2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour - part 1

Continued from 2013/14 Japan Tour,  this page collects news about the first 5 stops of the tour (11/26 Tokyo パルテノン多摩 Parthenon Tama, 12/1 島根 Shimane , 12/3 千葉 Chiba, 12/5 愛知 Aichi (Nagoya), and 12/11 北海道 Hokkaido

December 15






Piano performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii


After three attempts, I was fainlly able to hear a live performance of Mr. Tsujii at the Great Hall Kitara on  December 11

It was a night of bliss that is difficult to express in words. 

December 12 


[This blog, "Colors of the wind"  is devoted to the performances of Nobu!  In this post, the blogger describes in details Nobu's Chopin/Liszt recital, which she attended for the second time in Niigata on Dec 3, after attending the tour's first performance in Tokyo on Nov 16.  Unlike other posts, this blogger wrote about each track.  The post is too long for complete translation, I show below excerpts, with English translation]

12/3 辻井伸行 日本ツアー《ショパン&リスト》 / 松戸・森のホール21

2013.12.12 Thursda

1曲目は「ノクターン 20番」。



今日、やばいいい。 ...

「ノクターン 18番」も、きれいすぎて、たまりません。


いつもよりさらに力が抜けてるのかな? やわらかい、やわらかい、感じです。...
















絶対4曲来る! とか待ち構えている場合じゃなかったです。







The first track "Nocturne No. 20". As soon as the first sound rang, I felt my cells softening.  The sound was  moist and incredibly, sexy.  It may have to do with the sound generated right in the middle of each strike of the keys. Today, it is a good rush. ...

Also "Nocturne No. 18", it is too beautiful, irresistible.

The fine sound is clean, shining, exquisite touch.  I wonder if he wa applying less power than usual? Soft, soft, I felt. ..

The "Funeral March", started with a deep sound that sticked into my chest this time.  Unlike the beautiful sound of the previous three songs, this last song resonate deeply.  If I was  lulled into a calm, that was good too ...


 " La Campanella ", I am convinced that the sound of Mr. Tsujii is the best after all. Sound after sound calmly;  balance of sound with the tension is good; like bell of various types ringing.

And I think from the start that the Liszt of Mr. Tsujii has a very good mix of tension and relaxation, but also today's rendition was incredibly good.

After this song, there was tremendous applause.

Even after Mr. Tsujii sat down again, the audience did not stop stirring.  An uncle-ish gentleman next to me was heard sighing.

"The death of love of Isolde " conveys a sound of feeling that was rather sexy.  The amorous feeling was better, as if a clogged passion is softening in the chest.

" Waltz from 'Faust'  was really cool.  It was the last song and it felt like he was set free to play at ease at last.

...... Only two songs for encores,  this was unusal.  Four songs at least!  It seems two songs were not enough ...

The curtain time was slightly delayed past 16:00.

Maybe, the time available at the venue resulted in the short talk and simple encores?  It didn't seem like the physical condiction of Mr. Tsujii was suffering.

Somehow, in the piano of the feeling that Mr. Tsujii has issued a sound naturally, I was listening in very good feeling today.

It was lovely. ...

December 11 Wednesday7PM Nobuyuki Tsujii performed at the 札幌コンサートホール Kitara Hall (2,008 seats SOLD OUT) in 北海道 Hokkaido, considered one of the best concert halls in Japan.   Nobu always receives a very warm welcome when he performs here, and last night was no exception.  Lots of tweets have been posted so far, collected at 2013-14Tour_1.

The most telling is this tweet:

道 楽おやじの今夜の目的地は札幌コンサートホールKitara 小ホール。「シベリウスの室内楽 in Sapporo」なのだ。ちなみにこの物凄い人の列は、大ホールでの「辻井伸行 ピアノリサイタル」。発売即売切れだった。(笑) [Photo shown below]

Tonight I came with my father to the Sapporo KitaraConcert Hall  for a little indulgence. It's the  "chamber music of Sibelius in Sapporo" in the Small Hall. Meanwhile, at the large hall there was a great sea of humanity for  " Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recital" for the on-the-spot sale of a just-released CD. LOL.. [I think this is the Chopin/Liszt tour CD.  I hope the people in Sapporo do not feel betrayed by the fact that the CD has no new tracks on it.]

image via Internet link - people lining up to purchase Chopin/Liszt tour CD in Sapporo Concert Hall

The photo below was posted by someone who was  at last night's Sapporo concert. Nobu has been playing these two "songs" (Chopin nocturne No. 6 and "Still we live") for encores at his recitals except at the first one (where he played 4 songs). Perhaps because of the length of the program (10 "songs"), he's cutting back on the number of encores.  But it's too bad that he seems to be playing the same songs everywhere.

Nobu's encores are a big bonus to the audience at his performances - I hope he keeps that so by giving them surprises.

image via Internet link

the Nakajima Park, image via Internet link  

Kitara Hall, image via Internet link

An eyewitness account sent by email:

... 今回のコンサートは、特に後半リストが盛り上がりました!愛の夢と、ラ・カンパネラを二曲続けて演奏されましたが、観客の拍手喝采が凄くて、後に二曲残しているにも関わらず、「ブラボー‼︎」が飛び交う一番の盛り上がりでした!



.. Concert this time, Second half list was especially climax! And "dream of love", played right after La Campanella, received a great applause from the audience even though there were still two more tracks to come.  It was the climax and there was a flurry of "Bravo"!

Unfortunately he only played two songs for encores.  After playing a Chopin nocturne, he was talking through a microphone. It was the same as at the time of Natori [where I attended his previous recital], it was that "I want to play a song of my own in response to the applause of a wonderful audience. It is what I can do as a musician at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake ..." and so forth.

At the end of the performance, although he returned two times to greet us, he left without waving his hand.

今日は辻井伸行さんのピアノ聴いて来ました♡音がキラっキラっ☆でした♡ pic.twitter.com/oPyVE6r383  Today Nobuyuki Tsujii I came to hear the piano' sound of Mr. Tsujii.

今日はピアニスト・辻井伸行さんのコンサートをKitaraで鑑賞してきました。Today we have come to the Kitara to appreciate pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.

前半はショパン、後半はリストという構成。... http://fb.me/140PlThFX  Chopin in the first half, the second half Liszt.


Nobuyuki Tsujii La Campanella 's was really the best part! Moved. Tears like rain.

辻井伸行さんのピアノ本当にすごかった。あんなにきれいな音がでて、でも力強くて。ラ・カンパネラは本当に圧巻でした!!Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano was really amazing. So much beauty in the sound, but strong. La Campanella was really the best part! !

ほんとに辻井さんのピアノは素晴らしいね(*´∀`)♪前にイギリスの音楽祭のラ・カンパネラ を動画で見てめちゃくちゃ感動した(;_;)音楽って素晴らしい!!!! 生で聴けて幸せいっぱい貰えて良かったね(*^^*)☆ゆったり余韻に浸ってね I was insanely impressed with the piano of Mr. Tsujii's when I saw the video of his La Campanella at music festival in the UK.  It was really great, great muksic.  I am immersed in the afterglow. It was good to get filled with happiness listening live.

辻井伸行さんの初コンサート、あまりの心の揺さぶらされに最後は感涙でした。今夜はショパンとリスト。音の一つ一つが澄んでいて情熱的で超越した何かがありました。 深く深く感動した夜。 My first concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii last night.  Tears of gratitude.  My heart was  shaken too much. Chopin and Liszt tonight. There was something that was beyond passionate in the clear sound. Tonight I was moved deeper and deeper.

辻井伸行 日本ツアーに行って来ました(*^ー^)ノ♪ リストの超絶技巧に感動(^_^)v コンサートの余韻に浸っています(*^▽^)/★*☆♪ pic.twitter.com/hYOe69KtKC [Photo shows Nobu played for encores: Nocturne #8 and Still we live for encore.] Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan Tour.  We are immersed in the afterglow of the concert.  Impressed by the virtuosity.  Great Liszt.

Kitaraなう〜。辻井伸行さんのピアノ聴いてるぜ!次はリストの超絶技巧が聴ける…!!At Kitara. We are listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano! The virtuoso of Liszt coming up ...! !

道楽おやじの今夜の目的地は札幌コンサートホールKitara 小ホール。「シベリウスの室内楽 in Sapporo」なのだ。ちなみにこの物凄い人の列は、大ホールでの「辻井伸行 ピアノリサイタル」。発売即売切れだった。(笑) pic.twitter.com/UyfUWi71lB Tonight I came with my father to the Sapporo KitaraConcert Hall  for a little indulgence. It's the  "chamber music of Sibelius in Sapporo" in the Small Hall. Meanwhile, at the large hall there was a great sea of humanity for  " Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recital" for the on-the-spot sale of a just-released CD. LOL.  - tweet

札幌コンサートホールKitara小ホールでの「シベリウスの室内楽 in Sapporo」休憩なう。 負け惜しみかも知れないが?大ホールでやっている「辻井伸行 ピアノリサイタル」より、こっちに来て良かった気がする…(笑)Intermission "in Sapporo Chamber Music of Sibelius" at the Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara Small Hall. Perhaps it is  sour grapes, but in the great hall is " Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recital".   I feel that it was good that I am on this side ... (laughs)

http://www.kawai.co.jp/pnet/568571/topics/38811/ <Blog of a male music teacher in Sapporo>

... 辻井さんのチケットは抽選なので、今回はこんな席~あまり慣れない席です










Tickets for Tsujii was gotten through alottery, and the seat this time is not one that I am used to.  It is at a place where the face could hardly be seen.  Even though sound is good, it seems to be disturbed by the piano cover.

But, the sound of Tsujii is great after all

Delicate ... beautiful dynamic ...

A variety of so much sound is what comes out of a single piano

Do What a scene that comes to mind the color of the heart ... his heart

He returned from the wings to play two [encore] songs, greeted by applause and roars...

http://ameblo.jp/sakura7piano/entry-11727553237.html <Blog of a piano teacher>








とってもクリアでキレイな音合格       どうやってそんなステキな音出すの?って聞いてみたい。





Today I took a break from lessons and attended a performance at my beloved Kitara Hall.  Even though I teach piano I don't go to concerts very much.  But we decided to go when there is an opportunity.

It was too good for words.  Listening to the performance, I was moved and my tears came out

for  the first time in a long time.  The sounds came out very clearly.  How do you get a nice sound like that.  I would love to know.

He played two songs for encores, but I thought - don't be over yet!

I recognized Chopin's Nocturne No. 8 on the encore, because it was a song that I happen to be practicing - I learned a lot.

It just seems absolutely impossible for the sound to be so beautiful, every note sounds good.  I intend to practice so I too can make good sound

It is good to listen to good music.


すごかった辻井伸行くん!The amazing Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii






Yesterday I was at Kitara for the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. 

The first half is Chopin, the second half Liszt.  Every piece was good, but the La Campanella was especially good.  Thundersou applause was heard all over the venue



... 鍵盤に腕と指を這わせるように弾くのですが、弾く、というよりは、ピアノが自ずと弾き手に呼応して、奏でている・・・という風で、弾き手、ピアノ、会場、そして作曲家の一体感がとても素晴らしく感じました。...

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii for the first time!

... As he played, his arms and fingers seem to be crawling along the keyboard, the piano responding to his hands naturally. In the wind, his hands playing, the piano, the venue, and I felt a very nice sense of unity with the composer...

Dec 7


image via Internet link - note how crowded the venue (1,800 seats) was at an afternoon concert on a weekday - Nobu's draw in Japan is amazing.

... 曲目もショパン&リストと聴き応えがありました。





...  Listened to the Chopin & Liszt works; the playing was great, is all I can say.

There was a power of expression, and a powerful touch that gave me goose bumps.

He is a genius pianist that Japan is proud of!

I also bought the "Chopin & Liszt" CD that was just launched yesterday ...

December 5 Thursday 18:45  Nagoya 愛知県芸術劇場コンサートホール Aichi Arts Center Theater (1,800 seats)   http://cte.jp/detail/13/131205/index.htm

Nagoya Aichi Arts Center, image via Internet link

Nagoya Aichi Arts Center Theatre, image via Internet link

Dec 6




夜に出かけることは珍しい。最近は早寝早起きの習慣が付いて、演奏中でも居眠りするのではないかと心配した。 ...







December 6 My heart trembled at the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii

I went to Nagoya by train yesterday evening. Going out at night is rare. I stick to the habit of early to bed and early to rise, and I worried that I might fall asleep during a performance, as I did recently. ...

First track, Nocturne - the "posthumous work" of Chopin. Heart was trembling! This song is memorable. Before my mother passed away one year ago, I went by car to the hospital, and at the admission desk a piano CD is played. It is heard every day, this "posthumous work" of Chopin. ...


♪ピアノ・辻井伸行 日本ツアー「ショパン&リスト」






彼の全てが素晴らしいピアノの旋律となって会場中に広がるのですラブラブ  .




I went to a piano recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii, which I had been looking forward to since September. The title of this year's tour says Chopin & Liszt, including Chopin's Piano Sonata No. 2 and Liszt's La Campanella.

I always think that Mr. Tsujii's personality and his smile show shyness and tenderness, his piano shows passion within.  The hall was enveloped in great melodies. This time, even though I dislike Liszt, I have to say "That was good Liszt" .  Much tears flowed for the wonderful playing of Liszt

The piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii is really great.

By all means everyone should take a listen if only once.

image via Internet link

Dec 5

このあとは、辻井伸行さんのピアノを聴きます。 日本ツアー≪ショパン&リスト≫ @ 愛知県芸術劇場 コンサートホール http://instagram.com/p/hiPVeHsOFU/ After this, I get to listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano. Japan tour «Chopin & Liszt» @ Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Concert Hall http://Instagram.Com/P/HiPVeHsOFU/

ママと辻井伸行のピアノコンサート( ^ω^ ) pic.twitter.com/aRu4u9pHMt With Mom at Nobuyuki Tsujii piano concert

念願の辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタル!今回はショパンとリスト。 ここでは書ききれないくらい感動! 永遠の憧れ。癒し。たまに涙。 聴きたかった曲も生で聴けて感無量。 辻井さんの弾き方は優しい気持ちにさせてくれるんだよなあ。大満足◎ pic.twitter.com/REQgtJzYLO

Long awaited piano recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii! Chopin and Liszt this time. And impressed enough to write here! The longing for eternity. Healing. Tears once in a while. Songs I wanted to hear also filled me with deep emotion on listening live. Tsujii's playing makes me feel his gentleness. Great satisfaction


image via Internet link

辻 井伸行サン!ピアノソロをきいてきました! やっとチケットが取れて、いけたから、嬉しい O(≧∇≦)o アンコールあって、全てが感動! Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! I've heard his piano solo! Was able to get ticket and finally able to go.  Glad to hear encores, all the excitement!

名古屋に辻井伸行さんのコンサート聴きに行ってきた〓 めっちゃ感動(T-T) 聴けてよかった〜! そして改名、〓いちご〓 (笑) 大好き(*^^*) pic.twitter.com/lgh3Lgo0Vv

I went to hear a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii in Nagoya - it was good.  Truly impressed. that And renamed, strawberries  (laughs) I love it. 

本日は辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタルへ。 時に激しく、時に優しく、時に情熱的に。 彼の奏でる音の世界にドップリと浸かってきた! 特にリストの超絶技巧の演奏はブラボーの一言!! 大感動のステージだった~♪

Today I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii piano recital. Sometimes violently, sometimes gently, sometimes passionate. I immersed myself in the world of sound made by him! The performance of the transcendence art of Liszt in particular deserves a word of Bravo!!  It was an exciting performance.

辻 井伸行のリサイタルに行ってきました! 音が綺麗すぎるぜー ショパンのノクターンはもっともっと表現を磨いたら、化けそう。年齢も関係あるかなー ほかは本当素晴らしかった。また行きたい I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's recital!  The Chopin nocturnes were very beautiful.  His  expression has become more and more, seemingly  more disguised. It is true that performance improves with age. I want to hear him again.


 I went to a concert of Mr.Nobuyuki Tsujii. The sound has a sense of transparency, and somewhat disturbing, powerfulsomehow, and there was a sublime beauty. I was very happy during the concert


Nobuyuki Tsujii was great. Piano sound sprang forth like water in a fountain.

圧巻!リスト!辻井伸行、素晴らしかった!The best part! Liszt! Nobuyuki Tsujii , it was great!

http://ameblo.jp/almond-i/entry-11717240757.html  This  blogger loves figure-skating and went to Nobu's Chiba performance with her two daughters.  It was her 3rd time at his concerts, and she seems as much in love with him as ever.  She wrote that at this performance, Nobu played Chopin's nocturne No. 8 and "still we live" for encores.

辻 井さんって   1曲終るごとに立ってお辞儀したり   観客のいない壁に向ってお辞儀したり・・・  ちょっと胸が痛くなる・・・。 でも人懐っこい笑顔がカワイイ Mr. Tsujii stood and bowed at the end of every song; he bowed to a wall where there was no audience.  My chest ached a little.  But his friendly smile is so cute.

Dec 4

明日は辻井伸行さんのコンサート♬初やでワクワク(>ω<) pic.twitter.com/H0PYfnKUYl Tomorrow Nobuyuki Tsujii at concert - first time, excited -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサートまであと1週間(*^ー^)ノ♪ リストのペトラルカのソネット 第104番から勉強再開です(*^▽^)/★*☆♪

One week to go for the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii one week to go ♪ Great! I have just resumed learning Liszt's first sonnet of Petrarca No. 104 -tweet

December 3 Tuesday 2PM in 千葉 Chiba  松戸・森のホール21 Hall of Matsudo Mori 21 (up to 1,955 seats) - the mid-week matinee concert is sold-out

千葉 Chiba 松戸・森のホール21 Hall of Matsudo Mori 2, image via Internet link

千葉 Chiba 松戸・森のホール21 Hall of Matsudo Mori 2, image via Internet link

Audience reactions:

辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタル@森のホール21 まずは、ショパン:ノクターン第20番、第18番。映画「戦場のピアニスト」で使われたこの曲から入るとは心憎い。優しく気持ちの入った音色で一気に聴衆をつかむ。続いての18番は明るい調性でほっとした雰囲気を醸し出す

繊細さ、力強さ、技術力、感性、何といっても優しい人間性、一度にこれだけのプログラムをこなす体力も凄い。辻井伸行さんは素晴らしいピアニストだ!!! Recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii at Hall of Matsudo Mori 21 of the piano recital First of all, Chopin: Nocturne No. 20, No. 18. The tasteful opening song was used in the movie "The Pianist". It held the audience spellbound with a tone that conveys the feeling gently. Then the 18th after that created an aura of bright tonality. Delicacy, strength, technical capabilities, sensibility, Above all a friendly disposition, The great physical strength to do a program like this. Nobuyuki Tsujii is a wonderful pianist! ! ! -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサート最高だった! 泣けちゃたよ。 奇跡の音色だった。 余 韻に浸りながら筋トレへ向かう。 It was the best concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii! I cried. It was the sound of a miracle. Heading to muscle training while immersed in the afterglow. -tweet

ピアニスト辻井伸行くんのショパン&リストのコンサートに来てます。 初めて演奏を聞きましたが、実に素晴らしい。何というか、「こう引き込まれて」しまうような世界観を感じました。 これから後半でリストの曲に。 I've come to a concert of Chopin & Liszt of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun. It is the first time that I heard him, but it is really great. How should I say, I felt a view of the world "drawn in his way". Now onto the works of Liszt in the second half. -tweet

ピアノ演奏であれだけ沢山のことを想い出させてくれた辻井伸行さんに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 チケット完売の嵐で一年かけて手に入れたチケットです。 人間って凄い。I am very thankful to your help that makes the memories of the piano performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii possible. It was a ticket gotten in a year in the storm of sold out tickets. He is amazing.  -tweet

会場で演奏中、地震で揺れたんですよ。きっと辻井伸行さんも揺れを感じた かもしれませんよね。。ラストに辻井伸行さんから震災のお話。そして東海地震の自作曲。神戸の震災時つくられた曲の楽譜買って家で弾いたので昔の震災のこ とまで想い出しました。涙   At the venue, I was shaken by the earthquake.   I think Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii might have felt the shaking also ... He talked about the earthquake at the end, and played the song he composed for the Tokai earthquake.  It brought back memory of the disaster of te past ... the Kobe earthquake. Tears. <"An earthquake with magnitude 4.6 occurred near Mito, Honshu, Japan at 06:58:17.00 UTC on Dec 3, 2013 ..." according to the U.S. Geological Survey.>

Dec 3/4

Miyuki wrote: I found this blog post about the Chiba recital http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hiroi_sekaiwo/e/e206ef6e8ad4d8a457b6d71e098d99c5

The blogger wrote she doesn't know much about classical music, but I really like the way she described Nobu's playing.




透 明のガラスとガラスが、しゃらしゃらとぶつかりあう澄んだ音色のような。The sound of the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii is as if I have entered a  different component to the sound of the piano.   It is in the sunlight of spring, such as thin snow meltflowing brilliantly.  The sound is clear as sparkling glass

Miyuki found another blog post about the Shimane recital http://blog.goo.ne.jp/351960/e/510262472bf8e9fde662b3a3d4c88aa8 "This blogger wrote Nobu's music shook her whole body."


















Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert, by express train.

Tickets for "Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan Tour" are hard to come by.  I and my daughter took the limited express train to Masuda Gurantowa .

Since I travel by car everyday, I only have the opportunity to take the train a few times a year. ...

How many years have it been since I saw Mr. Sado hugging Nobu-kun on the "Concert with no title" show on TV?  He is also of the same age as my second son.  I rented a CD of Mr. Tsujii after watching  a program in which he appeared.

To have a chance to listen to him play live, it was like a dream.

Thanks to my daughter who got the tickets from the Friends of the Gurantowa.

Chopin was played generously in the first half, after a break of 20 minutes, he played 6 songs by Liszt with increasing feeling.

It was surprised that hearing a piano recital for the first time, my whole body is shaken by the sound, which seemed to pour in lengthwise like a thunder from the top of the head.

In response to applause, he came back on the stage and played many times,

And like a mother I thought "Sure you want to play more?" , but he seems  still like my young son.

I was charmed by the last song, "Still, we live"; he put his heart and young energy in it.

Mr. Tsujii, 25-year-old, grows with each passing year.  It was a joy to see him.

http://ameblo.jp/anderelaxation/entry-11715921520.html (with 2 good photos of the Shimane venue and stage)

辻井伸行さんコンサート 当日





Day of the concert Nobuyuki Tsujii

Sunday, there was a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

In October we lined up all night for 15 hours for tickets.

I went with son and daughter-in-law

<She went on to write that she cried uncontrollably, and the son and daughter-in-law both seemed to have a good time.>

Dec 3

Today is the long-cherished concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. I am taking half a day off. Comfort and joy. -tweet

会社を12:30に退出し、14:00開演の辻井伸行さんのリサイタルの行なわれる松戸市の森のホール21に向けて移動中。昼飯を食べる時間がない。武蔵 野線新八柱駅を目指す。 Leaving work at 12:30 for the 14:00 recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii at the Hall of Matsudo Mori 21.  Do not have time to eat lunch. I am heading to Musashino Shinpachi pillar station.  -tweet

Dec 2/3

明日は待ちくたびれた、辻井伸行さんのコンサートなんです☆ なんてったって、ショパン&リスト   愛の夢、弾いてくれますように。

I am tired of waiting for tomorrow, for a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii ☆ I want him to play Chopin & Liszt   Dream of love  -tweet

Dec 2

http://pub.ne.jp/sessyuuyaki/?monthly_id=201312 <blog of a pottery maker>






I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii piano concert in Gurantowa.

It has been a long time, and I was thrilled to see so many, many great people there.

It was excellent. The gentle tone projected strongly and clearly.

The piano was played from the heart ... it touched me.

辻井伸行さんグラントワコンサート行って来ました。ラ・カンパネラ鳥肌ものでした。I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's Gurantowa concert. I got goose bumps listening to La Campanella - tweet

辻 井伸行コンサートに行って来た母親がすごくよかったって言ってた。私も行きたかったけど、日曜の昼間に出掛けるの面倒で…(うそ。いつでも出掛けるの面倒 です…)。あとピアノはブーニン聴きに行った時に寝ちゃって…それがトラウマになってる。 My mother went to Nobuyuki Tsujii;s concert and said it was really good. I also wanted to go, but ... it is troublesome to go out during the day on Sunday (a lie -- it is a bother to go out at any time ...) I felt asleep when I went to listen to Bunin, and since then listening to piano is a trauma.  -tweet

December 1 Sunday 14:00 Nobu will perform at the 島根県芸術文化センター「グラントワ」Shimane Arts Center (1500 seats)

The Shimane prefecture is 500 miles west of Tokyo. It is north of Hiroshima, and it is the second least populous prefecture in Japan

Shimane prefecture - image via Internet link

Shimane Arts Center concert hall  島根県芸術文化センター「グラントワ」- image via Internet lin

Take a wild guess on what the red label says - image via Internet link

Dec 1

Posted on the site 島根県芸術文化センター「グラントワ」Shimane Arts Center "Gurantowa


2013/11/30 | インフォメーション



Information update  December 1 (Sun), for the "Nobuyuki Tsujii 'Chopin & List ' Japan tour", parking congestion is expected.

We apologize for the inconvenience to customers of the Iwami Art Museum and the Iwami Art Theater, but visitors are advised to please make use of public transportation such as bus , taxi, etc. as much as possible

 辻井伸行コンサートに来ています♪スペシャルランチのでデザート。  渋皮栗アイスと洋風ぜんざい(^-^)   Coming to the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Enjoying Wester style dessert

photo of delicious looking dessert, image via Internet link

Nov 28


A detailed blog post about the Nob 26 recital that I have been waiting for.  The blogger is obviously a big fan of Nobu, and she raved about the performance, and worried about Nobu playing too many tracks at these recitals.  In addition to the 10 tracks on the program, Nobu played 4 encores: Chopin's nocturne no. 8, Liszt's Rigoletto, "Still we live" by himself, and Chopin's "Revolution".


Another blog post about the Nov 26 recital - with a couple of photos.  I love these sentences that the blogger ends the post:

ホー ルに飛び散った音のひとつひとつが結晶になってきらめきました。  魂が音の天上に掬い上げられるような夜でした。 Every single sound became a crystal that sparkled in the hall.    It was a night of soulful sound, like being scooped up to  heavens.

昨日 パルテノン多摩に行ったヨ 辻井伸行のピアノ 聴いてきました、世界一でした。 Yo I went to the Parthenon Tama yesterday I heard the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii. It was the best in the world. -tweet

Nov 27

<The first performance on Nobu's 2013/14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour  took place last night.  It was apparently a success.  As expected, there were many flattering postings on twitter, but none in any great depth.  It's disappointing that "La Campanella" is the only work mentioned, and no mentioning of the encores.  Let's hope for some better postings to come up.>

これから辻井伸行さんのコンサート。クラシックの曲って普段聴かないけど、辻井さんのピアノは心が洗われる感じがする。I am at Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert. I do not usually listen to classical music, but the piano of Mr. Tsujii makes me feel that my heart is washed.

約三年前からレッスンしている辻井伸行君の今年の日本ツアー初日でパルテノン多摩に来ています。 超満員です。 http://fb.me/14PoEPTrV  I am  in Parthenon Tama today as on the first day of Nobu'-kun's Japan tour.  I have been giving him lessons since three years ago   Full house.  <The writer is 干野宜大 Takahiro Hoshino, a professor of Nobu! - I thank Nobuko for informing me of this.>  tweet

image via Internet link

辻井伸行さん、ショパン&リスト、日本ツアー初日に行って参りました。素晴らしい。生カンパネラに鳥肌と涙がとまらなかった。I went to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert. The first day of his Japan tour.   Chopin & Liszt, Great. Goose bumps and tears did not stop listening to Campanella live.

辻井伸行さんのコンサートいってけたヾ     1曲目から泣いてしまった    人の心を動かす演奏素晴らしいね

I was at the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I cried starting from the first track.  Heart-rending great performance.

辻井伸行さんのコンサート終了!指の動きが早すぎて、人の指ってこんなに動くものなのかと思っちゃった。 Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert is over! I've thought the movement of the fingers is so fast that they don't seem to be human fingers.

辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタルに行ってきました。場所は私のなつかしの多摩センター、母といっしょに行きました。大変いい演奏会でした! 今日がツアー初日。これから行かれる方、期待しましょう!

I went to a piano recital of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, together with my mother at the Tama Center. It was a very good concert! Today is the first day of the tour.  Best wishes to those who will be going (to his other tour performances).


Nobuyuki Tsujii recital, it was sooo good! ! I felt life in one sound one sound emitted from the keyboard. Impressed. . . It was really  a great performance. .

辻井伸行 のコンサートツアー初日行って来ました。不覚にもクラシックコンサートで、始めて涙を流してしまった。アクビの涙じゃないよヽ(;▽;)ノ   pic.twitter.com/tYizbHSYYO  I went on the first day of the concert tour of Nobuyuki Tsujii. I started out not caring, but shed tears for the first time at a classical concert. And it was not tears from yawning (; ▽ ;)

辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきました。youtubeにあがってる辻井さんのラ・カンパネラが感動的で何度となく聞きましたが、今夜はさらに進化し た超人的なテクニックと熱情がほとばしる最強無二のカンパネラでした(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))辻井さん、素晴らしいです。I went to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Although I've heard La Campanella on YouTube time and time again and was moved, tonight's was the strongest Campanella yet and the outpouring of passion and technique seemed even more superhuman. Mr. Tsujii is  great

Tama City complex cultural facilities (Parthenon) - image via Internet link

image via Internet link