Older videos

Continued from YouTube Videos, etc.

Cliburn videos

Piano Performances

Nobuyuki Tsujii Inspires Abu Dhabi With Virtuoso Piano Recital Uploaded on Jun 17, 2010

Nobu's London debut in 2012 -- Asahi-TV news clip, showing Nobu in rehearsal and after performance of Prokofiev 3.

Original Compositions

Avex promotional videos

Avex Classic, Nobu's Japan music label, produces classy promotional videos for his alburms

The "My Favorite Chopin" album video

NOBUYUKI TSUJII & YUTAKA SADO Recording of Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.2




*In that video, at the beginning, Mr. Yokoyama (Nobuyuki's future university professor) was supposed to play at the concert, but he didn't feel well enough to perform, so he canceled and recommended (to the organizer) Nobu to substitute, just two days before the concert --  which was the day before Valentine's day.) Nobu played Chopin concerto #2 , which is a piece for love and it was very appropriate for Valentine's day - information compliments of a Japanese Nobu fan in New Zealand.



Nobuyuki Tsujii revisits the host family

Piano master class with Professor Yukio Yokoyama

There are 3 parts NO LONGER AVAILABLE :-(

IMDB (internet Movie Database) link for the documentary "A Surprise in Texas",  showing the finale scene

Nobuyuki Tsujii Inspires Abu Dhabi With Virtuoso Piano Recital

 This video was on youTube for a while, but is now found on dailymotion.com - Nobu was interviewed (while he was on tour in U.S. in October 2010) about his upcoming tour with Yutaka Sado in March of 2011.

Nobuyuk Tsujii's concert in Manchester, England, Feb. 11, 2011

TV show "What the Wind Carries" aired in Japan on February 2 (the segment where Nobu appears) - What the Wind Carries

Japanese women figure skating great Midori Ito performed in a world event (Master Elite Oberstdorf 2011) last week, to the music of "Whisper of the River"

A 10-minute excerpt from Takeshi Kitano's Art Beat TV show, June 8, 2011; Nobu plays impromptu compositions, jazz  Hawaiian music, simulation of the koto, and enka -- very entertaining. with English subtitles.

辻井伸行 TV 出演 2011年8月25日 Nobuyuki Tsujii TV appearance Aug. 25, 2011

N響アワー 心をとらえる旋律 辻井伸行のチャイコフスキー02-int   Post-performance interview of Nobu after his rousing performance of Tchiakovsky Piano Concerto No. 1  with the NHK Symphony Orchestra on Sept 4, 2011

Scenes from a post-recital reception in Carmel, California, U.S.A., on Oct 9, 2011

A short video of the thrilling performance about Nobuyuki Tsujii in Bakersfield, California, U.S.A. on October 15, 2011

Nobuyuki Tsuji in Venice 辻井伸行 - ヴェネツィア

Not on YouTube.  A short but excellent video that was shown on a local station in the state of Virginia, where Nobu performed a recital on October 18, 2011

You can hear some of the orchestra music composed by Nobu for the movie "Hayabusa" in his movie trailer: 

The Ishinomake Piano Video (not on YouTube)

写 真1●被災したピアノで演奏する辻井伸行氏(ビデオ映像から)Nobuyuki Tsujii performing on the Ishinomake Piano restored from the ravage of the March 2011 tsunami -- a video shown at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Jan 27, 2012.

On March 11, 2012  Nobuyuki Tsujii appeared with Yutaka Sado and  the Super Kids Orchestra at a UNESCO concert to commemorate the 2011 Japan Earthquake. It took place in Paris and was streamed live.  This video captured the portion of his performance.

World heritage Venice Arts Exhibition video (1 minute), with theme music composed by Nobuyuki Tsujii 

Nobuyuki Tsujii on Times Square 辻井伸行さん、タイムズ·スクエア, year 2011

 2012 Suntory coffee-drink CM (Commercial) costarring Nobu and Japanese singer 松田聖子

June 2012  Taiwan recitals promotional videos

A video of Nobu performing "Turkish March" at a press conference in Taiwan on June 13 

This video is about Japanese conductor Yutaka Sado, who is beloved in Japan and has been a long-time mentor of Nobuyuki Tsujii.   There is a little bit of footage (7:18-8:36) of him working with Nobu, then at age 22,  to prepare for a performance of Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1  with the BBC Philharmonic on their ill-fated 2011 Japan tour (which was rudely  interrupted by the  Japan earthquake that year.)

Trailer for the "Tsujii, Nobuyuki Live: Carnegie Hall 2011" Blu-ray just released by EuroArts in July 2012

A 1-minute promo video about two Nobuyuki Tsujii concerts in St. Petersburg (7/8, 7/10) , 2012

July 21  2012 TBS Sawako morning show 『サワコの朝』 trailer NO LONGER AVAILABLE :-(

辻井伸行 『サワコの朝』 Nobuyuki Tsujii 7/21/12 "Sawako Morning Show"

The "Osumitsuki" show (Nobuyuki Tsujii X Mozart) that was aired in Japan on August 9, with English subtitles 

A 6-minutes excerpt from a an  2011 hour-long episode of the "Takeshi Art Beat" show, with Nobuyuki Tsujii, that has been dubbed in English and was aired on NHK World on August 30

Nobu on a Tokyo-FM  radio show "Healing Venus"  hosted by 平原綾香 Ayaka Hirahara, August 7 2011.  平原綾香のヒーリング・ヴィーナス

NHK~花は咲くスペシャル 辻井さんのピアノで  NHK "Flowers Bloom" Mr. Tsujii special - footage from an NHK special aired in September 2012

 辻井伸行くん on 「   夢の食卓」 Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii on "Table of Dreams" NO LONGER AVAILABLE :-(

"The Cliburn 50 Years of Gold PBS" an hour-long documentary aired on PBS, about Mr. Van Cliburn, the history of the Cliburn Competition and its gold medalists.  Nobu appears briefly here and there, with English subtitles

a  TV commercial for a mattress company in Japan.  It stars figure skater 浅田真央 Mao Asada and kabuki actor 坂 東玉三郎 Bando Tamasaburo, featuring Nobuyuki Tsujii performing an arrangement of the Disney classic "When you wish upon a star" in the background. 

A promotional video for the  2013 "Pianist" festival concerts, featuring Nobuyuki Tsujii and fellow pianists/composers Takashi Kako 加古隆, and Les Frères ブラザース

Nobuyuki Tsujii on Good Morning Japan 6/18, 2013 辻井伸行さんon『おはよう日本』

"Shout out to Japan" - an event that took place January 2013 in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

Nobu performs at the closing ceremony of the Tokyo National Stadium May 31, 2014

Nobuyuki Tsujii plays  Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini on the piano in the Swiss summer home of Rachmaninov

Nobuyuki Tsujii  -- fun time at a Swiss pub, spring 2014











 Oct 2011

 Oct 2011

 Oct 2011

 Oct 2011

 Oct 2011

Dec 2011

Feb. 3, 2012

 March 12, 2012

 August 2011

 May 3, 2012

 May 15, 2012

April/May 2012

June 14, 2012


July 3 2012

July 2012

July 2012

July 2012

August 2012

September 2012

August 2012

September 18, 2012

 Nov 2012


 June, 2013

 June, 2013

June 18, 2013

January 2014

June 2014

July 2014

July 2014























NHK newsclip, with some nice close-ups




 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT0kawtngdo(30 seconds);

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfsqqyw-jkY(60 seconds)








Part 1 http://youtu.be/bvIkytihR_8

Part 2 http://youtu.be/51RuL0Q4eV8




 (Aug 7  -- 2011 part 1) 


(Aug 14 2011 - part 2, Nobu's part may be missing)


(Aug 21 part 3)













This is not a youTube video, but it is an excellent 10 minute video - so I include it here so it won't be overlooked:

Japan's National TV network NHK hosts a number of videos online, including this one that was brought to my attention in 2010, of a recital given by Nobu in Dartmund, Germany, shortly after his 2009 Cliburn win - he wowed the German audience by playing the Chopin etudes, Musto's Improvision and Fugue, Chopin's Berceuse, and for encore, Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody!


Click on the "動画を見る>>" red button on the page to load the video then on the arrow to start the video.