March 2009 interview with Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii

On November 7, 2012, this short article  came up on the Internet site, a news portal in Japan:



ピアニスト辻井伸行さんの母いつ子さんに聞く - 琉球新報 - 沖縄の新聞、地域のニュース


Mr. Tsujii was born with microphthalmia; he does not sense light and is completely blind.

Source: Interview with Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii, mother of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, mother of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii - Ryukyu Shimbun - Okinawa newspaper, local news

Microphthalmia is a congenital disease of the eye. The affected eye is small, hence the name of the disease name. The symptom is blindness at birth. In some cases (hyperopia),  the eyesight is only weakened, however. (from Wikipedia)

I looked up the source cited in that article, and found this precious interview, which is particularly notable because of its date.

This interview of Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii took place after Nobu had passed the screening round (February 21-24 2009) of the 2009 Van Cliburn Competition but before the preliminary round (May 2009) of the actual competition that led to his sudden fame in the world.  (There is no mentioning of the competition in the article.)  Nobu returned in 2012 to perform in Okinawa in a major concert hall - see this page: Nobuyuki Tsujii 2012-13 Japan Tour

The original  article can still be read at

The Japanese text is copied below for preservation; the English translation is my personal best effort.  The photos are shown via Internet link

Photo Caption

県内初リサイタルを開いた辻井さん=3月21日、浦添市てだこホールAt  DakuTe Urasoe Hall on March 21,Tsujii  made his debut recital in the <Okinawa> prefecture.

個々を大事にする教育を呼び掛ける辻井いつ子さん=浦添市仲間の浦添市てだこホール Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii advocated individual education <for the handicapped>, at the Urasoe City Hall.

琉球新報 沖縄の新聞、地域のニュース 2009年3月28日









Ryukyu Shimpo - Okinawa newspaper, local news March 28, 2009

Interview with Mrs. Itsuko  Tsujii, mother of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii,

The completely blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii (age 20) recently held his debut recital in the prefecture at the Daku Te Urasoe Hall; it attracted a large audience.Tsujii's talent is believed to have been cultivated by his mother, Itsuko.

Born with microphthalmia, Mr. Tsujii does not sense light and is completely blind.

Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii said at first she did not accept the reality, crying  "every time I saw a painting or Christmas lights.  (My son) would never  see something beautiful in his life",  and "I wanted to wake up from the nightmare."

"However, Fukuzawa Miwa <Editorial, 福沢美和, a blind woman  writer famous for her writing about her relationship with her guide dog Phlox> went to shows, including kabuki, while visually impaired, and lived an active life without being bound by failure.   After reading her writing, I realized that there is an "invisible" world that I did not know about.  I changed my feelings."

Tsujii showed talent at the age of 2, when he <instinctively> played a melody on a toy piano accompanying songs sung by Itsuko. "We wanted to have something fun in life that does not require eyesight ," recalls Mr. Itsuko.

Tsujii went to the Elementary School for the Blind at the University of Tsukuba, but did not go on to the middle school. At the school for the blind, the major objective was "How do you overcome the obstacles to adapt to society". With college, he needed to practice to walk alone in order to go to classes without an attendant.

Just practicing walking was dangerous, and always he wanted to become a pianist.  Because he was a diligent student, Tsujii was allowed to enroll in school for the blind with the rules relaxed.  "I wanted to support his dream of becoming a pianist, while the school only focused on trying to train the students for a life of  'independence' after graduation".  Mrs. Tsujii added, "Such education is necessary for some children."

As a result of the efforts and warm support around him, Mr. Tsujii  became the youngest  participant in  the International Chopin Piano Competition in 2005 at the age of 17, attracting attention from all over the world. Mrs. Tsujii advocates "providing as much support as possible that you think is important." Itsuko said."As a doting parent, it is important to take care of the personality of the child, to provide as much support as possible to cultivate what the child wants to do,  to extend it to infinite possibilities".