocent" and "ingenuous" are the words that came to mind after the performance.

Tremendous power of concentration, life-size.  I feel the  fun and joy and sadness and tenderness come through striaght. No more and no less,

There was no idle thoughts; he spared no efforts.  It was a good performance.

And, two elderly women seated next to me smiled each time when  Tsujii-kun bowed in four directions towards the audience, saying, "Cute, cute."  It was like they were petting an innocent baby.  And as I looked around me, everyone had a big smile.  It was a concert of excellent healing effect.

Feb 6/7

[In the wake of the hoax of "deaf composer"  Mamoru Samuragoch: Self-appointed critics and Nobu dissenters are coming out of the woodwork.]

ずっと思ってた。辻井伸行さんとか五輪招致でスピーチした義足の子とか、障害抜きでちゃんとした評価されているのかって。今回のゴーストライター事件で 『障碍者なのに凄いでしょ』商法を操るマーケティングと乗っかるオーディエンスの情けなさを感じたな。I was wondering all the time.  Such as Nobuyuki Tsujii and the child with a prosthetic leg who spoke at the Olympics bid.  And the unfailingly exaggerated evaluations.  The ghost writer incident reinforces my feeling that there is marketing manipulation of "great idea of disabled person".  -tweet

本物のベートーベンが「実は聞こえてました」と言っても、辻井伸行が「実は見えてます」と言っても問題ない。彼らは障害がブランドになるような世界で勝負 していないからだ。Beethoven was quoted as saying "I had actually heard", Nobuyuki Tsujii said it is not a problem, as "he can see the truth."  They were/are not using their handicaps to compete in the world.  -tweet

辻井伸行の演奏は局所的にとても美しいサウンドを引き出す。ただし音楽全体の構成感が弱くて、大きな作品になるほどその近視的フレージングが冗長さを感じ させる原因になっている。恐らくそこは楽譜を読んでないことの弊害なんだろうと思うが、これって是正できるものなんだろうか。Performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii brings out the beautiful sound very locally. However, due to the shallow phrasing and the redundancy configuration(?) the  feeling of the music on the whole is weak. I think not being able to read music properly probably has a harmful effect, but I doubt if it can be corrected. - tweeted by one Lance Miamoto. 

辻井伸行の評価、 いろいろ漁ってみたら「ミスタッチは多いけど演奏力はやはり抜群」っていう評価なので納得した。 ちゃんとCD聞いてみないとね。

Evaluation of Nobuyuki Tsujii, I agree with "a lot of accidental touching but the playing is distinguished and powerful". I wish he would hear CD properly. [This translation is suspect]  -tweet

Miyuki lent her voice of reason on this matter:

Please don't be upset over those nasty, heartless and stupid comments by those who have to stick their two cents in about everything. Those people are not the ones who support Nobu. Instead, they attack him (or other prominent people) whenever they get a chance. I understand that you get upset though. This bad news has been all over everywhere since this man became so famous with his compositions and his inspiring stories...

肥和野佳子 ‏@lalahearttwit  [NYC resident who works for a tax firm] tweeted  twice

辻井伸行氏のピアノも実は私はたいしていいとは思っていない。盲目でなかったらカーネギーホールは彼をあのポリー二など巨匠が並べられたピアノのSubscription チケットの一つに彼を選ばなかっただろうと思う。自然を描くのはうまいけど感情表現が希薄すぎ。Piano of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii in fact I do not think is much good.  I think he would not have been chosen to perform at Carnegie Hall twice if he had not been blind. The draw is natural and good, but emotional expression is too sparse.

[To which I responded: "This irks me.   What's with you? Music is for the enjoyment of the audience and they enjoyed it.  I was there."]

だけど辻井伸行氏は、カーネギーホールに認められるほど価値のあるアーティストであることは間違いないと思う。But I think there is no doubt that Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is an artist that is worth a lot to Carnegie Hall.

[To which I responded: @lalahearttwit This is SO condescending of you.   I am not Japanese, just a fan, but I saw Nobu @carnegie twice & am PROUD of him.]

[Geez, with compatriots like that, who needs enemies!]

現代のベートーベンって何なんだよ、引合いに出さないで欲しい。ベートーヴェン、スメタナ、ラヴェル、、障害があったから後世に残っている訳ではない。 パールマン、ゲルバー、辻井伸行、、障害があるから胸を打つ訳ではない。 This modern Beethoven should not be cited. Beethoven, Smetana, Ravel are not famous because of their handicaps.  Perlman, Gelber, Nobuyuki Tsujii... they do not pound their chests because of their disorders.  -tweet

佐村河内氏の演奏は全く知らないからアレだけど、 辻井伸行さんの演奏は視力云々に関わらず、 健常者の演奏より普通に素晴らしいと思います

Though I don't know how Mr. Samura Kawachi performs,  the performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii, regardless of his visual impairment, is great even compared to normal healthy subjects.  -tweet

辻井伸行の演奏なんかは完璧なのに繊細な個性があって  Nobuyuki Tsujii performance is something perfect.  There is a delicate personality.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんが、傷ついてる… Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is hurt [not sure if this twitter is referring to the "deaf  Beethoven" fraud.]  -tweet

Feb 6

[This is a very sad news story. A Japanese composer Mamoru Samuragochi, whose Hiroshima Symphony No. 1 topped the classical music chart and who has been famous in Japan as a deaf composer especially after the airing of a NHK documentary in 2012, has just revealed that his hits have actually been written by another composer. This has led to snide postings implicating other handicapped musicians, including Nobu. Sample postings follow.

辻井伸行さんにもまさかゴーストライター疑惑かけられるのかな...Nobuyuki Tsujii-- I wonder if he comes under the ghost writer suspicion also ... -tweet

大江光→辻井伸行→佐村河内守という消費の流れ Hikari Ōe [autistic composer]->Nobuyuki Tsujii->Samura Kawach, a flow of protecting consumption. -tweet

辻井伸行さんも、「実は見えてましたー」なんてことないよね。 それも嘘だったらショック Nobuyuki Tsujii "can actually see" - that would be an even more shocking lie -tweet [At a news conference, the "outed" ghost-writer alleged that he was able to communicate with Mr. Samuragochi normally when they are alone.]

辻井伸行はまだしも、フジコ・ヘミングとか大江光とかが過度に評価されてしまうクラシック業界って、やっぱどこか異常だと思う At the moment it is Nobuyuki Tsujii, but Fujiko Hemming and Hikari Ōe, etc. have been over-evaluated in the classical music industry, just because they are somewhat abnormal. -tweet

... 今回のニュースで彼の交響曲自体を嫌いになる人がいるなら、その人は彼のストーリー(バックグラウンド)が好きだっただけで、彼の曲は好きではなかったと いうことになる。辻井伸行さんも考えてみると、彼の演奏が好きなのではなくて、彼のストーリーが好きな人が多いんじゃないだろうか。I would bet  there are people who dislike his symphony, but liked the story of his (background).  Come to think of it, there are probably people who do not really like the playing of Nobuyuki Tsujii, but like his story.

Feb 5/6

The Orpheus Orchestra posted 4 photos from their Sendai visit in a photo album on their facebook page

image via Internet link Photo Caption: "And here is Orpheus Chamber Orchestra with our wonderful soloists Nobuyuki Tsujii — in Sendai-shi, Japan."

I have been overwhelmed by the reaction of the Orpheus tour in Japan.  But thanks to Miyuki, who discovered this great blog post by a Fuji-TV announcer who was at the Carnegie performance - somehow I missed it. (Fuji TV announcer's blog)

image with blog post - shown via Internet link

... 休憩のあと、辻井さんが登場。



















After the break ..., Mr. Tsujii appeared.  It was my first time listening to him live.  I was stunned from the first note.

The sound is totally different from that of any pianist I had ever heard.  Each note is like a pearl.  Seated in the audience, it seems that we were showered by beautiful sound.

Perhaps the Steinway and the concert hall also contributed to the great difference.  But still it was the tenderness expressed in the touch of his poweful fingers, the angle that cut by this genius....

Mr. Tsujii appeared to  play while feeling throughout the body the sound of the orchestra

(I was watching  from an angle behind him).   It seemed that he, seated at the piano, was hugging the sound softly.

The concert in NY, of course, is the bliss of my life so far.  I am now sad that I had not seen him perform before.  I am glad to be alive at the time of such a gift

今日は、辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団のコンサートに 行って来ました♪とにかく何と言っても辻井さんは素晴らしい!素晴らし過ぎる!!被災地に対する暖かい気持ちが伝わってきました。最後に何か言いたげでし たが…引き上げさせられてしまいまし … Today, I went to a concert ofTsujii Nobuyuki Tsujii with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.  It was everything I expected; it was great! Too wonderful! I felt the warm feeling for the affected areas.  He said something in the end ... it made me stood up.  -tweet

辻井伸 行&オルフェウス公演へ行ってきました。“感動”というのは、今日という日の為にある言葉。余韻が心地よい。 Nobuyuki Tsujii I went to Orpheus and performance. "Excitement" is the word for this day. The lingering afterglow is comforting.  -tweet

辻井伸行&オルフェウス 室内管弦楽団のコンサートを聴きに。やはり生の演奏は素晴らしい。Was at the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. Once again, live performance was great.  -tweet

辻井伸行クンのコンサート、さすが話題になった人だけあって会場満員。にわかクラッシック ファンも少なくないみたいで、拍手すべきじゃないところで拍手する人多かったなぁ。Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert. Packed venue as to be expected, as he is the topic at the moment.  I think there were many people who applauded who are suddenly classical music fans and would not have applauded otherwise.  -tweet

[Translated from Italian]


Gergiev and the homage to Shakespeare

Daniela Zacconi - Last Updated: 05/02/2014

Description: Honorary Member of the Philharmonic since 2010 and regularly this season since its debut in 1990, Valery Gergiev (pictured) returns to the podium training at La Scala orchestra for a concert that pays tribute to the 450th anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare . In fact, the program is expected to suite from the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" by Prokofiev. The poster is complete with the Concerto for Cello and Orchestra "Tout un monde lointain" Henri Dutilleux, starring cellist Narek Hakhnazaryan, and the Third Concerto for piano and orchestra Prokofiev with pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii. [Tickets for the performance comes on sale Feb 10]

Feb 5

寄りによってこの寒い日に、今からお出かけ~。今日は母の誕生日なので、辻井伸行氏&管弦楽団のコン サート。ピアノのコンサート何年ぶりだろ?Going out on this cold day, because it is the birthday of my mother today.  Concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orchestra. Wonder what year is the concert piano?  -tweet

こ れから辻井伸行さんのコンサート!東京エレクトロンホール宮城!わくわく(^O^)わくわく   Now concert of  Nobuyuki Tsujii, at Tokyo Electron Hall Miyagi!   Exciting, exciting.   -tweet

これから辻井伸行   Now, Nobuyuki Tsujii  -tweet

image via Internet link

I really like this blog post by a piano teacher

image shown with the blog post - shown here via Internet link



行ってきました!! 辻井君のコンサート



















Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Japan tour

February 5, 2014

I went! ! Concert of Mr. Tsujii

In the first half of the Mozart symphony, the late Beethoven piano concerto "emperor".

Mr. Tsujii is always referred to in the media as "blind pianist "

Though he is blind, I wanted to listen to his music as a concert pianist, without a preconceived notion.   His music is like drawing  a picture on a white canvas -  I received such an impression.

I am not only listening to his sound, but I can see the sound completely.  There is an infinite range of brightness and colors in his sound, and a scent.

Such music cannot be imitated by anyone, should not be imitated.

For encore, he played his own composition.  The melody is simple, but it gives us a glimpse of the world of Mr. Tsujii - it conveys a heartwarming feeling.

I hope Mr. Tsujii will become known as one of the best , and his compositions will become significant .  In the future,  I want him to make waves in the world as a concert pianist.

 2014-02-05 10:20:55






日本ツアー 2014




ピアノ協奏曲 第26番 ニ長調 K.537 《戴冠式》

第2楽章 ラルゲット

♪ピアノソロ フォスターの曲


























降りしきる雪ヽ(;´Д`)ノあぅ ...


The Glitter of the Soul of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

Last night

In Ishikawa Ongakudo Concert Hall

Nobuyuki Tsujii &

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra

Japan Tour 2014



Mozart Piano Concert No. 26 "Coronation" second movement

Stephen Foster "Jeanie with the light Brown Hair"

I teared up at the piano of Mr. Tsujii.  My tears overflowed.  It was my first experience of crying while listening to piano playing.

After the performance, I saw a trace of tears in the corners of the eyes of  my husband ... he too cried

The delicate and glittering sound of the soul of Tsujii purified my own soul.

Piano of Mr. Tsujii and the orchestra lifted the music os each other.  The sound was honed to world of Beethoven - it did not matter that there was no conductor.

And it was a glimpse into a world, to be able to listen to, to be away for a moment.  Thanks for the time.  Thank you sincerely.  Leaving the venue with a warm heart, we exited outside to pouring snow ...Feb 4/5

金沢に辻井伸行来てたのか、行けばよかったな  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii came to Kanazawa - wish I could go.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんの公演良かったわ! 意外と平和な公演やったし!!  That was a good performance of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii!!  Unexpectedly peaceful!!  -tweet

チ ケットもらって、辻井伸行とオルフェウス交響楽団のコンサート行ってきた!めっちゃよかった。ほんとに感動した Got tickets, I went to concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii and Orpheus concert! It was damned good. I was impressed really  -tweet

This promotional article was posted on ePlus, a ticket outlet site in Japan, about Nobu's performances with the Orpheus, with photos from his U.S. tour that is posted on the Nobuyuki Tsujii's official site.  There are stops on the tour that have not sold out, hence (I believe) the promotional effort.   The article does not have anything that we have not already heard, but Japanese readers may enjoy reading it .

日 本ツアーも終了間近!辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団 カーネギーホール公演レポート![公演情報] Japan tour near the end! Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Carnegie Hall performance report!

2014/02/04 (Tue)

昨 夜、母とクラシックコンサートに行ってきた。 前半はほとんど知らない曲ばかりで、眠りに誘われてしまう(それって褒めてるんだよぉ~穏やかな優しい演 奏ってこと!)。 こんなことじゃあスポンサー(母)に申し訳ないと自分の太ももをつねったり掌マッサージをしてみたり。 でも辻井伸行氏が登場してから は完全覚醒! 全身で弾くけど、激しくても優しく軽快・・・思わず惹き込まれる。 ... Last night, I went to a classical concert and mother. The first half were songs we know very little, (but I appreicate the gentle and friendly play) which would have sleep-inducing ...  But we were fully awake when Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii came up! He played with his whole body, but the sound was unexpectedly light ... gentle yet powerful

I was very surprised to read the last paragraph in this blog post - what, even in Japan????  Say it ain't so ...




まず、 オルフェウス室内管弦楽団でモーツアルトの「ドン・ジョバンニ序曲」。合奏技術が高く、小編成ながら音圧も充分です。

続いて、やはりモーツアルトで「交響曲第39番変ホ長調 K.543」。音が混沌となる事が決してなく、明快かつ繊細です。不平を言うとすると、完成度が高く、ちょっとCDを聴いているような感じがしてスリルに欠ける事くらいでしょうか。

20分の休憩を挟んで、辻井くん登場。ベートーヴェンの「ピアノ協奏曲第5番変ホ長調 作品73『皇帝』」です。



聴衆の反応はかなり良く、アンコールに、「ピアノ協奏曲第26番 ニ長調 K537 『戴冠式』より第二楽章。


そして、ショパンの"Etude"よりハ短調、リストの"la Campanella"を圧倒的に弾き終えました。

充 実したコンサートでしたが、聴衆の反応がイマイチでした。拍手は大きかったものの、スタンディングオベイションをするでもなく、アンコール途中に席を立つ 人もいてちょっとがっかりしました。やはり、ライブは聴衆とともに作り上げるもの。音楽文化が岡山にしっかり根付くことを祈ります。

Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra

Yesterday, on February 3, I went to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.

The popularity seemingly quite high, tension was rising before the curtain was raised.

First, the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra played Mozart's "Don Giovanni Overture". Ensemble technique is high;sound pressure is also small enough while organized.

Then, Mozart's "Symphony No. 39 in E flat major, K.543". The sound is not at all chaotic, but delicate and clear.  I do have a complain that the mature sound seems to lack thrill - it felt for a moment like listneing to a CD.

After a 20 minute intermission, it was Mr. Tsujii performing Beethvoen's "Emperor".

Tsujii, I thought is a type to spin a delicate sound rather than to play it with power, but it was a dignifiedstart. 

Although there were some slight mistakes, he played the big work with a variety of colors in sound.

In reaction to the enthusiastic audience, he played for encore  the second movement of Mozart's Piano Concert 26 in D major K537 "Coronation".  The lyrical melody was well suited to Tsujii kun.

And after Chopin's "Etude" in C minor, he finished with an overwhelming rendition of Liszt's "la Campanella" .

Although it was a rich concert, reaction in the audience was not good enough. Although the applause was great, there was not also a standing ovation.  I was disappointed a little that some people got up and walked away in the middle of an encore.  Again, we have to live with what we have for the audience - I pray that a day will come when the the music culture is firmly established in Okayama.

Feb 4

今 から辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団の金沢公演!辻井さんはピアノソロに続き2回目のコンサート参加です。いつも仕事で忙しい自分へのご褒 美!楽しみ!Now, Kanazawa performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.  This will be my second Tsujii concert following a piano solo. Reward to myself for being busy at work all the time! Fun!  -tweet









































Yesterday I was at a classical music concert after a long time.

 ¥ 14,000 for a S seat, the same level as for the Vienna Philharmonic(?), and yet in spite of the pricing, there was a sold out crowd.  The Okayama Symphony Hall seldom sees such crowd except for the likes of Simon Rattle or Tomomi Nishimoto or Seiji Ozawa, or the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.

If you look at the places where applause was happening in each movement, it is easy to tell that there were people who do not attend classical concert often.  They came out in full force yesterday.  Awesome Tsujii power. ...

...  Beethoven's "Emperor" piano concerto of Mr. Tsujii in the second half. And I thought that people came to listen because of the empathy from watching his TV documentaries.  But I guess that's not just it.  There is something more about Mr. Tsujii. 

I myself do not play the piano, but I feel that the sound with the orchestra was really enjoyable.  While he was playing, I feel being in the sound.  There is a sense of unity with the music, and excitement.

Encore, the second movement of Mozart's Concerto No. 26 "Coronation", Chopin's "Revolution" Etude, and Liszt's La Campanella . Wow, that's a lot to play for encore. But, I feel a little sorry for him - he must be tired at the end .. painful.

He is so popular, and I think the audience wished for the two songs.  When it was finished, there was a thunderous applause as I had never heard.  It was nice to hear

Miyuki, who was also at this concert, wrote in response:

I agree with some of this blogger's comments, like this one: "自分が弾いていない間、ものすごくオケの音を楽しんで  る感じ。弾いている間は、音の中にいる感じ。 その音楽との一体感が、感動を呼んで いるのかな、と思います。" Nobu was moving a lot when he was not performing

as if he was dancing to the performance of the orchestra. I guess he was concentrating so much. But I'm not sure about this comment: "最後にリトって、やっぱりしんどいんじゃないかなあ。何となく、つらそうなんですよね…。" since to me Nobu looked like he wanted to play more. BTW I don't think he waved goodbye to the audience this time. I think he was smiling though. I hope he is not tired.

Feb 3/4

ホールで渡されたコンサート情報誌 に、今度は辻井伸行クンのプレミアムリサイタル開催決定!てゆうのがありましたが、熱心なアメリカのノブファンの方からの情報で先に知りましたよ☻日本 ファンよりも早く情報つかんでるすごい方です!8月恒例のコンポーザーフェスもあるし、ずっとワクワク^_^   From concert information magazine that was passed out in the concert hall, I learned of the premium recital decision by Nobuyuki Tsujii Kun, but I learned about that earlier from a person in the U.S., Nobufan.  It is amazing that she got wind of it faster than fans in Japan! 

There is also the annual composers'  festival in August, and much excitement.  -tweet  [This twitter was referring to ME!]

辻井伸行チケット空いてる!と思ったら2015年て……  Nobuyuki Tsujii tickets available!  For year 2015, just think.

Feb 3

薬理学試験終わったら… 辻井伸行さんのコンサート! When I have finished pharmacology test ... Concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii!  -tweet

今 日はシンフォニーホール店へ行ってきます! イベントは辻井伸行さんのコンサートです☆わくわ  I'm going to Symphony Hall shop today! Event is a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii ...   -tweet

辻 井伸行のピアノ聞いてみたいって思うけど、S席のすっごい高いのしか残ってないからいつも断念(´-ω-`) I think I'd love to hear piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii, but I always gave up because there are only expensive S seats left.  -tweet

A big thank s to Miyuki for this eyewitness report:

I had a wonderful time at the concert of Nobu and Orpheus. During the first half, the Orpheus showed an exceptional ensemble ability playing Mozart. I know they've been doing a lot of travelling during this tour, but they showed no signs of tiredness or anything (and neither did Nobu).

Then Nobu came out and played very beautiful "Emperor". To me, the range of his dynamics and tone colors were really breathtaking and I heard absolutely no problems with his tempi or rhythm. I wonder what the NYT critic was hearing. And I thought his high notes were especially sensitive and beautiful.

When they finished Emperor, they received very enthusiastic applause from the audience. Then Nobu did a brief MC thing, saying they were going to play the 2nd movement of Coronation. Nobu's voice sounded so sweet! Coronation was beautiful too and the audience didn't stop clapping. Then Nobu gave us two encores - Revolution and La Campanella! I think Revolution was played a little fast, but he didn't rush while playing La Campanella. I really enjoyed those encores and so did everyone in the audience. It seemed that the concert turned into Nobu's solo recital and I believe we were all satisfied by that.

image of the venue, photo by Miyuki

Two tweets by same person:

辻井伸行さんオルフェウス室内管弦楽団のコンサート、いってきした。すばらしいコンサートで、私も感動して胸が熱くなりましたが、中年男性のかたが涙を拭いている姿もちらほら。 [pic of concert tickets]  I was at the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii & the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.  A great concert, chest became hot. I was impressed.  There was a middle-aged man who was wiping thetears here and there

辻井伸行さんとオルフェウス室内管弦楽団のアンコールに、さらに、辻井さんのピアノソロ、二回もアンコールに応えてくださった。どんどん会場の熱気が上がって行くの(^_^) Nobuyuki Tsujii did an encore with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.  Then two  piano solo encores. The enthusiasm of the hall went up more and more.

辻井伸行さん素敵すぎる。 魔法使いのようでした(°Д°)  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was too wonderful.  He was like a wizard.  -tweet

辻井伸行のピアノを聴きにシンフォニーホールへ。オルフェウス管弦楽団のツアーだから、ピアノ協奏曲だけ演奏なのね。今度はピアノリサイタルをgetしたいな。難しいかな。今日も完売だそう。To Symphony Hall tolisten to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii. Because it is a tour of the Orpheus Orchestra, It is a performance of a Piano Concerto. I wanted to get a piano recital this time. But very difficult. It seems it has been all sold out today.

明 日は辻井伸行さんのコンサート行ってくる~♪生オーケストラに興奮してやすこにひかれるだろうな(笑)  楽しみーーー!Going to concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii tomorrow ... Exciting like orchestra.  Fun.  -tweet

Feb 2/3

[The reaction to yesterday's "Emperor" performance in Japan was instant and enthusiastic.  Having been at the same performance given in U.S. just one week ago, I can readily see just how much more classical music is appreciated in Nobu's own country, and just how beloved Nobu is!  Below are a few sample postings.]

今 日、辻井伸行君のコンサートに行ってきました! 難しいことは分からんけど...とにかく凄かったし感動した いや~!!ホンマに良かったToday, I went to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii!  It's hard to explain, but I thought it was great and I was impressed!  It was really good.  -tweet

image via Internet link

辻井伸行とオルフェウスのコンサート行ってきた。 テレビで何回も見たことあるけど、目が見えへんとは信じられん。 しかも、アンコール3回も演奏してくれた。 おとんと「奇跡や・・・」と余韻に浸りながら帰りましたとさ。 …I have been at a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus. Have  seen  him many times on TV, but I cannot believe he cannot see with his eyes.   In addition, three encores were played.  "Miracle", said my Dad as we  went home while indulging in the afterglow.  -tweet

昨 日に引き続き、辻井伸行&オルフェウス管、今日はベートーヴェンプログラム聴いてきました。もうもうただ一言。ブラヴォ~!皇帝の1楽章出だしですでに惹 きつけられぐっと持っていかれました。うって変わって2楽章の繊細な美しさ。2楽章から3楽章への移り、オルフェウスとの調和もお見事!Follow- up to yesterday's performance Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Orchestra.  Yoday I heard their Beethoven.  Just another word again. Bravo ~!  I was immediately taken at the start of the first movement of the "Emperor".   Delicate beauty of the second movement. The transition to the 3rd movement from the second movement, in harmony with the Orpheus, was also well done!   -tweet

ブログを更新しました。「辻井伸行さん&オルフェウス室内管弦楽団 日本ツアー2014」 blog updated.  "Nobuyuki Tsujii and Orpheus ChamberOrchestra  Japan Tour 2014"  -tweet

The blog post says, in part:

... そして 辻井さんは、まさに期待通りの素晴らしい演奏でした。











And Mr.Tsujii's was a great performance exactly as expected.

And sometimes gently, sometimes violently, I enjoyed the sound of the piano and its expressiveness.

It brought back feelings of when I was very much into the piano ...

I also now want to try playing the piano.

Tsujii is a young man that looks good and seems to have a good personality.

I am looking forward very much to how he develops as a pianist.

If you have a chance, this is one of the pianists that you want to listen to live, by all means.

In addition, there were also 3 songs played for encores this time.

Familiar songs of Mozart and Chopin jumped out at the end.  The venue was mesmerized, and the audience also seemed to be very happy.

This Sunday afternoon was clad in warm sunlight; it was a time when the mind and body were healed by very rich music.

A Kyoto tweeter posted these two tweets:

前からずっと聴きたかった辻井伸行のピアノ。素晴らしかった!オルフェウス管弦楽団もとても良かった。ベートーベンの皇帝、ずっと忘れることはないと思う。アンコール3曲も弾いてくれて、幸せな時間でした。 …。 I wanted to listen to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii from a front row. It was great! Orpheus Orchestra was also very good. Beethoven's Emperor. I will not soon forget. And also three songs played for encore. It was a happy time.

辻井伸行が演奏した後の拍手の大きさにもびっくりした。あんな大きな拍手初めてきいた。心の 目で見てる と何かのインタビューで答えてたけど、ピアノの音や弾いてる姿をみると、そう答えるのが分かる気がする。技術ももちろん素晴らしいが、心に響いてくるもの を感じました。I was surprised by the volume of the applause after Nobuyuki Tsujii played. It was the first time that I heard such a big appluse. I heard him answered in an interview something about the eye of the heart. Looking at his figure, listrening to the sound of his piano, I want to say yes to his answer. He technique is also great of course, but what stays in my mind is the sound. …。

でも、先週NEWS ZEROの辻井伸行くんのドキュメンタリーで、伸行くんがジムのマラソンランナーで走ってるのを教えてもらって「そうか!ジムで走ればいいんだ」って気づ いた。今日はジムで初めて走ってくる。外で走るのが一番だけどね(^_^)気持ちいいもんね。But, in the NEWS ZERO documentary last week of Nobuyuki Tsujii kun, I noticed that he was running on a thredmill in a gym.  I tried it for the first time today.  It felt good, but I prefer to run outside.  -tweet

辻井伸行のコン サート、ベートーヴェンの皇帝もよかったけどソロアンコール3回目のショパンの革命が凄かった Nobuyuki Tsujii concert, Beethoven "Emperor" of  was good, but the third encore solo of Chopin "revolution" Chopin was amazing.  -tweet

2014.02.03 Monday 10:27

辻井 伸行ピアノリサイタル


新装なったフェスティバルホールは、超満員。大拍手鳴りやまず、伸行君の超絶技法の演奏に感激でした。 しかも、伸行君もノリノリで、37分の本番「皇 帝」の他、オーケストラバックのアンコール「戴冠式」、更に、ピアノソロで二曲の演奏も加わって、会場は大興奮で終わりました。

Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recital

Out of the blue, I was blessed with cancelled tickets from a friend, and made a visit to Osaka.

Festival Hall, newly renovated, was overcrowded. The applause was huge, the superb technique of Mr. Tsujii was inspiring.  And Mr. Nobuyuki was in high spirits, in addition to a 37 minute performance of "emperor", he came back to play "coronation" for an encore with the orchestra, followed by two solo pieces on the piano. The venue ended with excitement.

Photo of the Dojima River 堂島川 as seen from Osaka's Festival Hall, posted by a blogger ; via Internet link

所 沢、栃木、石川、仙台では、辻井伸行クンとオルフェウスのチケット まだ完売してないようですねー(・・;) この素晴らしい組み合わせで、また聴けるかどうかわからないです。もったいないもったいない(私の個人的な想いですが(-_^))I heard that tickets for Nobuyuki Tsujii Kun and the Orpheus have not sold out in Tokorozawa, Tochigi, Ishikawa, Sendai.  What a waste (just my own thought).   -tweet

Through the Night 02/02/2014 Listenable 7 days. Rachmaninov #2 -- Nobuyuki Tsujii with @BBCPhilharmonic & Juanjo Mena   -tweet

Feb 2

辻 井伸行アンコール、モーツァルト、26番の2楽章、リスト、リゴレットパラフレーズ、ショパン、革命。お辞儀するときの笑顔がええわ。ピアノは言わずもが な! Nobuyuki Tsujii encores: Mozart's #26 second movement encore, Liszt's Rigoletto paraphrase, Chopin's Revolution. Smiled when he bowed. Piano goes without saying!  -tweet


Nobuyuki Tsujii and Orpheus concert's ended! It as great! ~ ♪ Three songs for encore -- applause did not stop ringing  -tweet [blog of Mr. Masahiro Kawakami, Nobu's long-time childhood piano teacher]


2014-01-31 Fri

今 日私が出かけている間に、NYから帰ってきたばかりの辻井伸行君から電話があったとは!…あとで聞いてびっくりしました。来週のオルフェウス管弦楽団との サントリーホールには、せっかくの本人からのお誘いにも忙しすぎて今回は行けないかな~と返事をしていたのですが、やはり行くしかないかな…。

あと20分後ですが、本日23:58~日本テレビ NEWS ZEROで辻井伸行君が取り上げられます。『挑戦密着ピアニスト辻井伸行が世界最高峰へ』


News of the day 0

2014-01-31 Fri

Just as I was going out today, I got a call from Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, who had just come back from NY !

I was surprised to hear later that  (he asked us to attend his concert at) Suntory Hall with the Orpheus Orchestra next week.  I am busy but to be invited from such a precious person, I have no choice but to go ...

Today Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii will be on  NTV NEWS ZERO. "Challenge of  pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii to the world's highest mountain"

I was barely in time to set up for a recording.

Feb 1/2

作業終了~これで心置きなく『辻井伸行』のコンサートに行けるV(^-^) Can't wait to go to see "Nobuyuki Tsujii" concert  at the end of work.

おはようございます〜*\(^o^)/* 今日は辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行きます♪  Good morning.  Today I am going to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

い つもの喫茶店で遅めの朝ご飯なう。この後辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートを家内と見に行きます  Late breakfast at a coffee shop as usual.  After that, my wife and I are going to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

今日はこちら。辻井伸行とオルフェウス室内管弦楽団。オールベートーベン。 [photo of Osak Symphony Hall lobby]  Today.  Nobuyuki Tsujii with Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.  All Beethoven.   -tweet

ベートーヴェンのピアノ協奏曲第五番を聴きに参 りました(ピアノ辻井伸行) [photo of stage] Here to listen to Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 (piano Nobuyuki Tsujii)  -tweet

は じめまして。昨日の演奏会、辻井伸行くんもオルフェウス管も最高でしたね!もう美しい音に感動しっぱなしでした。私も今日のベートーヴェンプログラムも行 きます。どんな皇帝聴かせてくれるのか楽しみですよね♪ Nice to meet you. Concert yesterday, Nobuyuki Tsujii Kun and the Orpheus' tubes -  they were the best! I was impressed by the beautiful sound. I'll even go to the Beethoven program today. ♪ I'm looking forward to hear what kind of Emperor

Watch WQXR Presents Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii on @livestream  - now over 1800 views!

Mittwoch 07.05.2014 19.30 | Stadtcasino Basel   Kaspar Zehnder Leitung  Nobuyuki Tsujii klavier  Sinfonieorchester Basel  Sergej Rachmaninoff Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 c-Moll po. 18  Antonín Dvořák Sinfonie Nr. 5 F-Dur op. 76  link to concert page   -my tweet

"When pianists think of Ravel's Gaspard de la nuit, their hearts stop." Nobu will play it this summer. Just how hard is this work? Here is a treatise written by someone (I believe) from Stanford University.

February 1

Many comments on  performance with the Orpheus of Mozart's "Coronation" Piano Concerto - see Nobuyuki Tsujii & the Orpheus in Japan, 2014.

遂にあの人に会えます! 辻井伸行!I will meet him at last! Nobuyuki Tsujii !  -tweet

今 日は辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート(≧∇≦)すごく楽しみ…🎵 モーツァルトの世界を堪能してきます! Today  I'm going to enjoy the World of Nobuyuki Tsujii 's piano concert ...  Mozart really fun!  -tweet

いまから、オルフェウス室内管弦楽団の演奏会を聴きに行ってきます。ピアノのソリストはなんと話 題の辻井伸行さん。オール・モーツァルトです。オルフェウスも辻井さんもライブで触れるのは初めてなので楽しみ。 Right now,  I'm going to listen to the concert of the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. Soloist Nobuyuki Tsujii 's piano. All-Mozart. Fun.   Tsujii and Orpheus Live, both for the first time.   -tweet

@OrpheusNYC Best wishes today with your first performance with Nobuyuki Tsujii in Japan. ALL MOZART in Osaka!  -tweet

Watch WQXR Presents Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii on @livestream  - now over 1800 views!

Jan 31/Feb 1

Posted on News Zero Facebook page

image via Internet link






Special Week of tonight's featured pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Blind since birth

Currently touring with the world renowned  American orchestra with no conductor, the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.

Overcoming physical handicap as well as the barrier of linguistic languages to make miraculous performances.

We will look up close at how he deals with the challenge in the U.S.

Miyuki wrote: "Nobu's part was pretty short and they really didn't show much of the real performance by Nobu and the Orpheus. But they showed him exercising a lot (on a treadmill and a bike) and playing a real jazz style song at a jazz bar near the Broadway theaters... I wish Nobu's part was longer but it was too short. Nobu looked good though."  There were lots of tweets about the short segment - see News from Japan

辻 井伸行さん: すごいよね。まさに天才だよね?  けれど、一万三千円は、今は、 ちと、無理だなあ。  でも、クラシックだから、 当然な、金額だよね  Nobuyuki Tsujii: amazing. Genius, huh? But, thirteen thousand yen  now, is a bit impossible.  Of course it is classical music, but it is money,